Merkabah | Page 247 | INFJ Forum
I remember that there is a tradition in England of putting out socks on Christmas Eve. By Christmas Day morning, Santa has hopefully put present in it. Now there is a dual purpose of socks. Make an X-mas of every day. :mxmas:

Hahahahahaha..... I know..... :tongueout:

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Really cool shared experience of another reality.

The group of women are the new Beings from Venus here to help humanity shift up their frequency and expand consciousness. I also sense the Divine Feminine Energy presence there with you.
The man doing odd moves towards your house is curious. It seems to me that if a person has nefarious motives towards you and your home they would try to get as close to you as possible to enact their dastardly deed. Yet this guy was being as obvious as possible even to the point of calling attention to himself by doing gymnastic moves right out in the open. As if to say "look at me! ...look at me! ...I'm trying to sneak up on you to do some harm!"
...weird that is...

I've read a couple of others talk about this smooth gentle loving completely fullfilling energy moving through them seemingly from the core of their being. Feeling as if wrapped in a cocoon of love. Others are sensing it too. I too am feeling this energy flowing out from my center and I think it's our Lightbody engaging with the human body through the portals along our spine. Some call them chakras. Some call them energy centers....gateways...nodes of connection with the web...the matrix...the dimensions...etc.

Some thoughts come to mind:
Be mindful of the fact you and I and all of us are OF One unified field of consciousness.
Our ultimate goal is to integrate and unify with our Light Body Higher Self down here in our human form...and the goal of the Light Body Being is Unity Consciousness.
Projecting our Fear upon another Being...whether incarnate here on earth or only adding to the collective consciousness of Fear which intensifies its effects upon all humans through our shared consciousness.
Most are not adept at keeping "your" personal Fear out of "their" personal consciousness field....and this keeps humanity scrambling at full speed on the hamster wheel of manipulation.
Therefore it is our responsibility to deal with our own personal fears.
Seek ways, methods, and tools to release your fear of seemingly dark demonic Beings...not barricade yourself and push against them. Transmuation is the term.
All consciousness is energy and exists in the neutral state of unconditional love. The Creator...which is you....projects their Emotions combined with Thought upon that "sea of consciousness" and it takes on Form. It has weight. It has substance. and it has Affect...and Effect...upon your world(energy field) and the world of humanity. [okay i said that last line poorly...but you know what i mean]:blush:

So if you're fearful of demons trying to enter your home....they will come check you out because they resonate to that fear and they can feel in the collective.
You are actually creating the potential for that to happen.
...orrr... you are literally creating negative thought forms filled with fear to come flip flopping down your street towards your house.

How do you feel when you read those words?

It wasn’t MY to Sensiko...I was peacefully meditating.
I am not fearful of demons or negative entities entering my home...but I also do not believe all paranormal entities to be of my own creation.
As such, I have taken precautions and set up boundaries of intention and otherwise not because I am afraid of such things, but because I understand that there is nothing positive that can come from one setting up shop in my house and/or trying /succeeding in influencing those within.
IMHO there are negative entities that exist and it isn’t beyond the scope of what we know that it could be a negative thought-form that has been fed until it has some form of sentience.
As if...this is what I am created to be...which is a I will behave as such because I was programed to be that thing.
So I understand what you are saying in general about spreading fear throughout the collective consciousness and I assure you I am doing my part.
Such entities or negative thought-forms I think are more surprised that they are noticed by me or someone else more than anything....why not do cartwheels down the one can see him?
I don’t think he started this way until he was noticed by us and was already being pushed away subconsciously.
I’m not going to double-guess my seemingly autonomic psychic response to a negative entity being within a certain proximity to myself.
The last time when I actually got up and was standing/floating in my hallway OOB, there was no second guess about if it was something that belonged there or not.
It did not belong and I was going to get rid of it, there was no doubt then or now...just my intuition.
Other than that the waves began quite spontaneously, though I was meditating, it is not a feeling I feel very frequently.
It has a very specific way that it begins to emanate...though I encouraged it, I don’t seem to have control of when it begins or ends.
Also, I wasn’t even thinking of a negative entity until Sensiko got up and we put it together how they could coincide.
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Please don’t think I was discounting what you were saying in any way.
That is/was not my intention...I don’t think you took it as such, but everyone seems to be on edge these days...

