@Skarekrow & @Kgal ,

Recently pondering some deep questions like ‘what is real?’ Can’t help but be reminded of the Three Amigos:

Three Amigos It's Real video

What? What is real? LOL....ahhh....this is the Trick Question is it not?

Wouldn't it depend upon your perspective? If we're energy Beings having a human physical experience on this planet right now...how could it be real? The human body is like a costume we put on to act out roles in the game. We're Avatars in a game our higher aspect is immersed in playing at the moment...and for the most part the higher Beings are watching me play in the game....like spectators at a sports event.

Yet when my higher aspect integrates within my energy sphere with me....and I'm bawling my eyes out over some past traumatic experience...my higher self admits to feeling my pain and anguish too. Is it real then? I do know that when I do the crying and then releasing back to the universe there is tangible effects on me...and my world. Joy increases.

Is that real?

I see it as all part of the ever unfolding and self sustaining creation of the universe. It doesn't matter if it's real or not. It's AN experience...and that's what we came here for.... the Experience.
Well, my dear...you know I don’t just post things on my thread that are non-confrontational or pushing the edges of science or spirit or what is acceptable or not.
I found his op ed piece to be an interesting point of view, one that I, like you, don’t share, but found would still like to be read and understood.
How’re you today anyhow??

Here, check out the very beginning outline work on the pendulum board I am making using pyrography...I am going to copper-leaf the negative space in the spiral at the middle...not sure about the rest yet...and I’m still debating if I should include the regular alphabet and numbering around the circle as well.
Not sure if I’ll just paint the rest or stain the wood with various shades of stain (though containing the stain within the lines can be tricky)...the wood is however already built with sides like it has it’s own frame (dunno if you can see...there is a space underneath so I am going to attach crystals to the underside of each sigil (not sure which ones yet...I figured I would let my intuition guide me there...though I am fairly certain I want a piece of black tourmaline in the center).
What do you think (there’s a bit of sacred geometry there if you look)?
Keep in mind that this is a very rough beginning to what will hopefully look much nicer upon completion.
It’s about 12” x 12"

( also @sprinkles )

My first thought was Sacred Geometry....and merkabas leapt out at me. My 2nd thought was what are those symbols?

Copper and Wood is a beautiful organic combination. I'll check later in your thread to see any progress made.

The spiral in the middle is awesome! For some reason they resonate strongly with me.

So yeh...it feels like I've been on a Holiday Ban from the forum for the last two weeks. I lost power again for a couple of days. Had some strong rain events. After I did the Anointing Ceremony I seemed to go in to a dormant period. Actually tried to reply to [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] one night and after typing up a long post my computer locked up and I lost it all. To top it off somehow the instant email notifications from the forum stopped coming to my hotmail account. Nothing. Nada. Zip. ...and I have no idea how that happened. Whenever I look at my account the box is checked to receive instant email notices. :noidea: It's been very strange for me lately...
Fundamental to ayahuasca’s appeal is that, unlike western medicine, it is believed to address the true causes of illness and makes no distinction between mind and body. Ayahuasca practitioners see the physical manifestation of some mental, emotional, psychological or energetic disorder.

Reports of successes are common, particularly with depression, traumas and addictions. Brendan, a former US marine, was overweight and suffering from radiation poisoning, hypothyroidism, and nerve damage to his left leg after a training accident, and massive guilt after not serving in Iraq. But 12 days at the Temple transformed his life; it got him off the oxycontin and other medication he had been taking daily for years. He says he lost more than 45kg, his thyroid gland now functions normally, and he is “fully healed” from the radiation.

“When I left the Temple I went to a Veterans Affairs hospital in the US and had blood tests; everything was functioning normally, something they said would be impossible,” says Brendan, who now lives in Iquitos and has opened his own centre, The Sanctuary of Renana, offering free treatment to other veterans. “My doctor almost mocked me when I told him I was coming out here but when he saw the results of the tests he became fascinated.”


Just about incredible what Ayahuasca can do, where reductionist science fails.
What? What is real? LOL....ahhh....this is the Trick Question is it not?

Wouldn't it depend upon your perspective? If we're energy Beings having a human physical experience on this planet right now...how could it be real? The human body is like a costume we put on to act out roles in the game. We're Avatars in a game our higher aspect is immersed in playing at the moment...and for the most part the higher Beings are watching me play in the game....like spectators at a sports event.

