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My experiences in the last few months are showing me language is already changing rapidly. There are so many times now where I don't understand what the other person is trying to tell me I went to the guides and said what the hell is going on?....and they said the Tower of Babel.... We are in a time similar to that.
It looks to me as if is great change is going on with the way humanity is communicating. At least the English speakers.
I think that ties directly with the fact each of us are creating our own world...the experiences and the stage....and as we move in to the newer frequencies along with the earth chaos is naturally moving into language as well.
It seems to me as Telepathy continues to rise there will be less and less spoken words...and more focus will be placed upon Sound.
As for Corey's statement....remember....he is or was part of group who relied heavily upon technology to accomplish their feats within this low frequency heavy dimension we live in. So I agree with you in that as the electromagnetic field of the earth continues to rise new technology - like Telepathy - will be accessible to Humanity.

Language is a form of magic. The words are confused because the people speaking them are confused. People often do not actually see the words - they see what they already preconceived. This is why you can explicitly and simply say something in no uncertain terms and people will act as if they never heard it.

Language is fine. It's the people that are confounded. English is so dull because of the western tendency to robotically shun everything unfamiliar, and to dismiss all spiritual pursuits that aren't a diluted and sterile version of Christianity.
Language is a form of magic. The words are confused because the people speaking them are confused. People often do not actually see the words - they see what they already preconceived. This is why you can explicitly and simply say something in no uncertain terms and people will act as if they never heard it.

Language is fine. It's the people that are confounded. English is so dull because of the western tendency to robotically shun everything unfamiliar, and to dismiss all spiritual pursuits that aren't a diluted and sterile version of Christianity.

Agreed!! Language is magic! The spoken word is magic. No doubts there.

...and yeh.... you can clearly tell people something and they will hear what they want to hear.... Or more specifically....they'll NOT hear what they don't want to hear. ;)
Agreed!! Language is magic! The spoken word is magic. No doubts there.

...and yeh.... you can clearly tell people something and they will hear what they want to hear.... Or more specifically....they'll NOT hear what they don't want to hear. ;)

Yes, this happens with automatic thinking. If you take your words for granted then eventually you start taking other people's words for granted also.
To keep with the topic being discussed.
This has a few far out ideas...what say you all?

Magic and the Power of Words


Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they can be used to affect how energy travels through space.

When spoken out loud, words transform into vibrations that can be used to direct energy.
This is one of the first steps to creating magic effects.

Most people will laugh at the idea of magic being real, but if only they knew what magic really is, they would not be laughing.

The Controllers who pull the strings of politicians are well aware of how magic works.
Many of them actually practice the art of magic, which is why they are sometimes referred to as the Dark Magicians.

Unfortunately, they like to use magic for evil purposes.

What is the definition of magic?

The word magic comes from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magic’s.
One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces.”

In simpler term, it is the art of using natural forces to direct and control energy to produce a desired effect.

Magic has a strong relationship with magnetic and electrical energy.
Did you notice that the word “magnetic” has the word “magic” in it?

Take out “net” in “mag-net-ic” and you are left with the word “magic.”

The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy.
If you learn how to control and direct this energy, you will become one of the most powerful people on Earth.

Why do you think the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) are so obsessed with magic and energy?

The art of magic is often practiced along with certain words and sacred geometries.
The types of words that are used in magic rituals are the words that produce powerful sound tones when spoken out loud.

These sound tones have powerful vibrational patterns, which are used to direct energy and harness its power.

Sound is able to direct energy because it contains certain frequency patterns that attract energy to flow in a controllable manner.

Furthermore, sound is one of the natural forces used by Nature to create structures and sacred geometries, which are some of the building blocks of matter.

For strong evidence that sound can direct energy, watch the video below.

Cymatics: Sacred Geometry Formed by Sound

For more enlightening information and videos about how sound creates structures and sacred geometries, read my article titled -

Understanding the Magic of Nature and Embracing It to Make Life Fun, Happy and Enjoyable Again.

The power of words

Once you know how words along with sound can be used to direct energy to produce magic effects, you will know that words can be as powerful or even more powerful than swords.