Perhaps it was some sort of negative thought-form...perhaps it was all just coincidental and Sensiko and I just happen to feel ourselves “Qi blasting” or waves of positive Qi (source energy, whatever you want to call it) at the same time, and like I said...the waves were very pleasant...(I do believe it awoke my Kundalini energy as well ;) ).
So...perhaps it was transmutated into oblivion or something good/positive by our actions.
As for why such a thing would be so obvious about being out in the open - though it was in another dimension...I think some of that has to do with the very thing you mentioned - that we are here to transform energy and raise it’s vibrational state.
I cannot imagine that the wonderful, spiritual, powerful waves that were emanating from my core to combine with the energy of the group of women could do anything that is good, harm...and I can’t say what if anything happened to the entity, but that maybe is part of why I feel like shit in the morning (it’s a theory I’m pondering), maybe I’m busy in my sleep, and when I wake I have to purge that negative energy that I am working to transform.
Anyhow, thank you as always for your love and insight.
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Please don’t think I was discounting what you were saying in any way.
That is/was not my intention...I don’t think you took it as such, but everyone seems to be on edge these days...

Perhaps it was some sort of negative thought-form...perhaps it was all just coincidental and Sensiko and I just happen to feel ourselves “Qi blasting” or waves of positive Qi (source energy, whatever you want to call it) at the same time, and like I said...the waves were very pleasant...(I do believe it awoke my Kundalini energy as well ;) ).
So...perhaps it was transmutated into oblivion or something good/positive by our actions.
As for why such a thing would be so obvious about being out in the open - though it was in another dimension...I think some of that has to do with the very thing you mentioned - that we are here to transform energy and raise it’s vibrational state.
I cannot imagine that the wonderful, spiritual, powerful waves that were emanating from my core to combine with the energy of the group of women could do anything that is good, harm...and I can’t say what if anything happened to the entity, but that maybe is part of why I feel like shit in the morning (it’s a theory I’m pondering), maybe I’m busy in my sleep, and when I wake I have to purge that negative energy that I am working to transform.
Anyhow, thank you as always for your love and insight.

What??? Oh noo.... I was on the road when I read your previous comment and I grinned hugely and thought EXCELLENT! I thought it was an excellent honest response and that's what I was hoping you'd do. And then I knew you'd mull it over....which this post shows you did. [winks].

I really like that idea of you and Sens were there to help raise its frequency should it choose to accept your assistance. Personally I believe that's my primary purpose for being here for now....and it's the greatest single act of service any of us can do. But that's just my pov....

One of the brilliant aspects of this experience is that you and Sensiko were working together on a higher energetic level including and especially Telepathy. That's exciting to see happening. You were "awake' while she was "asleep" yet both of you were 'in' the same 'place' energetically.

Yeh...I feel like shit in the mornings too....and was that way for a long time. But's been getting better and better.
This brings to mind something I've been doing as of the last couple of weeks...and that is I stand up and state out loud that I wish to align this human body with that of the planet resonance. I usually say the Gaia or Pachamama because either of those elicit a huge surge of joy within me when I seek to connect with them. And that makes it very easy to shift my frequency up to feel the energy of response connection. So each time I say the words out loud I stand in a relaxed stillness. I think in yoga it's called the Mountain Pose....or TadAsana (forgive my spelling). Amazingly I can feel the body start to twitch and shift around within the skin as the body energy meridians move into "tune" with the planet resonance. I've noticed I'm not so weak...nor dizzy...nor as much pain...and I awake more refreshed in the mornings. [shrugs] I don't know if it would help you or not...but it can't hurt to try.

No way that energy flowing through you was there to do harm. I totally agree with you.

We feel like crap in the body now whenever it's trying to integrate the new codes in the downloads we get. The Light contains coding that activate keys within each of our bodies. This is done in a progression based upon how the body is dealing with the activation. Most all the lighworkers I know are experience extreme versions of many many disorders and alleged diseases. Then they go away...only to return when the next wave of energy gets here. At least that's what it looked like for a while. Now the energy is continuous...wave after wave after wave. ...and the body is dealing with it as best as it can. Whenever you have an intense connection with Energy such as that beautiful wave flowing through you.... it seeks to integrate itself in to the body field...and then changes are made within on a physical level.

Here I am yawning and it's only 5:30 pm. hahahahahaha.... See what I'm talking about?

This is what my experience has been until very recently. I have an intense connection experience with a higher frequency Being. It feels fantastic and I feel totally loved. Then this energy moves in to my sphere. THEN....the shit energy gets shoved to the surface....of my awareness...and then the feelings and thoughts surround that "shit" energy engages and I move through the 'feeling it...allowing it to unfold...releasing it' process. This has happened so often now I've gotten very adept at moving through the process and it releases very quickly now. The last few times of connection with higher frequency have not elicited "shit" energy. Instead...I've laughed and giggled and guffawed and cried tears of happiness as the activations wash through my heart.
Afterwards...I'm sleepy tired can't move.

So we be kind to our bodies and let them "do their thing" as we move through this process of integrating Light.
...and you're probably working your ass off at night too....which means be "double" kind to the body. I'm glad you're not employed right now so you can do this for yourself and the world. :D
Okay. I'll shut up.
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Cool video. It told of a few places I didn't know of...and will investigate some of them.

I assume you've heard of and read Graham Hancock's works especially "Fingerprints of the Gods". Robert Bavaul, Anthony West, and Robert Schoch have all added to or collaborated with Graham's seminal work on ancient civilizations.
@Kgal Will respond to your wonderfully extensive message tomorrow.
For article for thought.

Curses, Thought-Forms and Psychic Attacks


Curses (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity — one or more persons, a place, or an object.

In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic,witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.

In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result that can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

They can involve ritualistic techniques, ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of.

Some curses are sent without awareness.

The dark energies that are employed to carry out the curse, will find their way into physical and energetic bodies (auric layers) and homes of the intended targets to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the victim.

The dark energies will affect the victim’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes the targeted person will take on the physical characteristics, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity to such a degree that the person afflicted has a complete personality change.

Negative Thought-Forms

Thought-forms are a manifestation of mental energy that can be sent to others through negative thinking, anger, wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that are based in anger, rage and fear.

A thought-form can be positioned into the attended target’s physical body or various layers of their energetic bodies (auras) causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties.

Intentional Psychic Attack

Psychic attacks occur when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place.

These dark negative energies can be called a spirit, an entity, or a thought form.
Each of these energies can create harmful effects within the person receiving them.

Intentional psychic attacks can include spells, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or types of black magic.

They attack the psyche and can produce devastating effects on the overall health and energy level of the victim.

Unintentional Psychic Attack

The same as intentional but the sender is unaware of what they are doing.
They usually harvest intense negative emotions towards the victim.

The attack can often happen during the exchange of harsh words and heated moments.
The attacking energy is released from one person to the other.

It can remain with them until the energy is properly cleared.

Drawing Negative Energies to Ourselves

We can draw negative energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever from external sources.

Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies to us.

It’s normal to get angry or fearful when things happen in our lives and these occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us.

It’s the long-term and prolonged states that set up the energetic attraction.

Fragmented parts

Ongoing repressed negative emotions can eventually turn into an entity of its own.
Look at it as a fragmented part of you that can no longer coexist within your body, therefore it has manifested itself outside of you as an entity of its own.

When dealing with this kind of entity it is wise to seek professional help.
You need someone that can discern spirits/entities to make sure it really is a part of you and not something separate from you.

If it is determine that it is a part of you, then you will need to help to heal and reintegrate it.

Outside Force

Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for dark and negative types of energies.