Yet when my higher aspect integrates within my energy sphere with me....and I'm bawling my eyes out over some past traumatic experience...my higher self admits to feeling my pain and anguish too. Is it real then? I do know that when I do the crying and then releasing back to the universe there is tangible effects on me...and my world. Joy increases.

Is that real?

I see it as all part of the ever unfolding and self sustaining creation of the universe. It doesn't matter if it's real or not. It's AN experience...and that's what we came here for.... the Experience.


"I am not yet finished with Jason." I will have that in mind. What is the next problem awaiting me?​

"I am not yet finished with Jason."

I will have that in mind. What is the next problem awaiting me?

:lol: Hah! Sometimes it feels like being Jason....doesn't it?

The next problem awaiting you is one where you learn how to watch your fear unfold while you stand calm in the midst of the freak out.
Fundamental to ayahuasca’s appeal is that, unlike western medicine, it is believed to address the true causes of illness and makes no distinction between mind and body. Ayahuasca practitioners see the physical manifestation of some mental, emotional, psychological or energetic disorder.

Reports of successes are common, particularly with depression, traumas and addictions. Brendan, a former US marine, was overweight and suffering from radiation poisoning, hypothyroidism, and nerve damage to his left leg after a training accident, and massive guilt after not serving in Iraq. But 12 days at the Temple transformed his life; it got him off the oxycontin and other medication he had been taking daily for years. He says he lost more than 45kg, his thyroid gland now functions normally, and he is “fully healed” from the radiation.

“When I left the Temple I went to a Veterans Affairs hospital in the US and had blood tests; everything was functioning normally, something they said would be impossible,” says Brendan, who now lives in Iquitos and has opened his own centre, The Sanctuary of Renana, offering free treatment to other veterans. “My doctor almost mocked me when I told him I was coming out here but when he saw the results of the tests he became fascinated.”


Just about incredible what Ayahuasca can do, where reductionist science fails.

Be really careful with anyone suggesting they can get you ayahuasca.
There are several websites that claim they will send you bottle in the mail...I wouldn’t try that AT ALL.
I know several people who have gone to Peru and elsewhere to go through the ritual and take the brew.
Just like the discoverer of LSD...he thought it would have a huge impact on the treatment of mental health, and tried to promote it as such.

It’s like the group I belong to now PEERS (Portland Entheogen Exploration Society), they understand the benefits of some of the psychedelic substances as being beneficial where a good portion of US society is still wary because of the “war on drugs” that took place in the 80’s and 90’s.
There is a significant body of proof that LSD, magic mushrooms, MDMA, ayahuasca, ibogaine, etc. are far more effective than any of the pharmaceuticals the companies have engineered.
This includes cannabis, which the has been synthesized by the drug companies so they could get in on the profits for pain/depression/anxiety/PTSD.
Everyone should educate themselves about all the claims that I have made for themselves before they try to self-treat or self-medicate.
Be smart people, if you are using recreationally then don’t expect to find much of anything profound.
If these things are used in a responsible manner, including someone sober to keep them grounded in reality should that fracture...then they can be significantly helpful in improving your mentality.
Psilocybin which is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms actually calms the brain, in particular the part that is overactive in those who are depressed, anxious, PTSD’r, etc.
In brain scans it actually allows us to use the whole brain as a more incorporated and single organism - instead of firing competing signals back and forth - it allows parts of the brain that normally don’t talk to talk and form new connections.
You do feel truly at one with everything at least for a while - it would be very difficult to maintain that state and function as a normal person haha.
For someone who has felt completely cut off from everything...who feels they are alone in spite of the loved one’s who surround them...who has become cynical and can no longer see anything beautiful in life - I find it life changing (if not saving) through the change of perspective they provide.
My first thought was Sacred Geometry....and merkabas leapt out at me. My 2nd thought was what are those symbols?

Copper and Wood is a beautiful organic combination. I'll check later in your thread to see any progress made.

The spiral in the middle is awesome! For some reason they resonate strongly with me.

So yeh...it feels like I've been on a Holiday Ban from the forum for the last two weeks. I lost power again for a couple of days. Had some strong rain events. After I did the Anointing Ceremony I seemed to go in to a dormant period. Actually tried to reply to @Jacobi one night and after typing up a long post my computer locked up and I lost it all. To top it off somehow the instant email notifications from the forum stopped coming to my hotmail account. Nothing. Nada. Zip. ...and I have no idea how that happened. Whenever I look at my account the box is checked to receive instant email notices. :noidea: It's been very strange for me lately...

