Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

Um... thank you? :m083:
Do iitt.
any takers?


Her expression is one of remorse, loss? A transformation is occurring and it's painful? Or....She is putting herself back together after having fallen apart and the process hurts.
I don't quite know what to say about this - except that I like it very much. It makes me want to "jump into it" for lack of a better way of expressing how I feel when I see it.

I don't know you very well...So anything I say here is going to be greatly colored by my rose colored glasses...

Chaos in symmetry.
The color purple makes me think creative.
The symbols on the right side make me think of keys.

This avatar represents the key to Your center of creativity. You are seeking order out of chaos within you - or your world.

Very cool avatar. I stole it (with your name in the file name). :) (if it's copywrited or something - let me know and I'll delete it).
Awesome interpretation, and kind of hits home with me. Its a glyph I made based on my user name (which means wind of the night), so the lines running through it are meant to be wind marks. Also, the image is 100% original and mine, so treat with a Creative Common's licence, share and share alike.:m172:
I know why I chose my avatar. It's a picture I like, a self-portrait that reveals something about me, from a time when I had it all. It also gets noticed.

Please, analyze it and be brutally honest. It doesn't show a nice person, but what does it reall show?

Now it's hard for me to give a intuitive answer because you colored my perception with your disclosure "doesn't show a nice person" and "from a time when I had it all".

My mind starts speculating: Did he have a lot of money and therefore power back then. Did this make him indulge all the shadow sides of himself and he hurt others?

If this is true - then perhaps you keep it "in your face" to remind yourself of how you do not "Want" to be - perhaps - ever again?

I admit the picture evokes a "you don't give a rats ass" attitude when I look at it. Or maybe "w.t.f.".

Her expression is one of remorse, loss? A transformation is occurring and it's painful? Or....She is putting herself back together after having fallen apart and the process hurts.

hmm... possible. or a crumbling fa

You know something pipsqueaka? Your avatar makes me want to be there. It looks so calm and relaxing and oh - I don't know - Healthy.

Rainbows AND sunshine in a field of green grass seems fantastical to me right now.

You are in the SPRING TIME of your life. Full of fantastic ideas and optimism. All the colors of the rainbow show a broad and open mind. You are peaceful and feel at ease in your environment for you can rest in the wide open, eyes closed, with no fear of reprisal.
Lerxst, it's not an analysis, but I totally understand what your actual avatar is now. It's a cockatiel's head turned sideways. :D I'd wondered about that for a long freaking time, since it didn't quite look like any animal I'd ever seen before. :)

Okay, now for the picture provided: I see a male who is smiling with a cockatiel. His hands are on the bird. The touch seems a little less like a caress and a little more like he's trying to hold on to the bird- to control it gently, perhaps, or to keep it nearby. The fact that he's alone and smiling with a bird might indicate that he connects more easily with animals than with humans- and the fact that he's trying to get the bird to stay nearby (or perhaps to sit still for the shot) shows a close attachment to it. He and the bird are obviously very close.

In the background is a bird's cage- it's likely his bird, and this is likely his home. It's daytime, as well- so why isn't the man out doing other things? He's probably someone who likes to stay home. Judging by the size of the cage, I'd say he likes birds in general and cares a great deal for their well-being.

My turn!
The outline around the man is clearly a penis.
[MENTION=3573]Haven[/MENTION]: I see two possiblities for your image.

It depends on how I decide the rainbow and bright colors should be interpreted.

In the first, the bright colors are the noisy cacophonous world, and the man in black and white is shielding himself from the activity outside. The man is happy to be apart from it (hence the umbrella, which is superfluous), and sees the colors as undesirable.

In the second, the colors are the enjoyment and happiness and interconnectedness int he world, and the man in black and white is unable to take part in it. Something keeps him from it (see the empty space above the umbrella, where none of the 'rain' is falling), though he'd be fine if he could get to it. He's properly shielding himself from it, in an attempt to preserve himself apart, but the effort is wasted because no matter how hard he tries, he can't ever be a part of that world.

In both, his face is darkened to represent the fact that he could be anyone, anywhere.

In both, his relaxed posture enforces the 'permanent-ness' of the situation. He's not moving around much because he's confident that nothing's going to change anytime soon.


You are not one of a crowd.
You do not adhere to the old saying 'birds of a feather flock together'.

The bird that is not hanging on to the wire is the one who will survive. It's instincts are good and true for itself, even though it means leaving the flock.
The other birds are all morphed into one another signaling no boundaries or true definition leading me to think they have no ability to think for themselves. Again this bodes well for the one flying away.

The bird is flying East (from my perspective) which leads me to think it will encounter Wisdom from the Eastern philosophies as it continues on it's journey.
Did I post this one here already?? Have at it!

To get you off on the right foot....

View attachment 8353

Yes, the obvious is you love birds, and have a profound respect for them. It's evidenced in the loving smile on your face in the picture.

When I disregard the photo, though, as before you posted it - I kept coming back to what I saw in your avatar.
I too had no idea what it was for a long time.

This is what I saw...

Soft, shiny surface, of feathers, maybe? surrounding a cold hard center circle. Although it made me think the center was an eye looking at me.

While you may appear soft and touchable on the surface, you hold a hard center in yourself where you intently look at the world. Maybe it's a hard protective layer surrounding the core of you?

Or this may be the opposite. It could be that you Want to see the world as soft and shiny, touchable, and at it's core is a cold hard center.

Either way makes me think it's too rigid - not flexible enough - to handle the river of changes in our life.
Of course - this speaks to me as well. I need to be more flexible myself! LOL