UR NOT HELPINGThe braking point lies within how you two go about arguing, not the arguments themselves.
1) What I wanted to accomplish was what I said, which was to get you to read my theory and think about it, but you now want evidence before that. Sure, that's reasonable--
2) Here are the examples where you are involved that came to my mind:
1. You thinking my Te ass kissing on Tinychat recently was a result of me having inferior Te (which would make me an INFP), since I was being envious about Te's ability to get shit done and me being useless at it
2. Sentientsixpence and all the stuff she told me about the reasons you thought she was INFP which I thought were so-so but mostly Sentient is a very easily asshurt person so...
3. What Sentient told me about how she thought you often reflexively type others as INFP on here when they are in doubt and an asshurt-easily kind of person
4. A few vague shitty memories of mine of miscellaneous comments towards others in their blogs or in Type Me threads.
5. This rule in reversal: When SpecialEdition is actively getting stuff done in an anti-asshurt way, I think it was you in her Type Me thread that said you were thinking she was Fi-Te, with Fi inferior.
edit: I'm sorry I didn't explain it better before slapping your name on out there. Also next time I will directly tell you when I want to contest your opinion on something if it do it.I'm sorry. It's pretty much cuz I can't do it right away because I can't piece a good argument together to back anything up.......and again I'll regress to look like an ass kisser whilst being crushed by ur airtight Te >__>
I feel that the image that many INFPs give to others (unconsciously or not) is that they are people who were hurt in some way, and now they have to be steadfast in their values as a sort of vengeance, or as their version of resilience against the world.
This image we see of INFPs subconsciously makes people feel that the INFP thinks those who aren't as steadfast as them about the INFP's values are personally to blame for their hurt.
The myth that we see the best in everyone. For strangers, sure, that might be kinda true. But if I've known someone for a while -like a week- and I have a general idea of their behavior I will usually have a realistic, if not pessimistic, view of their abilities/limitations, or rather have a general idea that they are not good people. This takes longer of course for people who put on masks however I still come to a conclusion and it is rarely good.
At the same time those people who I come to good conclusions about are usually really, really amazing. And maybe, probably, that's because I judge so harshly but I judge them harshly too and somehow they're still great people.
The myth that all we think about is fluffy unicorns and happy things. I think about yelling at people a lot. Telling them what I really think of them. If the general idea of fluffy unicorn thoughts is that they're an INFPs happy thoughts, then yeah ok, kinda. Cause yelling at people really is my happy thought lol >.> There is a lot I hold in and yelling at people can be incredible therapeutic *shrugs* Rarely do it these days, at least to the person. Have since learned how to talk, which meh, I'm sure it's less damaging lol...
The myth that INFPs are weak or wallflowers or whatever. Fuck that noise. I went to a club recently in part because this woman I had been talking to online for years told me she thought of me as a cowardice wallflower, to scared to approach women. First of all, fuck that bitch. She's just not even, whatever *glares*
[. . .]
Just myths in general that we're always nice and unassuming and everything's good and happy. I mean maybe it has to do with me being an 8 enneagram but fuck that. Like I don't see INFPs as weak. I've met one in real life and the only thing I really noticed is that she's incredibly quiet lol. But I call bull shit, like that stereotype is just stupid. It irks me >:|
http://www.16personalities.com/infps-at-workAs managers, INFPs are among the least likely to seem like managers - their egalitarian attitudes lend respect to every subordinate, preferring communication as human beings than as a boss/employee opposition. People with the INFP personality type are flexible, open-minded and give their subordinates the tools they need, be they responsible delegation or an intuitive and receptive sounding board, to get the job done. Keeping their eyes on the horizon, INFPs set goals that achieve a desirable end, and help the people working under them to make that happen.
Many people commonly also like to refer to this as..... depression! lol... a Fi-Si loop. Where they relive an experience and all feelings surrounding it over and over and over again, especially if it was a negative one for them. I suppose you could also call it wallowing. It stunts personal growth and often leaves them unable to allow themselves to learn from what has occurred and move on.
I have a similar management style. I am directive but I'm more egalitarian viewing management as a means to empower. My goal is help others help themselves, not make them do things simply because I want them to. I'm probably better at establishing guidelines but leave it up to the individual to use their best judgment to enforce them. Not a fan of leadership styles requiring me to enforce the rules. I think this is the because I don't see it as my responsibility to make someone do something they don't want to do or simply because I want them to do it. I usually expect everyone to have their own work ethic or internal drive to push them to get something done. I don't too much like trying to force someone to do things they don't want to do. I'd rather step back and let them do what they need to do, rather than having to push people around to get things done. But I like guiding others, and giving them different options and perspectives on how to handle decision making without directly telling them what to do. If it's a good friend or family, member I'm usually more involved and directive in push for something to be done, but with others, I'm more hands off. Although, I have to say, I was very bossy as a child but it didn't work for me. Maybe that's why I ditched the authoritarian management style. Most people weren't very responsive. I found that people were more likely to listen if I used a more suggestive, laid back or subtle approach.
Wow. That makes me want to hear your view of intjs and then to round off, your view of your own type.I've heard that INFP's are one of the least tolerable / useful types when they're unhealthy. I would say my experience with them has proved this to be so.
Other types can (and often will) get something out of hitting bottom, like ENTJ's leading third world revolutions or starting wildly successful corporations who amaze us with their ability to get around environmental regulations. Or ENFP's becoming comedians who turn their depressive episodes into entertainment. Or INTP's coding new apps despite the fact they're socially retarded fatsos who don't shower and live in mom's basement.
But INFP's get zero return on their lack-of investment into healthy living. They just sit inside and fantasize about the lives they never led. And then when they do socialize, they're narcissistic twits that want everyone to be an emotional tampon who soaks up their problems and emotional slop that nobody else wants to deal with.
I LOVE having (healthy) INFP superiors.
Having a healthy INFP superior is pretty much the best experience ever, while having an unhealthy one as your team mate or superior is pretty much the worst experience ever lol.
What about the "unhealthy" ones made them worse? Could you provide an example?
Wow. That makes me want to hear your view of intjs and then to round off, your view of your own type.