One of the few reasons these places still exist is so that some nasty personality types can lord over their captive population while fluffering their own egos.
Very iffy statement. There are several arguments for and against working from the office. Although the arguments in favour of this setup are disappearing fast. I for one would prefer having to use a VPN that doesn't slow down DB ops considerably. But I agree about the calls. It's a pita having to do concentration-heavy work while your deskmate is doing phone calls all the time.
Job? Retired, trying to get rid of my life's keepings to please the wife from storage rent. Threw away all my dart trophies but one, for example. It had three darts in the triple twenty. She knocked it over dusting after we moved and broke one of the darts off. She's tried to give my baseball gloves away twice to goodwill.
I daydream a lot. Even when I'm doing mentally consuming work, or mundane chores, somehow a lot of neurons are integrating each thought, action, and pause into a big picture of my plans and fantasies.