When you move the letter “s” in “words” to the front, you get “sword.”
This is not an accident.

Nearly all words in the English language are carefully designed and put together in a way that produces magic effects, so that the creators (the Dark Magicians) of these words can trick you into playing their “con game.”

Is this hard for you to believe?
Read further and I will show you the evidence.

When you go to court for a trial in the United States, you are not really going to court but are going to a “game arena” where they are planning to con you.

Where do you go when you want to play basketball or tennis?
You go to a basketball “court” or tennis “court.”

Therefore, a “court” is where people go to when they want to play a game.
Did you think they named the place where you go to trial a “court-room” by accident?

Another word that they like to use to trick you into playing their con game is “contract.”
When you separate “contract” in half, you get “con-tract”.

As a verb, the word “con” is define as “to swindle or trick.”
As a noun, the word “tract” is define as “a brief treatise or pamphlet for general distribution.”

Based on the two definitions, when you put “con” and “tract” together, you get a treatise with word trick.

When you sign a contract with a corporation or the government, you are agreeing to a fraudulent and deceptive treatise.

In other words, you are being conned.
The good news is that pretty much all contracts you made with corporations and government agencies are fraudulent since they do not come with full disclosure.

For more evidence of how words are used to deceive you, read - this empowering article about the secrets of the court system.

How words affect you

Have you ever wondered why words can hurt you so much?
When someone says an offensive word that hurts you at a very deep level, it can feel like someone is stabbing you with a sword.

Words can hurt you like this because they carry vibration and energy.
The right vibration and energy can easily penetrate your body, harming you or healing you at the deepest level of your being.

When you speak words, you are casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s magnetic field or magic field, which is the energy field that creates the reality of Earth.

Once you know the real power of words, you will know that words can affect your energy, because it has the ability to direct and control energy to a certain point.

Because of this, words do have magical properties!

So next time you make a wish using words, you may want to think twice before making it.
Like they say, “be careful what you wish for.”

The Magic Power of Words and
Why Words Rule the World

Confucius said:
“Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.”


We hear and speak words everyday for the reason that we heavily rely on them to communicate.
Because of this, words play a very important role for shaping our beliefs and perception of reality.

It is estimated that the average person speaks more than 7,000 words per day.
Even though we hear and speak words everyday, most of us have no clue as to how powerful words are.

What most people do not know about words is that they have magic properties and are very effective for deceiving the mind.

However, words can also be used to empower the mind.
In this article, I will show you how words are used to trick you to give up your natural rights and spiritual powers to the state.

Every time you give up your spiritual powers and natural rights to a government agency, you are committing sin against the Prime Creator.

The process of using words to trick you to commit sin is what I like to refer to as word magic.
Be aware that word magic can be used for good or evil purposes.

One of the first things the state does to trick you to give up your natural rights, so they can make you play their vampiric game called the debt-based commerce system is by convincing you to sign commercial contracts with their government.

Your first commercial contract with the state is the birth certificate.
I am not going to go into details about the birth certificate, because this article is about educating you to become aware of the magic power of words and why words rule the world.

If you want to learn more about the birth certificate, watch the short and informative video below.

The Magic Power of Words

Before we explore the magic power of words, I need to explain to you what magic is so you can see the relation between magic and the power of words.

The term magic is derived from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magic’s.
One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces”.

The Universe has many natural forces.
Some of these forces are the “engines” that control the behavior of sound, light, vibration, and frequency.

When you learn to use these forces to control energy, you can control how energy manifest itself into physical things to a significant degree.

This is the art of magic or magick.

One way to tap into the magic power of words is to use the force of thought along with sound and sacred geometry.

Sound plays a really important role for directing energy to create sacred geometries.
These sacred geometric patterns are some of the building blocks of matter, which is why they can be found near the core of all material objects, even down to the level of atoms.

The evidence proving that sound has the power to create sacred geometry can be seen in cymatics.

A written word without sound is not that powerful. (Unless it’s a Sigil)
However, when you add sound to it using your voice, the word vibrates with more energy and therefore becomes “alive”, allowing it to do magical things.

