Joe Rogans Spotify apology

People have a natural distrust of authority, no matter what.
It's best to force things upon people, because they are generally too stupid to even understand what they want or need.
Trying to reason with stupidity is wasted energy.

If we had kind people in leadership, it would naturally follow that people would be given better options at the cost of some strength.
You can see this very obviously in smaller pockets where miraculously this does occur, but it is not the norm.
Humans enjoy being ruled by sociopaths, power and strength at the helm gives people a false sense of security.

Things will never change. It's a human psychological structure built for survival.
Perhaps when technology reaches an inflection point where everyone truly realizes how insignificant they are, we can restructure.
But I doubt it. Zuck, Bezos, their descendants will simply vie for control of those mechanisms.

I just re-read this post and wow, what a viewpoint. I would argue however that there has never been a time in history until now that we were all connected. Humans once lived in tribes and now our tribe is the world - I don't know how natural, sustainable or even how good this is for us psychologically. The fact that you have to consider what is happening on the other side of the world to plan your day is insane. So I don't think I'd have a stance that people want to be dominated by sociopaths, they just still don't really know how to function in a worldwide tribe and what to make of it. Humans haven't really adapted to globalism other than buying cheap shit from china/amazon. Let's say you have a political policy that you want to push through your local level government some sort of positive family values thing in at your local town meeting that would give everyone in the town something better, I'm sure it would be countered by something someone else did on the other side of the world either according to the local government or some multi-national insurance agency or some corporate lobbyists will claim disadvantages their profits. I don't see it as pessimistic as you put it - at least not at the individual human level.
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So I don't think I'd have a stance that people want to be dominated by sociopaths, they just still don't really know how to function in a worldwide tribe and what to make of it.

It's a nice idealistic thought, that we might be moving in that direction. But it's just that, idealistic.
Humans have functioned the way they have for forever, it ain't changing just because we have new gadgets.
I just re-read this post and wow, what a viewpoint. I would argue however that there has never been a time in history until now that we were all connected. Humans once lived in tribes and now our tribe is the world - I don't know how natural, sustainable or even how good this is for us psychologically. The fact that you have to consider what is happening on the other side of the world to plan your day is insane. So I don't think I'd have a stance that people want to be dominated by sociopaths, they just still don't really know how to function in a worldwide tribe and what to make of it. Humans haven't really adapted to globalism other than buying cheap shit from china/amazon. Let's say you have a political policy that you want to push through your local level government some sort of positive family values thing in at your local town meeting that would give everyone in the town something better, I'm sure it would be countered by something someone else did on the other side of the world either according to the local government or some multi-national insurance agency or some corporate lobbyists will claim disadvantages their profits. I don't see it as pessimistic as you put it - at least not at the individual human level.

One of the big issues with tribalism is always the lack of shared values and good sense between different populations leading to conflicts never mind everything else. As for globalizing populations the totalitarian ideologues as well their corporate overlords want to impose mono culture for which any form of diversity that doesn't serve the prevailing ideology or religious cult is either allowed to fade away or forcibly stomped out of existence. To those who argue intelligence never clarify as which kind of intelligence leaving that to be entirely open ended as to what other could interpret without there being anything as to define what is or is not intelligent. Anyway for the corporate types most if not the large majority are sociopaths along with the bulk of government being not all that much different sometimes worse.
Update: Joe Rogan apologizes again

I think it's mainly higher ups forcing him, and/or him realizing he's at a new level of influence where these things have more vast consequences.
He probably wants to move in a "safer" direction in order to continue to grow his audience.
Which is kind of a shame, we'll get a more curated and boring Rogan going forward.

Good thing I've never said anything inflammatory ever in my entire life.
Time to de-platform Green Day
In my experience, JRE was a kind of gateway podcast that would send me down various, sometimes wildly different, rabbit holes.

That was all good and well when it was mostly inconsequential.

I saw Graham Hancock who suggested that there used to be another continent with a highly advanced civilization and it set humanity back centuries when there was a massive flood. Maybe Atlantis was real after all.

What am I going to do with that information even if I get super into it and believe it fully? I'll go to a church hall to hear him talk for an hour or so and chat with a few weirdos. I'll meet one who just pure talks at people because he is convinced he has the ultimate answers to everything and wonder if maybe this isn't the end of the line when it comes to being curious.

JRE was fun because they weren't hot topics. It gave a fairly popular platform for people who you'd only know about otherwise through word of mouth. Also it was stoner humour and stoned 'but what if this...' thinking. The kind of thing that makes a young stoner go 'Duuude...' and pause Carl Sagan's Cosmos or Planet Earth for a good few minutes.

I don't know if Joe's tastes changed or he became more interested in pragmatic than hypothetical possibilities but it got hot and sometimes more of a soapbox for straight edge people who thought less about what could be than what should be. Plus, Joe was blazed out of his mind unable to really have a conversation half the time with people who weren't on there to have a laugh and/or talk about crazy out there shit.

There were always serious people but their concerns weren't 'pressing' the way later guests were. Bob Lazar claiming to have worked at Area 51 was super important to him. Let's face it, right wing YouTubers went there not to find acceptance but amplification and, I think, exploited an inebriated Rogan and preyed on his 'free speech for everyone' attitude.

Should we tolerate the intolerant who will destroy the concept of tolerance given half a chance? I think Rogan has been very naive much more than I think he's been malicious.
I say screw em. If they don’t care if they make the right or wrong decision, that’s on them. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. You should have the freedom to suffer in this country too if you so choose and as baffled as I am about it, that is most sensors. They will resent the fuck out of you for trying to inform them about what you see on the horizon.
Is it ok to be a white woman :thonking:
I feel another apology on the horizon
Is it ok to be a white woman :thonking:
I feel another apology on the horizon
God, I hope not. We don't need to be apologizing for having opinions. I'm totally with them on this. It is strange to correct people's own preferences. If somebody is incorrectly identifying you, go ahead speak up. It's annoying to correct strangers when you don't have the information of what their preferences are.
Is it ok to be a white woman

You ask an ignorant, inappropriate, and offensive question and manage to be racist and sexist while doing it. /s

You ask an ignorant, inappropriate, and offensive question and manage to be racist and sexist while doing it. /s


I'm not the one asking, I'm just the messenger
I got the feeling you were being facetious but I also have autism

Lol I was, and I agree with what you said before as well
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I'm not the one asking, I'm just the messenger

Noted, now off the gallows ya’ go!

Okay, this isn’t the taint of Reddit :P

I Shall Chill,