Are you even aware how far you go with this muir and how absurd it is?
Remember that Jung saw a metaphysical layer to all this as well
Also bare in mind that science is now looking at some pretty wacky theories regarding the nature of our my advice is don't rule anything out
So for example the mystics have been telling us that we are all one for millenia and science is now pointing to an interconnectivity as well; check out this recent article for a view on some of the ideas being discussed out there:
Jung was talking about a synchronistic connection between our inner and outer worlds and commentators like McKenna have said that UFO's are actually the product of our unconscious mind rendered onto our 'physical' reality...except some people are now arguing that it is not a 'physical' reality at all but a holographic reality...kinda like a giant virtual reality simulator! lol
You're a christian right? Well remember that Jesus (who is as clear a case of cosmic consciousness as anything) said that the 'kingdom of heaven is within' and this is of course a non-dualist statement to the effect of saying that we are all one....the kingdom of heaven being unity consciousness
So its not that i'm taking things too far it is that i am open to possiblities where others are allowing constraints to their perceptual awareness to be built around their minds by people who want to limit their perception of what is possible in order to dissempower them by cutting them off from exploring possibilites that could lead them to a greater understanding about themselves and their reality
Do you check your theories by plausible facts or not?
Yes you should read some of the posts i have posted around the forum recently they basically explain a large amount of what is going on in our world at the moment
Bare in mind that i cannot cram all the information i hold in my head into single posts so i construct my posts to be initiatory doorways...sounds kinda grand right? But initiation is really just a shift in consciousness and we all shift our consciousness all the time....for example you have a slight alteration to consciousness just by having a cup of coffee!
But I put key words and names of people and families and organisations that people can then research for themselves...they can type them into search engines and discover whole new avenues if information (hence 'doorways')
Of course this only works if the person actually reads my post and then does some research. If they read the post and are closed minded from the beginning and do not try to verify what i'm saying then its easy for them to dismiss it and cling to their old reality and the initiation has to be done by choice
So do you think INFJs are the fairy-tale that will save the world?
I agree with the mystics and with the sentiments expressed by many of the people i quoted above that we are all those that seek to forward truth and to push back against deceit are the people who can unfuck the cluster fuck (whether INFJ or any other type...but no one can deny the clear pattern of INFJ's being heavily represented in those movements despite being the smallest part of the population....something about that combination of cognitive functions that creates a transcendent experience....and yes that does illicit jelousy especially from those that are feeling dead inside ie they have been heavily infected by the virus)
Ok, save it from what? And how? By "being special"? And how special, what degree of specialness needs to be brought?
If we are one cosnciousness as the mystics say and a holographic interconnected universe like some scientists say then we are seeing an inner conflict in the unity consciousness or what some would call a 'war in the heavens' which then manifests down here in our physical reality: ''as above so below''
Things are first produced in another realm and then projected here; qabalah calls it the 'formative world'
Shamans call it the 'spirit world'
Jungians call it the 'collective unconscious' and the unconscious mind
Magicians call it the 'astral realm'
Santa and his elves making things! etc etc
But what we are talking about is that the nature of our reality is such that if you tweak things in that formative world you change our holographic reality....kinda like changing something on the production line before it gets to the shop
For an explanation of the qabalistic formative world please watch Lon Milo Duquettes video here for the perspective of a magician, but before you do consider a saying by Duquette: ''it's all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is''
Spiritual gurus will tell you that you do not destroy the ego you expand it to embrace ALL....its the realisation that YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IS YOU...think Jesus saying he is a 'son of God'...well yes he's saying that because he has experienced cosmic consciousness...He KNOWS that he is one with everything because he has experienced it
The people who control our society know all this stuff...they've known it for thousands of years and everytime they sent their inquisition into a new land that they had conquered they would torture the shamans there and milk them for all their knowledge before destroying the shamans
They know things about the nature of reality that the average person on the street has absolutely no idea about.
So when i talk about some stuff with the average person on the street they think i'm nuts because its so far removed from their ken because they have been lead away from this knowledge by deceivers
If people do not wake up to the fact that there is a war on consciousness going on then they will continue to get their butts kicked by the black lodge....they will be stripped of all their wealth, all their rights, all their freedoms, of their country, of their health, of their very mind and ability to think for themselves because the black lodge are control freaks and they won't stop until they control everyone and everything unless we stop them
This stuff is 100% happening
I'll give you an example form an article i read today. They are now running tests involving putting lithium into the public water supply under the excuse that it will cut down on the numbers of suicides...but lithium is a poison and it is used as an anti-psychotic and what it will really do is turn the population into a zombies just like flouride calcifies the pineal gland (the 'third eye') cutting us off from spiritually transcendent experiences
They are going to do this in scotland now where i live because we have a vote coming up in september over whether or not we want to break off from the UK and if people are drugged into submission it quells their ability to think clearly and individualistically...they are more likely to vote for what they know:
My objection to this is that INFJs don't have a grasp on the practical means they missunderstand practical matters.
