The Four World Theory: Not to Alarm You, but You’re Going to Die

Really interesting stuff. I've had conversations with other people on the cycle of extinction and the emergence of new species. And it often doesn't go well. It's hard to accept just how small a part we play. So people either get angry and say it's stupid to dwell on it, or reject the possibility that we're not all that special.

It's why I'm a bit suspicious at any belief system which puts the importance of human destiny to the forefront. We're capable of many great things, but we've only been around for a few hundred thousand years. Which is a very short period of time. The universe has got on just fine without us and it will continue to do so when we're no more.

I know it can be a bit depressing, but I don't see it that way. Like the article said, it's neither a glass half empty or half full thing. It simply is the way of things. It can even be freeing, make you see how all the bullshit you buy into every day is meaningless. And that you need to find a way of being that's true to you.

Reminds me of a quote from Watchmen:

A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts.
-Dr Manhattan​
Really interesting stuff. I've had conversations with other people on the cycle of extinction and the emergence of new species. And it often doesn't go well. It's hard to accept just how small a part we play. So people either get angry and say it's stupid to dwell on it, or reject the possibility that we're not all that special.

It's why I'm a bit suspicious at any belief system which puts the importance of human destiny to the forefront. We're capable of many great things, but we've only been around for a few hundred thousand years. Which is a very short period of time. The universe has got on just fine without us and it will continue to do so when we're no more.

I know it can be a bit depressing, but I don't see it that way. Like the article said, it's neither a glass half empty or half full thing. It simply is the way of things. It can even be freeing, make you see how all the bullshit you buy into every day is meaningless. And that you need to find a way of being that's true to you.

Reminds me of a quote from Watchmen:

A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts.
-Dr Manhattan

Yes! "....find a way of Being that's true for You". .... and we need to live in a world that will allow that to flourish. :)
Fun stuff from my world of lightworkers about the Merkaba! :)

The Sacred Star Rises

May 2016
Energy Forecast Beautiful friend, How good it is to know that we have the opportunity to connect in this way. There's a lot for us to catch up on, so let's get right to it. The Sacred Star Rises On April 15, 2016 at 1:11 pm ET / 6:11 pm GMT (World Time), a global unconditional love healing activation took place at the United Nations building, so that peace and compassion could sweep over the planet in a very real and palpable way. Little did we know that much more than that was about to occur. During the healing activation, a sleeping giant awakened, known as the Merkaba of humanity. More on that in just a moment. Although the ground zero (middle point) of the global healing activation took place at the United Nations, it was the support of thousands of Lightworkers, Way-Showers, Healers, and Empaths from around the world that ensured the full awakening of the sacred Merkaba (also known as the Ascension Star) in the consciousness of humanity.
This was unprecedented, because up until April 15, the Merkaba (or Mer-Ka-Ba) of most of humanity had lain dormant and nonfunctional, due to the fact that most people were still operating from the mind, rather than the heart. This has now changed, and I'll share why a bit later in the forecast.

What is the Mer-Ka-Ba? The word Mer-Ka-Ba comes from the ancient Egyptian term for Lightbody: Mer is Light, Ka is spirit, and Ba is body. The Mer-Ka-Ba is an electro-magnetic field, shaped in a uniquely configured pattern of sacred geometry.
This energy field is found in all living things in Creation. Its pattern is formed in the shape of a star tetrahedron—a three-dimensional, eight-pointed star in the shape of two pyramids, one inside the other.
One of the main roles of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to align the mind, body, and heart. This alignment then allows the Merkaba to serve as the vehicle that transports the Spirit and the body into higher states of existence and higher dimensions. This usually manifests in several ways.

