just me
Well-known member
- infj

The way I look at it, people are all different. We may have the same structures in many ways, but we still have our differences. Some people excel over others, not saying it is all natural. We might spend our lives trying to attain excellency in many ways, which comes from years of hard work and devotion. If a woman takes a world record from a man, we don't really notice the old record at the time. We witness perfection from years of someone devoted to win this. We don't look at how many times she failed or fell, we look at the perfection finally achieved. We praise her as a competitor, though there are some who praise her as a woman.
This may be normal for those, to try and praise her because she is a woman. She is young, strong, agile, beautiful, and now elated with happiness. She celebrates with the parents she loves, always, first. What a gift to the world. Are men falling behind? No, as we have witnessed an action by her that exceeded them all in perfection. Her personality is like a star in the sky. Our spirits cheered her on to her victory. We celebrated with her. Why do we have the propensity to say, "What a woman"? Why would we say, "Men are falling behind in society"? All of us do not socialize with the same people, or the same amount of people.
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