
Again...materialist science continues to promote the idea that we have no free will, but are tricked into thinking so by our brains....which makes little sense.
Enjoy the article.

Philosophy versus Neuroscience on the
Question of Free Will


A philosopher offers counterarguments to a recent post on this age-old topic

Hanoch Ben-Yami on June 2, 2016

Adam Bear opens his article, What Neuroscience Says about Free Will by mentioning a few cases such as pressing snooze on the alarm clock or picking a shirt out of the closet.

He continues with an assertion about these cases, and with a question:

"In each case, we conceive of ourselves as free agents, consciously guiding our bodies in purposeful ways.
But what does science have to say about the true source of this experience?"

This is a bad start.
To be aware of ourselves as free agents is not to have an experience.

There’s no special tickle which tells you you’re free, no "freedom itch."
Rather, to be aware of the fact that you acted freely is, among other things, to know that had you preferred to do something else in those circumstances, you would have done it.

And in many circumstances we clearly know that this is the case, so in many circumstances we are aware that we act freely.
No experience is involved, and so far there’s no question in Bear’s article for science to answer.

Continuing with his alleged experience, Bear writes:

"…the psychologists Dan Wegner and Thalia Wheatley made a revolutionary proposal:
The experience of intentionally willing an action, they suggested, is often nothing more than a post hoc causal inference that our thoughts caused some behavior."

More than a revolutionary proposal, this is an additional confusion.
What might "intentionally willing an action" mean?

Is it to be contrasted with non-intentionally willing an action?
But what could this stand for?

What can be said of us is that we do some things intentionally, in contrast with some other things which we do unintentionally.
For instance, I stepped on the nail unintentionally: I didn’t even see it’s there; or I left the door open unintentionally: I didn’t think about it at all.

To do something intentionally is to do it for some purpose.
As can be seen, Wegner and Wheatley’s talk of an experience is again out of place here: no special experience is involved in doing something for a purpose.

Moreover, no post hoc or other inference is required either: we can often say for what end we did what we did, and that’s enough in order to know that we did it intentionally.

Instead of mentioning these trivialities, Wegner and Wheatley obscure things by mentioning the partly meaningless and partly irrelevant "experience of intentionally willing an action," and additional things later on.

And again, so far, nothing for science to explain.

After these opening confused theoretical reflections, Bear turns to survey some empirical work he has done with Paul Bloom.
This empirical work, he claims, has probable radical implications for the assessment of our voluntary or intentional action.

So even if some conceptual confusion is indeed involved in Bear’s theorising, doesn’t their empirical work nevertheless support his hypothesis about the working of an unconscious mind, say?

It doesn’t, as I shall now explain.

Bear and Bloom presented participants with five white circles at random locations on a computer monitor and asked them to quickly choose a circle before one of the five lit up red.

Choosing a circle in these circumstances amounts, I suppose, to something like focusing on one of them.
Probably our gaze wanders around the circles and then, for whatever reason, we stop on one of them.

Now Bear and Bloom report that when a circle turned red especially quickly, participants reported in more than 30 percent of the cases that they had chosen the circle that lit up red.

However, the determination of the circle to be lit up red was random, so the participants should have reported about 20% of coincidence.

What I would at best infer from these results is that something like the following occurred: when a subject’s gaze wavered between two circles, say, and one turned red, this helped fixate the subject’s attention on that circle.

Moreover, because the time intervals in these specific experiments were very short, the subjects often couldn’t detect the temporal order of the events, namely, that the circle turned red before the final fixation of their gaze.

Although Bear mentions the possibility that we merely mess up things because of the very short time-scales in the experiment, he prefers to draw more momentous conclusions from this modest result.

"These findings suggest," he writes, "that we may be systematically misled about how we make choices."
I fail to see how they could suggest anything of the sort.

What is the relation between focusing on one circle out of five for no particular reason, and, for instance, comparing prices of different products in a store to decide which one to buy?

Yet Bear presses even further with "a more speculative possibility...our minds are designed to distort our perception of choice," and the aim of this hypothetical designed distortion is, he speculates on, "to develop a belief in free will and, in turn, motivating punishment."

I find this preposterous.
The misjudgment of the temporal order of some short time-scale events surely provides no foundation for these speculations about motives for punishment.

