Let's talk about women in powerplay | INFJ Forum

Let's talk about women in powerplay


Mar 31, 2018
Let's talk about feminism in the workplace or in clear career paths. Any topic is welcome, but to start:

Would you consider yourself a feminist? Why or why not?


Feminist or not, tell us a story that you know which highlights either the oppression of women in the workplace, the disadvantages of being a woman in the workplace, the opportunities, the gains. Regardless what industry or field you're from, I'm interested to know your story.
I like to think I'm a gender equalist but in a room full of testosterone that can't help to talk about women in an objectifying manner, i can't help but be a feminist. Actually scratch that. Each gender has its strengths and weaknesses. Even in a room full of sexist men, an attractive and/or intelligent woman can turn tables. Behind every successful man is a woman. True or false?
Let's talk about feminism in the workplace or in clear career paths. Any topic is welcome, but to start:

Would you consider yourself a feminist?
Unfortunately yes.

Why or why not?
Because women and men should have equal rights.

Feminist or not, tell us a story that you know which highlights either the oppression of women in the workplace, the disadvantages of being a woman in the workplace, the opportunities, the gains. Regardless what industry or field you're from, I'm interested to know your story.
I don't know.

I once interned at a majority-woman company. Honestly, it wasn't too bad. I just talked about watches, nature, and did my job.
Good for you. But why can't men help but talk about women like sex objects? Even when they're equals...
I don't think this is a man-specific phenomenon. Plenty of women speak of men as sex-objects, especially in private.
I'm a feminist in the sense that I believe in a woman's right to choose her lifestyle, appearance, gender expression, and to hold dominion over her own body. I'm also a feminist in the sense that I'm aware that patriarchal society puts undue pressure on men and boys and that the sexist door swings both ways. But... I struggle with the label as its presented in the current social conscious. I'm not a card-carrying feminist in that it colours my everyday experience and that I see everything through a lens of inequality, trying to measure out how many 'sticks' each side gets. Given the current political and cultural atmosphere, I kind of roll my eyes at most -isms because I believe in depolarizing society rather than fueling people's obsessions and inclination to pitchfork.
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I'm a feminist in the sense that I believe in a woman's right to choose her lifestyle, appearance, gender expression, and to hold dominion over her own body. I'm a feminist in the sense that I'm also aware that patriarchal society puts undo pressure on men and boys and that the sexist door swings both ways. But... I struggle with the label as its presented in the current social conscious. I'm not a card-carrying feminist in that it colours my everyday experience and that I see everything through a lens of inequality, trying to measure out how many 'sticks' each side gets. Given the current political and cultural atmosphere, I kind of roll my eyes at most -isms because I believe in depolarizing society rather than fueling people's obsessions and inclination to pitchfork.

Exactly! Actually I'm just pissed because remember that senior dinner? Well they were all men. It went well for me anyway but I couldn't help but notice how they tended to discuss women as if trophies or jewels to their egoes. Sorry. I've been to a lot of these soirees and meetings and men in my society (who are usually the ones up the ladder) always tend to talk of women this way. I laugh it off. Tolerant. It's cultural. But honestly it's annoying especially when they're not even a catch to begin with.

Exactly! Actually I'm just pissed because remember that senior dinner? Well they were all men. It went well for me anyway but I couldn't help but notice how they tended to discuss women as if trophies or jewels to their egoes. Sorry. I've been to a lot of these soirees and meetings and men in my society (who are usually the ones up the ladder) always tend to talk of women this way. I laugh it off. Tolerant. It's cultural. But honestly it's annoying especially when they're not even a catch to begin with.

I shy away from labels and generalizations. I have used them in the past to create distance from people I didn't like, or to tell myself that I was better than others. I don't really like any -isms today. Closest I have today is preference for minimalism where it makes sense.

I try to see us all as equal and on our own personal journeys that mature and evolve at different rates. I'm not blind to sexism and I dislike it. That culture that you describe as a woman I dislike inversely as man. I don't see people as objects and always hated the "locker room" talk that happens when women are out of ear shot. I feel like a sexual accomplice that is getting roped into substantiating a wrong view which I don't share.