The Mer-Ka-Ba is often awakened through specific, dedicated meditative breathing methods and mindfulness-expanding practices. It can also be awakened through consistent acts and thoughts of pure love, service, compassion, acceptance, integrity, and kindness. The Self would also be included as one of the recipients of these gifts. The Merkaba is the manifestation of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within all living things. The Merkaba also balances the Feminine and Masculine energy within all living things, creating an environment for a peaceful existence, which then becomes each being's default vibrational setting. It enables us to experience expanded states of awareness, and restores the full remembering of who we are as Spiritual Beings. Even though each living being has its own Merkaba, together we also have a collective Merkaba.

Together, on April 15, 2016, thousands of us awakened the Merkaba of humanity. Humanity's Merkaba When the collective Merkaba is dormant, no matter how much of our time we dedicate to our spiritual practice, more often than not, it still feels quite challenging, like we're climbing a tall mountain. But now that together we have awakened humanity's Merkaba, more and more people around the world will awaken to the truth of who they really are. This will make it much easier for us to expand our own individual consciousness, remain steadfast in our spiritual practice, share our spiritual gifts openly, and feel more connected to our Higher Self than ever before. To those who are quite spiritual, this is the "Holy Grail" we often hear about from the ancient texts: "As above, so below." In addition, the fear that the collective has been choosing to take part in will take a major backseat over the coming days, months, and years, as a result of humanity's awakened Merkaba. As this happens, feeling connected to our Spirit and to one another, and practicing acts of compassion for all of life, will take center stage. Instead of just going through the mundane motions of the old day-to-day patterns of life, to just "get by," our desire and motivation to feel truly alive will emerge at the forefront. Many of us are already feeling this now, and it's just the beginning! Can you imagine what the world will look like when people actually start choosing to feel alive through natural means, rather than numbing themselves through outdated patterns of fear and victim consciousness? This is BIG. It will collectively move us even more quickly in the direction of holistic, organic, transparent, green living.

How did all of this happen? Each person who was able to be physically present at the April 15 event at the United Nations served as an ambassador of peace and compassion on behalf of all humanity. Each person who attended became a surrogate for the thousands of people around the world who joined us in Spirit at the exact time of the global healing activation. Those who joined us in Spirit held the space of the "compassionate observer," serving as the I AM presence, and anchoring nourishing and healing vibrations of compassion, unconditional love, and acceptance for all of humanity, including themselves. The observers acknowledged that humanity has simply done the best that it could with the amount of awareness that it has had over time. Those who served as compassionate observers may have felt an overwhelming sense of joy, and may have been moved to tears due to the amount of Love and Life being poured into our collective consciousness at that moment. Those of us who were physically present at the United Nations combined our energies to form an energetic global Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness grid. ("Christ" as in the original Greek word christos, meaning "crystalline" or Light-based consciousness.) We began by looking into each other's eyes and affirming the following: "I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. On behalf of humanity, I am so sorry that you may have ever felt otherwise. I see you, I love you, and I know who you really are. Thank you for seeing, loving, and knowing who I really am. We are One family. And so it is!" We made sure to include all of our multidimensional selves from past, present, and future. We also included all of our ancestors, guides, and Beings of Light in service to the Law of One on all levels, lifetimes, and languages. The word "healing" in that moment became an understatement, as to what began taking place. We then each visualized ourselves lovingly holding a miniature Earth in our hands, the size of a basketball. These mini-Earths acted as surrogates to our actual Earth. We then visualized these mini-Earths being drenched with unconditional love and compassion from our heart space. We saw this love from our heart as represented by the Pink Crystal Light of the Divine Feminine, and the Emerald Green Crystal Light of the Divine Masculine. We saw these luminous lights radiate outwards from our hearts, braiding themselves together and saturating every cell, fiber, and molecule of the Earths in our hands, and of every living being inhabiting the Earth.
We then held hands and merged our visions together, to anchor them into One unified Light field of Unconditional Love and Christ Consciousness. We affirmed that the heart and mind of every being on the planet now be fully restored to their most pristine and awakened state, in the highest and most Divine timing for them. During this part of the global healing activation, many of us could feel the Earth beneath us move. Mind you, we were in a tall skyscraper, and I will share the significance of that shortly. The amount of love in the room was very thick and palpable to everyone there. Something even deeper than what we had at first intended had just occurred, though no one could really put their finger on it ... yet. Amazing Synchronicities After the global healing activation was completed, many synchronicities began to occur. I will share the biggest one with you.
The following day, at my next healing event in New York City, one of our "peace and compassion" ambassadors who had attended the U.N. event shared the following with me. As she is a local, she mentioned that Manhattan itself is actually a sacred vortex, because of the magnetic crystals underneath the city. She mentioned that the only way that the land is able to sustain so many tall buildings, like no other city in the world can, is because of these powerful crystals underneath it. Many of us know that crystals are amplifiers of energy. But we hadn't realized that they would amplify our energy!