The trivial observation, of which we are all aware, that in many cases, if you punish someone for something wrong he has done then he and others are less likely to do it again, seems much more to the point.

As I see it, Bear and Bloom’s research joins a series of cognitive science works which combine conceptual confusion with unfounded over-generalisations based on modest empirical results.

Although we have learned a lot from cognitive psychology and neuroscience, this is not the case with the literature on free will coming from these sciences. PaceBear, this "growing body of work" does not suggest "that even our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong."

Rather, it demonstrates that conceptual confusions and irresponsible overgeneralisations can mislead overconfident scientists.



If you understand the different kinds of shifts and shifting cycles that occur naturally, it makes it easier for you to navigate your journey on the mental and emotional levels, because you’re able to distinguish what is pattern-related from what is a negative impact.

Understanding these shifting basics, and the patterns you need to look out for, will significantly alter your shifting experience, not least because you are going to understand that feeling bad at first is part of the process sometimes.

Basic shifting mistakes

Many people who delve into spiritual and energy healing modalities make the same basic mistakes in perceiving the process of shifting.
Largely this happens because they aren’t armed with accurate info, and then they write the tool, process or modality off as NOT having worked with them.

A core difference between energy healing and traditional psychotherapy is that energy healing practitioners are not laboring under misconceptions like ‘it’s bad to have emotional outbursts’ or that ‘you’re moody’ — in the world of energy healing, being moody is a sign of emotional balance: you can move through your moods and emotions and come out balanced.


The idea that everything has to be better, neutral or euphoric straight away is an archaic artifact of the very ineffective techniques ‘medicine’ tries to apply to understanding the human and spiritual condition.

The point of healing and balance is to enable you to move through your emotional range effectively so that you can function regardless of what life throws at you.
Medicine and society have just spent so much time telling you that emotion is bad, and giving you ways to ignore or force it down, that you’ve actually forgotten how your natural processes work.

When a child is in pain it cries.
When the pain stops, the child stops crying and carries on like nothing was wrong.

That natural mechanism is inherent in all of us from birth — societal conditioning has taught you to ignore your emotional needs over time though.

Once you start applying and understanding how shift cycles work, you will begin to see that your impatience for immediate results, and unwillingness to face your emotional ups and downs, is actually the single biggest thing has been holding you back from massive surges in your growth.

You either shift up or down

There are one of two basic shifting processes: you either shift up or down.

What this means in a nutshell is that you can choose go to up by transcending the issue or you can move down by going through the emotions and drama and thoughts.

The difference between the two processes is that when you shift up or transcend, you are lifted up out of the emotional chaos and the situation, and often forgive and release it.
When you choose to go down and through, your system will use the natural mechanisms available to you — inner voice, memory, emotion, feeling and intuition, in combination with your chakras and meridian system — to move the emotion through your body, processing all the way down to the rock bottom point of the shift.

If you’ve ever experienced someone, say a drug addict or alcoholic, all of sudden turning around overnight and getting a whole new lease on life after hitting rock bottom, then you’ve seen a down and through shift in action.

If you’ve experienced one yourself, you’ll remember that literally in an instant, you thought a thought that was most likely negative, e.g. I will NEVER matter or be able to make a difference, and it was the most liberating thought you’ve ever thought.

It was also likely followed by a wave of pure bliss as you just accepted this rock bottom truth and it freed you.

Transcending with Revelations or aha moments

The way that most people transcend a situation is by having a single thought of awareness that completely changes the perspective of how they see the situation.

In secular terms this is often called an ‘aha moment’ and these are the holy grail of healing and coaching — the thought that allows you to live your new reality consciously and with awareness.

A Course in Miracles calls these moments ‘moments of revelation’: moments in which the Holy Spirit is able to reach your mind directly and offer a thought that raises your entire level of vibration.

Transcending with aha moments are the shifts we love to talk about and remember, because they feel really good when they happen.
Down and through shifts are hardly ever mentioned except when people remind you that it’s darkest before the dawn.

You can and will purge during shifts

Often when you shift, you purge on some level: physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Physical purges are quite common and can last up to THREE WEEKS after a shift.

