You are really hung up on that word 'feminist' aren't you? I don't care what you call it, I believe in the equality of all human beings and I choose to put my energies into helping women and girls because I know that women are more vulnerable, and in most of the world women are still treated as second class citizens. I personally call it feminism.
No women are not more vulnerable
More men die violent deaths than women. When women go out they fear being raped....when men go out they fear having their head stomped into the curb...which would you rather endure?
Your perception is completely wrong
Men are at most risk
I've never been to Scotland and I haven't studied your laws so I can't speak as to how it is there, perhaps women are more dominant there but here in Canada I can assure you it is not the case. We are enshrined as equal in our constitution and the laws protect both women and men equally.
I very much doubt that fathers have the same rights as mothers in canada....once again you are blinded by your bias
I noticed that you pick and chose the way you showcase the argument that you pose that somehow men are the ones who are disadvantaged in this world of ours.
You still have not watched the warren farrel clip otherwise you would understand a different perspective to this
because you have not been exposed to a perception outside the box you are continuing to see the issue within the men v's women box in which it has been framed for you
This is a false perception
Men have been enslaved for centuries...THAT IS THE TRUTH
In your arguments you will say in one instance that we have to accept that men and women are different and that men are more sexual and women are more motherly (I don't disagree with you on that in a general way but there are many exceptions that deserve the right to be whatever they want to be)
I don't believe i have said that in this thread
I also have never argued that people don't have the right to be what they want to be
I think the system pushes both men and women into being things they don't want to be and instead of challenging the system women have sought to compete with men within the system
This would be like two gangs of prisoners in a prison fighting over power within the prison instead of joining together to break out of the prison....it will lead to both sides being enslaved and miserable
and on the other hand men are somehow pushed into wanting to play football and hunt and go to war (this denies the fact that men in general, again there are lots of exceptions, are more aggressive because of their testosterone).
They are brainwashed to see reality within a box the same way that you have
They are taught by their school, by their indoctrinated parents and peers and by the TV that these things are the norm and that they are expected of them
Hunting is different...it was a necessity
War too was sometimes thrust upon people
But the burden for both fell on men and no doubt women at the time were appreciative of it (modern women on the other hand don't even know where their food comes from and never worry that an invading horde is going to descend on them at any moment)
I agree that men and women are different but if you're going to want people to accept that then please don't you have a double standard and say that they are only different in the way you want to promote and not in the ones you want to ignore.
Such as?
You are making baseless accusations without speccifically giving any examples
In your analogy about football you make it sound like it is the cheerleaders making the men want to play football (or the women pushing the men). In the case of american fooftball players and cheerleaders then they are definitely put in very specific sexualized roles but both the men and the women are there through their own choice.
I disagree...i think they are there because they are unable to see outside the box
Reality is framed for them a certain way and they are trying to navigate their way through that game
For them to consciously choose they would need to be consciously aware of the manipulations and you only have to see how some people here reject some of the things i'm saying about how manufactured our society is to realsie that many people do not realise how controlled and manipulated our society is
Men themselves want to play football. It comes from them.
No it doesn't....it comes from society
If you brought a man up in total isolation he would not suddenly feel an urge to play football....he wouldn;t even be aware that there was such a thing as 'football'
My oldest son played rugby, contact hockey and lacrosse and these are all very physically aggressive games and that is why he liked them. As his mom I was not a fan of the physical nature of the games and the fact that he would come back sometimes hurt or that he would hurt some of the other kids. I know many parents who won't allow their children to play these games because of these reasons but I could see that my son really enjoyed it and even though I didn't understand it he also needed to work off his aggression in a fairly healthy manner through these types of sports.
He was working within the system he was born into and he was encouraged from many sides to do so
If I had banned him from playing I believe that he would have spent more time beating up his brother or getting into other types of trouble. The first time he went to a rugby tournament, when I picked him up at the end of the day he was all beat up and bruised and looked awful. My first instinct was to ask him if he was ok and if he wanted to quit rugby (in my mind who wants to get beat up like that?). He laughed at my reaction and said no that he loved it and couldn't wait to play again. Believe me I had nothing to do with pushing him towards these violent physical games and would have preferred that he didn't play them but as a mom who cared about him I wanted him to be happy and well-adjusted and if what he needed was to play physical games then I supported him in that.
You are still thinking inside the box
I see it totally differently to you
I think: 'why is the young man needing to be violently aggressive in the first place?' Is society channeling him and his energies in a healthy way or is it teaching him to compete in a tribalistic way that doesn't produce any tangible thing
Our whole society has been conditioned to value transient and empty things instead of things of substance
What is produced from a rugby match? Nothing....hot air
I used to play rugby too...now i learn hard skills which i can use to produce useful things
Being able to kick a ball or bring people to the ground at high speed has been of little use in my life
I haven't looked up the studies about people saying that it is worse when women die than when men die, if that is the case then that surprises me, and that would be a problem in my opinion. I don't understand that stance because I have sons and I can tell you that if one of them died it would not hurt less or be less tragic than for someone who has a daughter who dies. If that is the case that people believe that then I think they should rethink their stance on that.
They think it because they are programmed to think that way
Women who are militantly waging war against men under the banner of 'feminism' should open their eyes to the forces at work in our society on both men and women and they should stop saying they are exclusively victimised...thats bullshit
I'm going to post this video here that skarekrow posted in another thread in the hope that it may help you to see outside the men v's women box: