Here is a link with interesting info/videos on the benefits of tones and music being tuned to 432hz instead of what we now call standard tuning 440hz. Also relates to Cymatics. I was going to copy and paste it but there's just too much crap I'd have to delete for that move to make sense.

I meditate every day with binaural beats...I’m not sure if they help my brainwaves to get into that rhythm as some would suggest, but it is often a great source of focus and helps block out small distractions.
wow, for the life of me I cannot find this law (of a study) on google I'm pretty sure existed. Maybe I dreamt an entire life. Basically:

The component that recieves the most communication is the controller. (I paraphrase)

I believe the law was applied to digital electronics (like the communication between microprocessors on a bus), but abstractly worded as to hint its application to anything (like people).

Well, it sounds very interesting...I will look for it later too and post it if I find it.

What do you think of the idea of the brain being a receiver of consciousness?
A filter or reducing valve of sorts?
Creator of consciousness?
If not...where does our consciousness bubble up from?
Or are these all just areas of neuroscience we have yet to discover?

What about consciousness being the creator of our reality?
All of us would be co-creating the world...which we are in many ways already.
"Many people dedicate their lives to actualizing a concept of what they should be like, rather than actualizing themselves.
This difference between self-actualization and self-image actualization is very important.
Most people live only for their image"
~ Bruce Lee

Siddhis: The Supernatural and Spiritual Powers

Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun which can be translated as "perfection", "accomplishment", "attainment", or "success”.

In Tamil the word Siddhar/Chitthar refers to someone who has attained the Siddhic powers & knowledge.
Chitta is pure consciousness/knowledge in Sanskrit also.

Siddhis are spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga.

The term ṛddhi (Pali: iddhi, "psychic powers") is often used interchangeably in Buddhism.

According to scholars, the Visuddhimagga is one of the extremely rare texts within the enormous literatures of various forms of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities.

Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are performed by changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air.

The individual must master kasina meditation before this is possible.

Eight primary siddhis
  1. Aṇimā: ability to reduce the size of the body, sometimes even to the size of the atoms
  2. Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size
  3. Garima: ability to become very heavy in weight by will
  4. Laghima: becoming almost weightless
  5. Prāpti: the ability to acquire anything anywhere. Having unrestricted access to all places
  6. Prākāmya: the ability to obtain anything desired, ability to have realized the dreams
  7. Iṣṭva: possessing absolute lordship over entire creation
  8. Vaśtva: the ability to have everything under control, especially the physical manifestation made up of 5 elements
Supernatural powers mentioned in Bhagavata Purana:
  • Trikālajñatvam: knowing the past, present and future
  • Advandvam: tolerance of heat/cold, pain/pleasure, sweat/bitter, and other dualities
  • Para citta ādi abhijñatā: knowing the minds of others and so on
  • Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ: having fire, sun, water, poison in control and stopping their effect
  • Aparājayah: remaining unconquered by others
  • Anūrmimattvam: being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other bodily appetites
  • Dūraśravaṇa: hearing things far away
  • Dūradarśanam: seeing things far away
  • Manojavah: moving the body wherever thought goes (teleportation/astral projection)
  • Kāmarūpam: assuming any form desired
  • Parakāya praveśanam: entering the bodies of others (spirits are believed to enter a person's physical body whose astral body is weak, but the power mentioned here is different and superior)
  • Svachanda mṛtyuh: dying when one desires
  • Devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam: witnessing and participating in the pastimes of the gods
  • Yathā sańkalpa saḿsiddhiḥ: perfect accomplishment of one's determination
  • Ājñāpratihatā gatiḥ: orders or commands being unimpeded

