Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

What about mine :)

Because it is a picture of the outside, it seems like you are a calm and peaceful person. You may like nature, and have a friendly attitude toward people because you believe in harmony among the world.

lets hear it

The expression on your avatar is really comical. You are a humorous person, and may be somewhat playful. You have a positive attitude.

Someone do mine? :3
lets hear it

People see you as withdrawn and quiet, and you'd like them to see your inner bright and gregarious side. Hence the avatar choice. Was I close?

Someone do mine?

Someone do mine? :3

You have a very naive and young looking Asian girl in your avatar, which I interpret as fascination with a certain part of your childhood personality that has grown up and become lost in the grown-up world. You see reality as too harsh, too cold, too wild to fully immerse yourself headfirst so you seek refuge in Asian pop music that puts emphasis on virtues such as naivete, honesty, love, and other things associated with childhood. As a person only recently pushed into the adult-world, this is your defense against reality: much like video gaming, anime, movies, or even partying for some.

Relevant: peur aeternus.
[MENTION=3876]mochi[/MENTION] you like to be contemplative (a very good trait) and half shock/surprise people. you are either asian or adore asians.
Do me do me.

But... but... you don't have an avatar. *mind blown*

No avatar description: You are a mysterious person. You are the type that is satisfied with accomplishing something to be proud of, without any need of recognition or praise. You usually make yourself known to a select group of people you deem as trustworthy and respectable.
Do me do me.


The absence of actual avatar could mean that you just haven't found anything that would thoroughly represent your complex personality. This would imply that you simultaneously have a great need for people to understand you fully and that you are a great perfectionist who might not get that the understanding you seek you might not ever find.

It could also mean that you see yourself as an ever-changing entity, where the rate of the change is so high that you don't have time to find something to represent you truthfully.

Or, there could be a much simpler explanation, you are too lazy to find yourself an avatar. :D

You have a very naive and young looking Asian girl in your avatar, which I interpret as fascination with a certain part of your childhood personality that has grown up and become lost in the grown-up world. You see reality as too harsh, too cold, too wild to fully immerse yourself headfirst so you seek refuge in Asian pop music that puts emphasis on virtues such as naivete, honesty, love, and other things associated with childhood. As a person only recently pushed into the adult-world, this is your defense against reality: much like video gaming, anime, movies, or even partying for some.

Relevant: peur aeternus.

Do I really seem that way?:m142:

A lot of it is accurate, except for the childhood part. I had to grow up faster than most kids do, and I left home pretty young. I am finally back, maybe a reimmersion into childhood? :)

You picked Zeus from Disney's Hercules, so you probably think you've got the body of a Greek god and an ego to match.

I'm kidding. The avatar you chose gives the impression that you sometimes have a silly sense of humor; the cartooniness and association with Disney suggests a child-at-heart. The fact that it IS not just any Disney character, but Zeus himself, suggests someone who sees themselves as a benevolent and kindly leader. You're easy-going and you'll get to a task when you get to it; sometimes the problem is not task itself, but the fact that you might feel you're not challenged enough and thus might procrastinate it to give yourself an extra thrill. You're not interested in getting involved in conflicts and you'll usually let people sort things out on their own--- you have full confidence in them. But if anyone should offend you, your friends or a cause you believe in, you don't hesitate to tighten up those gladiator sandals and put them in their place.


The pastel pink in this avatar suggests a soft feminity and gentle nature. The girl in the photo isn't smiling, however. Her face is rather neutral, looking thoughtful and considering, suggesting that a warm personality on the inside, but a possible hesitance in opening up. (Body language teaches that touching of the face reveals uncertainty and/or guardedness) The heart-balloon indicates an appreciation for human kindness and expression of love, but like a real heart, it is fragile. Too much pressure, or one careless prick, might cause it to burst. The fact that she is holding it out in the open, however, indicates a willingness to connect... but she will proceed with caution. This may be a reflection of your attitude towards relationships with others.

Was I off?

