INFP: Myths vs. Realities

Other INFPs @DonTaushMe @Elegant Winter @Endersgone @vandyke [MENTION=5861]Horatio[/MENTION] and any others, what type do you often feel is the best fit for you in terms of friendships and relationships?
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My best relationships have been with other INFPs. I'd much rather be like my friends and partners than different from them. I've been attracted to ENFPs and INTJs pretty often, too. I like Fi in general. And confidence.
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My best relationships have been with other INFPs. I'd much rather be like my friends and partners than different from them. I've been attracted to ENFPs and INTJs pretty often, too. I like Fi in general. And confidence.

I've always wondered about this, whether we're more likely to click with our opposites or types like us. I have been attracted to NTJs more often than FPs. Not sure why. There's something about their introverted nature, they pick up on things, but generally they are more stable and consistent. I appreciate the emotional connection with other INFPs, but I've never felt a strong interest with an INFP. Maybe it's because I haven't met many.
Other INFPs ... what type do you often feel is the best fit for you in terms of friendships and relationships?

Beyond ENFJs, whom I get along with superbly, I am not entirely sure as far as MBTI goes. My friend circles' personalities tend to be quite diverse and could include extroverted sensors (my best friend of 22 years is like one) to more reserved types. Many little things go into keeping the friendships together, such as shared interests/experiences, senses of humor, backgrounds, etc.

As for relationships, girls that I have liked and dated tended to have personalities with the same mental/emotional intelligence, but with an openness and energy that I would naturally try to match - and thus come out of my introverted bubble easily and quickly.
The majority of my friends are Intuitive. I feel like that is really important just on a communication level.

One of my nieces is a sensor though and she calms me quite a bit. I can get incredibly goofy with her and I don't fully understand that. There are some things I just don't allow myself to do around people like silly sing in the car and dance but I do those things around her. No clue how that works. She is an ISFJ.
My mother is an ISTP and my admiration for her is incredibly high.
However, between the two I absolutely cannot stand watching television with them. They talk during the show and they don't pay attention and ask questions out loud that are being answered as they ask them and it drives me up the wall >.<

My guy friends are mostly INTP and INTJ. My other niece is INTJ and her and I have a lot in common from how we think and our drive and motivations in life. She has also been exposed to the psychiatric system so we have that general knowledge and I wouldn't doubt we've come to the same conclusion as far as that goes -that it's a load of shit in regards to us.

The coworkers I have that I really enjoy are probably ESFPs and ESFJs. There's one guy there who might be an ENTJ or ENTP and he's pretty interesting in a great way. I wouldn't mind talking to him more.

I have had only one ENFJ best friend and while that was great I think that was more of an Enneagram thing than anything else. I had a neighbor, who recently moved, who is an ENFJ and while she loved talking to me neither of us went out of our way to talk to each other. And she lived across the street, like it wouldn't have been a hard thing to do, lol...
I think that's were Enneagrams come into play. More often than not I'm drawn to nice people, people who genuinely care for others and go out of their way to let others know that. At the same time they go out of their way to talk to me. Something about me is magnetic to them and that's a feeling I need to feel from others romantically speaking.
I'm a pretty closed off person, fairly guarded and let people see only what I want them to see so when there's someone I can communicate with who makes me feel safe that'll open me up more than ever before. And while that can be scary as all hell for me with anyone else, with these kinds of people more often than not it just feels natural.
Though for them it still might feel like pulling teeth >.o
Hope they like mysteries!
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One thing that I truly like about INFPs is that are genuinely interested in you when they ask questions, and are quite supportive and attentive. They will listen when others would dismiss or ignore what you have to say or think. They will stand by you when others leave you to stand alone. They are quite loyal, which unfortunately is not appreciated. Even if they don't like you, they will still put themselves out there to help you. They are quite guarded however, because people often underestimate and rarely appreciate their true qualities and strengths, mostly because they fly under the radar and don't promote their own positives, achievements, or accomplishments. Many have yet to realize how much they benefit from the INFP consideration and depth of feeling for others.