The "goose bump" moment came when that day, several of the guests who had also attended the U.N. event were mentioning the dreams they'd had the night before. Several of them were freaking each other out, because they were finding that they had all had similar dreams.
Now, I wouldn't usually get too involved in a conversation taking place among guests at an event, but I quickly realized that what they were sharing was almost exactly what I had seen and experienced in my own dreams the night before!The shared dream/vision the five of us had had (and none of us had ever met before that day) was of a golden, sacred geometric, grid-like veil that came down from the sky and anchored itself over the whole planet, falling gently down upon the Earth and covering it like a golden blanket.The way they were describing this grid-like veil was right in alignment with what I had seen in my own dream.The pattern of this grid was in the shape of a star tetrahedron—the three-dimensional, eight-pointed star made from the combining of two pyramids.
A Merkaba!Holy moly! We all freaked out with excitement and acted like little kids for a bit, giving each other the biggest hugs I think I've ever experienced.I knew that this was the confirmation I needed to fully understand what had taken place the day before, at the United Nations event. It still blows my mind to think about it.

There were a few other confirmations and synchronicities, but this one was the most relevant and specific to the awakening of humanity's Merkaba. Connecting with the Merkaba If you would like to connect even more with the energies of the Merkaba, so that it can support your continued spiritual expansion, I recommend printing out a picture of one that you really enjoy, and looking at it several times a day. You could also put this picture underneath your bed, so that its energies are present, lifting and expanding your own energies as you sleep. There are also Merkaba pedants and other fun 3D version of them that you can wear or have in your home. The After Effects and the Five Retrogrades Of course, when the collective timeline shifts in significant ways, such as what took place on April 15, the after effects are not always a matter of rainbows and butterflies. The integration period can sometimes feel challenging, because the mind is being asked to literally stretch out of its previous patterns. So if the past few weeks have been challenging for you, know that you are simply being expanded. We also have five planets in retrograde right now, giving us the opportunity to completely shed the illusions and triggers that no longer serve our highest good. I will share a quick overview of what planets are currently in retrograde, and what that means for us: Jupiter – Jupiter is in retrograde until May 9. Since Jupiter is all about wealth, and being in our power, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of lack and of giving our power away that we may still be engaged in. Mercury – Mercury is in retrograde until May 22. Since Mercury is all about communication, this retrograde may be bringing up opportunities for us to look at and heal any patterns of not communicating enough, or of communicating in ways that are not aligned with the most authentic, honest part of ourselves. The key to moving through Mercury in retrograde is to speak the truth with kindness and compassion. If it is not expressed in this way, then the way we deliver or speak is probably something that we would want to look at and heal. Mars – Mars is in retrograde until June 29. Mars is often associated with turbulence and combat, yet a more expanded perspective would be to see it as a type of fiery passion. This means that during a retrograde, triggers that have been beneath the surface of our close relationships could come to light right now, so that they can be healed and resolved once and for all. The key to moving through Mars retrograde is to completely let go of pride, and to be open and vulnerable with those closest to us. SaturnSaturn is in retrograde until August 13. Saturn is often associated with karma. This means that during a retrograde, we are receiving almost a double dose of karmic intensity. This doesn't necessarily have to be a challenging experience, if we allow ourselves to put out into the world the kind of energy we would like to receive back. The effects will be pretty immediate, in terms of how we experience the world around us, because our world is simply a reflection of how we choose to see and treat ourselves. Pluto – Pluto is in retrograde until September 26. Pluto is often associated with transformation. This means that during a retrograde, we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves and make a new start. Big breakthroughs will be the theme, especially on a personal level. We can experience these breakthroughs by remaining flexible, engaged, and focused on the inner guidance that leads us to take inspired action. This is the time to fully invest our energy in healing ourselves, and to introduce innovative concepts into our lives, so that greater fulfillment and expansion can occur. Phew, that's a lot of retrogrades! However, once Jupiter moves out of retrograde on May 9, it will lighten the energies significantly, especially in conjunction with the effects of the other four planetary retrogrades. Doors that felt closed will open up, and greater ease and abundance will show up for those who have been doing the inner work, helping them to let go of the need to identify with a lack mentality. Overall, so much expansion is happening right now, for all of us. Drink lots of water, take good care of yourself, and know that you are loved beyond measure. Till next time, Peace and progress, Emmanuel
Make yourself at home on my website, and feel free to browse around to see if there's anything else that you may resonate with or find support in.