Because a spoken word has sound and sound can create sacred geometry, the right combination of spoken words can cast magic spells and control the flow of energy.

Combine spoken words with the power of thought and emotion and certain natural elements (e.g., fire and water) and you have a very powerful tool to use for creating magic.

Why Words Rule the World

The system that deals with law and justice and keeps society in order is the court system.
When you go to court, you are not really going to court but are going to a game arena to battle other people with words.

The person who knows how to use words wisely and effectively will usually win.
When you arm yourself with the right words and effectively use your mind and heart to unleash the power of words, you can win nearly every court case.

This is why words rule the world.

The court system like to use words to trick you to consent to be a legal person, also known as a corporation or legal fiction.

Because of this, you need to know how word magic is used in court.
The content in italics below shows you how courts use word magic to deceive you, so that they can claim jurisdiction over your body, mind, and soul.

The following content is a section from my book titled - Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words.

The legal system operates in a jurisdiction that deals with fictional things.
This is why the “laws” of the legal system are called acts and statutes, just like the acts and statues in a play.

Because of this, nearly everything it does is unlawful.
After reading this book, you will know why the legal system is a big fat fraud!

Under admiralty law, if you are missing for 7 years, you can be declared legally dead.
This is why people lost at sea are declared legally dead after 7 years.

In the USA, our political and court system are operating under admiralty and maritime law.
Both of these laws deal with commerce on the sea.

To connect the dots, when the government announces you as being legally dead, what they are really saying is that you are dead at sea.

They say this because you are mostly made of water and you were born from a sack of water (the amniotic sac).

Because you are legally dead and the government owns your legal name, the government can legally claim your estate.

This process is similar to when people die and their estates are transferred to the people listed on their wills. This is why the government can legally seize your properties and children when you violate their acts and statutes.

However, if you rebut their presumption and let them know that you are not dead, it makes it much harder for the government to confiscate your properties.

When you send a letter to the government to let them know that you are not dead at sea but is alive and well, you are correcting your status and removing yourself from their jurisdiction, which is an imaginary territory that operates in a dead fictional world.

After you correct your status, the government now has to treat you as a living natural person instead of a dead person/legal person.

A dead person, also known as a legal person or legal fiction, has no natural rights, only privileges.
An example of a legal person/legal fiction is a United States Citizen.

Because United States Citizens are legal persons with only privileges, according to the legal system, they have no natural rights.

This is why when you go to court and shout out to the judge about your natural rights or constitutional rights, the judge will look at you like you are a fool and may tell you to sit down and shut up!

Because the legal person (e.g., United States Citizen, legal name, and corporation) is a dead thing, the government has jurisdiction over it.

On the other hand, the natural person is a living, breathing person, and therefore has natural rights, which are unalienable rights given to the natural person by the Prime Creator.

The word unalienable means “incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferred”.
In other words, your natural rights are superior to all “laws” made by the government and can not be sold, and therefore the government does not have jurisdiction over you, the natural person.

The people who control the legal system are master magicians, and therefore are well aware of the power of words.

Unfortunately, they like to train their judges and attorneys to use the power of words to enslave your mind, body, and soul.

The good news is that if you learn how to use words wisely, you can put their judges and attorneys in checkmate.

The following video shows you how the right words can free you from the jurisdiction of the court.

Did You Know Judges are Low-Level Magicians?

When you walk into a courtroom, you are actually walking into a game arena to play legal and magic games. This is why the judge is sometimes called the magistrate and the letter that the court used to notify you to appear in court is called a summons.

What do witches do when they want to call spirits to appear in front of them?
They summon them using the power of words!

They did not call it a summons letter by accident.

In legal terms, the word magistrate is defined as “any individual who has the power of a public civil officer or inferior judicial officer, such as a Justice of the Peace”.

Magistrate can also be defined as “a civil officer charged with the administration of the law”.
To find the occult definition of the word magistrate, you need to split it into two words (magi-strate).

The word you need to pay attention to is magi.
One of the origins of the word magi is the Latin word magi (plural of magus), meaning “magician, learned magician”.

