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There may be something to that...they still use electroshock therapy for depression patients who are unresponsive to any other treatment.
They are more humane about it now, sedating or fully anesthetizing the person before hand, instead of the old days where they were awake for it....ugh.
I’ve considered it works as sort of a reset for the brain (from the literature I’ve read about it) much the way mushrooms seem to do IMO.

I was in hospital with people who had this and it works. If I hadn't responded to medication I would have had it, although I was terrified about it at the time, but I just happened to have the kind of brain that responds really well to medication. It is like you say though, very controlled, the voltage also is very controlled, just enough to make your little finger twitch. But it will hurt your memory, so it's last resort
I was in hospital with people who had this and it works. If I hadn't responded to medication I would have had it, although I was terrified about it at the time, but I just happened to have the kind of brain that responds really well to medication. It is like you say though, very controlled, the voltage also is very controlled, just enough to make your little finger twitch. But it will hurt your memory, so it's last resort

In the early days of electroshock therapy, some patients had such strong twitches that they broke an arm or a leg. That is infrequent today because of better protocols.
Have you seen this reincarnation story?

[h=1]The James Linegar Case [/h][video=youtube;VnXxC-nVsJY][/video]
Scary shit...Jebus.
I will fuck up some “black-eyed kids" if they come knocking...hell no.
And for heaven’s sake, don’t let them into your house people, what’s wrong with you (real or not)!?

Witness Report:
“I Let the Black Eyed Children Into My Home,
and Now I’m Slowly Dying”


In the last few years, the frightening phenomenon of the Black -Eyed Children visitations has swept the internet.
Whether or not the the stories of midnight encounters with with the mysterious Black-Eyed Kids have any truth to them has been a hotly-debated topic, but that hasn’t stopped tales of the BEKs from popping up on message boards, in chatrooms, and on paranormal podcasts.

Who are they?
Where do they come from?

What do they want?
We aren’t sure.

No matter who tells it, the encounters always occur the same way: someone home alone in the middle of the night hears a knock on the door.
When they peek through the window, children, normally in a pair, are seen standing in the cold.

As the resident cautiously cracks open the door to see what might be wrong, a familiar feeling of dread washes over them.
The strange children beg to be let inside, but something isn’t right.. there’s something “off” about these kids.

As the lonely resident looks closer, they see that these children’s eyes are black as an oil slick, an unnerving detail that causes them to slam the door and deny their pleas for entrance.

Some of them call the police, others clutch a weapon, but never, ever, do they let the Black Eyed Children inside.

Until now.

The following chilling eyewitness account comes from a woman who emailed us to say that she made the mistake of letting the Black-Eyed Kids inside her home, and now, she claims, is paying the ultimate price.

Her story comes as warning to those willing to open their door more than a crack.
I’ve edited the letter for grammar, redacted the identifying information, and slightly altered the introduction, but beyond that, the report is submitted exactly as it arrived.

Honestly, it’s the scariest BEK account I’ve ever read.


Let me start by saying that I know how hard this all will be to believe, but now that things have taken a turn for the worse I started looking for stories similar to mine and found Week in Weird.

I feel like I should share this story with someone and your website seems like the right place.
I made the mistake of letting the Black Eyed Kids inside and now I’m worried that I might die because of it.

I hope this will be a warning to everyone who is ever in the position to make the same mistake that I did.

I live just outside of [a rural town in] Vermont.

It’s a tight knit community where everyone knows one another and people don’t lock their doors at night.
There has never been any need to.

A little over a year ago I woke up because I heard a loud banging on my front door.
At the time my husband I lived in a small home on a dirt road just off the rural route into town.

It was the middle of a snowstorm and the nearby hills get very slippery in the snow so I thought that someone might have been in an accident and broken down. It’s happened before.

When I looked out the window I could see that out motion spotlight was on.
I could see that there were footprints in the snow that had come from our road and into our driveway but there was no car anywhere.

The snow was still covering the road and no one had driven on it for at least a couple hours.
Our front door was obscured from the window but I could see that someone was standing there.

I wasn’t sure what to think so I woke my husband up just to feel safer.
While I was telling him what was going on the banging on the door started again and my husband went to answer it while I stood in the hallway.

When he opened the door there were two children standing in the snow looking toward the ground.
They were a boy and a girl and could not have been more than 8 years old.

They were dressed strangely and had odd haircuts.
The girl’s hair was very long and straight and the boy had a dated haircut that looked almost like a bowl cut.

They weren’t dressed for winter and my first thought was that they must have been Mennonite children but as far as I know there was never a large community of Mennonites near us.