©2009-2016 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
Interesting stuff. I see myself as more of an apatheist when it comes to deities. Whether there is one or not, I don't care. I have no desire to worship a god, real or fake. Just as I don't need one to give my life meaning or comfort me when life gets hard. It was one of the biggest problems I had with Christianity.

Unless by god, you're using an atypical definition. Such as seeing god as an alternative meaning for interconnecting consciousness or as the spark that begun the creation of the universe. That, I don't have such huge problems with.

You got my sentiments with the last part.

On the topic of god.... more from the lighworker world. I love it!

[h=5]Nora Herold[/h]24 mins ·

Here is Yeshua on the manipulation of their story offering a different narrative on the whole "Jesus" thing. This was from "Your Divine Uniqueness" which is being rebroadcast today

"We want to share with you all just a little bit of information of who we are, the Yeshua Collective, and the story that you all run there about one man named Jesus, and how we, and you, are all much more than that.
Approximately 2000 years ago on your world, a group of beings arrived to change the dynamics and the power structure that had been ongoing on Earth for eons.
For eons you had many different extraterrestrial beings and other kinds of beings from other realms and dimensions inhabiting your Earth in the guise of gods and goddesses wreaking havoc, playing power games with the Earthlings and the humanoids and all life on Earth.
These beings often were in conflict with each other and were warring with each other at the same time. And at a certain point in time, the mess that was being played out on Earth created such a disruption that there were universal ramifications. So, the Yeshua Collective was formed and sent to Earth to put an end to that extraterrestrial interference and manipulation, and to help you all access the truth that you are Sovereign, you are God–the truth of One God meaning all are God–the truth of Oneness.
We came, we taught, we helped to shift, we performed what appeared to be miracles–because the consciousness was accepting of miracles because you witnessed so many amazing things occur because of the ETs that had been interacting with you all–and we helped to change the narrative on your world away from the idea of the many gods and goddesses to One God, One Being.
There were beings on Earth, and the ETs, who didn’t enjoy that their game was coming to an end so they created some resistance, and in that resistance there was some persecution of some of us that were incarnate, although many of us left. Many of us who just either got on our ships or took our bodies out of the third dimension. There were a few who stayed who were persecuted, thus the Jesus story was born.
What occurred a few hundred years later is our original information, that original narrative of One God–You are all God, We are all God–was taken, rewritten, and changed to: There is one God OUTSIDE of you–that monotheistic idea of a bigger being running the show. That was changed by the Illuminati and Annunaki powers that were still present on Earth.
Many of you participated in that adventure back then.

