Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

curious to know what people think mine is about. . .

Yeh...what is with that picture? I was thinking that this morning....

An observatory of some kind on the beach? A handicap access ramp suggests government funding of some kind. A security light for all hours entry? I cannot figure out what that thing is on top. It looks like one of those restaurant stove hoods to exhaust cooking gases. There appears to be a bathroom in the back or back door access.
Whatever it is, people like it, for there are several cars not alike, which makes me think it's public - not corporate or government.
The outline around the man is clearly a penis.

The avatar is in a cold place, obviously, journeying in a fog. The human is carried by a noble creature, strong and surefooted.

Your heart finds itself in a cold place where it cannot see it's way clear to warmth and nurturing. It is only alive for the moment due to the fact some entity with honesty is providing some buoyancy to your heart.
V indeed, not quite sure the rebellion against authority fits your persona, [MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION]. Then again perhaps I just haven't seen you in proximity of something you feel strongly enough about to feel it's worth fighting for. The red and blue sides however could represent the duality in personality that we all have, the light and dark so to speak, quite a beautiful metaphor really.
The avatar is in a cold place, obviously, journeying in a fog. The human is carried by a noble creature, strong and surefooted.

Your heart finds itself in a cold place where it cannot see it's way clear to warmth and nurturing. It is only alive for the moment due to the fact some entity with honesty is providing some buoyancy to your heart.

You live outside the world's conception of who you are. You don't follow it's view of what right or wrong (figuratively). You decide what works for you and what doesn't. You occupy your own space adequately and choose not to occupy anothers. You feel the world taking new forms or shapes which make you concerned about the direction it's taking but you feel certain of your place in the world and what you would like to see happen. You are very much about fighting for and correcting personal injustices. You fight for and defend the world from a position which you've created for yourself within and outside of it.
Oh please. Analyze mine! I will tell you it is a picture my son took of my companion and friend, Auriel. He managed to catch her with quite "a look." It cracks me up.
Oh please. Analyze mine! I will tell you it is a picture my son took of my companion and friend, Auriel. He managed to catch her with quite "a look." It cracks me up.

Your son took a picture of your companion and friend, Auriel. He managed to catch her with "quite a look". It cracks you up.

[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] where'd your winged KGAL heart go :(
[MENTION=3072]Majesty[/MENTION]: Death to the Reaper? A humorous look at mortality. I keep thinking "strange loops" when I look at your avatar. Cycles. Bicycles? That requires a frame you seem to mock, though, so perhaps not.
The avatar is in a cold place, obviously, journeying in a fog. The human is carried by a noble creature, strong and surefooted.

Your heart finds itself in a cold place where it cannot see it's way clear to warmth and nurturing. It is only alive for the moment due to the fact some entity with honesty is providing some buoyancy to your heart.

The horse dies a few minutes in.
[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION] You're trying to be zen. I say "trying" because a yellow background does not a zen atmosphere make, especially since yellow is the hardest color for the human eye to process. You think of yourself as somewhat vibrant and intelligent. If you're aware that yellow is the color of love in some eastern cultures, you might be in love and trying to signify that in a roundabout/subtle way. As far as the yin yang symbol goes, you either just like the design, or appreciate/feel the balance between masculine and feminine energies and their relation to life and this "zen" you're most likely trying for.

...I don't know, all of that was probably way off. Have to start somewhere though, right?
@Kgal You're trying to be zen. I say "trying" because a yellow background does not a zen atmosphere make, especially since yellow is the hardest color for the human eye to process. You think of yourself as somewhat vibrant and intelligent. If you're aware that yellow is the color of love in some eastern cultures, you might be in love and trying to signify that in a roundabout/subtle way. As far as the yin yang symbol goes, you either just like the design, or appreciate/feel the balance between masculine and feminine energies and their relation to life and this "zen" you're most likely trying for.

...I don't know, all of that was probably way off. Have to start somewhere though, right?

