INFJ Females: How do you show interest

Yeah you are definitely friend zone.
You've clearly never had a female friend.
I want to keep her as a friend, what is so absurd about that?

By the way, as an INFJ male *I* show interest in a woman by telling her I am attracted to her pretty early on so she doesn't mistake my intentions. If you are not interested in this female sexually and want to remain just friends, by all means keep doing what youre doing its going great. If not, you are failing miserably.
Send her this -

You've clearly never had a female friend.
I want to keep her as a friend, what is so absurd about that?

Nothing is wrong with that, so long as you understand that she will only ever be a friend.

I have had plenty of female friends. I still do, and I adore them.

When I was younger, I could never understand why they never shared my feelings as I grew from friend feelings into romantic feelings, but the simple fact of the matter is women are not wired like that. They have two distinct sets of feelings, where we have one set.

(And if you don't believe me, I've gotten half a dozen reps from women telling me that I'm absolutely correct here.)
I just had a similar experience. I went out with a girl today (INFJ, though I think she's INFP or borderline). We had a really good time, but no signals from her, so I thought this is heading nowhere. So when our paths were about to part I tried to say goodbye, but suddenly she suggested we walk around a bit more. And from that point on she started touching me and holding my hand and slowing down the pace, and suggested we go to that one bar. It was so confusing, in the end I just wanted to get out of it.

Seriously, INFJs or INFPs (though the latter aren't so constrained), you have to send better signals!
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^^^^Thanks INFJ females for your input.


Thats where you are failing, women cant tell you what men are trained to look for and instinctually do. Better to ask guys who have been successful at what youre trying to do.
Thats where you are failing, women cant tell you what men are trained to look for and instinctually do. Better to ask guys who have been successful at what youre trying to do.

Look bro, I'm used to dealing with different kinds of females. Females that are more outgoing. This girl is different, therefore I'm trying to get opinions from different females that may think like she does.
I'm not some kind of n00b like a lot of other dudes lurking around here, so don't patronize me sir.
She did that when I asked to go see Harry Potter with me, she said "I don't want to go anywhere with you jerk". (we had been arguing back and forth kind of playfully insulting each other right before I asked her)

I kept wondering why everyone kept saying friend zone (Huhhhh????) Then I noticed I misread this, oops XD (for some reason I thought she asked you).

But I still say that you should give it a go and ask her. :3 I mean, we won't know for sure until she says so, right? :3

The reason I am on the fence is because I dunno, if it were me and it was a guy I didn't like, I would not go to a movie theater with a guy alone. That's what makes me unsure about it. My friend has been through a similar situation with a guy she didn't like, and she found any excuse to NOT go. The only exception is I do know of a friend who went with a guy because he bought her stuff (which is bad, and I don't condone! :(), but I don't think you have done anything similar... But at the same time, I don't know if I can relate because I've never had any guy friends (something similar to what VH said, I just find it uncomfortable)... But either way, if there is a chance, might as well give it a go and at least you will have your answer. :3

*edit* badly misread ladder theory, I'm not like that I promise!X3
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What is sexist about anything in this thread?

What the hell of a difference is a male or female INFJ going to a male gonna wave around his penis and a female to thrust her vagina? Sex makes no difference in the situation, personality and personal circumstances does and it's impossible for someone to tell you JUST because they are an INFJ girl how they show interest unless showing interest had something to do with their vagina or breasts.
What the hell of a difference is a male or female INFJ going to a male gonna wave around his penis and a female to thrust her vagina? Sex makes no difference in the situation, personality and personal circumstances does and it's impossible for someone to tell you JUST because they are an INFJ girl how they show interest unless showing interest had something to do with their vagina or breasts.

I'm sorry what?

All I saw was vagina and breasts
What the hell of a difference is a male or female INFJ going to a male gonna wave around his penis and a female to thrust her vagina? Sex makes no difference in the situation, personality and personal circumstances does and it's impossible for someone to tell you JUST because they are an INFJ girl how they show interest unless showing interest had something to do with their vagina or breasts.

To be fair there are actual neurological differences in the male and female brain. Think of it this way separate but equal. Men are more apt to use grey matter while women are more apt to use white matter.

"parts of the frontal lobe, responsible for problem-solving and decision-making, and the limbic cortex, responsible for regulating emotions, were larger in women [source: Hoag]. In men, the parietal cortex, which is involved in space perception, and the amygdala, which regulates sexual and social behavior, were larger [source: Hoag]."
What the hell of a difference is a male or female INFJ going to a male gonna wave around his penis and a female to thrust her vagina? Sex makes no difference in the situation, personality and personal circumstances does and it's impossible for someone to tell you JUST because they are an INFJ girl how they show interest unless showing interest had something to do with their vagina or breasts.

Like youd know about the mating ritual.
I'm currently dealing with a girl who is definitely INFx (not sure if J or P). We are definitely friends, but I'm not sure if she wants more or not. She has invited me to her place for dinner parties with her friends, and we recently went to go see Harry Potter together. We get along pretty well and I genuinely enjoy her company so I don't want to scare her away by telling her how I feel about her. So how would you show a guy that you're interested in them? Another question with that, how would you react if a guy you were friends with suddenly opened up and said he was interested in you? ' halp.
sorry, i am not an INFJ girl, but i'll try to help you ;-) you could start touching her hand, her arms, then maybe her hair, her cheek... and finally kiss her and... (cut) if she refuses getting physically intimate, you're probably in the friend zone

If you provide enough of these things already there is no need to change.

You can only pursue what runs away from you.

Don't worry. Behavioural economics still loves you... analytically!