We’re all back here now to reimplement the truth that all are Source Energy, there is no separation, there is no other being named God.
In fact, the word “God” is something you’re all, collectively, going to find yourselves finally releasing completely from your vocabulary and your consciousness as you adopt an idea and an understanding of yourselves as Love Incarnate, Source Energy."
Really interesting stuff. I've had conversations with other people on the cycle of extinction and the emergence of new species. And it often doesn't go well. It's hard to accept just how small a part we play. So people either get angry and say it's stupid to dwell on it, or reject the possibility that we're not all that special.

It's why I'm a bit suspicious at any belief system which puts the importance of human destiny to the forefront. We're capable of many great things, but we've only been around for a few hundred thousand years. Which is a very short period of time. The universe has got on just fine without us and it will continue to do so when we're no more.

I know it can be a bit depressing, but I don't see it that way. Like the article said, it's neither a glass half empty or half full thing. It simply is the way of things. It can even be freeing, make you see how all the bullshit you buy into every day is meaningless. And that you need to find a way of being that's true to you.

Reminds me of a quote from Watchmen:

A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts.
-Dr Manhattan

It is interesting...
I wonder if there is some way that these stories were interpreted by our ancestors, as either passing through certain stages of consciousness until we are where we are now currently, and perhaps we are moving into a new stage of consciousness? Or they are stories representing our consciousness being reincarnated each time life on Earth was wiped out by some cataclysm maybe?
Just fun things to think about.
I’m pretty sure our consciousness survives death in some way...I won’t know for sure until I die, but I’ve had things that lead me to think that way.
Not intangible things either...but you know this about me already.
Just because I am an INFJ doesn’t mean that I am not a very logical thinker when I want/need to be also...just as you actually do have Fe despite your protests otherwise.

“In the end only three things matter:
how much you loved,
how gently you lived,
and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you."


I love it when that happens...​
It is interesting...
I wonder if there is some way that these stories were interpreted by our ancestors, as either passing through certain stages of consciousness until we are where we are now currently, and perhaps we are moving into a new stage of consciousness? Or they are stories representing our consciousness being reincarnated each time life on Earth was wiped out by some cataclysm maybe?
Just fun things to think about.
I’m pretty sure our consciousness survives death in some way...I won’t know for sure until I die, but I’ve had things that lead me to think that way.
Not intangible things either...but you know this about me already.
Just because I am an INFJ doesn’t mean that I am not a very logical thinker when I want/need to be also...just as you actually do have Fe despite your protests otherwise.

I hope you're right. I'd hate to lose everything I've learned throughout life. It'd feel like such a waste.

I never meant to suggest otherwise. You've always struck me as a very logical thinker. You rarely present a belief without some form of evidence to back it up, and always try to understand different positions of an argument. I mean, you worked as a surgeon, a field where critical thinking is paramount.
And of course I have Fe, I'm 37% iron.
I hope you're right. I'd hate to lose everything I've learned throughout life. It'd feel like such a waste.

I never meant to suggest otherwise. You've always struck me as a very logical thinker. You rarely present a belief without some form of evidence to back it up, and always try to understand different positions of an argument. I mean, you worked as a surgeon, a field where critical thinking is paramount.
And of course I have Fe, I'm 37% iron.

If life does just blink out when we die then what would you do differently with yourself and your life? Why would it be a waste?
Everything has an effect on everything else, or everyone else.
It’s people discussing things like gay rights (for instance), that has lead to a huge 180 in the way that they are viewed in the Western world, and I have seen that in my lifetime, I like to think that I helped change a few minds back in the late 90’s when I would defend my brother and friends I had who were gay...I think that it’s those things that leave a showable difference you have made that wasn’t a waste...but that doesn’t even count the other times when you effected someone unbeknownst to you, which is probably innumerable, as are the tiniest of effects we make as well.
...I’m pretty sure our consciousness survives death in some way...I won’t know for sure until I die, but I’ve had things that lead me to think that way.Not intangible things either...