Thinking back on it I know that my normal reaction to seeing children in a snowstorm would have been to rush them inside and bundle them up with some blankets and hot cocoa, but that’s not how this felt.

The children were very unnerving.
They would not make eye contact and when my husband asked them if everything was ok they asked if they could come in.

My husband looked at me like “what do I do?” and I asked the kids where their parents were.

“They’ll be here soon,” is all they said.

It was around 2 o’clock in the morning at this point so the only reasonable thought in my head was that there must have been an accident or these kids got lost. As much as my instincts told me not to bring them inside I did it anyway.

I went into the kitchen to make them some hot cocoa while my husband took them into the living room.
While I was fixing the kettle I could hear my husband talking to the kids.

He was asking them if they were ok, where the came from, how far they walked, if their parents’ car was broken down, things like that.
But they always answered “our parents will be here soon”.

They spoke in a sing-songy voice.
They weren’t afraid to be in a stranger’s home at all.

I started to notice that our cats (we had four) were all hiding except Pigeon who was in the kitchen with me.
Normally our cats are very curious and friendly and we have to be careful that they don’t run out the door when we leave.

This time none of them even tried to see who was here which I thought was very strange.
All of the hair on Pigeon’s neck was standing up and his tail was puffed up while he looked in the living room.

When I bent down to pet him and see what was wrong he hissed and started growling and backed up until he had hid himself under the kitchen island.
I have never seen him do that before.

When I walked back into the living room the kids were sitting on the couch as still as can be but my husband was holding his head in his hands.
I asked him what wrong and he just said that he felt very dizzy all of a sudden but that he was fine.

I turned back to the children to give them their cocoa, but when they looked at me I gasped.
It took everything inside of me not to drop the mugs and run away.

When they looked at me their eyes were completely black.
They had no whites just giant black pupils.

When they saw that I was scared they stood up and asked if they could use the bathroom.
I tried to be as composed as I could be and showed them down the hall.

They went into the bathroom together and I hurried back to my husband to ask him if he had seen their eyes.
He had seen them too and said that it looked like his brothers badly bruised eyes after a car accident.

We were in the middle of talking about whose children they could be when my husbands nose started to bleed.
He’d never had nosebleeds as long as I had known him.

I just knew inside myself that this had something to do with the kids in the bathroom and I started crying while I ran to get [my husband] some tissues.

That’s when the power went out.
I heard my husband yell my name from the living room and as I started to walk back through the hallway I stopped dead in my tracks.

The two children were standing at the end of the hallway.
They weren’t moving and I have never been so scared in my whole life.

They just stood there in the dark.

After what felt like forever the boy said “our parents are here” and they walked to the door, opened it, and walked out leaving it wide open.

My husband jumped up to go close it and almost fell over.
We looked out the window and saw two men standing by a black car idling at the end of our driveway.

The men looked like they were wearing black colored suits and were very tall, at least 6 feet.
When my husband waved at them they just stared at us, got into the car, and drove off.

Our power came on about a half an hour later but nothing was the same after that.
Over the next few months three of our cats went missing.

We can only assume that they ran away somewhere and never came back but the worst thing was coming home to find Pigeon in a puddle of blood on the living room floor.

He looked like he had been vomiting blood.
The vet told us that he had some kind of hemorrhage.

After my husband’s nosebleeds became a regular occurrence we went to see the doctor.
He didn’t know what to make of it other than “dry nasal passages” but my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive skin cancer.

When the doctor asked us if he used tanning beds we both thought he was joking, but apparently this kind of melanoma is linked to over-use of indoor tanning. The doctors think he will recover but don’t understand how it got so bad so quickly.

My husband has never worked an outdoor job and spends relatively little time in the sun.

Since we let the Black Eyed Kids inside our home I’ve also suffered from regular dizzy spells and nosebleeds on a regular basis.

I’ve had other issues which I won’t mention here but trust me when I say that I am suddenly in the worst condition of my life and no one can do anything about it. I know that all of this is because I let the Black Eyed Children into my home.

We’ve told everyone we could about the strange kids that showed up that night but no one else saw them and some laugh at how scared we were of the “Mennonite kids” but we know what we saw.

I wish my husband had never opened the door.

Feel free to publish this as a warning to others about the Black Eyed Kids.

My advice would be to lock your doors, call the police, and wait for morning.
Don’t make the same mistake that I did.

As I said, it’s the most frightening report of the Black Eyed Kids I’ve personally read, and the first one I’m aware of that covers what happens to those unfortunate souls who let them in.

