Joe Rogans Spotify apology

If you don't have time to research whether something is a good idea or not, then you definitely shouldn't try it.
People are getting confused because "a Dr on the podcast said this so obviously it's true". That's just 12 year old thinking lol
Sorry but this is a cop out

I meant it in a more holistic and intrinsic sense. It's not a one-to-one experience kind of thing, but a cascade effect.
This is kind of abstract and hard to explain, but if we had more pervasive solidity of information then less problems would be an inevitable byproduct.
It reminds me of something that happened recently where my mom read carrds and for somebody and mentioned she would be coming into money (that's what the cards said she was just reading them based on the meaning of the cards!) And this lady got scammed by somebody pretending to be publishers clearinghouse from India who for some reason said she needed to pay them money to win the money.


it's obvious!

I understand when ELDERLY people get scammed but if you're not suffering from dementia that's on you. You were fooled. You learn from it and move on.

My mom felt all responsible because the lady came back and blamed her and I was like, it's TAROT cards! You didn't consult her on the scam and tell her to do it- she took what you said and made pretzel logic to justify a stupid decision on her part. But I told her- people will try to blame you for their own stupidity. If you don't want to deal with that then definitely don't read peoples fortune- the people attracted to that are gullible as hell.
Thank you. This makes a lot of sense. So the idea is that people can't be trusted so we have to make decisions for them? Would that be a fair simplification? I'm not being condescending I understand the reasons why you're saying most people can't be trusted from this standpoint, I'm trying to see this from the other side, translate what the difference of values is here

In a manner of speaking, yes. People can absolutely be trusted to run amok, shit on one another, and live lives that are FUBAR by any measure.

This will happen regardless, but because we are social animals, the intent and messaging becomes of paramount importance in reducing the FUBAR quotient.

Through consistent messaging, humans create culture, and indeed, civilization.

Inconsistent messaging leads to a change and breakdown of those things such that some people will present with a decided lack of the point of running amok, shitting on one another, and living FUBAR lives.

For these reasons we have things like seat-belts, and the FDA.

Life is about fixing the sprinklers while the place is on fire. It would be nice to leave but there's nowhere to go.

Dude, the building is on fire, and you’re playing philosopher again, lmfao :P

You’re Now Crispy,
I think I get it, though. People are dumb. Joe Rogans popular and can't just say dangerous things and confuse people. I think I can actually agree with the concern now- I wrongly assume everybody will process info the same as me but that's simply not the case.
Sorry I'm getting harsh on you @Wyote lol my bad

It's ok, I don't do the word good thing sometimes

Dude, the building is on fire, and you’re playing philosopher again, lmfao :p

You’re Now Crispy,

Or do I
It reminds me of something that happened recently where my mom read carrds and for somebody and mentioned she would be coming into money (that's what the cards said she was just reading them based on the meaning of the cards!) And this lady got scammed by somebody pretending to be publishers clearinghouse from India who for some reason said she needed to pay them money to win the money.


it's obvious!

I understand when ELDERLY people get scammed but if you're not suffering from dementia that's on you. You were fooled. You learn from it and move on.

My mom felt all responsible because the lady came back and blamed her and I was like, it's TAROT cards! You didn't consult her on the scam and tell her to do it- she took what you said and made pretzel logic to justify a stupid decision on her part. But I told her- people will try to blame you for their own stupidity. If you don't want to deal with that then definitely don't read peoples fortune- the people attracted to that are gullible as hell.

This exact thing happened to the parent of a friend. What I learned is this:

Sometimes it isn’t about being fooled. Yes, it is a scam, but the driver is the desire and need for human connection so as to avoid the experience of loneliness.

An experience so painful that people will do most anything to avoid it, and this is what is exploited.

They aren’t fooled, it isn’t dementia, stupidity, or is the willful exchange of money for the promise of companionship, friendship, being included, meaning something to somebody.

Those people are more in need of our compassion than derision.

And knowing myself, my pride will tell you I would never “fall” for that, but the truth of it is something else altogether.

After all, to have money, but no one, is the kind of human poverty that can break a person. But the person who is penniless, but loved, has a wealth that is beyond measure.

This exact thing happened to the parent of a friend. What I learned is this:

Sometimes it isn’t about being fooled. Yes, it is a scam, but the driver is the desire and need for human connection so as to avoid the experience of loneliness.

An experience so painful that people will do most anything to avoid it, and this is what is exploited.

They aren’t fooled, it isn’t dementia, stupidity, or is the willful exchange of money for the promise of companionship, friendship, being included, meaning something to somebody.

Those people are more in need of our compassion than derision.

And knowing myself, my pride will tell you I would never “fall” for that, but the truth of it is something else altogether.

After all, to have money, but no one, is the kind of human poverty that can break a person. But the person who is penniless, but loved, has a wealth that is beyond measure.