I'm sorry for butting into a discussion, but this is a topic that has really been on my mind lately. Reading a lot and thinking about it constantly. I keep wondering why, if death is not the end of everything for us, do we so intuitively avoid it for as long as possible (at least most of us)? Is our intuition wrong? I'm really sorry if this seems stupid/simplistic, but this question keeps pestering me.
I'm sorry for butting into a discussion, but this is a topic that has really been on my mind lately. Reading a lot and thinking about it constantly. I keep wondering why, if death is not the end of everything for us, do we so intuitively avoid it for as long as possible (at least most of us)? Is our intuition wrong? I'm really sorry if this seems stupid/simplistic, but this question keeps pestering me.

People fear death because they tend to fear the unknown.
If life does just blink out when we die then what would you do differently with yourself and your life? Why would it be a waste?
Everything has an effect on everything else, or everyone else.
It’s people discussing things like gay rights (for instance), that has lead to a huge 180 in the way that they are viewed in the Western world, and I have seen that in my lifetime, I like to think that I helped change a few minds back in the late 90’s when I would defend my brother and friends I had who were gay...I think that it’s those things that leave a showable difference you have made that wasn’t a waste...but that doesn’t even count the other times when you effected someone unbeknownst to you, which is probably innumerable, as are the tiniest of effects we make as well.

I didn't mean my life would have been a waste in the way you're suggesting. There's a lot of focus on making an impact on the world before you go, but the fact is you can't help but to make an impact. Your very existence changes the lives of hundreds of people, probably thousands. So I don't think it's possible to live a life without meaning.

It's more everything I've learned, all the ways I've grown and changed would be a waste. All the understanding and knowledge I've worked so hard to gain would just blink out of existence. Maybe it would live on in other people, but the fact is I'm selfish. I'd prefer for my consciousness to live on with the knowledge instead.
I didn't mean my life would have been a waste in the way you're suggesting. There's a lot of focus on making an impact on the world before you go, but the fact is you can't help but to make an impact. Your very existence changes the lives of hundreds of people, probably thousands. So I don't think it's possible to live a life without meaning.

It's more everything I've learned, all the ways I've grown and changed would be a waste. All the understanding and knowledge I've worked so hard to gain would just blink out of existence. Maybe it would live on in other people, but the fact is I'm selfish. I'd prefer for my consciousness to live on with the knowledge instead.

Find a protégé. That way you can pass on all that you learn and you are covered whether death is the big sleep or an amazing journey. Socrates himself, before facing death pondered the issue of what happens after death. He said fearing death is foolhardy. Either it resembles the most sound sleep you have ever experienced without dreaming, or you go on to bigger and better things via an afterlife. It's win win. And to quote Sam Harris, "you don't get anything worth getting when you pretend to know things you can't know." Regardless of what happens after death, it doesn't really effect how I live. I am of course curious, but there are many questions we ask where knowing the answers doesn't change how you live. And isn't how you live, as in ethics, important regardless of the various issues we ponder like death, afterlife, free will, the self, spirituality, karma, aliens, the future, metaphysics, etc. I feel at some point you have to take a break from seeking to simply live and be happy. That is why curiosity can be both a blessing and a curse. Don't worry be happy and be here now. Simple, but not easy. I want to know the truth. But as a human is that even possible? Am I not setting myself up to be continually frustrated? People be crazy yo.
Find a protégé. That way you can pass on all that you learn and you are covered whether death is the big sleep or an amazing journey. Socrates himself, before facing death pondered the issue of what happens after death. He said fearing death is foolhardy. Either it resembles the most sound sleep you have ever experienced without dreaming, or you go on to bigger and better things via an afterlife. It's win win. And to quote Sam Harris, "you don't get anything worth getting when you pretend to know things you can't know." Regardless of what happens after death, it doesn't really effect how I live. I am of course curious, but there are many questions we ask where knowing the answers doesn't change how you live. And isn't how you live, as in ethics, important regardless of the various issues we ponder like death, afterlife, free will, the self, spirituality, karma, aliens, the future, metaphysics, etc. I feel at some point you have to take a break from seeking to simply live and be happy. That is why curiosity can be both a blessing and a curse. Don't worry be happy and be here now. Simple, but not easy. I want to know the truth. But as a human is that even possible? Am I not setting myself up to be continually frustrated? People be crazy yo.