Hence, the words magistrate, magician, magic, and magistery.

Judges are trained by the legal system to cast magic spells on you when you are in a courtroom.
However, many judges may not be aware that they are casting magic spells.

The hidden agenda of their magic spells is to trick you to give up your spiritual powers and natural rights. The good news is that when you learn how to rebut their claims using the right words, you can nullify their claims and put them in checkmate.

Do you comprehend now why words rule the world?
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Which style catches your eye more?

Trying to narrow down paint color schemes and scared geometry without making it cheeseball.

Photo on 8-11-16 at 10.39 AM.jpg

Or the previous one.
Photo on 6-10-16 at 1.48 PM #2.jpg

Also here is a shameless plug for my online shop of bizarre and strange stuff -

The two wands I completed and now up for sale...though I’m quite unhappy with the pictures...Etsy only gives you 5 photos and the wands have far more detail than I can really capture well.
Just fyi.
I was drawn to both styles; very eye-catching colours. The blue scheme feels more... home-y, down to earth and personal. The red and gold gives off a more sleek, stream-liner and hmm... professional? vibe.
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To keep with the topic being discussed.
This has a few far out ideas...what say you all?

Magic and the Power of Words


Language is the most precise form of communication, and communication inspires action. As a more concrete example, it's pretty hard to hack (take control of) a computer/phone that's not connected to anything through which you could communicate (like the internet).

Besides, even Final Fantasy has a silence status that prevents one from casting magic. You see in many movies the casting of spells through some encantation. I think it's a metaphore (and probably to make it seem "mystical") for actual speech.
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wow, for the life of me I cannot find this law (of a study) on google I'm pretty sure existed. Maybe I dreamt an entire life. Basically:

The component that recieves the most communication is the controller. (I paraphrase)

I believe the law was applied to digital electronics (like the communication between microprocessors on a bus), but abstractly worded as to hint its application to anything (like people).
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The red one seems more inspired but they are both good.

Did you make those sigils or get them from a book? I don't have sigils memorized so it is hard to tell.
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Language is a form of magic. The words are confused because the people speaking them are confused. People often do not actually see the words - they see what they already preconceived. This is why you can explicitly and simply say something in no uncertain terms and people will act as if they never heard it.

Language is fine. It's the people that are confounded. English is so dull because of the western tendency to robotically shun everything unfamiliar, and to dismiss all spiritual pursuits that aren't a diluted and sterile version of Christianity.

Lynn – Cobra, can you tell us what your interpretation of a Mantra is.

COBRA – A Mantra is a certain word of power which can with interpretation create certain energetic and psychological effects.

Lynn – Can you tell us what a Yantra is?

COBRA – A Yantra is a sacred geometry symbol which has the same effect. Through a certain geometric resonance it influences higher dimensional vibrational frequencies and can create lasting effects there. (thank you)

Richard – Cobra, why is Telugu and Sanskrit feel as if energy is coming or going as the words are being said.

COBRA – Oh, yes there are some languages which have their roots in ancient Atlantean languages and those languages were actually not just words they were the vibration of many words in those languages was actually a Mantra which created a certain effect. Especially with sanskrit you have certain words which are made up of short mantra’s made up of old Atlantean languages. (thank you very much).

Lynn – Cobra, what’s the purpose of sacred geometry.

COBRA – The purpose of sacred geometry is to manifest harmony in the universe.

I just saw the quote above today.

There is something aesthetically disturbing with Western languages. Ancient languages are more pleasant. It is all to do with vibration. I knew it.
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There's something very striking about the second one, but for some reason I'm more drawn to the the first one. The frame feels almost like grounding for the current of the sigil. Which makes it feel more focused, as if the frame is stopping energy from leaking out.

They're both very cool though. Nice work.
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Richard – Cobra, on May 10th, 2012 you wrote that “the leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance Forces and taken off planet. He has crossed over to the light and is now free willingly assisting the planetary liberation process. Later on July 15, 2012 you wrote something similar that the Archon leader went to the galactic central sun so now the Cabal are worshipping something that no longer exists. The question is; is this former leader of the Archon now assisting with the planetary liberation process or does he not exist any more.

