Lenore Thompson's MBTI/JCF test

Interesting test.

E5I9 S4N10 T4F10 P7J7

E1 I 13
S6 N 8
T5 F 9
P4 J 10

I like this test. It almost told me I'm a sensor.
Your TMPI answers suggest that your type preference is:


E 3 I 11
S 2 N 12
T 6 F 8
P 2 J 12
I like this, Thompson explained things well (such as functions).


E0I14 S1N13 T1F13 P5J9

E 3 I 11
S 5 N 9
T 5 F 9
P 5 J 9
Your TMPI answers suggest that your type preference is:


E 1 I 13
S 2 N 12
T 3 F 11
P 12 J 2

E1 I13
S5 N9
T6 F8
P9 J5

I felt like I was picking T more. And wtf S : O
This doesn't surprise me as I've always known I'm right on the T/F line. J, though? Maybe.




That really didn't help me resolve the 'am i an infj or intp?' question. Heh. oh well.
Well I should hope you weren't going to take this test into account in figuring your type out anyway.

Tests are only a starting point. Retaking them is just for fun.
Your TMPI answers suggest that your type preference is:


E 3 I 11
S 3 N 11
T 2 F 12
P 9 J 5

Close. This is the first time I haven't gotten INFJ, but the J is usually my weakest.

E 1 I 13

S 7 N 7

T 5 F 9

P 4 J 10
Oh god no. I gave up trying to figure out my type or whatever ages ago. I'm just here for the hot chicks and free booze. And to eradicate the monkeys. Damn dirty monkeys.