Neither. It’s basically wishful thinking along the lines of “if only people used what’s in their chest instead of what’s in their skull.” Which is a bit unrealistic, but then again... so is utopia.

what if we can't end prejudice?

what if the majority will always be a little prejudicial because humans have a tendency to identify with what they see as most familiar to themselves?

the solution of the elites is to put you all under centralised control enforced by a tehcnocratic state. This however just imposes THEIR prejudice on everyone.

So surely the solution then is to decentralise things down to everyday people because then you empower everyone regardless of their gender, skin colour, sexual orientation etc

If everyone is able to be more self sufficient then they are less affected by the whims and prejudices of others. The internet could then be used as a positive thing instead of as the bedrock of the technocracy because it could then become a way for people to pool their talents and resources so that they can exist at a decentralised level while getting what they needed

decentralisation brings everyone into various processes, allows input from everyone and thereby gives everyone a stake in the outcome which then gives people purpose and meaning and self esteem
Just to keep my comment in context i want to give an example of the argument being made in some quarters where people are supporting the rise of AI

bare in mind that the technocracy needs to process VAST amounts of information. For example they want every house to have a wifi powered 'SMART' meter which will basically spy on all of your energy useage and through the wattage it knows what devices you are using, when and for how long. It sends all of that data by wifi to a booster meter that then sends the information back to the energy companies

No one knows who has the booster meter but that meter uses even more powerful microwaves than the standard meters which can affect human health. So one family on the street is getting an even bigger dose of microwaves than everyone else

But anyway no human could process all of that data from millions of homes so they use algorithms and AI. But they want to gather data from EVERYTHING you use and they intend to make everything you use 'SMART' so that even your toothbrush will send back data about how you brush your teeth to the technocrats

So they want AI to run the SMART grid

So we will hear more and more shills of the technocracy make the case for AI because they need it to run their technological gulag. See for example this article:

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Could Run The World Better Than Humans Ever Could
Humans are pretty terrible at making choices that are good for us in the long term. AI could do better.
Dan RobitzskiAugust 29th 2018
There are fears that tend to come up when people talk about futuristic artificial intelligence — say, one that could teach itself to learn and become more advanced than anything we humans might be able to comprehend. In the wrong hands, perhaps even on its own, such an advanced algorithm might dominate the world’s governments and militaries, impart Orwellian levels of surveillance, manipulation, and social control over societies, and perhaps even control entire battlefields of autonomous lethal weapons such as military drones.

But some artificial intelligence experts don’t think those fears are well-founded. In fact, highly-advanced artificial intelligence could be better at managing the world than humans have been. These fears themselves are the real danger, because they may hold us back from making that potential a reality.

“Maybe not achieving AI is the danger for humanity,” Tomas Mikolov, a research scientist for Facebook AI, said at The Joint Multi-Conference on Human-Level Artificial Intelligence, organized by GoodAI, in Prague on Saturday.

“Maybe not achieving AI is the danger for humanity.”
As a species, Mikolov explained, humans are pretty terrible at making choices that are good for us in the long term. People have carved away rainforests and other ecosystems to harvest raw materials, unaware of (or uninterested in) how they were contributing to the slow, maybe-irreversible degradation of the planet overall.

But a sophisticated artificial intelligence system might be able to protect humanity from its own shortsightedness.

“We as humans are very bad at making predictions of what will happen in some distant timeline, maybe 20 to 30 years from now,” Mikolov added. “Maybe making AI that is much smarter than our own, in some sort of symbiotic relationship, can help us avoid some future disasters.”

Granted, Mikolov may be in the minority in thinking a superior AI entity would be benevolent. Throughout the conference, many other speakers expressed these common fears, mostly about AI used for dangerous purposes or misused by malicious human actors. And we shouldn’t laugh off or downplay those concerns.

We don’t know for sure whether it will ever be possible to create artificial general intelligence, often considered the holy grail of sophisticated AI that’s capable of doing pretty much any cognitive task humans can, maybe even doing it better.

The future of advanced artificial intelligence is promising, but it comes with a lot of ethical questions. We probably don’t know all the questions we’ll have to answer yet.

But most of the panelists at the HLAI conference agreed that we still need to decide on the rules before we need them. The time to create international agreements, ethics boards, and regulatory bodies across governments, private companies, and academia? It’s now. Putting these institutions and protocols in place would reduce the odds that a hostile government, unwitting researcher, or even a cackling mad scientist would unleash a malicious AI system or otherwise weaponize advanced algorithms. And if something nasty did get out there, then these systems would ensure we’d have ways to handle it.

With these rules and safeguards in place, we will be much more likely to usher in a future in advanced AI systems live harmoniously with us, or perhaps even save us from ourselves.
Left wing or right wing that in the end there are no differences that there is always a huge body count with countless more broken survivors so I look at the young generations today seeing that mistakes of the last century are ready to repeat themselves except that the next time instead of tens of millions it will probably be billions dead. The modern left is nothing more than straight cancer while the right is just a joke often just as soft and squishy as the left (the middle and upper classes). Through some experience but mainly learning from history that picking a side regardless of which will have the same results with only the details being different as both are controlled by the powers that be.

As for utopia it will happen regardless but when and how are not decided with nothing being written in stone so our choices will either make it easier or more difficult process before it becomes a reality. The world can't go on like it is and eventually people will have to make choices that are for the long term where there is a future as human nature needs to change.
The modern left is nothing more than straight cancer while the right is just a joke often just as soft and squishy as the left (the middle and upper classes). Through some experience but mainly learning from history that picking a side regardless of which will have the same results with only the details being different as both are controlled by the powers that be.

