Is this guy an infj?

9 i think
is this guy an infj? he seems intuitive but im not sure

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Nuno Bettencourt amazing talk and voice 1‬‏[/ame]
First impression is IxFP.
This guy very much reminds me of a cross between an ISFP and an INTJ. Seems to be in touch with his Ni, Se, Te, and Fi.

Also, I covet his hair.

Edit: I can't shake this feeling like he's an INTJ with a well developed Fi and Se. He seems to be speaking from Ni and Te most of the time (very 'it is what it is' and exceedingly insightful), but strongly inspired by Fi and Se (Fi depth and Se animus). It's like he's a perfect mix of my ISFP buddy and an INTJ that I know.
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I find this man utterly distasteful, the way he projects his love for his mother as to say everyone thinks the same way he does. His choice of words suggests that his positive attitude stems from him being limited and lying to himself, incapable of insight into other people's minds, and rejecting or neglecting any possible external negative influences.

If he was an ISFP, he wouldn't have been preaching his narrow point of view. That is what I think.
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He feels very ISFP to me. And for the record he is HOT, haha...
On first sight, ISFP.

He isn't much of a judger, except in that split second when he becomes dead serious like an ENTJ-commander, and when he gives a glimpse of a deeply held ambition. For the most part just laid back, gentle, physical, introverted.
No idea where the ISFP is coming from. He is IxxJ. Very directive in manner of speaking, reserved, setting boundaries, etc. He's directing the entire conversation, going from start to finish, controlling how the listener should feel. INxJ, at least.
No idea where the ISFP is coming from. He is IxxJ. Very directive in manner of speaking, reserved, setting boundaries, etc. He's directing the entire conversation, going from start to finish, controlling how the listener should feel. INxJ, at least.
Did you feel controlled/captured by this guy's talk? The way Gandhi or Carl Sagan captivate all your existence with a few words? I thought it was very care-free all around.
ISFP ESE-Ti 1w2 > 4w3 > pr6w7 so/sp.

He's probably a Healer rather than a Composer though.
Did you feel controlled/captured by this guy's talk? The way Gandhi or Carl Sagan captivate all your existence with a few words? I thought it was very care-free all around.

Not by the content, but definitely his mannerisms. Not every INxJ is going to spew philosophical brilliance every time they speak.

ISFP EIE-Ti 1w2 > 4w5 > pr6w7 so/sp.

He's probably a Healer rather than a Composer though.

no u.
Not every INxJ is going to spew philosophical brilliance every time they speak.
Oh, that's not what I meant, just the charisma of INxJs. It normally exists, even when they talk about dirty laundry from yesterday. You must listen. There's almost no way to ignore and not listen. With this guy it was more like he didn't care much if you pay attention to what he says, he didn't emphasize his words, like they do!.
^ You have not heard me talk.

(This guy is more INTJ, though, I think, hence the not emphasizing random words!)
Oh, that's not what I meant, just the charisma of INxJs. It normally exists, even when they talk about dirty laundry from yesterday. You must listen. There's almost no way to ignore and not listen. With this guy it was more like he didn't care much if you pay attention to what he says, he didn't emphasize his words, like they do!.

Can I ask you a random derail question? Does this charisma make you jealous? If you were in a room and an INxJ came into the room and people stopped paying attention to you and started paying attention to them, would that bother you?
I think you guys are slightly over-analyzing.. I don't think even the best psychiatrist/psychologist could provide more or less a definite answer about someone's personality looking at a 10 minute video. People on the video/in public often behave differently from how they do it under other circumstances. Plus, why is it even important to type him?
I think you guys are slightly over-analyzing.. I don't think even the best psychiatrist/psychologist could provide more or less a definite answer about someone's personality looking at a 10 minute video. People on the video/in public often behave differently from how they do it under other circumstances. Plus, why is it even important to type him?

As best as I can tell, a lot of us INFJ's like to try typing people we don't know. It's a hobby.
As best as I can tell, a lot of us INFJ's like to try typing people we don't know. It's a hobby.
As experience has it, ETP's do this. Are you sure these INFJ's you speak of aren't ESTP's going about your type in the wrong direction because you're typing your online/solitude/relationship persona instead of the persona you have and use while you're at work? Just a thought.

If I were to type my neurotic relationship persona, I would come out ENFJ. Not saying ENFJ's are neurotic, but I'm saying I make a neurotic ENFJ.
As experience has it, ETP's do this. Are you sure these INFJ's you speak of aren't ESTP's going about your type in the wrong direction because you're typing your online/solitude/relationship persona instead of the persona you have and use while you're at work? Just a thought.

Absolutely sure.

And please don't ever compare my ability to type people with the inability of ENTPs to type people again. That's insulting. Hehe.

If I were to type my neurotic relationship persona, I would come out ENFJ. Not saying ENFJ's are neurotic, but I'm saying I make a neurotic ENFJ.

Yes, INFJ has an ESTP side. Don't let anyone tell you any different. It comes out when we're at our stress limit. It's why we're great in a crisis.

What's actually going on in a crisis is that your mind is firing on all cylinders, and it seems like you're changing type. you're not.

Let's say you are using 100% of your Ti, 75% of your Se, 50% of your Ni, and 25% of your Fe under normal cicumstances. If something caused you to open those up to all being 100%, it would seem like a +25% increase to Se, +50% increase to Ni, and a +75% increase to Fe. That would make anyone think they'd switched by perspective.

To add to this, people consciously move in order of their functions and subconciously move in reverse order. An ISTP would consciously move Ti > Se > Ni > Fe, but subconsciously move Fe > Ni > Se > Ti. That's yet another reason for the inverse type effect, as well as the fully open crisis mode. Varying degrees apply in proportion to stress levels.
^ You have not heard me talk.
Are you INxJ? Oh, and INTJs emphasize a lot too. So, if anything, at least it appears that we agree that this guy didn't emphasize much. That's progress as well. :)
Does this charisma make you jealous?
Not at all! It makes me.. at peace? Also more focused, freer, sharper, and more creative. It's very inspirational.