fiuf.. gimme a sec to keep up with your posts!
Thank you so much. I think I know now why I sometimes have a different logic. I always want to make sure all eventualities are covered in the software we design. My programmers often look at me like I am not from this earth. They want to make it work and nothing more. I guess thats Te vs Ti then.
tbh I know exactly what you mean. I have two people very close to me in my life that would go Te and I can see how our work together truely is enriched by those differences and at the same time.. I remember certain supposely Te people where communication didn't work out (yes, in both examples are programmers included
Yeah, sometimes I suck at what I do. At least now I know why.
:/ don't go there.. we cannot be good in everything.. nobody can.. if you could do everything like a pro.. there was no need for teamwork of any kind anymore
This feels good as level one insight. What worries me is that inductive and deductive thinking are bound together in an intimate dance that in the end can only be separated conceptually. In practice they have to be both applied by a creative investigator in rapid evolutionary succession if they are to creatively bring new insight to birth.
@Impact Character I don’t mean to sound dismissive or condescending- shouldn’t post after a drink or two. It’s more to do with concern about the mbti models. I think that inductive and deductive thinking are both used together by our greatest creative thinkers. They create insights from what is experienced then they test it by seeing if the insights work then they refine the insights with the feedback and iterate. It’s hard to split the greatest of them into TI and Te thinkers. They seem to use both with great facility.
most important first: Thank you John for keeping a caring eye on this.

Please, don't worry (too much) over misstepping or being too critical.
I really just thought it was kind of sweet illustrated and a nice different angle to show not tell. Also, I totally agree.. MBTI taken beside.. I grew up with my older brother who always was on the other end of everything but we managed to meet in the middle and always had so much better ideas together. It's just still interesting to see those things a bit differently every now and then know

(so that is my very familiar experience of throwing everything together to be as great as possible.)
I believe in learning the language of other people (as well as their ways of thinking or perceiving) at least as much as it is possible for me. Nothing is better or weaker.. nothing is devilish or good... it always depends on how you weild what you hold..
Positive skepticism, right John?
The MBTI is useful in that it is fairly comprehensive of personality variation, and tends to be tautologically true based on the way the tests are designed. It also has a lot of empirical-anecdotal observation built into it by now, which makes it a good speculative system.
However, it is not science and just like any speculative system we can see at the edges where it tries to force reality rather unsuccessfully into its categories based seemingly on the desire for nothing more than symmetry. Consequently, it is as capable of generating bullshit as anything else.
I agree with your doubts here on the Ti/Te thing, John, but I wouldn't worry too much if this is the right place to express those doubts. I don't really think that anyone here is an 'MBTI zealot'.
Anyways.. agreed to everything above
Terminology systems taught me you get stuff only clean and neat if you cut things a bit even. There is always a bit of a loss..
@John K be joyful and drink up, my friend! ^^