I think there's been a lot of addressing of "why". I believe what you meant to say was "who".
Firstly, I think as the OP said in one of his subsequent posts that we are having a conflict of styles. I am sure that there is some deliberate rudeness but some of it is not. Certainly, I've had the experience of reading a tone in a reply different from the writer intended. When we cannot hear the poster's voice, our brains substitute it's own voice which can be misleading or not. I have also read threads where members have complained of rudeness and I honestly could not see it. Perhaps, that is my own insensitivity. The issue here seems to be that we are all perceiving things somewhat differently.
The reason I believe [MENTION=1425]Korg[/MENTION] mentions the problem of "who", is that for him and myself that would be the approach we would take to get to the heart of the problem. Knowing who so that we can focus on their particular style and determine what is offensive not that the intention is to put that person on the spot. Also, knowing who reassures others that they are ok or even helps them to take a look at their own style for similiarity to the mentioned persons style.
However, that is not an option or route we can take. Forum rules forbid it, so it must be discarded.
I get that you don't like it. Everybody has things they don't like. What I think is funny is that you and a variety of others seem to think it's only OK when you bitch and complain about what you don't like, but somehow it's horrible behavior for others to complain about what they don't like.
This paragraph makes me uncomfortable. I think so far, that anyone who has replied to this thread has a genuine concern about the matter because the tension on the forum is uncomfortable. I don't think the intention is to shut anyone up. Instead, it is a struggle to understand how members could be causing offence with their style. There are some fairly obvious situations but my impression is that we are talking about a grey area here. Members of one type are finding the style of members of other types abrasive. The problem is that sometimes, the other types are not aware that they have crossed a line. We need to determine where that line is because we obviously aren't aligning and we may have to do it repeatedly as tiresome as that is. Now, I have great sympathy for the non-infjs because this has been an issue for my entire life. I really don't see the rudeness that I am often accused of displaying in RL. I've simply had to collect a series of examples over the years that guide me not to express myself in certain ways. I don't understand it but I accept it as necessary for effective communication. We need guidelines and we need members to say things like, "The way you said this is rude. Could you rephrase so that I can truly appreciate your point?"
I would also like to say that I in no way support deliberate rudeness or crudeness.
I once said that everyone has a vested interest in this forums future. This is still true. But if your views are so counter to the core of the forum, so outside what is good for the forum. There has to be a line drawn something becomes unacceptable.
I agree that a line has to be drawn but so far it isn't clear where that line is. I will give an example. Recently, I was admonished by a member for how I was using the statement, "No." among other things. From my point of view, I saw no problem but he made me aware and when I reread my posts and imagined an aggressive tone I could see his point. Now, I know better but I wouldn't have known if he hadn't been specific.