What LucyJr has demonstrated over and over again in this thread is the utter confusion and blindness and lack of reason humankind has possessed since the Fall.
Ever since the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, when sin and death entered, humans have lacked true discernment.
Even the most brilliant thinkers of all time had this glaring inability. They simply cannot discern moral truth from error.
How foolish and absurd it is to claim that morality is subjective. As LucyJr pointed out, without some sort of unchanging, objective basis, any argument you make about morality will be circular reasoning.
God is, himself, the standard of all morality, truth, reason, logic, order, etc. So, in spite of humanity's futile attempts to concoct various systems of subjective morality, they are all self-contradictory and utterly absurd. Particularly the idea of morality based on self-interest. That's just a euphemism for "selfishness."
What hypocrisy! What a foolish masquerade "enlightened self-interest" is!
Whatever so-called "morality" one possesses, if it's not based on faith in Jesus Christ, and in conformity to his sovereign will and purpose, it's just as evil in God's sight as demon worship. Plain and simple.
No matter how "religious" a person is, no matter how "moral" he thinks he is, unless God gives him life and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, his so-called "morality" will take him straight to Hell.
Because only the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, obeyed PERFECTLY, the will of God in ALL things.
And only the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, could die as a substitute for sinners.
And only the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, can give life and faith to a sinner.
And God has purposed the redemption of all those who come to Christ, seeking mercy and forgiveness of sin.
That is the truth, and if God is pleased to save you, he will make that truth KNOWN to YOU.
But if he leaves you to your own devices, and he most certainly has the RIGHT to, you will perish in your sins and go to Hell.
Therefore, repent of your "morality" and come to Jesus Christ, by faith.
He said:
"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." --John 6:37
May God be pleased to bring you to his Son.