Certain entities are attracted to certain energetic vibrations.
Once they find someone that emanates that vibration they latch on to them feeding of off the person’s bad behavior and even encourages them to indulge in it.

Drug and alcohol abuse also draws in these types of energies.
When we become intoxicated, our auras (natural protection) becomes unstable and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up by this state and it offers an easy way in.
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So we be kind to our bodies and let them "do their thing" as we move through this process of integrating Light.
...and you're probably working your ass off at night too....which means be "double" kind to the body. I'm glad you're not employed right now so you can do this for yourself and the world. :D
Okay. I'll shut up.

A Wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins,
nor is he early. He arrives precisely
when he means to

They look at each other a moment..then both start laughing as
FRODO'S face breaks into a smile and he leaps on to the front
seat of the cart.,-The.html

You need some more training before reaching the level of Wizard, Kgal. :neutral:
But I am laughing in either case. :grimacing:
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Topless protesters bare breasts in push for women's rights
  • Marches in New York City and elsewhere around the world
  • ‘Push for women to go topless is as strong as women wanting to vote’
Associated Press in New York

Sunday 28 August 2016 23.16 BST Last modified on Sunday 28 August 2016 23.18 BST

Women around the US were taking off their tops on Sunday to mark GoTopless Day, a day that seeks to promote gender equality and a woman’s right to bare her breasts in public.

GoTopless Day is celebrated annually on the Sunday closest to Women’s Equality Day, which marks the day American women earned the right to vote.

The return of the Divine Feminine?
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The Accelerated Timeline Has Been Chosen
Posted on August 25, 2016 by Andrew Martin


You are currently in a corridor of preparation. The collective has chosen an accelerated timeline and everything has shifted. There are always many probable timelines available to you in any moment. There were several potential timelines beginning in September that would carry you through the rest of the year. It was always going to be a major milestone in the ascension process, it was just a matter of how rapidly it would occur.

The Lion’s Gate Portal of this year was a testing ground so to speak. Those of us who are tasked with monitoring the state of humanity to ensure that this process unfolds in the most compassionate way possible, were waiting to see how your planet would respond to the energies and in turn the effect that it would have on All That Is. The current astrological aspects are also in support of rapid expansion and growth. The two timelines that were the most likely for this period were both ones of continued ascension. However there was one that could be labeled more “intermediate” and one that was considered to be more “advanced” and accelerated.

You are ready for and have chosen the accelerated timeline. Surprisingly this was not the timeline that had the greatest probability of coming to the fore. We were pleasantly surprised by how quickly and how resiliently you were (as a collective) able to integrate these energies. You may be wondering who exactly chose the accelerated path? You did. Your choices made through your human experience as well as the choices from your higher selves and light teams all made the decision together to proceed on this timeline.


Often times your Higher Selves and Light Teams make the decision to hold off on certain updates to allow you time to rest and recover before the next integration. We wish for you to understand that there is very little if any time for rest in between the energies that are now beginning to arrive and that will continue on into 2017. This is no cause for alarm, this is actually quite an exciting development! You have all exceeded any previous projections of what you could handle and are well capable of handling this.

Fasten your seatbelts!!!
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The Accelerated Timeline Has Been Chosen
Posted on August 25, 2016 by Andrew Martin


You are currently in a corridor of preparation. The collective has chosen an accelerated timeline and everything has shifted. There are always many probable timelines available to you in any moment. There were several potential timelines beginning in September that would carry you through the rest of the year. It was always going to be a major milestone in the ascension process, it was just a matter of how rapidly it would occur.

The Lion’s Gate Portal of this year was a testing ground so to speak. Those of us who are tasked with monitoring the state of humanity to ensure that this process unfolds in the most compassionate way possible, were waiting to see how your planet would respond to the energies and in turn the effect that it would have on All That Is. The current astrological aspects are also in support of rapid expansion and growth. The two timelines that were the most likely for this period were both ones of continued ascension. However there was one that could be labeled more “intermediate” and one that was considered to be more “advanced” and accelerated.