Three weeks is the minimum amount of time you should allow for integration of a specific shift before you test whether or not it’s worked.
Yes, really: three whole weeks, to the minute and hour when your actual session ended or the breakthrough happened.

Physical purges include your tummy bubbling, burping, farting, frequent urination and a need to empty your bowels, and in some cases you might land up throwing up or having a runny tummy if it’s an extreme shift.

I’ve also seen people have sneezing fits, hiccough attacks and itching as stuff leaves your system via perspiration.
Your period can be heavier as well and you may be dehydrated or craving certain foods.

The same thing happens on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.
The spiritual level you’ll see when you have a purge of thoughts directly related to your connection to God: am I worthy, have I done enough?

Those types of thoughts.
It will cycle for a few days and then you’ll feel a renewed connection to God with a fresh surge of spiritual energy.

The mental and emotional purges are the same process that takes place when you go down and through: the memories and feelings leave your system by cycling through your mind and emotional core.

Sometimes this happens in dreams too.

The emotions and memories aren’t being rehashed and brought back as you think, you’re thinking them because they are releasing from where they were hidden in your body and are now leaving your system permanently.

Shifts happen in layers

A second common mistake that people make here is rejecting the thoughts because ‘they’ve dealt with this before!’
When you are thinking about a situation or belief and working on it, your system will only release as much as it is safe for you to release in that moment.

That natural built in mechanism is one of the factors that makes it safe for you to push hard with your spiritual journey: your system will only release as much as it can.

However, a few weeks or months later, your system will be ready to release the next layer — usually a deeper and more painful layer.

What you’re seeing when ideas, memories, beliefs, statements, thoughts and people are coming up over and over again is the next layer of stuff that your new level of consciousness enables you to be ready to release.

A complete shifting cycle

The last thing you need to understand about shifts is the actual cycle that takes place over a period of time.
In most cases, the cycle lasts about three weeks per shift, from the moment of the session or awareness to the point where you begin operating from that level.

One thing worth noting is that you can have a number of big or small aha moments in the three-week period as the new way of being settles into your system.

A transcendence shifting cycle

  1. Like any shift, you usually start with a period of chaos in which there is much turmoil, either in your life or internally — mentally or emotionally. This period is hallmarked by a lot of inner voice activity, either cycling statements in your head or having conversations with other people in your head.
  2. Revelation occurs when all of a sudden you think a completely different thought from what you’d been cycling through and it changes the perspective for you.
  3. Revelation is often accompanied by shock and you can recognize that by the feeling of ‘I can’t believe this happened’ and living in that surreal world.
  4. Depending on how fast you accept the resonance change, your system will begin to release what is not needed — with transcendence this usually happens more subconsciously.
  5. Once you’ve accepted the new reality, you will experience a bliss wave or euphoria. Often the release of revelation is so powerful that people will skip straight from revelation to euphoria without the need to experience any of the purge.
  6. A few days to a week after the high began, you will experience a contrast low. It’s not really an emotional dip or low, it just feels low compared to the high you’ve just been on.
  7. During the next few weeks, you’ll experience integration and eventually your level of neutrality — your emotional norm — will be restored. During this period you can also expect testing from the Universe as it checks to see if this is what you really want, e.g. you finally cut emotional ties with your ex, and then they call you to chat. The Universe loves tests like that.
  8. After about three weeks you will be operating from your new level of being, having had integrated the energetic changes. Measuring the efficacy of a session before this three-week window has passed will often lead to disappointment in the process and results. It’s not what you want to hear, but some patience is required with healing

