yep, this is how we are. I keep "breaking up" every few months because we see things so differently, but unlike your SO, he thinks his way of approaching things is easier or simpler. Of course, it's easier and simpler for him

without any thought of the consequences to me. He sees my way of thinking as a weakness and I tend to see his way of thinking as short sighted. He's not a long term thinker. Hmm, i wonder if I'm mistying him as INTJ. But he's definitely a T. I don't know.
In any case, I spoke with him and said we should just be friends. Thought that would make things less complicated and he'd be happy with that. He said he was happy with that. But then I made the mistake of saying that I made a mistake getting involved and that it was my issue, not his. Then he decides to question me about why I felt this way, and what I thought my mistake was.

*laughs at self for the soap opera aspects of this* And he begins to grill me about it. Thing is, this is someone who say they have other persons they could be with. So, I didn't think he'd feel any way if we remained friends. I didn't think our involvement was that important to him and I got tired of having expectations of him which weren't going to be met. In any case, for him, my feelings are my issues, so he is not responsible for them. But yet he wanted to argue with me about why I wanted to change anything. And he wanted to continue the conversation later. He is a trip.
Well, my ex boyfriend also thought his way was the easiest and simplest and he did usually expect me to just go along with whatever he decided or wanted, whether it was weekend plans,
future plans, or philosophical beliefs..
The biggest issue we had was he thought I was too emotional and illogical and flaky, and I thought he was a bit cold and one-track minded. I think it also really annoyed him that I could mull over a lot of ideas at once, and find merit in all of them no matter how contradictory they were--and thus, put off making my mind up or forming an opinion about most things while I amassed
even more information. But that is Ne for you... And of course being pressured to make a decision only made me dig my heels in the dirt even more and play devil's advocate even more with him..
He used to say,
"You are the most non committal person, to others-- to ideas.. you always give yourself an out."
LOL. We used to break up like clock work every 3 months and then he'd call and we'd meet up and I would say, "I just want to be your friend.." And he'd agree, but say, "You influenced me to access parts of myself I didn't know existed.."
and then we'd talk for hours and hours in a cafe until it was the middle of the night and we were making out in parking lot, inseparable for another 3 months until I couldn't take it any more. He was THE hardest person to break up with ever. I remember trying to do it on the phone once and he just ignored it and kept acting like we were together. It was very George Costanza-ish of him and it bought us another couple weeks.
Oh yeah. My feelings were definitely my issue. If he said something insensitive or rude to me and I got hurt, he would be legitimately surprised and not understand how his actions had anything to do with it. I suppose we do have the choice to decide how we are going to react to situations, but that doesn't mean you can just say and do anything to someone without consequence.
I kind of think that once an INTJ develops feelings for someone, they have a much harder time letting go, because it seems they are very selective about who they let in, so they feel a very strong bond. I don't think they can just close the gates and stop the feelings.. Maybe I'm wrong, if so, correct me INTJs, I'm basing this off my relationship with just one INTJ.
So for what it's worth, I suspect that your relationship is important to him, even if he doesn't show it or demonstrate it. In my situation, we broke up over three years ago and I get one email from him a year...just the kind of email where it seems like he's left a part of himself with me. Usually they are very vague and cryptic emails and I have to practically decode them..but in the end there is a suggestion of reestablishing some connection..and not necessarily romantic. The winter before last, he wanted to collaborate on a project, and last past winter he closed with, 'make it out west sometime.' I'm not sure how to explain how I feel about that. Though I'm no longer in love with him. I suppose I will always have a soft spot for him.