COBRA – He was assisting the light forces for a short period of time but when he had realized what he had done in the past he volunteered to be disintegrated in the galactic central sun and his wish was granted. So he does not exist any more. And there are certain factions of the Cabal that are worshipping that entity without realizing that that entity does not exist any more as individual being. No where in this Universe and no where anywhere else. He does not exist any more. It’s a thing of the past. (well, thank you)

Richard – Also on July 12, 2014 you wrote “on the physical plane the current Archon leader lives near Rome”. Is this person alive or has he surrendered or been taken away.

COBRA – That person does not live near Rome any more. This is as much as I can say. That person has been relocated and lost most of it’s power, one way or the other. (thank you very much)

Lynn – Cobra, this question is about Yaldabaoth, the Octopus. You have said he is a living entity. Does he have DNA that is related to an Octopus?

COBRA – It is not a physical living entity and doesn’t need DNA. (I see) It’s a plasma energy being.

Lynn – Did he come from another planetary system?

COBRA – That entity came from a certain section of sector of the Andromeda galaxy went through the Orion and finally ended up in this solar system.

Lynn – Is Yaldabaoth some kind of leader?

COBRA – Yes, he is one of the fallen Angels for the Archons.

Lynn – For whom is he a leader. Is it the Archons.

COBRA – For the Archons. Yes.

Lynn – Do the Archons control him or he’s just their leader.

COBRA – In a way he is controlling them because he manipulates a large percentage of plasma in this solar system. (I see)

Lynn – The veil which extends roughly 8.6 miles above the earth’s surface and the plasma Octopus called Yaldabaoth, how is the Yaldabaoth situation. Is it vanishing?

COBRA – It is, this plasma entity, I would say, the plasma body of that entity is slowly being disintegrating or transformed into pure light as the light forces are progressing. (awesome. Yea, thank you)

Hahahahaha!!! The Archon leader no longer exists. He was disintegrated and he even asked for voluntarily when he realized all the pain and suffering that he had caused. Psychopaths are able to feel remorse if they make an effort. But if he no longer wished to exist, that must mean that he concluded that he cannot heal completely. You need to heal completely in order to ascend the ladder to higher dimensions, which all souls do.

So he was an object of worhsip by the Looneynati. Their God is no more. Now, what are they going to do? The Hydra cannot regrow a head if one is decapitated because the have no leadership from the top.

I hope that someone working for a three letter agency will tell his superiors about this and that the message will reach to the top of the power pyramid. But these people dismiss information that they do not want to hear. And the leaders at the top are so compartmentalized that this piece of information will probably never reach them. But let us hope for the best. :grinning:

Yaldaboth, the plasma energy being that is not a soul, is it the AI monster that was created early on in the history of the Milkyway Galaxy? I have read about that in other places.
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Which style catches your eye more?

Trying to narrow down paint color schemes and scared geometry without making it cheeseball.

Also here is a shameless plug for my online shop of bizarre and strange stuff -

The two wands I completed and now up for sale...though I’m quite unhappy with the pictures...Etsy only gives you 5 photos and the wands have far more detail than I can really capture well.
Just fyi.

They seem to have about the size of a clock that you put on a wall. That is good, because we will soon longer need watches or clocks after the Event.

Are they painted with paint that does not contain heavy metals?

I think that I prefer the first one. I like the color blue.
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Richard – Cobra, on May 10th, 2012 you wrote that “the leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance Forces and taken off planet. He has crossed over to the light and is now free willingly assisting the planetary liberation process. Later on July 15, 2012 you wrote something similar that the Archon leader went to the galactic central sun so now the Cabal are worshipping something that no longer exists. The question is; is this former leader of the Archon now assisting with the planetary liberation process or does he not exist any more.