You are ready for and have chosen the accelerated timeline. Surprisingly this was not the timeline that had the greatest probability of coming to the fore. We were pleasantly surprised by how quickly and how resiliently you were (as a collective) able to integrate these energies. You may be wondering who exactly chose the accelerated path? You did. Your choices made through your human experience as well as the choices from your higher selves and light teams all made the decision together to proceed on this timeline.


Often times your Higher Selves and Light Teams make the decision to hold off on certain updates to allow you time to rest and recover before the next integration. We wish for you to understand that there is very little if any time for rest in between the energies that are now beginning to arrive and that will continue on into 2017. This is no cause for alarm, this is actually quite an exciting development! You have all exceeded any previous projections of what you could handle and are well capable of handling this.

Fasten your seatbelts!!!

I kind of don’t really know what to think of such prophetic statements that are put out by various people and groups.
I honestly would rather play it by ear, than be influenced by a group or statement as such.
Please feel free to continue to post on this thread, as you should be required to have an open mind when reading this thread...but personally, I continue to see the year of “the shift” being pushed farther and farther back as opposed to some great collective realization that is supposed to have/will?/moving toward will happen at some point.

I require more proof and cannot act on faith alone...that isn’t to say I don’t have faith in certain things.
But who is really writing what you are posting and is it accurate...have any of the predictions come to pass that we can go back and say - look, here is may be a coincidence but it’s better than nothing.

God created us with a certain amount of critical doubt is to remain in doubt is to stagnate.
Just food for thought.
Topless protesters bare breasts in push for women's rights
  • Marches in New York City and elsewhere around the world
  • ‘Push for women to go topless is as strong as women wanting to vote’
Associated Press in New York

Sunday 28 August 2016 23.16 BST Last modified on Sunday 28 August 2016 23.18 BST

Women around the US were taking off their tops on Sunday to mark GoTopless Day, a day that seeks to promote gender equality and a woman’s right to bare her breasts in public.

GoTopless Day is celebrated annually on the Sunday closest to Women’s Equality Day, which marks the day American women earned the right to vote.

The return of the Divine Feminine?

Yes...and Balance between the Masculine and the Feminine.

I think women are also starting to recognize wearing bras creates potential for breast issues.
Curses (also called execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity — one or more persons, a place, or an object.

In particular, “curse” may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic,witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.

In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result that can seriously affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

They can involve ritualistic techniques, ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of.

Some curses are sent without awareness.

The dark energies that are employed to carry out the curse, will find their way into physical and energetic bodies (auric layers) and homes of the intended targets to create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the victim.

The dark energies will affect the victim’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Sometimes the targeted person will take on the physical characteristics, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity to such a degree that the person afflicted has a complete personality change.

p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

Curses!!! That word was shouted and/or uttered by many a villain back in the day in the old time movies and cartoons. I think only the bad guy could get away with cursing like that...for it was considered so back then. I grew up hearing people insert silly words for their IF changing the word would cut them some slack in the eyes of their judging God. People can be so creative in their ways of hiding out from the truth. Hey… I'm sure I've done it too like a gazillion times….but still...I mean come onnn! Oh Fudge It???

I was thinking about the information here on Curses….in the form of wishing someone adversity or misfortune. Since I do the opposite and believe it has an effect upon my world….then it would be logical to believe this too is possible and can have an effect. Energy is energy. It's Neutral and capable of creating both negative or positive effects especially because within this framework of 3d Earth Duality can manifest at extreme polarities. Therefore a Curse can pack a whollop here due to the fact the vibrational frequency of the collective is/was so low.

I say is/was because much of the collective frequency is shifting up. As this continues the planet frequency shifts up too and we….everything...planet, the plant and animal kingdoms, humans above, below, and on the ground….are affected by this.

The higher frequency does not support the idea of Misfortune being wish upon a person. Therefore the idea of Curses will not function when we resonate to that higher frequency earth. I can feel my body constantly ebbing and flowing now as it seeks to keep manifesting itself in this unstable period of flux. Therefore I know we're shifting up in frequency...both on an individual level...and a planetary level. I'm thinking Curses are falling apart at the seems left and right now...and turning to dust. Just like the old ways that were designed to cause harm.