Still, the story leaves us with more questions than answers.
Who where the tall men that came to pick them up?

Why were the cats so afraid of these children?
Were they truly to blame for nosebleeds and cancer?

Two interesting things that stand out immediately are the obvious resemblance of the tall men in dark suits to the notorious Men In Black encounters. Second, the skin cancer diagnosis seems reminiscent of the radiation burns, or “Moonburn Syndrome”, commonly suffered by UFO witnesses.

Could the Black Eyed Children be part of an emerging trend in extraterrestrial contactee cases?

Whatever the case, the warning remains the same: don’t let the BEKs inside.
Have you seen this reincarnation story?

The James Linegar Case


I know, there is so much proof out there, but people are unwilling to even consider it because it clashes with their programming.
Like you were writing on your thread.
If someone is unwilling to even consider the possibility after there is tangible proof is to perpetuate the spiritual ignorance of western society, the US specifically.
If you are Christian then - why can’t God reincarnate someone? He’s God...he can do anything right?
Why is it such a stretch of the imagination for some people when presented with videos such as the one you posted?
BTW: Personally, I feel that most people get to choose to reincarnate or not, but I also believe that the energy or souls of some people is destroyed, or recycled back to begin again.
Was meditating the other day and was thinking about our bodies on a quantum level and the fact that there are all kinds of particles shooting through our bodies (sometimes the Earth) as Cosmic rays of all spectrums and speeds and slight differences.
Essentially we are made of the same particles that have somehow coalesced into the forms of molecules, DNA, cells, muscles, skin, a brain...a nervous system....what grand command at what level encourages the particles to choose any form?
Also, if said particles are shooting through us at the speed of light or near, then time for said particles would be much slower - which lead to me to start thinking about exchanges of information between the particles of our being and the particles traveling through us, they would seem to have plenty of time to talk while passing by.
Could those be the strings of the marionette that is this complex body and brain?
Or is it some other completely different information?
We know that magnetic fields effect the why shouldn’t we also experience on some level the other particles passing into or through else are we effected by the constant bombardment from all sides by particles of all kinds?
Also...that may help explain PSI effects and other phenomena.
(but that’s another theory for another post)
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I know, there is so much proof out there, but people are unwilling to even consider it because it clashes with their programming.
Like you were writing on your thread.
If someone is unwilling to even consider the possibility after there is tangible proof is to perpetuate the spiritual ignorance of western society, the US specifically.
If you are Christian then - why can’t God reincarnate someone? He’s God...he can do anything right?
Why is it such a stretch of the imagination for some people when presented with videos such as the one you posted?
BTW: Personally, I feel that most people get to choose to reincarnate or not, but I also believe that the energy or souls of some people is destroyed, or recycled back to begin again.

On choosing to reincarnate or not... I agree with you there. It's said we often take a long rest for healing in between the rather traumatic lifetimes.
Souls getting recycled? Yes.

Clashes with their programming... hmmm...Ah... I see now. Then the thing to do would be to turn off the ongoing maintenance programming from the external source affecting them.

Hey! I just realized something... It's being said we will cross some kind of threshold into another level up sometime in the fall of this year. We wil exist in a higher frequency. Therefore... Low frequency programs...and harmful intentions...will lose their ability to function in the higher frequency because they're not designed for it. Like all of the fear based concepts, ideas, fear mongering media, false need for wars, etc, etc., will not shall I say it...hold together...or hold water(as said in the old days). We will see through their control ideas like somebody pulled back the curtain on he wizard of oz.

Soooo.... that suggests once we cross into the higher frequency their power wanes and turns off and the programming they put out on us will falter as well. All of their ideas and products will be out of tune with those of us who have raised our frequency....and since our frequency is in alignment with the planet...we can affect many many others to raise theirs. It'll be very easy to do because the old programming on the masses will be faltering and falling apart.

No wonder it's being said when the major changes will unfold rapidly. The 100th Monkey is about to happen right before our eyes.

Hah! I'm sitting back and smiling now.
Was meditating the other day and was thinking about our bodies on a quantum level and the fact that there are all kinds of particles shooting through our bodies (sometimes the Earth) as Cosmic rays of all spectrums and speeds and slight differences.
Essentially we are made of the same particles that have somehow coalesced into the forms of molecules, DNA, cells, muscles, skin, a brain...a nervous system....what grand command at what level encourages the particles to choose any form?

I've been thinking a lot lately about my relationship with the Elementals as I encourage them to integrate with this body. In doing this pondering it has caused me to become more mindful of them and I seek to understand them.