Not true if you actually listen to INFJ's they can switch between speaking very practically to speaking metaphorically...kinda like speaking in two languages...this is why they are often poets and musicions and so on because they can communicate in an almost mythic way that impacts the psyche on more than a superficial level (think jesus and his parables)
Yes i post a lot of stuff worded using almost poetic language and metaphor but if you read my factual posts you will see that i can also lay down facts in a very clear and logical manner
INFJ's are equipped to do both
For example, if someone makes a certain action, a typical INFJ will be unable to understand the purpose of that action, its implications, its direction, and its higher mean. Or sometimes, INFJs may simply overlock or pass facts completly. Now this is SERIOUS.
You need to understand that the only reason why you think that is because you keep misstyping people
INFJ's are great at seeing the implications of things but just like you change the magnification on a set of binoculars to look in the near or far distance the INFJ's vision is often set to be looking at the BIG PICTURE whereas sensors will notice everything about how youre dressed INFJ's will not be so bothered by that but will be thinking about what is going on in your heart and about what the implications of your value system will be on the world
That's why most of the visionaries in history (aka INFJs) were idealistic fools and idiots.
Thats because you keep misstyping people!
Lets imagine a hypothetical scenario here
Lets imagine that you meet an INFJ who tells you that the world is in a spiritual struggle as part of a war over consciousness. Now what they are asking you to do is to shift your consciousness so that you perceive reality in a different a software upgrade (ie an initiation)
Now lets imagine hypothetically if everyone took that upgrade and began to think that way and to think that they are all one consciousness experiencing this reality subjectively
If everyone began thinking that way then the world would change drastically for the better...everyone would chill the fuck out....stop being so judgmental (let he who is without sin cast the first stone), treat their neighbour the way they would want to be treated...cos we're all one (love thy neighbour)
But the problem is that just as there are software techs for the bio-computer trying to pass out the upgrade there are also software techs passing around viruses that make people confused, depressed, hopeless, dissempowered and unable to perceive things on anything but the mundane level (thereby being cut off from their spiritual heritage as spiritual beings)
Now you say it is foolish to try to imagineer a better world but the other side are already managing to get people to imagineer a bad world cos we're all living in it already when it doesn't need to be this way
The positive change people are trying to push against a well oiled machine...a monolithic conspiracy that has conscripted vast resources and wealth towards the suppression of humanity to the point where many humans are now so suppressed emotionally and mentally that they believe that to imagine a better world is foolishness
When all that people need to to the upgrade......allow yourself to let go of the old perceptions and embrace the new ones; see the conspiracy, acknowledge its existence and then become an active player in the rising global resistance
And once a tipping point is reached then the world will change for the better....but its a numbers game because our behaviour shapes the world we live in and our behaviour is shaped by how we think and feel about things
So to change our behaviour we must change how we think and feel about things ie take the upgrade
Yes, it is true that INFJs are dangerous and "the system" fears INFJs fool, but not because INFJs have a special virtue in them, or something that makes them stronger somehow.
Well a fool in the qabalistic system is the beginning and the end of the spiritual path so i'm not going to be too insulted there
But i disagree with you....the INFJ's combination of cognitive functions produces a transcendent experience that is an antidote to the suppression of the human spirit that is the constant agenda of the forces of darkness
Their strenght is in their very stupidity. You don't know what to expect from a fool, that's why you walk on eggshells around him, because you don't know how he works, how his "engines" works. A fool is different, because he plays by his own rules, especialy if he has a Ni kind of foolishness. Its dangerous, because it can see long term prospects. So this is exactly the strenght of INFJ visionaries.
Surprised much? Actualy, the reality is even more disturbing. But I'll leave you with this for now.
If people cannot shift their consciousness and become engaged in the wider spiritual struggle they will find that they are slowly but surely converted into penniless, landless, mindless slaves with no rights or freedoms (the proof of this gradual but perceptable change is all around us)
The real danger is in society rejecting the very people who would work to emancipate them because they have been so heavily conditioned that they willingly accept their ever increasing degrees of slavery