I use the idea of rituals and ceremonies to create a shift up in my frequency and then ask spirit to assist all of humanity in various creating abundance for all Beings within this planetary sphere. Today is exceptionally powerful in energy and every hour or so I take the time to state my love wish for all of us out to the universe. ….and I feel the energy ripple through my heart and in to the space around me when the words are said. Interestingly I can hear my voice change if I echo.

[laughs] Hah! I curse thee to a long life filled with Excitement, Joy, Confidence, Compassion, Freedom, and Clarity! Muah! :kissingheart:
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Yes...and Balance between the Masculine and the Feminine.

I think women are also starting to recognize wearing bras creates potential for breast issues.

I was just listening to one of Michael Tsarion's videos on Youtube. He said that one purpose of colonialism was to get rid of shamans of native tribes. They have knowledge of holistic healing and organize rituals such as rain dances. Rain dances are also used for healing the planet. Tsarion spoke of psychopathy as being like an infection that is killing the planet. Rain dances strengthen the immune defence of the planet.

Do you think people will go out doing rain dances after the Event? Semi-naked or fully dressed?
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I kind of don’t really know what to think of such prophetic statements that are put out by various people and groups.
I honestly would rather play it by ear, than be influenced by a group or statement as such.
Please feel free to continue to post on this thread, as you should be required to have an open mind when reading this thread...but personally, I continue to see the year of “the shift” being pushed farther and farther back as opposed to some great collective realization that is supposed to have/will?/moving toward will happen at some point.

I require more proof and cannot act on faith alone...that isn’t to say I don’t have faith in certain things.
But who is really writing what you are posting and is it accurate...have any of the predictions come to pass that we can go back and say - look, here is may be a coincidence but it’s better than nothing.

God created us with a certain amount of critical doubt is to remain in doubt is to stagnate.
Just food for thought.

Empaths have their own subconscious biases when they do channeling and automatic writing. Corey Goode spoke of an example that shows this. The Looneynati have some tool that is used to predict future events. It is similar to Lady Galadriel's water mirror. A psychopath is negatively biased and sees death and destruction. A biased happy person sees happy events. A neutral person can see both.

The guy who wrote that has got his own bias and I will not speculate about what that is.

I was thinking rather that Cobra has said that we are fifteen years late because of 9/11. 15*12 = months. One percent is circa 0.56 percent. If we manage to shave, e.g., one week next month, we will catch up a tiny amount, about 0.14 percent of that lost time. :wink:
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p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

Curses!!! That word was shouted and/or uttered by many a villain back in the day in the old time movies and cartoons. I think only the bad guy could get away with cursing like that...for it was considered so back then. I grew up hearing people insert silly words for their IF changing the word would cut them some slack in the eyes of their judging God. People can be so creative in their ways of hiding out from the truth. Hey… I'm sure I've done it too like a gazillion times….but still...I mean come onnn! Oh Fudge It???

I was thinking about the information here on Curses….in the form of wishing someone adversity or misfortune. Since I do the opposite and believe it has an effect upon my world….then it would be logical to believe this too is possible and can have an effect. Energy is energy. It's Neutral and capable of creating both negative or positive effects especially because within this framework of 3d Earth Duality can manifest at extreme polarities. Therefore a Curse can pack a whollop here due to the fact the vibrational frequency of the collective is/was so low.

I say is/was because much of the collective frequency is shifting up. As this continues the planet frequency shifts up too and we….everything...planet, the plant and animal kingdoms, humans above, below, and on the ground….are affected by this.

The higher frequency does not support the idea of Misfortune being wish upon a person. Therefore the idea of Curses will not function when we resonate to that higher frequency earth. I can feel my body constantly ebbing and flowing now as it seeks to keep manifesting itself in this unstable period of flux. Therefore I know we're shifting up in frequency...both on an individual level...and a planetary level. I'm thinking Curses are falling apart at the seems left and right now...and turning to dust. Just like the old ways that were designed to cause harm.

