Well I was thinking of all the uses for limitless energy. No more harvesting earth's natural resources for power. But you've got such a dark mind kgal, always got to go straight to decapitation.

See @Kgal , @ImaginaryBloke gets it. I think you need some help controlling those violent tendancies.

Bahahahahahahaha....:lol: Takes a dark mind to recognize one....
I'm sorry about your dog.

Here's some warm and fuzzy pics to bring you ease....


Roller coaster??? No shit. One day I can't even hardly stand upright. Today... I'm feeling pretty darn good... and can actually do stuff. Hah!

I watched a youtube today showing graphs of the Earth's electromagnetic field...and it was a large sine wave. Spikes up one day. Down the next. It is being said the planet's Schumann Resonance is going on up and our human bodies are playing catch up. Weeeeee..... [yeh right]

Absolutely we're to heal ourselves first. That's what I'm talking about.

It's very exciting to see you feeling the awesome things just around the corner!!! :bounce:

I felt pretty not so great yesterday...but today I feel fine for the most part...still finding really hard things difficult to eat (unless I chop it up small), but as my jaw heals it’s becoming less sensitive to the pressure biting down.
Giant sine wave? Fuck.

Sick of the up and down.
Back to meditating...

I'm sorry about your dog.

Here's some warm and fuzzy pics to bring you ease....



Adorable...thank you I appreciate it.
[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION], you might be interested in this thing called Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). It is a supposed cure-it-all based on traditional chemical compound, calcium hypochlorite - Ca(ClO)2. You can make the chemical compound with high school chemistry lab equipment, though this way it is of course not recommended. The inspiration came from a book on mineral supplements, so it is a natural supplement from a certain POV.

They claim that this works on arthritis too. Check the testimonials.


Some links:

Spirituality site news: http://prepareforchange.net/2016/06/29/quantum-leap-mms-documentary-movement/
Documentary: https://www.quantumleap.is/
Malaria: http://www.mms-supplement.com/mms-africa.html
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/featured
Testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/playlists
Wiki: http://mmswiki.is/index.php/Main_Page
Website, incl. purchase: http://www.mms-supplement.com/

I am not endorsing this, do your own research.



Some MMS arthritis testimonials
@Skarekrow, you might be interested in this thing called Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). It is a supposed cure-it-all based on traditional chemical compound, calcium hypochlorite - Ca(ClO)2. You can make the chemical compound with high school chemistry lab equipment, though this way it is of course not recommended. The inspiration came from a book on mineral supplements, so it is a natural supplement from a certain POV.

They claim that this works on arthritis too. Check the testimonials.

Some links:

Spirituality site news: http://prepareforchange.net/2016/06/29/quantum-leap-mms-documentary-movement/
Documentary: https://www.quantumleap.is/
Malaria: http://www.mms-supplement.com/mms-africa.html
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/featured
Testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMStestimonials/playlists
Wiki: http://mmswiki.is/index.php/Main_Page
Website, incl. purchase: http://www.mms-supplement.com/

I am not endorsing this, do your own research.

Some MMS arthritis testimonials

I will have to research and possibly try it.
Thank you my friend for the posts and links, I appreciate the time you took for me.

I am pretty open to trying just about anything that isn’t going to cause me some kind of harm...I am very aware of, and always do my research to make sure everything is on the up and up.
I have tried various supplements, MSM, Curcumin, etc. etc. with various positive and negative results.
When and if I try it out I will keep you updated on what happens!
Thanks again...I hope you are well?
I will have to research and possibly try it.
Thank you my friend for the posts and links, I appreciate the time you took for me.

I am pretty open to trying just about anything that isn’t going to cause me some kind of harm...I am very aware of, and always do my research to make sure everything is on the up and up.
I have tried various supplements, MSM, Curcumin, etc. etc. with various positive and negative results.
When and if I try it out I will keep you updated on what happens!
Thanks again...I hope you are well?

Yes, I am fine thanks. I am making progress all the time. Sometimes I discover something new about me. I have had to change many recurrent thoughts in my subconscious to feel better. It is gradually going up.

A suggest that you look at the documentary first. It contains information about the history of MMS, how it was discovered, how it works, how it is used.

One important thing that they remind us consumers is that the FDA has not approved this thing. In the US, by law, only drugs can heal a disease. MMS would kill Big Pharma and because it is too effective and cheap. For legal reasons, the claim is that MMS treats diseases, not cure or heal or anything. (Check documentary.) The product is shipped from Australia to avoid psychopathic bureaucrats working for law enforcement agencies.

They are 'marketing' MMS via a church (Genesis - Church of Health and Healing) that they have created for this sole purpose.

You can become a 'Certified Health Minister' of the church, who do the 'marketing' of MMS. Kind of obscure. Those people are religious zealots who are trying to subvert society. :rapture:
(Actually, they are agnostic and open-minded.)

I have found more links. It is annoying that information is spread out across so many links. The protocols look duplicated.

(1) The protocols, (2) testimonies (Youtube, forum) and (3) own questions that you may ask (forum) are the most important things for you as a patient once you have decided to use MMS.

Some more links:

Church of Health and Healing: http://genesis2church.is/
Protocol introduction: http://genesis2church.is/mms-protocol-read-this-first
Protocols (again): http://mmswiki.is/index.php/MMS_Protocols
Read first (includes protocols): http://jimhumble.is/0-read-this-first#top1
Forum: https://g2cforum.org/
I got the impression that possession of MMS is legal, but I am not sure. Perhaps that it is just hard to enforce the law. Shhh, speak quietly about it.

Whatever you do, do not claim that it heals any diseases. It only treats them.

So amazing!

Hubble telescope captures extremely rare picture of dying star emitting ethereal beams of light.


What a beautiful perspective!


This is so close to that lucid dream I had....crazy!​
More MMS links:

Some arthritis testimonials: http://mmstestimonials.is/arthritis
29 reasons why MMS is not restoring your health: http://mmsnews.is/newsletter/175-29-reasons-why-mms-is-not-restoring-your-health-06-16-2013
Free e-book that describes the science of MMS: http://jhbooks.org/free/Master_Mine...ishop_Jim_Humble-partial-2011-jhbooks.org.pdf

(All of Jim Humble's books can be bought at http://jhbooks.org/view/4:master-mineral-solution-of-the-3rd-millennium-ebook if you are interested.)

If you have a good diet (an alkaline, vegan diet that balances carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and contains all minerals and vitamins) you are unlikely to encounter any problems.

Follow protocol 1000. It is the most basic one and very successful. Other protocols exist but they are for particular diseases and circumstances.