COBRA – He was assisting the light forces for a short period of time but when he had realized what he had done in the past he volunteered to be disintegrated in the galactic central sun and his wish was granted. So he does not exist any more. And there are certain factions of the Cabal that are worshipping that entity without realizing that that entity does not exist any more as individual being. No where in this Universe and no where anywhere else. He does not exist any more. It’s a thing of the past. (well, thank you)

Richard – Also on July 12, 2014 you wrote “on the physical plane the current Archon leader lives near Rome”. Is this person alive or has he surrendered or been taken away.

COBRA – That person does not live near Rome any more. This is as much as I can say. That person has been relocated and lost most of it’s power, one way or the other. (thank you very much)

Lynn – Cobra, this question is about Yaldabaoth, the Octopus. You have said he is a living entity. Does he have DNA that is related to an Octopus?

COBRA – It is not a physical living entity and doesn’t need DNA. (I see) It’s a plasma energy being.

Lynn – Did he come from another planetary system?

COBRA – That entity came from a certain section of sector of the Andromeda galaxy went through the Orion and finally ended up in this solar system.

Lynn – Is Yaldabaoth some kind of leader?

COBRA – Yes, he is one of the fallen Angels for the Archons.

Lynn – For whom is he a leader. Is it the Archons.

COBRA – For the Archons. Yes.

Lynn – Do the Archons control him or he’s just their leader.

COBRA – In a way he is controlling them because he manipulates a large percentage of plasma in this solar system. (I see)

Lynn – The veil which extends roughly 8.6 miles above the earth’s surface and the plasma Octopus called Yaldabaoth, how is the Yaldabaoth situation. Is it vanishing?

COBRA – It is, this plasma entity, I would say, the plasma body of that entity is slowly being disintegrating or transformed into pure light as the light forces are progressing. (awesome. Yea, thank you)

Hahahahaha!!! The Archon leader no longer exists. He was disintegrated and he even asked for voluntarily when he realized all the pain and suffering that he had caused. Psychopaths are able to feel remorse if they make an effort. But if he no longer wished to exist, that must mean that he concluded that he cannot heal completely. You need to heal completely in order to ascend the ladder to higher dimensions, which all souls do.

So he was an object of worhsip by the Looneynati. Their God is no more. Now, what are they going to do? The Hydra cannot regrow a head if one is decapitated because the have no leadership from the top.

I hope that someone working for a three letter agency will tell his superiors about this and that the message will reach to the top of the power pyramid. But these people dismiss information that they do not want to hear. And the leaders at the top are so compartmentalized that this piece of information will probably never reach them. But let us hope for the best. :grinning:

Yaldaboth, the plasma energy being that is not a soul, is it the AI monster that was created early on in the history of the Milkyway Galaxy? I have read about that in other places.

Is this an episode of GI Joe?
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@atree @sprinkles @Jacobi @ImaginaryBloke

Thanks for the feedback on the two boards.
I was curious because the red one sold within a week of me putting it up for sale.
(no lead paints ;) )
The difference beside the pattern is the type of paint and stain I used.
Of course the red is brighter and more eye-catching...also the center and the corners make it look sleeker imo.
The red board has very little of the woodgrain showing, while the blue one was purposefully stained to show it.
The sigils are of my own making, but I wanted to stick with a style at least board to board.
I think the next one I will make the sigils a bit more abstract.
I thought about putting the copper in the small circle ends of the all the sigils, but it would be incredibly tedious and difficult - though it would look nice.
Usually I meditate and put on a shit-load of incense and music...then take my compass and ruler and start lightly making a pattern in pencil...usually I will begin with simple “sacred geometry” and then see where it flows from there.
The spiral in the center I think will be my “thing” or my sort of trademark, but also is a manifesting symbol, and underneath the board in the center behind the spiral I usually use liquid nails glue to affix either a piece of Jet, Tourmaline, Obsidian, Snowflake obsidian is nice too....these are all grounding and excellent stones of protection against negative energies.
That is all this new board needs...the grid of stones and crystals underneath.

I think the sleeker center gives it a certain something...
Though the new one is more symmetrical overall.
I was thinking of a design reflecting the golden ratio next time...though, that’s a lot of measuring...haha.
Thanks again for your feedback and suggestions!
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