I use the idea of rituals and ceremonies to create a shift up in my frequency and then ask spirit to assist all of humanity in various creating abundance for all Beings within this planetary sphere. Today is exceptionally powerful in energy and every hour or so I take the time to state my love wish for all of us out to the universe. ….and I feel the energy ripple through my heart and in to the space around me when the words are said. Interestingly I can hear my voice change if I echo.

[laughs] Hah! I curse thee to a long life filled with Excitement, Joy, Confidence, Compassion, Freedom, and Clarity! Muah! :kissingheart:

Indigenous Languages
If you listen to earlier indigenous forms of speech you’ll notice a more musical sounding quality, with greater use of tones and breath. It conveys not just concepts but spirit and a much deeper awareness.

Native Americans for example use rich sounds and picture words that have an inherent respect and reverence for nature and the Universe built right into their language, using profound analogies and metaphors referring to their shared interaction with the wondrous natural world around them. You hardly have to know what the words mean it’s so enriching and fascinating to hear.

Listen to the late Native American elder Red Crow at the end of this clip when he sings a Native American blessing.

Modern languages, however, have deteriorated. Why?

(The link to the clip does not work.)

Curses are one feature of language. There are more things to language. Let us discuss those things.

I definitely agree that many languages seem rather fluid and beautiful. There are many different languages and each has its own unique properties. There is the idea that Western European languages seem poor when it comes to grammar and creative expression compared to its ancestral languages. I agree with that.

Though English is expressive in many ways and at its best there is Shakespeare, it feels artificial to me. :nomouth: It is good for technical use, but for cultural expression I would prefer Finnish or an ancient Indo-European language. I wish that I had learnt any of those languages.

Do you think that the deterioration (grammar Nazis like saying that) of Western European languages is was caused by psychopaths who wanted to control us? I cannot see how it is not.

Do you think by the way that language will change rapidly after the Event. If they are full of low frequency expression, then obviously we would want to switch to higher frequencies. We discussed telepathy before. Do you think that spoken language will change first or telepathy be developed to replace it? It takes tremendous mental effort to learn telepathy according to Corey Goode. But I think that the 100 monkey effect ensures a rapid diffusion after a minority of people has mastered it.
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I was just listening to one of Michael Tsarion's videos on Youtube. He said that one purpose of colonialism was to get rid of shamans of native tribes. They have knowledge of holistic healing and organize rituals such as rain dances. Rain dances are also used for healing the planet. Tsarion spoke of psychopathy as being like an infection that is killing the planet. Rain dances strengthen the immune defence of the planet.

Do you think people will go out doing rain dances after the Event? Semi-naked or fully dressed?

Prolly. It's fun. I've been doing it a lot lately and the rain tickles the I end up laughing.
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Do you think by the way that language will change rapidly after the Event. If they are full of low frequency expression, then obviously we would want to switch to higher frequencies. We discussed telepathy before. Do you think that spoken language will change first or telepathy be developed to replace it? It takes tremendous mental effort to learn telepathy according to Corey Goode. But I think that the 100 monkey effect ensures a rapid diffusion after a minority of people has mastered it.

My experiences in the last few months are showing me language is already changing rapidly. There are so many times now where I don't understand what the other person is trying to tell me I went to the guides and said what the hell is going on?....and they said the Tower of Babel.... We are in a time similar to that.
It looks to me as if is great change is going on with the way humanity is communicating. At least the English speakers.
I think that ties directly with the fact each of us are creating our own world...the experiences and the stage....and as we move in to the newer frequencies along with the earth chaos is naturally moving into language as well.
It seems to me as Telepathy continues to rise there will be less and less spoken words...and more focus will be placed upon Sound.
As for Corey's statement....remember....he is or was part of group who relied heavily upon technology to accomplish their feats within this low frequency heavy dimension we live in. So I agree with you in that as the electromagnetic field of the earth continues to rise new technology - like Telepathy - will be accessible to Humanity.
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