The left is the dying flame of a solitary wax candle in an underground cell, sputtering in the current of a draught. The right is the cell itself, and all the ill-intent of the place. The left is the abstract possibility of leaving Plato's cave, the right is the obstinate refusal to do so.

As for utopia it will happen regardless but when and how are not decided with nothing being written in stone so our choices will either make it easier or more difficult process before it becomes a reality.

Quite, we always find nowhere in the end.
The left is the dying flame of a solitary wax candle in an underground cell, sputtering in the current of a draught. The right is the cell itself, and all the ill-intent of the place. The left is the abstract possibility of leaving Plato's cave, the right is the obstinate refusal to do so..

no the left is financed by the very same oligarchic capitalists whose corporations are currently ruining the world

the vision of the left is for you to let go of your private property, nation state, religion, culture, rights and freedoms and to place yourself into the hands of an all pervasive technocratic, communist state

handing your personal power away to controllers is not leaving platos cave
i think if orwell was writing '1984' today he'd say that the communists were seeking to downgrade the english language not through doublespeak but by the excessive use of gifs so that future generations won't be able to discuss complex issues because they will only be able to communicate through the medium of gifs
i think if orwell was writing '1984' today he'd say that the communists were seeking to downgrade the english language not through doublespeak but by the excessive use of gifs so that future generations won't be able to discuss complex issues because they will only be able to communicate through the medium of gifs

Damnit, you figured it out!

complex issues

Anticapitalism is a capitalist plot to create communism? That's a complex issue? Incoherency ≠ complexity.
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Anticapitalism is a capitalist plot to create communism? That's a complex issue? Incoherency ≠ complexity.

it depends what form that anti-capitalism takes

so whenever we see some group out there stamping their feet and banging their drum we can ask: 'cui bono?'


We can also look into who is funding those groups to then get some insight into who might be promoting those groups in order to forward some sort of agenda

If we understand that the agenda of the oligarchs is to control every man, woman and child completely in a technocratic gulag then we can start to reverse engineer to all the things we are seeing going on around us to see how some of those things might actually feed into the technocratic agenda

so for example is a group says: ''we are 'anti-capitalists' and we think you should give up all your private property to the state'' then those people would most definately be playing into the agenda of an elite run technocracy
so whenever we see some group out there stamping their feet and banging their drum we can ask: 'cui bono?'



Yes-yes, I know.

We can also look into who is funding those groups to then get some insight into who might be promoting those groups in order to forward some sort of agenda

You see, this kind of associative, conspiratorial thinking can be applied to every group. Cui bono doesn't really establish anything other than a motive, and it doesn't necessarily establish that when 'benefit' is poorly defined.

If we understand that the agenda of the oligarchs is to control every man, woman and child completely in a technocratic gulag

'If' indeed.

hen we can start to reverse engineer to all the things we are seeing going on around us to see how some of those things might actually feed into the technocratic agenda

No, we really can't. Search for patterns and you will find them. What you describe is not a method, its self-confirmation.

so for example is a group says: ''we are 'anti-capitalists' and we think you should give up all your private property to the state'' then those people would most definately be playing into the agenda of an elite run technocracy

Who says that? I don't say that and I'm pretty far down the rabbit hole of leftist evildom. I don't know anyone who says that—remember your quote mining of Marx from before?
Who says that? I don't say that and I'm pretty far down the rabbit hole of leftist evildom. I don't know anyone who says that—remember your quote mining of Marx from before?

when they shut down the jonestown mind control experiment they did it by putting poison in kool aid so that the kids would drink it

you drank the leftwing kool aid

you are believing that it is about giving you a better society. It is not

studies are saying that with each generation IQ and fertility is lowering

within a few generations....
Which studies? Show me.

Researchers find IQ scores dropping since the 1970s
June 12, 2018 by Bob Yirka, Medical Xpress

A pair of researchers with the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Norway has found that IQ test scores have been slowly dropping over the past several decades. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Bernt Bratsberg and Ole Rogeberg describe their study and the results they found. They also offer some possible explanations for their findings.

Prior studies have shown that people grew smarter over the first part of last century, as measured by the intelligence quotient—a trend that was dubbed the Flynn effect. Various theories have been proposed to explain this apparent brightening of the human mind, such as better nutrition, health care, education, etc, all factors that might help people grow into smarter adults than they would have otherwise. But, now, according to the researchers in Norway, that trend has ended. Instead of getting smarter, humans have started getting dumber.

The study by the team consisted of analyzing IQ test results from young men entering Norway's national service (compulsory military duty) during the years 1970 to 2009. In all, 730,000 test results were accounted for. In studying the data, the researchers found that scores declined by an average of seven points per generation, a clear reversal of test results going back approximately 70 years.
another study you might find interesting is one carried out at harvard that has been reported on by the huffington post that shows that people exposed to fluoride have lower IQ's

anyone spoken about fluoride here before?

its now being proven that fluoride in the water supply lowers IQ
@Rowan Tree people like kinglear are one of the primary hurdles of actual utopia
Sperm counts in the West plunge by 60% in 40 years as ‘modern life’ damages men’s health
Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been suggested as possible reasons behind the dramatic declines but experts say more research is urgently needed

Sperm counts have plunged by nearly 60 per cent in just 40 years among men living in the West, according to a major review of scientific studies that suggests the modern world is causing serious damage to men’s health.

Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been “plausibly associated” with the problem, which is associated with a range of other illnesses such as testicular cancer and a generally increased mortality rate.

The researchers who carried out the review said the rate of decline had showed no sign of “levelling off” in recent years.

The same trend was not seen in other parts of the world such as South America, Africa and Asia, although the scientists said fewer studies had been carried out there.

One expert commenting on the study said it was the “most comprehensive to date”, and described the figures as “shocking” and a “wake-up call” for urgent research into the reasons driving the fall.