I looked up the idea about yellow being hardest on the eyes. I was sorry to see it is true when it comes to the computer/media graphical displays. Bummer...
I love the way it makes me feel when I look at it. On some sites the color yellow is believed to uplift people's spirits often evoking the idea of spring time - new life - and of course - energy. .

No...I didn't know yellow was the color of love in some cultures - at least not consciously. Maybe in a past life I knew of this...for I do practice love. :)

I'm not into Zen - I practice the teachings of Buddha, though. They do overlap. So you are really very close...

I absolutely appreciate the yin yan energies often expressed as masculine and feminine!!! :nod:
I am always going on about balance and I look for it everywhere.

You know me toooooo well [MENTION=3801]Jabberwocky[/MENTION]! :tongue:

Thanks for doing this.

I made the decision to retire the tibetan yin yan mandala for now.


  • TibetanYinYangMandalasmall.webp
    30.5 KB · Views: 28
Gentleman relaxing in chair avatar.


Your avatar suggests you are -or wish - you were living in a time from the past. The man looks as if he is a Gentleman of some means. This evokes feelings of safety and calm when I look at it.

He's relaxed, hands clasped in contemplation, sitting in front of a mirror?. It's as if he is having a conversation with himself.

Wait a minute...I can see what looks like reflections of grooming items on the dressing table - but I cannot see his reflection.
Is the mirror too hazy to reflect him? Or is he a ghost of himself and therefore not really there?

You are caught between two parallel universes and keep phasing from one to the other?
I know....You wish you were a time traveler.


This was fun! :)
Your son took a picture of your companion and friend, Auriel. He managed to catch her with "quite a look". It cracks you up.

@Kgal where'd your winged KGAL heart go :(

Your Majesty?

You really missed an opportunity to use your talented imagination to give [MENTION=4576]GracieRuth[/MENTION] an avatar analysis. It's too bad you waste it, sometimes, on innuendos and vague insults...

In fact, your "looks cheesy" remark you made when I proudly showed my winged KGAL heart to you - took some of the smiles out of it. I was saddened because I liked it....Anyway... I took it down and put it in a box for now.

I'm surprised to see you looking for it.
Oh please. Analyze mine! I will tell you it is a picture my son took of my companion and friend, Auriel. He managed to catch her with quite "a look." It cracks me up.

A black cat for a "companion"? Leads me to think you consider yourself a christian pagan** .... perhaps a wiccan witch. Auriel is a name for the Angel of Earth - which again suggests a connection with nature and wiccan philosophy.

Your companion appears to be "smirking". This could represent your sardonic nature. Sarcasm, mocking, cynicism acts are often a cover up for fear of something.
You feel powerless in some area of your life right now....??

Perhaps your cat holds your power for you - until you are ready to fully embrace it.

**Don't laugh. My bf is a christian pagan. She weaves love of the earth, nature, and all creatures with her love of Christ.
mine? :O)

Rough-playful, a little impish. A tenancy to tease from a safe distance, perhaps? You'd like to be perceived as a little feisty or powerful, but you also like for others to like you. That's my silly best guess.
Your Majesty?

You really missed an opportunity to use your talented imagination to give @GracieRuth an avatar analysis. It's too bad you waste it, sometimes, on innuendos and vague insults...

In fact, your "looks cheesy" remark you made when I proudly showed my winged KGAL heart to you - took some of the smiles out of it. I was saddened because I liked it....Anyway... I took it down and put it in a box for now.

I'm surprised to see you looking for it.

I was joking. My avatar is a yellow and pink pony, I'm not much better lol.
I'm sorry about that.
I was joking. My avatar is a yellow and pink pony, I'm not much better lol.
I'm sorry about that.

Ah...ok...Apology accepted!

I'll upload the winged heart as my avatar tomorrow. :)

At least your avatar has very meaningful words - uh - I think? Don't you mean "You have to go through me before you hurt my friends"...?

Stella-I love your avi! :D Yours is so deep, varied and dualistic. There's a certain fearlessness about it, as well as a willingness to explore every shade and nuance, plunging into it all as far as can be plunged. There is some structure, though, in how the exploration is carried out, which adds an odd combination of rigidity and openness.