You know... this was suppose to be a thread about comparing the types agenst each other... not to argue about fist fights...
This thread should be a catch-all for disscusions about the diffrences in the two types, and between the diffrences, which works better in what situation.
Bored Now - That's a sentiment I don't share. I was raised to believe in equality. I've gotten in trouble quite a bit for punching a girl in the face when they deserved it (for the same reasons I'd punch a guy) without even thinking of their gender.
Bored Now - That's a sentiment I don't share. I was raised to believe in equality. I've gotten in trouble quite a bit for punching a girl in the face when they deserved it (for the same reasons I'd punch a guy) without even thinking of their gender.
Found it hard to study, and your conflicting hormones combined with not understanding the female population?
What you fail to realise is that I was mentioning my general attitude towards fighting, and not towards INFJs. I doubt I'd ever find myself in a position to fight an INFJ, I just don't bother pacifists. They leave people alone, so I've no need to defend myself against them.What you fail to realize here is that by talking like you ENTP's have, proclaiming to the four winds how strong you are and how badly you'd break our kneecaps if we were front to front, you're already comparing your type to the INFJ's.
Quite possibly. There are several INFJs who I'd not want to face in a dojo fight without knowing that my medical insurance was paid up. That's because I know they'd be able to stomp me. In sheer strength there are a lot of guys here who could completely outdo me. What I'm stating is that my personality completely ignores all social rules and goes straight for a kill where most others are going through the insult stage.I'm pretty sure that many of the INFJ's can do just about the same damage as you or Shai have boasted about.
This isn't about being macho. Which is something you INFJ girls are not understanding. I simply don't care about being macho. I want a pet bunny rabbit named nommy or omnomnoms. I ride a goddamned scooter with an orange jacket. I sleep with a teddy bear when I don't leave him guarding the urn of my pet cat of 17 years. Other times I snuggle up with my sisters dog. I read DnD gaming source books. I watch cartoons and engage in discussion of childrens shows. I am not a fucking guido douchebag who thinks with his steroid laden biceps.I've yet not bragged nor explained this in explicit detail so everyone can know how macho I am.
That's precisely the personality we are. We're unabashed in your face people who hardly even realise the difference most of the time with extreme introverts between our loud and crass, and your withdrawn polite veneer.So, basically, there's my difference. ENTP's just need to show and slap us with 'who they are',
I really don't care. You started thinking less of me when I told you that I was going to block you because you refused to listen to my arguments in full, and was attempting to bring emotional manipulation into play when I had only typed one sentence of my extremely convoluted belief system, where I was actually attempting to expound who I was to you. That's not generally something I do for people. You then blocked me before I had a chance to block you.without realizing that we could already tell and that, by flaunting it so much we're probably thinking quite less of them.
Just because a person has brawn, doesn't mean they don't have a brain. Silently Honest is well built, he works out a few days a week, and his photos show a well developed body. Does that mean he's unintelligent?See, it keeps coming to brawns rather than brains. My money is on TDHT as well - pretty sure she wouldn't have to move a finger to get her point across.
There you go, being silly again. Tell you what, fly to australia, then catch a connecting flight to darwin, drive to 16, darwent street malak, knock on my door and go to punch me. That's about the time I'd attack you. Not before.Honestly, you could go right ahead and punch me, Shai. You might cut your fist on the screen, though.
Ok so we got: Onyrica-Blind Bandit-Bored Now-TheDaringHatTrick vs Ortorin-Shai Gar...
Well, sorry, but you're not getting your money back.Bah, I'm not fighting. I abhor violence, actually. I'm just instigating because I'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED. HaHAHAHA.
I want a pet bunny rabbit named nommy or omnomnoms. I ride a goddamned scooter with an orange jacket. I sleep with a teddy bear when I don't leave him guarding the urn of my pet cat of 17 years. Other times I snuggle up with my sisters dog. I read DnD gaming source books.
So you're leaving the kid on his own? Shame on you man. Shame on you.What makes you think Ortorin and I would fight on the same side? I only ever fight to defend myself or if someone is continuously invading my personal space. Something most INFJs would never do.
There you go, being silly again. Tell you what, fly to australia, then catch a connecting flight to darwin, drive to 16, darwent street malak, knock on my door and go to punch me. That's about the time I'd attack you. Not before.
What makes you think Ortorin and I would fight on the same side? I only ever fight to defend myself or if someone is continuously invading my personal space. Something most INFJs would never do.