Infj and mental disorder

I'm sorry to hear this BritNi. People should be very aware of the implications of these kind of drugs.
If anything, You, as a good individual, have come out of this. I mean this.
Thank you! You're so kind!

Mental illness was already something common in her family, so who knows if her schizophrenia would have flared without the drug use. But I feel strongly that the drug use contributed to her flare of schizophrenia.

She was a lovely INFJ prior to, I'm sure, however. Maybe INFP. Somewhere in between? Either or. Lol.
Thank you! You're so kind!

Mental illness was already something common in her family, so who knows if her schizophrenia would have flared without the drug use. But I feel strongly that the drug use contributed to her flare of schizophrenia.

She was a lovely INFJ prior to, I'm sure, however. Maybe INFP. Somewhere in between? Either or. Lol.

No problem, BritNi.

It is a psychedelic drug. I'm not a psycho-analyst but if I would note that INFJ's (or INFP's) are more open to any external psychological stimulant because of their psychological characteristics (Ni/Fe), so this drug would have an easier inhabitation on an INFJ/INFP's mind than say a "tighter" mind like an ISTJ etc.

In either case it is drug that induced her to this state, not her personality. This happens with every drug user, regardless of their type. So it is important to stay away from these (which I'm sure you are).
So if there is anything to blame, it would be the substance.

Given my own story, my grandfather on my mother's side (ISTJ) died of throat cancer, cigarettes addiction. My grandfather on my father's side (INTJ) died of Korsakov disease, alcohol addiction. Both very different backgrounds (librarian and military). Both however seeked these drugs to inhibit their own personal issues. I have been on both sides as their grandson to see the adversing results and these were strong lesson I've learned from to be aware of what these addictions do. These are nothing compared with the implications of real drugs, but I understand your position.

Anyway, the point is that you have to be aware of the implications of these drugs and to (please) remember her as the lovely INFJ she was. As she wishes her to be that for you and for you to be that person as well. Again, you are a good and strong willed person from what I've seen so far, so I surely believe you'll go through it all.

*edit: I've put the my own story in spoilers. What I've written here was is purely meant as reinforcing, Just the personal way of how I coped with the situation.
Because this post does look somewhat patronising (to me), which is certainly not the intention (It is not easy to translate the intention through a forum post.)*
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We all need a reminder that mental wellness is just as important as physical wellness. I believe that often poor mental health migrates into poor physical health.

And vice versa. Aside from the obvious self esteem issues that come with physical illnesses, there are many physical illnesses, including vitamin deficiencies, that cause depression and other mental health issues.
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I've been through a few threads where I've seen you say negative things about INFJs.

I just really feel it's not right at all. You're on an INFJ forum. Bashing us is totally uncool.

I don't see many people bashing INTPs here.

Like, everybody can have their own opinion, sure. But opinions like this: aren't they better left to yourself or another forum?

I'm sorry if you were hurt by some INFJ at sometime. But we're not all the same.

I believe this as well. 100%

They work together as one.

And vice versa. Aside from the obvious self esteem issues that come with physical illnesses, there are many physical illnesses, including vitamin deficiencies, that cause depression and other mental health issues.

@BritNi, sorry to hear about about your mom. I'm sure whatever drove her to do it was so compelling she felt she had little choice and this likely provided some (temporary) relief.

Just wanted to add a bit since studying what we call illness is an interest of mine - I think there is a consensus forming that the mental and physical are rather connected such that a problem can pop up in one or another area. Sometimes it seems pretty straightforward, other times it's far more mysterious with understanding the chain of causes behind it. There are indeed a class of conditions where we can start with what would be called a psychoid disorder which is not an exact scientific definition of any condition but rather states where the natural supporting "energy flow" within an organism has been disrupted, for a variety of reasons.

Once this happens it creates an imbalance which can at first appear as depression or some other anxiety- or compulsion- driven behavior which leads to some compensation to tame this initial imbalance (because we must function at any cost and life sometimes doesn't allow us to heal properly before we are thrown 'into it'.) In general this compensation doesn't really resolve the problem but rather masks it for a time allowing us to remain functional - yet it comes with side effects (drugs in general could fall here) and since we haven't solved the problem it just ends up being encouraged or 'fed' or 'kindled' by that initial issue. And so on until we end up with something that progresses to the psychosomatic or physical realm where we end up with some actual illness.

(The point of writing this out is partly that we don't consider something an illness until it manifests with some rather concrete symptoms - but there can be precursor conditions present far beyond this occurs and in general we don't pay attention to this in the mainstream.)
Understood rage mode to imply chaotic outburts rather than say just rage and acting out.
Being angry but not quite knowing where to direct it or what is appropriate.
So rage mode I thought was more in line with a melt down?
But maybe rage (mode=all directions?) and not meltdown as in taking offence at everything?
Not entirely a introverted and extroverted distinction, but perhaps more Fi vs Fe where low preference makes it more pronounced so we say acting out or ill tempered instead?

All I know is what I've seen in myself, and that is rage comes in equal proportion to forgiveness. I can easily forgive someone, but the rage is usually a reaction of, said person, refusing an allowance for it.

Never have the ones that have brought me into rage, had any consideration for my outreach.
I think people with mental disorders gravitate toward the INFJ type...

*jumps in* I have been reading this thread during the week. Really interesting. I apologise for lurking - I didn't have time to reply properly. I was really sorry to hear about you situation @BritNi . =(

Something that wasn't mentioned that I think might be interesting is INFJ's propensity towards being an emotional sponge and hyper-sensitive. That extra-willingness to go out of the way to help others can lead to a lot of emotional-backlash. I think what @Asa said is really interesting:

...INFJs are purportedly one of the types most likely to seek therapy, which leads to mental wellness.

That heightened awareness (increased understanding/less judgement) does a lot to reduce the tendency to "run-away" from others that may be emotionally unstable. Something I think an INFJ won't do regularly, is reflect on their own state-of-mind before choosing to help others. "Am I in a healthy enough mental state myself, to allow someone else, potentially unstable, into my life."

Personally, in itself I find that a cold question! But it's so important. Especially for an INFJ in "sponge mode".

To go back to the original post:

Is it just me who thinks infj personality comes with many mental disorders.

I wonder if it's INFJ's tendency to stick around unhealthy situations and relationships, in an attempt to help others / make a situation better, which causes the increased mental disorder among INFJ's? Having a lack in our own mental awareness, while prioritising that of others, could definitely cause problems!

Happy mental health, everyone. Take care of your minds, you'll be just fine. ❤️

Coming from personal experience too, I totally second that. (=
Thanks for jumping in @Emel . Thanks for your kind words!
Also, I feel like ENTJ are like some of the most rage-y and aggressive types you’d meet.

It only seems that way.

I'm actually pretty calm most of the time, a very "aggressive" calm.

I guess anyone can get pretty "rage-y" under the right circumstances. Some folks are just better at avoiding getting into those kind of circumstances (internally or externally).

Edit: I'd think that may have just as much to do (if not more) with one's social background/history than it does their 'type'.
A great book that tackles personality type and mental illness is Conscious Orientation by J.H.Van der Hoop. He was a Jungian who spoke about certain illnesses in certain types.

I have BPD and Anxiety. Very poor Ni can be seen in schizophrenics.
It's such an expensive book here! I can never be able to afford it WTF