A down and through shifting cycle

  1. Down and through shifting starts with the same type of life or internal chaos, but you’re going to keep looping and looping further and further down until you hit depression, deep depression and then eventually rock bottom.
  2. At rock bottom you will have a breakthrough thought — often a thought that society would deem negative and wrong. However this thought will liberate you and surge you onto a contrast euphoria wave.
  3. The need for purging is completely eliminated with down and through, because the shifting cycle took care of those details and the information you needed to gather and gain.
  4. Because you’ve been so low, your contrast euphoria is going to seem incredibly high. The reason those overnight turnaround people seem to vibrate at a whole new level is because they are riding the bliss wave of the contrast euphoria. The lower and harder you fall, the bigger the contrasted bliss experience.
  5. Likewise, your contrast high will mean that sometimes your subsequent contrast low can feel lower too — although I have experienced and seen many people surge for months on a single breakthrough like this. When the contrast low hits then, it hits really hard.
    In Power vs. Force, Sir David Hawkins speaks about a similar effect with drugs: when you take a drug it enables you to drop away lower level vibrations, only connecting with the higher (highest?) level vibrations you are capable of accessing.
    Accordingly when you come down, the contrast low is so extreme that it can cause a psychotic break. Sir David presents this as a reason for so many addicts experiencing psychotic breaks when coming down, and it would also probably account for the extreme nature of addiction.
  6. From here, as with the transcendence shifting cycle, you will go into a period of integration and testing, and within about three weeks you can safely assume that you are operating from that new level of being, and are in complete energetic alignment with that resonance.

In closing

Every layer that is between you and understanding what is happening inside you makes you that much more powerless and puts you at the whim of people who would control you — for no other reason than they want your money.

When you are armed with effective knowledge and understanding of how healing works, it becomes really easy to apply it to yourself, which puts the power firmly back into your hands.

If you truly wish to surge your spiritual journey, learn as many of the healing basic mechanisms and tools as you can.
The more you can do on your own, the less you are at the whim of those around you.
The truth is stranger than fiction. Discuss.

A peanut is neither a pea, nor a nut...discuss....I’m feeling a bit verklempt....one moment...
The truth is stranger than fiction. Discuss.

It is...and what I find particularly almost funny...is the out and out lengths people will go to defend their religion...but if you suggest that you have a spirit that isn’t necessarily confined to your skull and they can’t seem to handle even that simple bit of truth.
But of course we have souls (according to the Bible or Koran or the Talmud (take your pick)...but ghosts can’t exist...we have correlations of what lies beyond death (from those who obviously survived it) that cross time, religions, societies, personal beliefs, etc....but to suggest studying it makes people scoff at you.
We have really solid evidence that there is some kind of collective consciousness that people are connected to...we have really solid evidence that precognition is a real thing.
It’s unfortunate, but most people are dismissive of such things as PSI, when our own government and governments around the world have all run programs...ours officially ended in 1996 I think it was...but I’m sure it’s just not public knowledge now.
But we maintained it publicly (at least in the knowledge of it’s existence for over 20 years) ((See: Men who stare at goats))
But it’s all just BS....

Technically there is no separation between me, you, and the rest of the universe...we are all just vibrating at different frequencies...but to have the perception of being an individual holds some powerful significance IMHO, that we won’t grasp until we’re dead.
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It is...and what I find particularly almost funny...is the out and out lengths people will go to defend their religion...but if you suggest that you have a spirit that isn’t necessarily confined to your skull and they can’t seem to handle even that simple bit of truth.
But of course we have souls (according to the Bible or Koran or the Talmud (take your pick)...but ghosts can’t exist...we have correlations of what lies beyond death (from those who obviously survived it) that cross time, religions, societies, personal beliefs, etc....but to suggest studying it makes people scoff at you.
We have really solid evidence that there is some kind of collective consciousness that people are connected to...we have really solid evidence that precognition is a real thing.
It’s unfortunate, but most people are dismissive of such things as PSI, when our own government and governments around the world have all run programs...ours officially ended in 1996 I think it was...but I’m sure it’s just not public knowledge now.
But we maintained it publicly (at least in the knowledge of it’s existence for over 20 years) ((See: Men who stare at goats))
But it’s all just BS....

Technically there is no separation between me, you, and the rest of the universe...we are all just vibrating at different frequencies...but to have the perception of being an individual holds some powerful significance IMHO, that we won’t grasp until we’re dead.

You get an A for your answer. You need at least one picture to earn an A+. There are people who believe in an afterlife, but completely reject the possibility of psychic abilities, for example. Why is the former idea reasonable while the latter idea is not? Mind control? Mime control? Or just ignorance?
You get an A for your answer. You need at least one picture to earn an A+. There are people who believe in an afterlife, but completely reject the possibility of psychic abilities, for example. Why is the former idea reasonable while the latter idea is not? Mind control? Mime control? Or just ignorance?