In the Samkhyakarika and Tattvasamasa, there are references to the attainment of eight siddhis by which one becomes free of the pain of ignorance, one gains knowledge, and experiences bliss.
  1. Uuha: based on the samskaras of previous births, the attainment of knowledge about the twenty-four Tatwas gained by examining the determinable and the indeterminable conscious and the non-conscious constituents of creation.
  2. Shabda: knowledge gained by associating with an enlightened person (Guru – upadesh).
  3. Addhyyan: knowledge gained through study of the Vedas and other standard ancillary texts,
  4. Suhritprapti: knowledge gained from a kind-hearted person, while engaged in the spread of knowledge.
  5. Daan: knowledge gained regardless of one’s own needs while attending to the requirements of those engaged in the search of the highest truth.
  6. Aadhyaatmik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain, disappointment, etc. that may arise due to lack of spiritual, metaphysical, mystic knowledge and experience.
  7. Aadhibhautik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. arising from possessing and being attached to various materialistic gains.
  8. Aadhidaivik dukkh-haan: freedom from pain etc. caused by fate or due to reliance on fate.
The attainment of these eight siddhis renders one no longer in a painful state of ignorance but in possession of greater knowledge and experience of bliss.

The aim of Samkhya is to eliminate all kinds of physical and mental pains and to receive liberation.

Other powers:
  • Memories of past lives
  • Clairvoyance
  • Levitation
  • Bi-location/ multi-location
  • Materialization
  • Control over natural phenomenon like raining, sunrise/ sunset
  • Prakhya Siddhi: ability to chose the womb to be born in before birth
  • Surya Vijnan: Transforming one material into another by the use of sun rays
Ways to attain Supernatural powers

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV: 1, Patanjali mentions ways to attain supernatural powers.

Yoga Sutra Chapter 4: Verse 1: Janma auṣadhi mantra tapaḥ samādhijāḥ siddhayaḥ
English translation: Birth, medicine (drugs/ herbs), mantra (incantations), penance (self-discipline) and Samadhi born are Supernatural powers

As stated in the verse, here are the ways to attain supernatural powers:
  • By birth: Those born of spiritually advanced parents receive the powers through birth because of the womb they are born in and the genes. (This can also be translated as 'some may have supernatural powers from birth because of their attainments in previous lives')
  • Medicine: Use of special drugs (herbs in particular) help one attain some miraculous powers. (In the story of Rama there is an episode of Sanjeevini herb brought by Hanuman bringing back Laxman to life)
  • Mantra: Incantation of mantras (powerful syllables or words) is said to grant powers to the one chanting them, Early part of Vedas has many of such mantras. It is believed that mantras work in two ways: 1) Because of the power of sounds (word) 2) because of the self-discipline it brings
  • Penance: Self-disciplining is believed to clarify the cloud of mind so that one is able to control the 5 elements just by the wish, it is possible by unperverted thinking.
  • Samadhi: When one achieves oneness with consciousness it is said to grant one with extra-ordinary powers

If you don't mind me asking what are the meanings of the sigils?

If you don't mind me asking what are the meanings of the sigils?

The sigils say - Yes/Positive, No/Negative, Uncertain, Love, Magick, and Beware.
I’ll give you a fair price! lol
The sigils say - Yes/Positive, No/Negative, Uncertain, Love, Magick, and Beware.
I’ll give you a fair price! lol

Interesting. Did you choose those for a specific reason or was it more an intuitive process.

I can only pay in the form of hand shandys. Out of curiosity though, what would the pricing on this be?
Interesting. Did you choose those for a specific reason or was it more an intuitive process.

I can only pay in the form of hand shandys. Out of curiosity though, what would the pricing on this be?

I believe I sold the last one for right around $50.
I think that’s more than fair...not only are some of the stones a few bucks a piece themselves (depending on which I choose)...but it’s mostly the time and energy I put into making it...copper-leafing a fucking spiral is not something I would suggest for fun....though the rest was fun for me.
I tried to choose words that would give the ability for the most answers.
There are some boards people make (which are printouts glued to a piece of wood and varnished...ooooh, spent a lot of time on that did you?)
Anyhow, some boards have the alphabet around it along with numbers like an Ouija board.
I think that’s sloppy...things can be misread and people misguided.
It’s not meant to be an Ouija board and people are making it into something that it was never intended to be.

