...Summoning @Deleted member 16771 into this thread:hearteyes: so we can continue bickering about what consciousness is :smile:

Summoning Error #321@Deleted member 16771 summoning has failed.

Please try again at midnight and provide the proper sacrifices.
Summoning Error #321@Deleted member 16771 summoning has failed.

Please try again at midnight and provide the proper sacrifices.
LMAO what kind of sorcery is this!!
I don't know what to sacrifice! :unhappy: uhmm... plans to dangle that book you want to read out of the window...
HAHAHA I absolutely love how dark this meme is!

Oh man...I put it on FB and everyone got bummed out...lol.
I was like - You guys just don’t know my sense of humor one bit.
Oh man...I put it on FB and everyone got bummed out...lol.
I was like - You guys just don’t know my sense of humor one bit.

Hahaha! Too relatable. I posted a super dark meme on Facebook one time too, and some of my friends were like, “Jeeeeeeez Jen! That’s pretty screwed up.”

And I’m like, “Well of course it is! That’s why it’s funny!”

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I read through each page of the description briefly...it seems a mixture of how our chakras and energy centers and channels of our body are influenced by astrology and numerology?
It's so, so much more than just the two diciplines...here are two teaser reads.
(The more indepth you study, the more its connections all make sense.)

In the HD system there are internal and external "authority" that though they do not override a person's strategy, (plan), for life they are an intregal part of what drives us to stay in our lane and follow our unique life path. There are six kinds of authority.
Generated, Splenic, Emotional, Ego, Self-Projected, and Mental.

As an example, I'm a Manifestor
My Profile summary is
2 Hermit /4 Opportunist
Tripple Split Definition, (meaning I'm run by three Motor Centers--the Head, Heart, Emotional Solar Plexus
My Strategy is To Inform, (implement peace)
My Not-Strategy is Anger
My Incarnation Cross is the Right-Angle Cross of Consciousness, (Gates 63, 64, 5 35)
My primary energy channel is the Collective Emotional Energy Wave Circuitry, (I'm Tribal, which means I gravitate toward the survival of the group and not self), which this Energy runs from the Solar Plexus to the Throat. I'm "wired" to discuss emotion with others and how emotions run on a wave like the ocean--but, I have to be asked before I inform... I can't just jump in and say here's your solution because I can fix you. That, like a water wave, emotion has a crest, or highest peak to it and it subsides into a calmness--peace--just like the tides of water do. It's my Strategy to inform others that they need to remind themselves, that just like a wave in the ocean, the emotion too will "pass". One of the keys, however is to inform others how energy waves work like a wave actually works in nature. We all know, or should know, where the water from the wave goes...back under, or into the water again, deep down, to be reborn into another wave...this is the difference between a wave and a current, (a whole nother conversation in this related to energy waves and currents, ;) ).

I digress, or I'd fill pages, lol. Basically, understanding what is ours in here, and ours out there is a key to understanding ourselves a bit better...to make the correct choices for our self as well as others. Human Design is just another tool to understand ourselves, our environment, others around us, and why the hell are we all here...leading us to our life's purpose. I'm learning to accept my roll as Teacher-Preacher-Sage, and it certianly makes sense to me. :D
It's so, so much more than just the two diciplines...here are two teaser reads.
(The more indepth you study, the more its connections all make sense.)

In the HD system there are internal and external "authority" that though they do not override a person's strategy, (plan), for life they are an intregal part of what drives us to stay in our lane and follow our unique life path. There are six kinds of authority.
Generated, Splenic, Emotional, Ego, Self-Projected, and Mental.