Firstly if I had MIME control as you suggest...there would be mass mime suicides all around the world.
I couldn’t resist.
It seems silly that someone would be a devout Christian and even believe in such things as demons or Satan...did you you btw that the word “pandemonium” translates to “all demons” and is also considered the Castle in Hell where Satan and his minions live?
In case that ever comes up on a trivial pursuit question...
Anyhow...how can you claim to believe in such things but dismiss that objects can and sometimes do move by unseen forces.
Not that they are all demons...but most Christians think anything like that is demonic in nature, which probably does explain some of the taboos and extra hurdles put up for those trying to make a real scientific study of such things.
For many, these types of questions only complicate their lives as it is a pandora’s box that just keeps going so long as you can maintain...I think some just can’t maintain, they either lack the latent or active abilities, don’t believe, or don’t want to believe because it complicates and interferes with their real life they have built up around them.
So yeah, I think there is some degree of ignorance, but also some degree of people choosing to remain so - out of convenience, and I can’t say I blame them sometimes.
Though, they are missing out on some really beautiful and amazing sights and experiences IMHO.
I think some wish to go deeper down the rabbit hole, but we humans are really good at being afraid of what we don’t understand...sometimes to the point of destroying it.
Some are afraid, I am still afraid of certain things...not in a spiritual sense, but in a future tense loop of possibilities constantly playing in my brain - I’ve worked very hard, and am really just beginning to keep it calm or take myself into a peaceful space.
Totally different than my experiences doing surgery...pandemonium (hehe), could literally be going on around me and I could stay calm, and cool as a cucumber.
It was very intuitive for me, and I wondered and still do sometimes if I wasn’t some kind of healer or Doctor in a past life?
I’m pretty sure I was some kind of logger in the last life...died in the early 70’s...shot next to my rig after some kind of deal went bad.
Before that Im pretty sure I was a Nazi...and I think that is how I am connected to my Son (he was born in Russia...his city Magnitogorsk is literally on the opposite side of the planet from me and we found each other)...perhaps I killed him, or we killed each other...now we are learning to love one another...I really feel that is what brought us together from such a enormous pool of possible people in the world.
I have had some dreams related to the trucking thing...felt the bullet hit the back of my head...imagine getting hit really hard with a sledge hammer minus the pain and that is what it felt like.
Pretty sure I died in WW2 like I said, on the wrong side...I was just a nobody as far as I could tell...just another soldier who died way too young.
I get impressions of it, but nothing solid.
Anyhow...I’m way off track and rambling now.
Hope you have a good one!
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Politics and religion ...​
Firstly if I had MIME control as you suggest...there would be mass mime suicides all around the world.
I couldn’t resist.
It seems silly that someone would be a devout Christian and even believe in such things as demons or Satan...did you you btw that the word “pandemonium” translates to “all demons” and is also considered the Castle in Hell where Satan and his minions live?
In case that ever comes up on a trivial pursuit question...
Anyhow...how can you claim to believe in such things but dismiss that objects can and sometimes do move by unseen forces.
Not that they are all demons...but most Christians think anything like that is demonic in nature, which probably does explain some of the taboos and extra hurdles put up for those trying to make a real scientific study of such things.
For many, these types of questions only complicate their lives as it is a pandora’s box that just keeps going so long as you can maintain...I think some just can’t maintain, they either lack the latent or active abilities, don’t believe, or don’t want to believe because it complicates and interferes with their real life they have built up around them.
So yeah, I think there is some degree of ignorance, but also some degree of people choosing to remain so - out of convenience, and I can’t say I blame them sometimes.
Though, they are missing out on some really beautiful and amazing sights and experiences IMHO.
I think some wish to go deeper down the rabbit hole, but we humans are really good at being afraid of what we don’t understand...sometimes to the point of destroying it.
Some are afraid, I am still afraid of certain things...not in a spiritual sense, but in a future tense loop of possibilities constantly playing in my brain - I’ve worked very hard, and am really just beginning to keep it calm or take myself into a peaceful space.
Totally different than my experiences doing surgery...pandemonium (hehe), could literally be going on around me and I could stay calm, and cool as a cucumber.
It was very intuitive for me, and I wondered and still do sometimes if I wasn’t some kind of healer or Doctor in a past life?
I’m pretty sure I was some kind of logger in the last life...died in the early 70’s...shot next to my rig after some kind of deal went bad.
Before that Im pretty sure I was a Nazi...and I think that is how I am connected to my Son (he was born in Russia...his city Magnitogorsk is literally on the opposite side of the planet from me and we found each other)...perhaps I killed him, or we killed each other...now we are learning to love one another...I really feel that is what brought us together from such a enormous pool of possible people in the world.
I have had some dreams related to the trucking thing...felt the bullet hit the back of my head...imagine getting hit really hard with a sledge hammer minus the pain and that is what it felt like.
Pretty sure I died in WW2 like I said, on the wrong side...I was just a nobody as far as I could tell...just another soldier who died way too young.
I get impressions of it, but nothing solid.
Anyhow...I’m way off track and rambling now.
Hope you have a good one!