There is an example on this planet of what I would call a one consciousness comprised of seemingly multiple separate entities. Specifically there is an Aspen grove of trees in CO where their entire roots systems are all interconnected into one whole system. Lately I've seen articles commenting on how Science is now determining all groves of similar trees form relationships with each others roots.
These examples can be seen as a consciousness of they are all connected on the unseen level....while maintaining separate identities above...on the seen level.

It is my understanding there is the consciousness that is the Gaia.
There is also the consciousness of the Elementals who co-create with the Gaia to form the Earth physical experience. Those would be Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Many people talk of Ether too...but I'm not focusing on that aspect right now.

If you viewed the Earth as the elements of the periodic table; Air as the gases; Fire as the electron spark which activates everything; and Water as Life; might begin to imagine how these Elementals create with the Gaia our physical experience here.

Water is One consciousness of Water. Rain Water is still water even though it fell from Cloud Water which evaporated up from Ocean Water...and on and on to include your Tears Water...and my Sweat Water. ALL of those examples...or aspects of Water...are all part of the One consciousness of Water. This means Water every where is of the collective consciousness that is Water and knows itself everywhere at once. The same with Fire, Air, and Earth.

Each Elemental agreed to form this kind of consciousness and create with the Earth...and ultimately the Universe.
As for who or what came up with this grand is my understanding Creator created a few dudes and said go out and create stuff so I can have some experiences. They were just balls of light back then. When the game masters came up with the idea of physicality the Elementals were imagined and voila....several Entities said they wanted to try being an Elemental for a while. It is my understanding once one learns "how" to be a planet or a star you can choose to play that role for as long as you want in the physical universe. Cool - eh? I am fascinated by that idea... and watch the Solar report video every morning to look at what the Sun is doing.

The entire human body is created with Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. It is their consciousness(s) that comes together and interprets the DNA code to craft the human body in co-creation and alignment with the Gaia. Their consciousness(s) creates the ground we walk on, the water we bathe with, the air we breathe, and electricity in our homes. You see where I'm going with this...

As I make conscious connection with each of them I am also beginning to get ideas and see how I will co-create with them.
Also!!! Each time I offer blessing to the water I drink or shower blesses all Water all over everywhere....even your tears. :kiss:
I encourage you to invite your favorite Elemental to visit with you...and see what happens. They are extremely excited to be working with humans once again and I can tell you I laugh and laugh when they're around. [their energy feels really good]

These are interesting times... :)
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On choosing to reincarnate or not... I agree with you there. It's said we often take a long rest for healing in between the rather traumatic lifetimes.
Souls getting recycled? Yes.

Clashes with their programming... hmmm...Ah... I see now. Then the thing to do would be to turn off the ongoing maintenance programming from the external source affecting them.

Hey! I just realized something... It's being said we will cross some kind of threshold into another level up sometime in the fall of this year. We wil exist in a higher frequency. Therefore... Low frequency programs...and harmful intentions...will lose their ability to function in the higher frequency because they're not designed for it. Like all of the fear based concepts, ideas, fear mongering media, false need for wars, etc, etc., will not shall I say it...hold together...or hold water(as said in the old days). We will see through their control ideas like somebody pulled back the curtain on he wizard of oz.

Soooo.... that suggests once we cross into the higher frequency their power wanes and turns off and the programming they put out on us will falter as well. All of their ideas and products will be out of tune with those of us who have raised our frequency....and since our frequency is in alignment with the planet...we can affect many many others to raise theirs. It'll be very easy to do because the old programming on the masses will be faltering and falling apart.

No wonder it's being said when the major changes will unfold rapidly. The 100th Monkey is about to happen right before our eyes.

Hah! I'm sitting back and smiling now.

I still have faith that the voices of reason will begin to shout louder than the loud small minority promoting more separation and fear.
Our media is already being viewed with mistrust by many people...their biases are obvious and the truth is hidden by false bullshit they shine their light on.

BTW...the post I wrote ^^^ above about Cosmic particles passing through us all the we are all the just particles ourselves, just with different frequencies...if information can be passed from one particle to the next, and if time is relative to their speed, then in something like telepathy, the information could easily be passed from particle to particle and back again quite fast and efficiently (without detection because they are too fast for us to see or measure)...what say you?
That came to me while meditating and made total sense. could explain things like lunar stages, and the certain aspects of that that are said to effect human behavior, also certain heavenly alignments and such.

Edit- Was writing this while you were writing your own response...hahaha.

