Voltaire was interesting, but he was frankly a little bit candid about certain topics. Wo-ho-ho!
Why wouldn't Voltaire be potentially electrified by his work?
Now that you mention it, he was always amped up while he wrote.
Haha. I enjoyed the Simone Weil reference. Have you ever read her work?
My brother is a big fan. He's written a number of articles on her work. Also on Chesterton.
I need to learn more about Kant.Aristotle: "the First Cause cannot itself be caused, hence God exists and he is timeless"
Kant: *Third Antinomy*
I need to learn more about Kant.
I'm surprised no one(at least to my knowledge) has mentioned Francis Bradley yet. But at the moment I can't think of a good Bradley joke...nothing that appears is ever what it seems, I guess
I remember reading about the frustrations his philosopher peers would have with him.
I mean... aliens, man...aliens...lol ok I'm done
- There's also this fun description: "Bradley was a leading figure in this movement of original reappropriation of alien ideas, which he explicitly promoted as the sole antidote to dogmatism and intellectual sclerosis " (ref:https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/bradley/)
- Also I remember hearing quite a few Bertrand Russell jokes in school in the past, I just assumed a natural link to joking on his predecessor
Nietzsche: "What does not kill me makes me stronger!"
Madness: *exists*
Nietzsche never went mad, he just gained 5D philosophical insight.