A term I learned from Man and his Symbols is misoneism (I think that is how it is spelled). It means a deep, superstitious, primitive fear of novelty and the unknown. It pertains to death, telepathy, black holes, etc. I think it is why most people are afraid of the rabbit hole. They believe in things like heaven because they are told to do so. But if your religion for example tells you that witches are evil, you burn them. I was discussing dreams with someone recently. I said that some cultures have believed that dreaming can be just as real as being awake. Then he told me that most of those people, like native Americans, are gone. Coincidence? Perhaps not. Sometimes I feel that Christianity is a control paradigm created as a form of mind control to limit humanity. The white Christians came to this land and slaughtered the indigenous peoples who were spiritual, liberated, and respectful of nature. Why do you think so many genuinely spiritual people (aborigines, gypsies, Celts, etc.) have been killed and replaced by people like Donald Trump? Easier to control the population? Or just greed and ignorance?


Politics and religion ...​

I read Max Weber's THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM AND THE PROTESTANT ETHIC in college. We are ingrained with foolish paradigms from our childhood. After reading the book I stopped working as hard in school and dropped out of college for the first time. Which actually means I understood what he was saying. The notion you have to be constantly struggling and working and distracted is garbage. We should be more like lions. They sleep like 20 hours a day. If you are well adapted to your environment, you don't need to be constantly struggling. People underestimate the importance of leisure time. If the Buddha had a job, mortgage, and smart phone, would he have become enlightened? I think not. You can't meditate while watching reality tv.

In reality, I would win, every time.​
Updated version of the pendulum board I’m making...second picture is the crystal grid underneath.




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Psychonautics (from the Greek ψυχή psychē ["soul", "spirit" or "mind"] and ναύτης naútēs ["sailor" or "navigator"] – "a sailor of the soul") refers both to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, including those induced by meditation or mind-altering substances, and to a research paradigm in which the researcher voluntarily immerses himself or herself into an altered mental state in order to explore the accompanying experiences.

The term has been applied diversely, to cover all activities by which altered states are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, sensory deprivation, and archaic/modern drug users who use entheogenic substances in order to gain deeper insights and spiritual experiences.

A person who uses altered states for such exploration is known as a psychonaut.

Updated version of the pendulum board I’m making...second picture is the crystal grid underneath.

Perhaps that you can write something about runes. They are said to have magic properties. If you do not know, I am sure that the Vatican Archive will have an inexhaustible supply of material for me to read otherwise after Full Disclosure.
How to spot a spiritual sexual predator

The talk of the town a year ago was about a New York Times profile of an (accused) rapist/serial womanizer/wife-abuser ex-rabbi who essentially got kicked out of the Jewish world and has successfully resurrected himself as a new-age guru.

His name is Marc Gafni.

It's not surprising that a sexual predator would become a prominent new-age guru.
The guru-student relationship is fertile land for sexual misbehavior to flourish in.

There are too many guru sexual predators to list, but I’ll highlight a few who were exposed relatively recently: John Friend of Anusara Yoga, Bikram Choudury of Bikram Yoga, Eido Shimano Roshi of New York Zen Studies Society, Joshu Sasaki Roshi of Rinzai-ji, Swami Shankarananda of Shiva School Of Meditation And Yoga, and Doug Phillips of Vision Forum.

They’re not just gurus.
There are also mystics, sensitive new age guys, extremely “spiritual” people who are actually lowlifes, and activists/idealists who are in it for the booty.

