I noticed, that most of INFJs are Fours on Enneagram.It comes naturally. Few INFJs are Ones or Fives.Thats fine. But I am INFJ and 6w5. I am really pissed. Why me?! I suppose, that INFJs are not so compatible with type Six. I think, that type Six is more suited for Sensors like ISFPs, ESFPs or ISFJs, not for so rare and precious INFJs. I have been so proud to be INFJ and still I am, but 6w5?!!! Its strange. Do you think that even Sixs can be smart? Because my father and grandmother/ both ISFP and 6w7/ are not very brainy. I am afraid, that I am not smarter. Do you know, why is possible to be 6w5 INFJ?! Because I think, that it is bad accident. Someone wants punish me!
How I wish I could be Four. I envy you Fours.