Those are sigils...I also burned the corresponding meaning into the underside for those who wouldn’t know or couldn’t figure it out.
“Yes” “No” etc. etc. still debating putting lettering and numbering around the circle as well which is now red...yesterday I painted the inside with a light grey wood stain...the stones are fixed underneath and I just need to do the copper leafing and some poly application then it’ll be finished.
Hopefully with the color scheme and the stain it will make the center spiral pop out in a 3 dimensional manner at times...most of the geometry is taken from the flower of life minus the circles.

I was wondering how you were doing down there in TX with the flooding...I figured you were just busy.
Still, it must have been nice to have no electricity for a while!!
Sucks at night, unless you have storm lanterns or the like (I remember lighting those as a kid, we had two, I remember the smell of the kerosene burning).
Still...there is something to be said for sitting in the dark.
Personally I enjoy it....but that’s me.
Those are sigils...I also burned the corresponding meaning into the underside for those who wouldn’t know or couldn’t figure it out.
“Yes” “No” etc. etc. still debating putting lettering and numbering around the circle as well which is now red...yesterday I painted the inside with a light grey wood stain...the stones are fixed underneath and I just need to do the copper leafing and some poly application then it’ll be finished.
Hopefully with the color scheme and the stain it will make the center spiral pop out in a 3 dimensional manner at times...most of the geometry is taken from the flower of life minus the circles.

I was wondering how you were doing down there in TX with the flooding...I figured you were just busy.
Still, it must have been nice to have no electricity for a while!!
Sucks at night, unless you have storm lanterns or the like (I remember lighting those as a kid, we had two, I remember the smell of the kerosene burning).
Still...there is something to be said for sitting in the dark.
Personally I enjoy it....but that’s me.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks.

Yes. Being without electricity taught me more about myself and encouraged me to disconnect from the internet grid. I spent a lot more time just sitting with myself either. Recently I sat outside during one of the storms and literally felt it move through me as I sat with my eyes closed. That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used candles.
There's something primal in the experience....
I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks.

Yes. Being without electricity taught me more about myself and encouraged me to disconnect from the internet grid. I spent a lot more time just sitting with myself either. Recently I sat outside during one of the storms and literally felt it move through me as I sat with my eyes closed. That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used candles.
There's something primal in the experience....

That is so awesome...I love walking down to the trees and the creek when it gets windy here...me and Wind have some kind of connection...though I’m a Taurus.
So Sensiko and I had a headlight go out the other day and yesterday decided to take it in to be replaced.
We walked around the corner to Value Village which is a donation shop like Goodwill.
Anyhow, we’ve had luck a couple of times finding things there and yesterday was no exception.
We found 11 of the 19 pieces of a Villeroy und Boch - La Boule from 1971...made in Germany and very rare.
Not sure if we are going to try to complete the whole ball which goes for a pretty penny or just piece out the parts we have (which may be more profitable).
Anyhow, these are super rare, and considered to be a design worthy of being in modern and design museums - not in junk shops.
All the parts that we found are in perfect shape...crazy.
The complete ball goes for around $2000...and though ours is incomplete it is firstly amazing to find such a rare set museum worthy...but we should be able to make 4-5 times what we paid easily should we decide to sell it.


We can almost make the ball...we need the four plates, three platters, and the lower bowl.


This is the color scheme we found...(we scoured the rest of the store for all the pieces but either it came in incomplete or parts were sold individually).
Anyhow...we paid under $80.




So we have the orange bowl to the far right, the matching green bowl with the lid (the lid we found behind some stuff ((two of the small yellow bowls were with the pet food bowls hahaha)), the four yellow small dessert bowls, and the four regular size orange bowls.

Missing the green lower base bowl on the far left, the three platters, and the four plates.

Had the headlight not have burned out, we doubtfully would have stopped there anytime soon.
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For those critics of me on this forum, for those who have called me “dangerous” for promoting such things...all I have to say is - do your homework, you sound/are ignorant.
For some people (myself included) this has broken through the wall of lifelong depression going back in my memories to a point in my childhood where I dont remember NOT being depressed.
This changed that for me, as it has for many people...ignore the facts if you like, but you’re doing so out of fear.

The Magic Effect Of Psilocybin Mushrooms


Psilocybin mushrooms have helped human beings unlock their egos for centuries.
This video, Psychedelic Science: Psilocybin by Reason TV, features interviews with two leading researchers who explain what we know about the magic mushroom effect and how much more we have to learn.

