I don't agree with the doom and gloom assessment, but it's definitely a downward trend for a while which has already been going on as you said.
copywritten and wrote 35 to 40 years ago
"The Road of Pain"
I've walked along the road of pain
Each time I step, the more I gain
I learn more with each step I take
My mind has taken in the wake
The shadows from the trees of doom
Block out the light, I walk in gloom
I look around and no one's there
Yet, all the voices I can hear
Despondency now rules the road
It seems that pain is my abode
I walk alone, although I feel
So many others at my heal
My hands now grab the road of pain
My knees enlist the pale terrain
The more I hurt, the more I crawl
The tears I held back start to fall
And now I fall upon my face
I cry aloud in my disgrace
Oh Lord, please help me stand upright
For I have tried with all my might
Please take away this road of pain
Please send to us the latter rain
For I returned unto the dirt
My pride is gone, my feelings hurt
I know I'm dirty in your eyes
My youthful sins I now despise
Believe me, Lord, I'd rather die
Than look at You and live a lie
Take me away, that they might live
Show them the mercy that You give
The road of pain and I are one
I've fallen and I will not run
What is it that You ask of me
Open my eyes that I might see
I'm rising up above the pain
Yet many millions still remain
So now I see, they live in gloom
Surrounded by the trees of doom
I must go back, I cannot leave
Don't take me Lord, I feel bereaved
I love those on the road of pain
And if I have to, I'll remain
I know you love me, I'm your son
I know I'm not the only one
So please forgive them, they can't see
And if you hurt them, please hurt me
I love those on the road of pain
I pray Your mercy they will gain jm