As an example, I'm a Manifestor
My Profile summary is
2 Hermit /4 Opportunist
Tripple Split Definition, (meaning I'm run by three Motor Centers--the Head, Heart, Emotional Solar Plexus
My Strategy is To Inform, (implement peace)
My Not-Strategy is Anger
My Incarnation Cross is the Right-Angle Cross of Consciousness, (Gates 63, 64, 5 35)
My primary energy channel is the Collective Emotional Energy Wave Circuitry, (I'm Tribal, which means I gravitate toward the survival of the group and not self), which this Energy runs from the Solar Plexus to the Throat. I'm "wired" to discuss emotion with others and how emotions run on a wave like the ocean--but, I have to be asked before I inform... I can't just jump in and say here's your solution because I can fix you. That, like a water wave, emotion has a crest, or highest peak to it and it subsides into a calmness--peace--just like the tides of water do. It's my Strategy to inform others that they need to remind themselves, that just like a wave in the ocean, the emotion too will "pass". One of the keys, however is to inform others how energy waves work like a wave actually works in nature. We all know, or should know, where the water from the wave goes...back under, or into the water again, deep down, to be reborn into another wave...this is the difference between a wave and a current, (a whole nother conversation in this related to energy waves and currents, ;) ).

I digress, or I'd fill pages, lol. Basically, understanding what is ours in here, and ours out there is a key to understanding ourselves a bit better...to make the correct choices for our self as well as others. Human Design is just another tool to understand ourselves, our environment, others around us, and why the hell are we all here...leading us to our life's purpose. I'm learning to accept my roll as Teacher-Preacher-Sage, and it certianly makes sense to me. :D

That is some very interesting stuff there Sandie!
It’s throwing some kabbalah and tarot and even I ching in too...fascinating mix of disciplines!
I will have to read up on it some more when I have the proper time to dedicate to such an undertaking as reaching an understanding of how this functions.
How does one go about finding out their set of properties?

Hope you are doing well!
Thank you and much love!
That is some very interesting stuff there Sandie!
It’s throwing some kabbalah and tarot and even I ching in too...fascinating mix of disciplines!
I will have to read up on it some more when I have the proper time to dedicate to such an undertaking as reaching an understanding of how this functions.
How does one go about finding out their set of properties?

Hope you are doing well!
Thank you and much love!
Here you are sir...
Just fill in the boxes and it will create your chart. I'm curious to see which of the 5-types you are. I'd be happy to help once you're "labeled", hehe :D

"There is so much authority that comes out of the
primary mystical experience that it can be threatening to existing hierarchical structures."

- Roland Griffiths

Here you are sir...
Just fill in the boxes and it will create your chart. I'm curious to see which of the 5-types you are. I'd be happy to help once you're "labeled", hehe :D

Okay...what’s up?
I’ll have to reread my description...is it me?

  • TYPE: Generator
  • STRATEGY: To Respond
  • NOT-SELF THEME: Frustration
  • PROFILE: 5 / 1
  • DEFINITION: Split Definition
  • INCARNATION CROSS: Left Angle Cross of Alignment (27/28 | 19/33)
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The Human Design System

5/1 Profile

You are encoded with a certain "geometry", a certain pattern, which represents your inherent structure / pattern / boundary to your embodied manifest form.

As a 5/1 profile, you are a combination of the 5th line conscious personality (“The Heretic”) and the 1st line unconscious designed nature (“The Investigator”).

As a 5/1 profile, you are living a path that is about transpersonal karma where the fulfillment of your purpose can only happen through inter-relationship with The Other.

Known as "The Saint" or The Savior", you as 5/1 carry a special quality, as well: you are designed to be pulled into the position of expressing and marketing the nature of deeper truths to the world.

At a cellular level, you are the "Heretical Investigator" coupled with "The Dream”.

In the Human Design System, your 5/1 Soul Print is designated to express “What Is Possible”.
The details about this encoding are below.

In the traditional I-Ching, the fifth line is the most exalted.
This is the most transpersonal of profiles.

It is not limited to social externalization ;like the 4/1 but to general universalization.
The 5/1 is unique and it embodies the twin realities of a hexagram.

The first line, the foundation, is the essence of what a hexagram is.
The fifth line is how the other imagines the hexagram could or should be.

The fifth line personality draws projection.
This is a profile of trickery.

Remember the relationships within the hexagram structure.
In imagining the hexagram as a house, the second line is the main floor with the lights on where everyone on the outside can look in.

The fifth line is the second floor and the lights are turned off, where everyone can be seen but no one can look in.

