Let's talk about women in powerplay

Okay. Point taken. Is it really true as a generality? In my culture, women are often projected as pink and soft and caring and nurturing and curvy to be attractive. Power women are rendered single and goddesslike. not that that historically my culture hasn't tolerated power women, it has.

The discussion about what power is and how it is perceived is an entirely different one
The discussion about what power is and how it is perceived is an entirely different one


I do have a question, is it true that the soft pink nurturing woman is also rendered as generally attractive?

(Apologies, please, if I am in any way coming off as too intense. Please, please know that I am just randomly typing without so much as overthinking my sentence structures.)

I do have a question, is it true that the soft pink nurturing woman is also rendered as generally attractive?

(Apologies, please, if I am in any way coming off as too intense. Please, please know that I am just randomly typing without so much as overthinking my sentence structures.)

It would depend on many things, culture, perception, other elements of attraction

I do have a question, is it true that the soft pink nurturing woman is also rendered as generally attractive?

(Apologies, please, if I am in any way coming off as too intense. Please, please know that I am just randomly typing without so much as overthinking my sentence structures.)
Personally, I don't think pink is an attractive colour, but I can see how someone would. Also, "goddesslike" sounds very attractive to me, lol
It would depend on many things, culture, perception, other elements of attraction

As a generality, nurturing is one of the aspects most sought after by men, I think

This went down a weird path. Also while getting caught up this ad appeared:
Okay, trying to bring us back to around to topic.

I may have told this story before, and I apologize as I don't intend to overwhelm others with multiple reiterations of the same event:

My first programming job while still in college was working in the evenings for a small engineering firm that ran government contracts. The owner had a wife who was a physician he loved to brag about. He claimed he was all for equal rights for women, and had no problem hiring me as one as I came highly recommended by the team I was a summer intern for (one of his clients). I was paid reasonably well for a kid in school and got to make my own hours.

When I graduated from school he called me in the office and offered me a full time position. With no other options on the table I accepted and thought nothing more of it for a year. About a year later the office administrator had her review and received a less than expected raise. She had it out with the owner, during which my name came up. Apparently I was being paid near half of what the other developers were being paid (5 other men, and I had more experience in the software than 2 of those men who were also recent grads). His response: "Women are not professionals and can NOT be paid the same."

I found a new job within a month of that. He attempted to keep my onboard by offering a 25% raise, still below what the others were making if the office manager was right, and I'm sure she was as she knew the numbers.
Gender inequality and double standards are all over the place, played for their advantages by both sexes.

I think an intractable problem with feminism is that it doesn't want to challenge any of the traditional advantages of being female in the name of equality, but then I suppose that it's not the job of an advocacy movement to do that. This in itself is a problem because it encourages an oppositional dynamic between the sexes which in turn feeds the whole 'gender wars' thing that we currently have going.

I find it really quite sad sometimes because I tend to think that men love women, and women love men, and most of the actual bitterness is generated from some other extrinsic realities mostly to do with how we're fucking up the division of labour.

Anyway... men should get paid more because they burn more calories doing real work at work and so they have to spend more on food ;)
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Gender inequality and double standards are all over the place, played for their advantages by both sexes.

I think an intractable problem with feminism is that it doesn't want to challenge any of the traditional advantages of being female in the name of equality, but then I suppose that it's not the job of an advocacy movement to do that. This in itself is a problem because it encourages an oppositional dynamic between the sexes which in turn feeds the whole 'gender wars' thing that we currently have going.

I find it really quite sad sometimes because I tend to think that men love women, and women love men, and most of the actual bitterness is generated from some other extrinsic realities mostly to do with how we're fucking up the division of labour.

Anyway... men should get paid more because they burn more calories doing real work at work and so they have to spend more on food ;)
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I am laughing so hard.

Men love women and women do love men, and so the Beatles song goes, all we need is love. Love is all we need.

Anyway, in my extrinsic reality, I am paid more. :tonguewink:
Gender inequality and double standards are all over the place, played for their advantages by both sexes.

I think an intractable problem with feminism is that it doesn't want to challenge any of the traditional advantages of being female in the name of equality, but then I suppose that it's not the job of an advocacy movement to do that. This in itself is a problem because it encourages an oppositional dynamic between the sexes which in turn feeds the whole 'gender wars' thing that we currently have going.

I find it really quite sad sometimes because I tend to think that men love women, and women love men, and most of the actual bitterness is generated from some other extrinsic realities mostly to do with how we're fucking up the division of labour.

Anyway... men should get paid more because they burn more calories doing real work at work and so they have to spend more on food ;)
View attachment 55599
LOL! Women need to be paid better to feed their 6'2" tall boys at home that they're raising alone.

I'm trying to think of a traditional advantage women have over men and they're all escaping me.
Making dinner, raising kids, cleaning the house, paying the bills, calling the insurance companies, running errands... those type of traditional?
Or, do you mean the ones where a man holds a door for a lady? Because I have no problem holding a door open for anyone coming or going and often do.

Oh. Got it! Yeah, we live longer so should be paid better than men as we have to support ourselves longer.
LOL! Women need to be paid better to feed their 6'2" tall boys at home that they're raising alone.

I'm trying to think of a traditional advantage women have over men and they're all escaping me.
Making dinner, raising kids, cleaning the house, paying the bills, calling the insurance companies, running errands... those type of traditional?
Or, do you mean the ones where a man holds a door for a lady? Because I have no problem holding a door open for anyone coming or going and often do.

Oh. Got it! Yeah, we live longer so should be paid better than men as we have to support ourselves longer.

Only we can breastfeed. They gotta pay us better. Formula milk is so dang expensive.