There are certain things they do; certain men they are.

Look out for:

The Spiritual Man Who Thinks You’re Special:
You are a light in the darkness to him.
He is your teacher, and he sees soooooo much brilliance and potential in you.
You are what he needs, and he is what you need – spiritually, of course.
Or he wants to personally help you.
You, more than anyone, are worth his precious spiritual energy and time.

The Spiritual Man Who Wants To See You Outside Of Class:
Why would a charismatic, “enlightened” man want to see you outside of class?
Why would he invite you into his home, into his inner-circle, into his family, or to his most exclusive retreats?
Because he wants to do something inappropriate and he’s getting you used to being alone with him.

The Man Who Wants To Spiritually Connect With You – Through Your Body:
This guy can take any scripture of any spiritual tradition and twist it to convincingly to mean that spiritual connection is best experienced through sexual connection.
Selling teenagers into prostitution?
Having multiple wives and mistresses?
He’s got scripture to back it up.

The Spiritual Man Who Pierces You With His Eyes:
His gaze is unbelievably powerful.
When he looks at you, you swear he can see right to your soul.
Why do they always pierce you with their eyes?
It’s a move of control and dominance.
I once had a creepy swami try to pierce me with his eyes, and I left his ashram within 10 minutes.

The Spiritual Man Who Wants To Touch You:
Eyes on you turns into hands on you.
He’s so spiritual that he wants to heal you hands-on.
Or he invites you in for a private session only to reach up your shirt.
Since he thinks he’s G-d, he feels entitled to your body.
Question what he’s doing and he’ll back it up with scripture, or explain to you that it’s part of the teacher-student relationship.

The Spiritual Man Whose Love And Non-Attachment Are Superior To Everyone Else’s:
He challenges you to be strong enough to handle his love.
He’s not sure if you have what it takes to be loved by him, and he wants you to prove it.
And/or he is a master of non-attachment.
He wants to prove how good he is at not getting attached by getting intimate with you and not giving a crap.
He convinces you that you are weak because you have human feelings, and he is strong and enlightened because he is a master of non-attachment.
He’s not a womanizer – he’s just really good at not getting attached!

The Humble Man Who Talks About Himself – A Lot:
I’ve met way too many of these guys.
All conversations lead back to him.
He is so humble that he doesn’t even have his own possessions or home – instead, he’s going to mooch off of you and other women.
Counter something he says, and he’s going to throw the humble card at you:
If you don’t agree with him (or you don’t flatter him), you’re arrogant.
Since he is so humble, you are assaulting him by disagreeing with him.

The Very, Very Sensitive New Age Guy:
This man has feelings.
His feelings are very strong.
You must never hurt his feelings, though he is free to hurt yours.
He is a master of using psycho-babble and “non-violent communication”.
You make him feel a certain way – he is never responsible for controlling his own feelings.

The Religious Man To Whom The Rules Don’t Apply:
He sure knows all the rules.
He can recite them backward and forward, in multiple languages (Sanskrit! Hebrew! Hindi!).
He is fastidious in tiny details that inconvenience other people (his special way of washing his hands! his special diet!), but when it comes to, you know, like, not raping people, the rules don’t apply to him.
His spiritual position entitles him to exploit you however he wants to!

The Crusader For Justice Who Makes You Feel Dumb:
This man knows everything about justice.
He knows the key to world peace.
He quotes Marx, Mandela, and Maimonides in the same sentence.
He knows Angela Davis personally.
If there was a big protest, he was not only there but he was on the front lines fighting the cops and he has a scar on his inner thigh that he wants to show you to prove it.
This man is committed to The Cause above all.
So lofty is his goal that he doesn’t need to be nice to regular people like you.
He can be nasty, denigrating, rude – all in the name of The Cause.
Call him out on it and you’re siding with the oppressor.

The Married Man Who Tells His Marital Problems To You:
This spiritual master has a spiritual advisor – a very famous guru – but even that guru can’t empathize with his marital problems.
Thank the goddess that you can, though.
It turns out that in every way that his wife lacks, you are just brimming over.
Why can’t his wife be more like you, he asks you.