Their heresies are veiled behind closed doors.
Because of this veiling there is an essence, a mystery which draws projection.

The projection may be positive or negative.
The projection may be "they are the best", that projection may be "they are the worst”.

The five is always going to bring out projection.

This is a profile of the potential of the so-called superior man or woman that the ancient I-Ching refers to.
The general who can offer practical services in times of revolution or transition.

The general without an army, waiting at the edge of history.
The authoritarian unconscious, ever ready to oppose the
foundation, but ever prudent.

From its perspective, looking out but not being seen, the 5/1 is a keen observer of the world around them.

It is their unconscious empathy which maps and identifies the impact of society on the other and is the foundation for establishing the right timing for involvement.

With this depth, the savior personality, a fifth line theme, can find practical solutions for the other.
It is this theme of practicality that is so important.

Without the practicality, there is no way to ever fulfill the projection.
It is by operating in a practical way that the 5/1 profile establishes their power and their presence in the world.

It is about presence.
The 5/1 profile is always dealing with their reputation.

It is always dealing with the projection field around them.
Like any of these profiles, when one is living out ones Type, when one is living out through the mechanics of ones Type, then the capacities inherent in the profile, the purpose that's there in the profile, will naturally be a by-product.

The 5/1 is the dominant, transpersonal profile.
In contact, the other, sensing the empathy as genuine, projects that the 5/1 can be its savior.

In the same way, when society is in turmoil the power of the unconscious authoritarian through projection, becomes the possibility of the general who can restore order.

The 5/1 profile is generally creative.
It is this unique creative process that is so attractive to the other.

There is a sense through contacting the unconscious that there will not be the same old solutions to the enduring problems but a practical application that can have effective and direct results.

It is this projected difference that is the foundation of the attractiveness.
When all else fails, they are the last resort and hope.

Obviously there is no guarantee that all the 5/1's in the world will be called to aid society.
Or that if called, they will succeed.

Projection opens the way to the possibility, no more.
But each 5/1 profile in its life, will be projected upon that they can bring the practical solution that the other is seeking.

Despite the natural transpersonal gifts of the 5/1, it is not an indication that they are going to jump all the time.
It is not an indication that they are going to rush head long into things all the time, for if they fail to live up to the projection they suffer the wrath of the other.

Unlike the second line, the fifth line profile knows that it has the facts and that it is attractive to the other.
It still requires that that 5/1 does its homework.

The first line underneath, the foundation, demands that the basis is understood.
They need to be well prepared if they are called upon.

When the detail is faulty, not only will they not likely to be called upon again, but worse: their reputation will be damaged.
If on the other hand they are prepared and can provide the practical details, their stature will grow.

They aspire to be attractive, in order to have the chance to universalize their creative difference, to be the example and a standard.
It is their personal heresy.

In this light, can be seen the importance of their bonding strategy.
The fifth line personality is based on seduction.

The goal is to seduce the other into becoming the seducer.
To seduce the other to project onto them.

For the 5/1 profile timing is essential.
The timing is correct when one enters into things correctly.

The 5/1 is complex.
The first line covets.

It is a line of introspection.
It is seeking out the foundation.

It wants to have.
The fifth line hoards.

The fifth line has the capacity to be able to hold things back, waiting, waiting for the projection field to build, waiting for the right moment to engage.

So much of the 5/1's process is behind closed doors and darkened windows.
The illusion of their power, the illusion of their projected possibilities is maintained through withdrawal and development during that time of withdrawal.

When the unconscious is secure in its material capacity, when it is clear about the foundation, it will no longer covet and it will be ready to step beyond the veil and make itself available.

And make itself available for the seduction of distribution.

From the outside it will be projected that the power to distribute was there all along.
By not jumping into the play prematurely the 5/1 gives up nothing and gains everything.

This is truly their theme.
When they are called upon and they recognize that they can practically fulfill that then they're going to be at their very best.

Then they are going to be appreciated by the forces around them.

Found this too!

The Art of Being - Generator


There is a very simple art to being a Generator. Simple? Yes. