Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

Try me? I want to make you hung-- I mean, I just put a new avatar. :D

The outside and inside aren't necessarily the same, like a mask. Something about what the world sees you as and who you really are. There's some kind of difference. Also someone that likes those extra special things in life that make us happy, some of which might be decadent and/or sinful. I'm going by this avatar and the one over the last month.
Please me next!

Masked man. Like the Lone Ranger, Zorro. Penetrating eyes. Looks beneath the surface but not so willing to be seen beneath the surface. Focused. Conservative. Maybe a little cynical? Cartoonish and goofy sometimes, meaning not always serious?
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I change my avatar depending on my mood. But if you can figure out some kind of cohesiveness about them all that'd be interesting.
Analyze mine.

Peppermints Avatar 201205.webp

I see a naked woman who's mind has grown over her eyes and has developed another way to tie into her body.

Her eyes are not visible. As the eyes are often windows to the soul yours are hidden to make sure no one can see into your heart. The woman is naked which draws the average individual's eyes towards her body and away from her face - her eyes.... This helps you remain hidden from them.

The brain's prefrontal cortex is well developed suggesting more intelligence than the majority - even to the point of genius. You hide behind your intellect - your enhanced and brilliant mind.

The brain's extension into the body connotes the mind's willingness to sacrifice the body at the demand of the mind and thought. This woman needs balance to mitigate the addiction to thinking. She needs to eat...to dance....to sing...to paint....to have carnal knowledge of another on a regular basis. :D
I change my avatar depending on my mood. But if you can figure out some kind of cohesiveness about them all that'd be interesting.


Shades of sepia. There is a wistfulness and longing for something more. But a sense of patience for what will come. The mountains in the distance suggest a quiet but firm strength, will, and determination. The cactus in the front indicates a spirit whose endurance, in long, hot humid places like the desert, is outstanding. A possible metaphor for long suffering, and perseverence, in periods of drought, desertion or singleness. Signifying your ability to continue onward, and stand tall, unchanging, unwaivering, despite the rains (that is adversity, difficulty), or anything else. I think you see yourself walking the road alone, knowing that it will often be rough, but worth it when you get to the other side of the mountains. Overall, the picture gives a feeling of peacefulness, patience, and endurance till the end.
Anyone want to take a try at mine?
Try me? I want to make you hung-- I mean, I just put a new avatar. :D


so, we still have a cup cake theme. I think the brown vs. light frosting on the previous avatar says something. I think you are moving into a point in your life, where you're making more serious choices for yourself. I get a sense of deeper and more solid committments and purpose. I think I get this because of the dark chocolate. There is a strong sense of identity which is firmly in tact, even if you may question your interests occasionally. The chocolate icing is rich and provides a strong visual affirmation of your intensity and depth. I get the feeling that anyone approaching should know what you are about, signify, symbolize, and expect. They should get a clear impression of who you are, no bs. From the top to the base, it's a complete package. I get a "this is what you get: take it or leave it" kinda vibe. And of course, the chocolate icing, sweetened flavor, suggests that initially, there is a lighter, very intriguing aspect of your personality which is apparent when someone just meets you, but which later becomes a more serious, sincere, and earnest sense of values and responsibility. So, yeah. :)
The dark ambiance of your avatar indicates that you like to embrace the darker side of yourself so that may bring balance within your psyche? lol
Anyone want to take a try at mine?

A tiny drop of water can change the surface of an entire lake - a natural understanding of change. Almost perfect circles within circles suggest a repetition of sorts, adherence to either routines or traditions, maybe a need for change? One drop of water - the focus is on perfection, details, and the self. There's a lot of responsibility here and scrutinizing of the self and/or from outside sources, maybe both. You chose water which represents adaptability and flexibility; it flows, carves and sustains. It's a power that can be harnessed but not controlled, i.e, energy and floods. Water is many things and has many possibilities and capabilities, but the image only shows one aspect of water which makes me think of the beginning of finding oneself, particularly ones own power source.
Anyone want to take a try at mine?

It regards the power of an individual to create change. But also the dependence of that change upon the environment which it exists in. A drop of water only makes ripples on a still pond. The possibility for change must exist in order for one to exact it. Further, while the drop exerts its change upon the whole, it loses itself in the process. A sacrifice, then, of the self, in order to change the whole.

I would be interested to see what people would say of mine as well.
It regards the power of an individual to create change. But also the dependence of that change upon the environment which it exists in. A drop of water only makes ripples on a still pond. The possibility for change must exist in order for one to exact it. Further, while the drop exerts its change upon the whole, it loses itself in the process. A sacrifice, then, of the self, in order to change the whole.

I would be interested to see what people would say of mine as well.

Sorry, this is so late. Apologies. Your avatar indicates someone who is an observer, watching, someone who is keen about the world, and seems aware. You just don't understand why others don't quite get it as well as you. It's pretty obvious to you what's going on. You don't stress yourself about unimportant things. If you don't know something, you don't make a big issue of it. You prefer to take it easy, and take things as they come.
Try me.
I have much fear that analysis of your parade of charming avatars would only lead to febrile machinations and fumbling finger derived typos.

Please let a cooler head prevail

You're a force to be reckoned with. You have drive and ambition. You will rise to any occasion. You will never be taken down without a fight. You are all woman and all attitude. You will put your all into getting what you desire and you will always look good while doing it.

Hi bio, Sorry this is late.


Your avatars are always sexy and adventurous. I think one of the most common themes in your avatars are freedom, independence, and no restraint. There's a willful desire to never be contained or imprisoned by anyone else's wants or expectations. You're never going to ask permission to have what you want. Rather, you will assert yourself. You require no one's approval or acknowledgement. What you see is what you get. There's a take it or leave it vibe. No one get's to restrain you unless they have your permission. There's also a side of you which highly values the feminine in who you are. In other words, you don't see sexual freedom, independence, and femininity as mutually exclusive, although others may try insist otherwise. The ball is always in your court. You like to be in control, have dominance. The people who know you, and care for you admire that aspect of you, and would not try to change this about you. Anyone who tries to control, manipulate, or restrain you, will get a get a kick in the arse for thinking it. You're also no-nonsense, take no prisoners approach to the world. People are either in or out with you. You are very clear about what you want, and where you stand. Tough to change your mind.
Also, anyone wants to try mine? I chose it but I'm still not sure why but it connects with me on some level. Open to analysis.


You're a bada*s mofo.

The wide stance of the legs suggests confidence, a firm footing, strength. There is healthy aggression balanced with femininity. An appreciation for aesthetics.

Also, what Anywhere But Here said: triangle=Illuminati.
Also, anyone wants to try mine? I chose it but I'm still not sure why but it connects with me on some level. Open to analysis.


Whenever I see your avatar I think strength, a warrior. The way it's cropped gives a sense of distance, of preferring to remain anonymous in some aspects.

A distant warrior, a quiet, strong sentinel of sorts. There is depth, a well of passion that seems bridled but very present in your gaze.
I sense a little sadness in the eye of the warrior, but get the feeling this is the only place that emotion might be visible. Hidden in the eyes.