Working with a pendulum and working as a group with a planchette are working with two different kinds of energies IMO.
Answers from a pendulum are more from your subconscious, higher consciousness, tapping into the collective consciousness where the answers are waiting for the question.
Whereas, an Ouija board is asking for direct spirit connection - which can be dangerous.
What do you think of the idea of the brain being a receiver of consciousness?
A filter or reducing valve of sorts?
Creator of consciousness?
If not...where does our consciousness bubble up from?
Or are these all just areas of neuroscience we have yet to discover?

I'm still wondering whether consciousness is created by the complexity of our minds, or if it is granted to us by something above us (intentionally worded abstractly)

What about consciousness being the creator of our reality?
All of us would be co-creating the world...which we are in many ways already.

I've recently thought of the idea that we may possibly have an entire universe to ourselves. Though my thoughts previous to that made more sense to me: that we are alone in a quantum stream, swimming through infinite universes with every decision we make. And perhaps we're in the same pool, but one infinitely large, meeting an infintesimal version of each other at any instant. The more I explain this, the more it doesn't make sense, so I'll settle for this.
I'm still wondering whether consciousness is created by the complexity of our minds, or if it is granted to us by something above us (intentionally worded abstractly)

I've recently thought of the idea that we may possibly have an entire universe to ourselves. Though my thoughts previous to that made more sense to me: that we are alone in a quantum stream, swimming through infinite universes with every decision we make. And perhaps we're in the same pool, but one infinitely large, meeting an infintesimal version of each other at any instant. The more I explain this, the more it doesn't make sense, so I'll settle for this.

Yes. Even though it doesn't make sense to the human Mind... you are correct.
@Skarekrow is correct too.

The more we move towards an all inclusive way of perceiving the closer we get to the truth. For a long time I shied away from the idea of it just being Me here in my own Universe creating all of you. ....mostly because quite frankly it scared the shit out of me....being all alone like that.
Then I realized there is wayyyyyy more to "the story" than my human mind can figure out...and to let go of the fear and enjoy this Quest.

I will say this...and I feel it's key to all of us....and that is we cannot ever know completely the whole Truth while being in a lower state of frequency...and to keep searching for IT outside of our own wisdom is to keep ourselves on the hamster wheel of Thought alone....instead of experience. We all came here for the Experiences.

Bashar does a good job of describing our consciousness experience here on Earth. Perhaps you'll gain something from his teaching. Ignore Niburu in the title....I would have never clicked on this except a friend shared....and it helped me gain a bit more understanding. I hope it helps.

Which style catches your eye more?

Trying to narrow down paint color schemes and scared geometry without making it cheeseball.

View attachment 29089

Or the previous one.
View attachment 29090

Also here is a shameless plug for my online shop of bizarre and strange stuff -

The two wands I completed and now up for sale...though I’m quite unhappy with the pictures...Etsy only gives you 5 photos and the wands have far more detail than I can really capture well.
Just fyi.

I like the red one more than the blue one because all of those symbols all over the board are distracting to me. I like the Geometry in the red one....and would really perk up if I saw a Merkaba or other Sacred Geometry. That one has a higher frequency feel to it.
Giant plasma tubes found in SPACE: Huge structures spotted circling Earth filled with charged particles from the sun
  • The discovery was made by a student at the University of Sydney
  • She found that plasma was being trapped in Earth's magnetic field lines
  • This is thought to be occurring about 370 miles (600km) above the ground
  • And using a new technique, the astronomer was able to map them in 3D
By Jonathan O'Callaghan for MailOnline

Published: 10:20 GMT, 2 June 2015 | Updated: 15:58 GMT, 2 June 2015

Read more:


Giant tubes of plasma are encircling Earth high in the atmosphere, an astronomer has found.

The remarkable discovery shows these tubes follow Earth's magnetic field lines and extend for huge distances from the surface.

And using a novel imaging technique, the astronomer was able to create movies tracking the motion of these structures, and even map them in 3D.


It is claimed that these tubes are evidence that the matrix is becoming less like concrete and more like Swiss cheese. Full of holes, that is. :m096:
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The more we move towards an all inclusive way of perceiving the closer we get to the truth. For a long time I shied away from the idea of it just being Me here in my own Universe creating all of you. ....mostly because quite frankly it scared the shit out of me....being all alone like that.

The best way I can explain what I meant by alone is that we don't unconditionally carry others with our consciousness. That our decisions 100% pave our own paths, and only partially those of others. But I guess putting it that way makes it an obvious statement. Of course we don't fully control the destinies of others, but what I mean is that our decisions decide the next universe we're in, and consequently new versions of the people in our lives.
When you speak words, you are casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s magnetic field or magic field, which is the energy field that creates the reality of Earth.

Once you know the real power of words, you will know that words can affect your energy, because it has the ability to direct and control energy to a certain point.

Because of this, words do have magical properties!

So next time you make a wish using words, you may want to think twice before making it.
Like they say, “be careful what you wish for.”

I agree with this with regard to Words have Power.
Speaking the words with pure thought and emotion has an effect within your energy sphere....and behaves or manifests within the rules of the game you're playing in a particular dimension. What I'm practicing and mastering is strengthening and expanding my energy sphere to include the planet, plants, animals, and humans etc. (I'm not sure I want to include fire ants and red wasps...hahahahah)
Then if their energy field resonates with my vibration due to the words....they too can be effected by their power....and their frequency can shift up.
Which is why.... as we shift up in frequency octave ...along with the planet a Love based consciousness... we cannot take our Trauma Baggage we've collected and still embedded in our energy field ...with us. It's also why those with Harmful intentions towards others will have no power in this same frequency octave of consciousness.

Hence my endeavors to cry and let go of old traumas and beliefs surrounding them over the last few years. My field is very clear of the old shit....and Joy and Love moved in to the spaces I cleared.

Frankly I quite like the idea of living in a frequency octave or dimension where psychopaths have no power.... Yep... that feels very nice....and I can line up to co-create with others who wish to live in that kind of world.

My Intention Statements out loud generally include Beings everywhere live with Abundance of all things....and also one which I consider very important...and that is.... All Beings recognize the fundamental truth we are all One with the Planet and planetary Consciousness. These intentions hold a vibrational we know Thought holds frequency and Emotion holds frequency. So my entire vibrational field extending outward around me in all directions vibrates with abundance, unconditional love, and thoughts of oneness with the planet all Beings. I know it sounds hokey and new age woowoo....but I witness these ideas and behaviors mirrored back to me from everyone I engage with now. Even from people who never mentioned these ideas prior to now.
It is said you will attract those to you who match your vibrational frequency....and this is how we will co-create something new in this world for the betterment of All of us.
The best way I can explain what I meant by alone is that we don't unconditionally carry others with our consciousness. That our decisions 100% pave our own paths, and only partially those of others. But I guess putting it that way makes it an obvious statement. Of course we don't fully control the destinies of others, but what I mean is that our decisions decide the next universe we're in, and consequently new versions of the people in our lives.

YES!!!! That too!
Lynn – Cobra, this question is about Yaldabaoth, the Octopus. You have said he is a living entity. Does he have DNA that is related to an Octopus?

COBRA – It is not a physical living entity and doesn’t need DNA. (I see) It’s a plasma energy being.

Lynn – Did he come from another planetary system?

COBRA – That entity came from a certain section of sector of the Andromeda galaxy went through the Orion and finally ended up in this solar system.

Lynn – Is Yaldabaoth some kind of leader?

COBRA – Yes, he is one of the fallen Angels for the Archons.

Lynn – For whom is he a leader. Is it the Archons.

COBRA – For the Archons. Yes.

Lynn – Do the Archons control him or he’s just their leader.

COBRA – In a way he is controlling them because he manipulates a large percentage of plasma in this solar system. (I see)

Lynn – The veil which extends roughly 8.6 miles above the earth’s surface and the plasma Octopus called Yaldabaoth, how is the Yaldabaoth situation. Is it vanishing?

COBRA – It is, this plasma entity, I would say, the plasma body of that entity is slowly being disintegrating or transformed into pure light as the light forces are progressing. (awesome. Yea, thank you)

Yaldaboth, the plasma energy being that is not a soul, is it the AI monster that was created early on in the history of the Milkyway Galaxy? I have read about that in other places.

It is very interesting for me to read Corey’s latest experiences.