“These are remarkable compounds, with I think remarkable implications, if we can understand how they work and why they work,” says Roland Griffiths, a scientist at Johns Hopkins University, where some of the world’s leading psychedelic research is taking place.


Psilocybin mushrooms provoke mystical experiences and spiritual journeys when the body breaks the chemical down into a compound that is very similar to serotonin, a natural neurotransmitter in the brain.

But psilocybin and serotonin aren’t exactly the same, explains Robin Carhart-Harris of the Imperial College London, and “that subtle difference in its pharmacology confers profound effects on consciousness.”

“What seems to happen in the psychedelic state is that when something is positive, it has the potential to be incredibly positive, to the extent of being euphoric, or ecstatic,” Carhart-Harris says. “But similarly if something is negative, it has the potential to be quite hellish and dysphoric and frightening.”

Griffith led a study published in 2006 in which volunteers received psilocybin or a comparative drug and were allowed to relax with soothing music in the presence of people with whom they had a trusting relationship.

“Under those conditions, a high percentage of people end up reporting a constellation of experiences,” he says, “the most interesting piece of which is that it really falls into a category of something that psychology of religion people talk about as a primary mystical experience.”

Our brains are biologically hard-wired for mystical experiences

The fact that the brain reacts to the chemical in such a way is telling. “One of the interesting implications of this kind of work is that we’re biologically hard-wired for having these kinds of experiences,” says Griffiths.

“It’s not just unique to mystics spending years of meditation in a cave. This is part of the human biology to have these kinds of integrative experiences that can really set the stage and the platform for remarkable personal change.”

The potential of mushrooms goes beyond mysticism, however.
Subsequent research used brain imaging technology like functional magnetic resonance imaging, which uses magnets to monitor changes in the brain while subjects were under the influence of psilocybin.

Scientists found decreased activity in a region of the prefrontal cortex that is highly active in depression.

Beyond mysticism psilocybin mushrooms offer an eye-opening experience

Conventional depression treatments seek to normalize the overactivity in that area, and the mushrooms have the same effect. “Psilocybin did exactly that, and it did it very rapidly,” Carhart-Harris says.

Johns Hopkins is now studying psilocybin in cancer patients who are suffering from anxiety or depression from a life-threatening diagnosis.
“That sadness is still there,” says Griffiths, “but there’s also a larger framing of that, and so it’s very touching.”

It’s clear we’ve only scratched the surface of how mushrooms effect the brain and can be used to benefit humanity.
“There’s a growing consensus among scientists that drug laws and prohibition around psychedelic drugs is irrational,” Carhart-Harris says, “it’s unhelpful, and it potentially is precluding people who are unwell from getting effective treatment.”
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Here it is!

The pendulum board I’ve been working on with crystal grid underneath...it’s so hard to get a good photo angle so you can see the copper leafing properly.

Not the best pictures...but you get the idea.



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I think shrooms are illegal because they are helpful. Don't knock it till you try it.
I think shrooms are illegal because they are helpful. Don't knock it till you try it.

The whole brainwashing that went on in the 80’s...especially Nancy Reagan and her “Just say No!” bullshit was just that - bullshit.
It was push-back from the conservatives of the time against the Hippie culture and movement.

It wasn’t until just a few years ago that researchers here in the US were even given the “ok” to study their effects and what they actually do.
Low and behold, they actually have many benefits...go figure.


Don’t you just hate that?

That is so awesome...I love walking down to the trees and the creek when it gets windy here...me and Wind have some kind of connection...though I’m a Taurus.

Being a Taurus makes no difference...and I'm here to say so.

I have been sitting outside playing with the four Elementals for the last few months by inviting them to come dance and swirl with all the cells in my body.

It started out with Water and then I moved on to Fire, and Air with special gratitude to Earth each time.
I've gotten to where I can feel the subtle differences in their Energy as they move and flow into the body for I can literally viscerally feel this happening. I've seen visions of the Elementals as I call to them. Gnomes have shown up when I bless Earth. Salamander for Fire. Sylphs for Air. Undines for Water. I always bless each Elemental with my energy from the Universe first then invite them to enter into my physical body for it's highest good and optimum functioning. :)

It's soooooo cool to feel them show up and sometimes see them in my third eye. I have spent a lot of time laughing with them as they move and swirl throughout the body. The Arcturians taught this way of viewing the elementals of the planet. It may be corny to some...but I like using these identifications as a tool for my enjoyment.

So you can forget the fact you're a Taurus. You can easily establish your connection with the four Elementals that Co-create with Gaia to make everything of Earth should you choose to. :)