Infj and mental disorder

There is nothing anywhere in peer reviewed literature on MBTI and Jungian psychology/typology anywhere that I know of.
It is however more frequently discussed for xNxP types, not saying that it doesn't apply to all types.

Most intuitive types also have a temper, but it's the specific way this rage happens that is interesting.
You may be more interested in "stress reactions", and J types act out more, rather than rage mode famous for INTP's. And tendency for ENTP's to either be social or barricade themselves in a cave.

I think what is happening here is that we are using different language to describe the same thing and my choice of words means something different to you.
I think what is happening here is that we are using different language to describe the same thing and my choice of words means something different to you.

Understood rage mode to imply chaotic outburts rather than say just rage and acting out.
Being angry but not quite knowing where to direct it or what is appropriate.
So rage mode I thought was more in line with a melt down?
But maybe rage (mode=all directions?) and not meltdown as in taking offence at everything?
Not entirely a introverted and extroverted distinction, but perhaps more Fi vs Fe where low preference makes it more pronounced so we say acting out or ill tempered instead?
@Ifur - by "rage mode" I meant "to lose one's temper".
I see your point. :)

It's possible to normalise these terms within MBTI from the perspective of Fe Fi and Ti Te.
Acting out as J types.
Rage mode as P types.
Melting down as Fi types.
Melting everything else as Ti types.

To discuss being angry at the world or angry at ones self within a framework of types. :)
An INFJ acting out a meltdown can be somewhat special put into this context.
@Ifur - OMG Antischism!!! :<3::<3::<3white::<3white::<3yellow::<3yellow::<3yellow: :m023:

Paul Russo seen in the middle of this pic was a bit of a internet figure in underground punk also within unix and punk....
Bit of a hero of mine, and a huge UNIX nerd, he ran that had everything punk ever made.
Found Antischism there a very long time ago, he quit the unseen when they went too mainstream.
He's worked for google and many famous companies too, just not sold out in punk!

More people know about pinkerton thugs.

Never got to download the whole archive, was too big for dialup at the time -- or regret I never did.
There is so much punk out there you'd only hear about and records not available in stores.
The rage of the childre of the hippie revolution or something...

Edit: found this reference, was a podcast from that played that archive, and found a reference to hit here, .
Anyone punk and internet old is likely to know about it, interesting, toxic narcotic is being played alongside the unseen on it.
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@Ifur - I know Paul Russo. He's awesome. Haha. I remember him pushing bitcoin years ago and telling us all to invest.
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Yeah infjs are cray

Lots of rage, schizotypal, sense of injustice and delusions

Get that stuff sorted out

I've been through a few threads where I've seen you say negative things about INFJs.

I just really feel it's not right at all. You're on an INFJ forum. Bashing us is totally uncool.

I don't see many people bashing INTPs here.

Like, everybody can have their own opinion, sure. But opinions like this: aren't they better left to yourself or another forum?

I'm sorry if you were hurt by some INFJ at sometime. But we're not all the same.
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My mother was INFJ.

She abused drugs during her young adulthood and she experienced much trauma as youngster.

She is schizophrenic now. It flared in her early thirties. So I have no idea what she would be now, but it's definitely not INFJ.

Happy mental health, everyone. Take care of your minds, you'll be just fine. ❤️

My mother was INFJ.

She abused drugs during her young adulthood and she experienced much trauma as youngster.

She is schizophrenic now. It flared in her early thirties. So I have no idea what she would be now, but it's definitely not INFJ.

Happy mental health, everyone. Take care of your minds, you'll be just fine. ❤️

Assume this is largely organic brain damaged induced dementia paecox(yeah, original name for schizophenia).
What drugs are we talking? Must either be pretty hard drugs or perscription/pharamacy that comes with severe sidefeffects.