Now I'm depressed :(

That's so awful. I never really thought of it from that angle, and I've even experienced loneliness. I think I'm lucky that I've always had my family even if they were not the best for my mental health I was never vulnerable to exploitation in this way.
Spotify is just trying to make money.. we'll see how good of a move it was
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If you think tens of thousands of people dying every day is a worthwhile cost, along with the hundreds of thousands of COVID orphans, and suchlike, then my argument is without basis and may be dismissed.

The argument is of course not without basis, but it is fundamentally mechanistic and utilitarian. The vaccine dilemma was always about risk and reward, and the mainstream thought process is a statistical one that numbs itself to the social causality of the ones whom those statistics failed. Their pain won't be assuaged by telling them that their unlikely and numerically insignificant loss was for the greater good. They have the rightif such concept can be even applied hereto rebel, to be the pioneers for an alternative because they can't take the chance anymore.

This isn't a proposition for a specific course of action. It's simply the context of the conflict, and it's hardly unprecedented. As in war, the utilitarian approach is generally the victorious one in such scenarios, but it never gets any less inhumane in its quest for saving humanity.
Now I'm depressed :(

That's so awful. I never really thought of it from that angle, and I've even experienced loneliness. I think I'm lucky that I've always had my family even if they were not the best for my mental health I was never vulnerable to exploitation in this way.

When I first heard of it, I felt a mix of anger and crushing dejection. It is awful, maybe beyond awful. If someone tricks you out of money, okay, that’s bad, be sharper next time. If they exploit your need for a friend to get your money, well...that’s a special kind of evil, and it let me know the world sucked more than I already thought.

I was perturbed until the next day. :(

I won’t share the finer details, but you wouldn’t believe it. The methods, the persistence. Beyond belief. Shattered what illusions I had left.

And it was $40,000, over a few dozen events.

People Suck,
The vaccine dilemma was always about risk and reward, and the mainstream thought process is a statistical one that numbs itself to the social causality of the ones whom those statistics failed.

I never felt that way, but your point is valid.

There were, and are, no guarantees. There are only varying shades of risk...grey.

Their pain won't be assuaged by telling them that their unlikely and numerically insignificant loss was for the greater good.

And I would certainly never say or suggest such a thing. Especially because it isn’t true.

They have the rightif such concept can be even applied hereto rebel, to be the pioneers for an alternative because they can't take the chance anymore.

I agree, and everyone has their agency, autonomy, and opinion, and each will sit down to a plate of consequences and ultimately lose the game.

This isn't a proposition for a specific course of action. It's simply the context of the conflict, and it's hardly unprecedented. As in war, the utilitarian approach is generally the victorious one in such scenarios, but it never gets any less inhumane in its quest for saving humanity.

Then again, it isn’t a question of being humane, nor are we questing to save humanity.

The goal is to preserve individual human lives. Will all be preserved? No, unfortunately.

Will the most possible be preserved? Based on what we know today, yes, vaccination does the best job of preserving individual human lives. Will all be preserved? No, unfortunately.

Other choices save fewer individual human lives. More people die. I don’t wish for that.

But as I said much earlier in the thread, tribal identity > science and logic, because it is more important for most to belong than it is to be rational. And so more will die, when it could be otherwise.

And nothing lessens the pain of human loss...vaccines may prevent a form of it, however.

I think I get it, though. People are dumb. Joe Rogans popular and can't just say dangerous things and confuse people.

It’s akin to why one should not yell “fire” in a crowded theatre, despite the right to free speech.

I think I can actually agree with the concern now- I wrongly assume everybody will process info the same as me but that's simply not the case.

The degree to which you are positively exceptional guarantees that fact.

I think I get it, though. People are dumb. Joe Rogans popular and can't just say dangerous things and confuse people. I think I can actually agree with the concern now- I wrongly assume everybody will process info the same as me but that's simply not the case.

What I am hazing a hard time with why is the MSM not being held accountable despite countless examples of their abuses yet are given a free pass.

Here is some that immediately comes to mind and these are fairly old though while the past two years have been the most egregious.

This one is creepy as they come.
It’s akin to why one should not yell “fire” in a crowded theatre, despite the right to free speech.

The degree to which you are positively exceptional guarantees that fact.

Don't talk me up too much now, somebody will believe you! :P

lmfao, remember, the propaganda arm of the MIC gets a happy hard-on when it comes to pro-war reporting, and the swing of their dick is such that Big Willy Time means lack of blood flow to their brain, resulting in braindead shameless choices.

Wouldn’t Believe It in a Movie,
Joe Rogan started to podcast to chat with his friends and smoke weed. He has by now eclipsed all of corporate media in terms of credibility. It will now be necessary for the corporate press to destroy him as he is their competitor.

Expect more hit pieces.

@Reason droppin’ truth bombs.

Right on Target,
What I am hazing a hard time with why is the MSM not being held accountable despite countless examples of their abuses yet are given a free pass.

Nice Freudian! :P

The MSM is the propaganda arm of the MIC. It isn’t accountable to anyone, or anything.

There’s your why not.

Remember, if something doesn’t seem to make sense, follow the money. All will become clear.
