Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]


I'm assuming it's not random and you put thought into it. Otherwise, it's so random it could be just 'cause you like it. But, you have INFJ down, so I'm going to assume you spent awhile thinking about it.

It's not at all imposing or intrusive, but warm from a distance. Like your picture. You are a light in the dark.

Close! Looks alot like it, too. It's called a Troll Cross. I'm Scandinavian-American. My ancestors were Vikings and they hated trolls. A double entendre for the net. :)
Very similar to Kali, mine is Shiva, lord of destruction and rebirth. The themes are important to me on a personal levels, the destruction of old behaviors, the institutions of new ones, and empowerment in general and on different levels.
'Mysterious, other wordly, traditional' These qualities certainly reflect me.
Someone do mine :D
have at it.
have at it.
A Jacobean styled design, popular in England in the early Elizabethan period - 17th Century.

It is the kind of pattern, mostly in textiles, that was popular when Shakespeare was writing his plays.

The avatar suggests three things:
1. Old world tastes.
2. A 'gentleman's' appreciation for nature, without getting mud on the boots.
3. An enjoyment of the forms of nature depicted in the surreal colours of craft artistry. In other words, an enjoyment of the fusion of nature and artifice.

Ok - mine's next.
Someone do mine :D

A mixture of reality and fantasy. Lover of daydreams. Seen but not seen. Known but not known. Mysterious but grounded. Rooted in nature. Akin to ancient feminine goddesses. That's all I get right now.
Someone do mine :D

A political activist and intellectual dynamo of a woman that brings insurmountable fantasy and imagination to her music and art... without giving a damn.

<3 <3 <3 M.I.A.