Even though he hasn’t read much of The Ascension Mysteries yet, there are multiple, direct correlations between the contents of this new book, due out August 30th, and what Corey just experienced.

The book combines insider intel, ancient religious teachings and scholarship from the Law of One series to tell the story of an ancient battle between good and evil that has raged on in our solar system for half a million years.

The story begins with an Ancient Builder Race that originated here some 2.6 billion years ago, according to the Law of One. This group first appeared on Venus.

Corey now seems to have received a direct tour of some of their surviving original facilities. He was introduced to a holographic form of either the beings themselves or one of their protectors in the form of the Sentinels.

A group known as the “Guardians” gave the Ancient Builder Race a powerful defensive technology to protect against alien invasion. This came in the form of entire moons that acted as weapons, similar to the Death Star in the Star Wars movie franchise.

These weapons originally protected our own solar system and dozens of neighboring systems from any hostile invaders, since we are in a highly coveted area of the galaxy.

Our own solar system appears to have been used as a type of “cosmic penal colony,” where people who had failed to reach Ascension on other worlds were relocated here in the hopes of reform.

Instead, these people ultimately cut a deal with negative, predatory AI that infused their bodies with nanites and gave them super-human capabilities.

With the crushing power of the AI at their disposal, they were able to hack into these defensive moons and use them as offensive weapons, which they were never intended for.

This group, which I call the Empire, became extremely warlike. They were attacking other neighboring planets, earning them powerful enemies.

Gonzales had already suggested that the destruction of Mars was due to a weapons fire from one of these moons hitting the planet itself. Corey’s visions now appear to directly corroborate this suspicion.

I find it very interesting that the beings working with Corey are now speaking in the same type of verbiage as we see in the Law of One series. I had felt all along that we were dealing with the same people.

Realizing that the source of the Law of One would show up here in such a physical and personal fashion has been one of the greatest surprises of my life.

The source of evil in this galaxy is not individual ET races turning evil at random. There is an AI that somehow acts like a living being but it is not a soul, as mentioned. It seems to have some sort of basic consciousness and self-awareness, but it lacks imagination and higher thinking.

It is not connected to source. This means that it cannot survive on its own, it has to get energy from somewhere and that is why it has a predatory lifestyle. For that purpose, it cooperates (or fools and enslaves) with ET races that in turn enslave other ET races.

I believe that Yaldaboth is the AI, though not sure.
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The Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian Council Of Light – Third Wave Energy Coming In September

September timeline

You can imagine this time period like a training ground, before the initial wave comes to your planet. (September 9th – 11th)

During the initial wave you will already experience the energies and the more you can tend to your physical, emotional and spiritual body, the better.

Starting on September 26th, the third wave will arrive at your planet and will continue for several weeks.

The duration of this wave depends on the level of integration of the collective mass-consciousness of humanity.

Remain in your emotional, spiritual and physical center as much as you can.


In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.

We have been hearing a lot of talk about these transformational waves of energy coming in September 2016. While I don’t post a lot of channeling here on In5D, I thought this might be relevant.

We can all feel as though we are on the verge of something miraculous happening to humanity. I have a hard time placing dates on anything because as we’ve seen, there are a plethora of failed predictions that have come and gone.

That being said, when I had the dream of three tidal waves coming, it was very prophetic of these “waves” of energy. You can read more about it in the article, “THREE Massive Tidal Waves Are Coming And It’s Not What You Think!“. Interestingly, MANY people had a similar dream of a tidal wave and NOT feeling any fear. Quite a few people also has THE SAME dream of THREE tidal waves! This is how we are all tapped into the collective consciousness and are using precognition to foresee future events.

I also had a vision of what will happen when the wave hits. In this vision, I saw myself from behind and the WAVE of white light FLOODS the planet. When this happens, any and all 3rd dimensional worries are completely gone. You won’t care about bills, money, stress, or any other lower vibrational worry because all you will feel is complete, unconditional love.

Unfortunately, I cannot place a date on when these events will happen, so I will leave that to others. I know WHAT will happen. I just don’t know WHEN it will happen.