Yes, but as I said, I'm selfish. I'd prefer to live on with the knowledge I've worked for. As for a protege, while it'd be nice to believe I've accrued such wisdom and insight that my life calls for one, I doubt it.

At the end of the day, I'm not exactly wracked with regret over this. It's something I only mentioned offhand. I feel that whatever the end, I'm still glad to have broadened my understanding. I hope to continue my life doing as such, even if it all blinks out of existence with me.
Yes, but as I said, I'm selfish. I'd prefer to live on with the knowledge I've worked for. As for a protege, while it'd be nice to believe I've accrued such wisdom and insight that my life calls for one, I doubt it.

At the end of the day, I'm not exactly wracked with regret over this. It's something I only mentioned offhand. I feel that whatever the end, I'm still glad to have broadened my understanding. I hope to continue my life doing as such, even if it all blinks out of existence with me.

For what it is worth I currently believe your consciousness will continue after you die. But only your consciousness. Not mine or anyone else's. So you will end up being like Casper the friendly ghost. But you will be the only disembodied spirit that exists. Does that make you feel better? At least you will be able to fly and scare people. Could be fun.
For what it is worth I currently believe your consciousness will continue after you die. But only your consciousness. Not mine or anyone else's. So you will end up being like Casper the friendly ghost. But you will be the only disembodied spirit that exists. Does that make you feel better? At least you will be able to fly and scare people. Could be fun.

Hm, only if I can eventually turn into an evil spirit and then get to kill priests who try to exorcise me.
I'm sorry for butting into a discussion, but this is a topic that has really been on my mind lately. Reading a lot and thinking about it constantly. I keep wondering why, if death is not the end of everything for us, do we so intuitively avoid it for as long as possible (at least most of us)? Is our intuition wrong? I'm really sorry if this seems stupid/simplistic, but this question keeps pestering me.

I think some of it is fear of the unknown.
Plus we have the lizard portion of our brain telling us to go into fight or flight mode for everything no matter how small (most of the time we just ignore it...that’s why PTSD’rs have such a hard time).
If there is a reason for us to have a life, then there are things we are meant to experience, perhaps if this is true then that is built into our brains as well, if our lives were cut short simply because we lost our total fear of being grievously injured or just got sick of it all (which does happen), our species wouldn’t prosper, and people wouldn't live long enough to experience life as we currently know it, reason or not.
A lot of it is cultural conditioning also, our culture generally avoids/fears death, and that is reflected on TV in books, absolutely everywhere, and we are reminded of that fear constantly by those same means - it is simply unavoidable in our western culture.
There are a lot of other cultures around the world...and many that were killed off (Native Americans for example...or the Druids, Ancient Egyptians, etc.), that didn’t fear death, that celebrated it, that saw it as the next step in their existence.
It really wasn’t until the introduction of places like “Hell” in our history that death begin to take on negative connotations.
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I didn't mean my life would have been a waste in the way you're suggesting. There's a lot of focus on making an impact on the world before you go, but the fact is you can't help but to make an impact. Your very existence changes the lives of hundreds of people, probably thousands. So I don't think it's possible to live a life without meaning.

It's more everything I've learned, all the ways I've grown and changed would be a waste. All the understanding and knowledge I've worked so hard to gain would just blink out of existence. Maybe it would live on in other people, but the fact is I'm selfish. I'd prefer for my consciousness to live on with the knowledge instead.

You could write it a book or something?
You never know Jacobi, maybe your writings will inspire a kick ass cult who worships you with lots of sacrifices and orgies and your eternally damned soul will grow with power, until one day...

I get what you were saying, they are working on uploading our consciousness into a computer...maybe that will be a possibility before you die and you can live in a robot body with big tits?