The Enlightened Man Who Tells You All About How Men & Women Are Supposed To Relate To Each Other/How Women Should Be:
This guy is an expert on gender.
He knows every religious or spiritual reason why women should be subservient to men.
He presents his “knowledge” as absolute truth.
If you don’t relate to him on his terms, he’ll educate you on how to be a better woman.
He’s on a special mission to teach very young women (even girls) how to be women.

The Clergy Man/Guru Who Wants Your Money:
He can convince almost anyone (and especially women) to financially support his “mission”.
If it’s not by promising salvation if you give him money, it’s by inviting you to very, very expensive retreats.
Want private healing sessions or lessons in spiritual practice?
One way or another, you’ll pay for them.

Anybody Who Ideologically Justifies Polyamory:
If he’s really “progressive”, this man can quote The Ethical Slut.
And since his predecessors in his spiritual lineage had multiple wives, certainly he should have them.
While he is free to enjoy his spiritually-sanctioned dalliances, you’re in big trouble if he even thinks you’re cheating on him. After all, it’s Tantra!
Or it’s Christianity!
Or Abraham had more than one wife!
He has so much spiritual mojo that he is simply gifting it to all the women he’s intimate with.
How dare you refuse his gift!?

The Healer Who Has A Special Treatment Just For You:
This man has identified that something is wrong with you.
There is something wrong with you that only he has identified because he is so enlightened.
It is critical that he, and only he, heal you.
Having sex with him is part of the treatment?
How surprising!

A final word:
These creepy guys are out there in droves, and almost everyone who is involved in religion and/or spirituality will meet one at some point.
Nobody who is on a high spiritual level will pressure you for sex.
People who are genuine spiritual teachers or activists will speak to you respectfully.
Full stop.
There is a big difference between being wowed by the intelligent way a man speaks and being treated respectfully by that man.
Trust your gut.
If you feel uncomfortable, get out.

Perhaps that you can write something about runes. They are said to have magic properties. If you do not know, I am sure that the Vatican Archive will have an inexhaustible supply of material for me to read otherwise after Full Disclosure.

I’ll find you a good article!
They are very similar to sigils and tarot reading, reading tea leaves, etc.

I’ll get back with you!
Removing the Cabal

Phase 1: Arrests

The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course of action left. There are some New Age people against that procedure, saying violence only provokes more violence. They need to understand that this action is not promoting violence, but protection of innocent people from the sociopaths of the Cabal. Each day this does not happen, 25,000 people die of hunger because of the actions of that Cabal. Therefore action will be taken as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from the society.

Phase 2: Adjudication

After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other.

Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing for humanity to see those criminals finally being held accountable for their actions. Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is reached.

Amnesty will be granted to some of them. This pertains mostly to those that were born into the Illuminati and basically had no choice but to go along with the program or risk being killed. There are many good souls in there that want to get out. A few of them have already done that and are now fighting for the Light. Many will defect just before the arrests get started. Many of the younger generations Illuminati do not agree with the program and some have been secretly helping the Light forces to take down the Cabal. After the Event, psychological help will be offered to them and they will be able to be integrated into the society.

For many members of the Cabal, amnesty will not be granted. They will have to balance their past actions. Those who are unable or unwilling to do that will be removed from the planet.

This must be a lawful process during which humanity as a whole will adjudicate. No private witch hunts will be allowed as this deprives others of the catharsis and balancing process. This will not be done out of revenge but to restore balance. Revenge is a trap and it does not solve anything. Just remember what happened in French revolution. After the Event, private acts of violence against members of the former Cabal will not be tolerated and will be treated as crime under common law.

Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun

Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of holding that office without doing harm to the people.

Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths – in short they are not capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave:


Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged according to the Galactic Codex, section III:


Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the consequences of their past actions. First they will be taken to virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society.

Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not balance the consequences of their past actions. They are unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring.

Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the beginning.

This process will be completed before the First Contact. After First Contact with the Galactic Confederation on Earth, no dark individual will exist anywhere in the universe.


These plans are good. It will be interesting to reintegrate psychopaths into society to the extent that it is possible. :m123:

Some psychopaths are irredemable though. So will they be destroyed? It seems that unconditional love has a finite amount of patience. :m067:

Now I understand what the Looneynati are afraid of.
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