Anyone wanna take a stab at mine?
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You picked Zeus from Disney's Hercules, so you probably think you've got the body of a Greek god and an ego to match.

I'm kidding. The avatar you chose gives the impression that you sometimes have a silly sense of humor; the cartooniness and association with Disney suggests a child-at-heart. The fact that it IS not just any Disney character, but Zeus himself, suggests someone who sees themselves as a benevolent and kindly leader. You're easy-going and you'll get to a task when you get to it; sometimes the problem is not task itself, but the fact that you might feel you're not challenged enough and thus might procrastinate it to give yourself an extra thrill. You're not interested in getting involved in conflicts and you'll usually let people sort things out on their own--- you have full confidence in them. But if anyone should offend you, your friends or a cause you believe in, you don't hesitate to tighten up those gladiator sandals and put them in their place.

The pastel pink in this avatar suggests a soft feminity and gentle nature. The girl in the photo isn't smiling, however. Her face is rather neutral, looking thoughtful and considering, suggesting that a warm personality on the inside, but a possible hesitance in opening up. (Body language teaches that touching of the face reveals uncertainty and/or guardedness) The heart-balloon indicates an appreciation for human kindness and expression of love, but like a real heart, it is fragile. Too much pressure, or an insensitive prick, might cause it to burst. The fact that she is holding it out in the open, however, suggests a willingness to connect... but she will proceed with caution.

Great descriptions! :) You're very good at this. :m200:

Not really, I'm just good at making stuff up and convincing people of being guilty for things they didn't do.

Haha, I see.:m024:
[MENTION=3876]mochi[/MENTION] although you still desire to be a human female, you want to be cute and soft and secretly want to be as much as a real life gigantic ball of mochi as possible

@Siamese_cat you are trying to subtly show your absurd nature. you find the need to be kind, calm, and reliable, and make sure your actions hold meaning. but you also secretly sometimes enjoy doing stupid things with great rapidity.

[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] you are good at reading people, unafraid of others holding high expectations of you. you think big boobz look good.

lol i feel like i'm trying to write horoscopes.

mine pl0x.
[MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION] u r a kitty that likes playing with stuff.

You sometimes wish that life and the way others lead theirs could be a bit more playful and fun, which is the reason for your to some extent shocking statements or behaviour, especially when surrounded by deadly serious crowd of people. You like to say or do something with shock value and observe reactions of people while not disclosing them your intentions and observations most of the time.

You are aware that you must turn your back to the past events and people who should not be by your side while you go into your future, but you are at the same time very curious about their reaction to your going away and not turning back, which is the reason why you are holding a bird, a messenger of sorts as a way to gather information about their reaction and the way things you left are.

Your avatar shows innocence and a sweet interest in the world. You are playful and energetic. Others see you as cute, fun, and enjoyable.

[MENTION=2430]j e s s i e[/MENTION]

You are the type of person who has good taste in guys, haha. :P
Okey, I have no real experience of this, but I'll try anyway.

The colour scheme of your avatar sticks out and attracts the viewer. The woman in the picture looks directly at the viewer, but it looks like she is listening to what the bird whispers in her ear, as if it is about the viewer and that is why she is focusing at you even though the bird sings.There is something in here eyes that feel like there is eye contact, but I still get the feeling that she is distanced. She looks satisfied, giving me the impression that she have already read you, so to say.

I was probably pretty far off.

Edit: another thought
Maybe the bird represent you noticing the viewer, that the little heart represents you noticing someone that interested you and that that is why you're looking at the viewer, reading the viewer.

@Siamese cat
By the style of the picture it looks like it is some kind of slogan or joke during the 50s.
Since you wanted it read I'll just assume that you have some kind of motive as of why you chose it.
The smile in the picture feels false, giving me the impression that the text is meant to be ironic (as if it wasn't already obvious), but maybe it goes farther than that. Maybe you chose your avatar to represent your view of society and its norms, and how you live by them.

Feels a bit far fetched..
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