I know, there is so much proof out there, but people are unwilling to even consider it because it clashes with their programming.
Like you were writing on your thread.
If someone is unwilling to even consider the possibility after there is tangible proof is to perpetuate the spiritual ignorance of western society, the US specifically.
If you are Christian then - why can’t God reincarnate someone? He’s God...he can do anything right?
Why is it such a stretch of the imagination for some people when presented with videos such as the one you posted?
BTW: Personally, I feel that most people get to choose to reincarnate or not, but I also believe that the energy or souls of some people is destroyed, or recycled back to begin again.

I'm pretty sure reincarnation is the reason why I'm so tired. I feel like I've seen way more things than it makes sense for me to have seen.
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I still have faith that the voices of reason will begin to shout louder than the loud small minority promoting more separation and fear.
Our media is already being viewed with mistrust by many people...their biases are obvious and the truth is hidden by false bullshit they shine their light on.

BTW...the post I wrote ^^^ above about Cosmic particles passing through us all the we are all the just particles ourselves, just with different frequencies...if information can be passed from one particle to the next, and if time is relative to their speed, then in something like telepathy, the information could easily be passed from particle to particle and back again quite fast and efficiently (without detection because they are too fast for us to see or measure)...what say you?
That came to me while meditating and made total sense. could explain things like lunar stages, and the certain aspects of that that are said to effect human behavior, also certain heavenly alignments and such.

Edit- Was writing this while you were writing your own response...hahaha.


Yes. Particles carry information. Light carries information. Sound carries information. Frequency carries information(codes).

This not only helps to inform about Telepathy...but it also points to how people can be manipulated and influenced by frequency we can't see.

When you speak of the Moon I immediately remember something the Arcturians told us over a year ago. They suggested we stay away from meditating under a full moon because manipulation frequencies were being broadcast from the moon by those up there who wanted to keep the masses asleep. Perhaps this explains the "lunacy" during full moons.....
Heh... :tongue1:
Skarekrow, can we use your bathroom? Please?


I would just keep talking until they are exhausted and decide to leave.
I still have faith that the voices of reason will begin to shout louder than the loud small minority promoting more separation and fear.
Our media is already being viewed with mistrust by many people...their biases are obvious and the truth is hidden by false bullshit they shine their light on.

BTW...the post I wrote ^^^ above about Cosmic particles passing through us all the we are all the just particles ourselves, just with different frequencies...if information can be passed from one particle to the next, and if time is relative to their speed, then in something like telepathy, the information could easily be passed from particle to particle and back again quite fast and efficiently (without detection because they are too fast for us to see or measure)...what say you?
That came to me while meditating and made total sense. could explain things like lunar stages, and the certain aspects of that that are said to effect human behavior, also certain heavenly alignments and such.

Edit- Was writing this while you were writing your own response...hahaha.

I think that a subatomic particle going through a human body feels some excitement. It is like tanking gas and having something to eat when driving on the interstate highway, except that they have much longer distances and durations. After this planet, 50 light years to the next planet and only void in between.

Yes. Particles carry information. Light carries information. Sound carries information. Frequency carries information(codes).

This not only helps to inform about Telepathy...but it also points to how people can be manipulated and influenced by frequency we can't see.

When you speak of the Moon I immediately remember something the Arcturians told us over a year ago. They suggested we stay away from meditating under a full moon because manipulation frequencies were being broadcast from the moon by those up there who wanted to keep the masses asleep. Perhaps this explains the "lunacy" during full moons.....
Heh... :tongue1:

I think that a subatomic particle going through a human body feels some excitement. It is like tanking gas and having something to eat when driving on the interstate highway, except that they have much longer distances and durations. After this planet, 50 light years to the next planet and only void in between.

I would imagine that if such things can feel excitement then they would feel it.

Not sure about negative alien frequencies from moon bases.
I'm not up to date on my hidden moon bases ��

It really is amazing that we exist in the forms that we do...again, where does the signal or code or information origionate that decides the form we take...we know DNA decides certain characteristics of our physical body, but what told the DNA to link together into the form of brilliantly compressed information?
What told the atoms to form molecules?
On the quantum level there is no separation between us and the chair you may be sitting in...we are huge groups of vibrating particles that is self-aware...not only of ourselves as a physical manifestation, but our spirit connected to the source energy of it all.
PSI phenomena exists easily and freely as a part of who we are as "individuals" if there truly is no separation.
If particles traveling at light speed can communicate with one another then it would also make some sort of sense that science hasn't been able to measure it as it would be "faster" than...but also more subtle than what we currently have the ability to measure.