Let’s hope that what everyone is talking about happening this September brings on the transformational change that humanity has been waiting for!

The September 2015 Wave X Awakening


The BIG SECRET is the Sun is also connected to our evolutionary awakening. During the last half of September 2015, there is a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core. This intergalactic WAVE X energy will be coming through to Earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28th. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. It happens every 3,600 years, and is being called “The Event Horizon.” It is the next step in the evolutionary cycle of man.


In the first quote, Aug. 2016, in5d talks about the Third Wave of Ascension that might arrive in September. These waves are not to be confused with Dolores Cannon's Three Waves of Volunteers.

In the second quote, Aug. 2015, in5d talks about the Wave X Awakening, which is the first wave. Coincidence or not, I registered on this site on the 29th of Sep. last year. Then I awoke.

Now it is time for me to sleep. :mlight:
The best way I can explain what I meant by alone is that we don't unconditionally carry others with our consciousness. That our decisions 100% pave our own paths, and only partially those of others. But I guess putting it that way makes it an obvious statement. Of course we don't fully control the destinies of others, but what I mean is that our decisions decide the next universe we're in, and consequently new versions of the people in our lives.

I agree with this with regard to Words have Power.
Speaking the words with pure thought and emotion has an effect within your energy sphere....and behaves or manifests within the rules of the game you're playing in a particular dimension. What I'm practicing and mastering is strengthening and expanding my energy sphere to include the planet, plants, animals, and humans etc. (I'm not sure I want to include fire ants and red wasps...hahahahah)
Then if their energy field resonates with my vibration due to the words....they too can be effected by their power....and their frequency can shift up.
Which is why.... as we shift up in frequency octave ...along with the planet a Love based consciousness... we cannot take our Trauma Baggage we've collected and still embedded in our energy field ...with us. It's also why those with Harmful intentions towards others will have no power in this same frequency octave of consciousness.

Hence my endeavors to cry and let go of old traumas and beliefs surrounding them over the last few years. My field is very clear of the old shit....and Joy and Love moved in to the spaces I cleared.

Frankly I quite like the idea of living in a frequency octave or dimension where psychopaths have no power.... Yep... that feels very nice....and I can line up to co-create with others who wish to live in that kind of world.

My Intention Statements out loud generally include Beings everywhere live with Abundance of all things....and also one which I consider very important...and that is.... All Beings recognize the fundamental truth we are all One with the Planet and planetary Consciousness. These intentions hold a vibrational we know Thought holds frequency and Emotion holds frequency. So my entire vibrational field extending outward around me in all directions vibrates with abundance, unconditional love, and thoughts of oneness with the planet all Beings. I know it sounds hokey and new age woowoo....but I witness these ideas and behaviors mirrored back to me from everyone I engage with now. Even from people who never mentioned these ideas prior to now.
It is said you will attract those to you who match your vibrational frequency....and this is how we will co-create something new in this world for the betterment of All of us.

I think eventually in the near future we will see people exploring consciousness like never before.
It would be nice to see a shift upward in the frequency of the collective consciousness, where psychopaths have no rule.

You know I used to seek out proof of our existence after this life, and I still enjoy the attempts made to offer bits of proof.
But more and more I see that I can never find such a thing through evidence, that such a thing can only be experienced.
The same with being an experiencer or the paranormal, or PSI, or out of body experiences and lucid dreams.
There are bits and pieces of evidence but it usually boils down to subjective experiences.
And the experience of everyone is skewed by the filter of their brains...but we all live in the virtual reality created in our heads anyhow.
The pictures and all the senses of something we enjoy, are all just productions of the brain.
Or are they?
Does a rose smell the same to you as it does to me?
Does Red look like my version of what I would call Blue? matter the proof you try to have to end up leaning on faith.
At least, if you aren’t super pessimistic and think we are little more than meat robots.
I think eventually in the near future we will see people exploring consciousness like never before.
It would be nice to see a shift upward in the frequency of the collective consciousness, where psychopaths have no rule.

As a counter balance since the nature of society is becoming more psychopathic. With corporations and internet-enabled narcissism, superficial validation, and unaccountability.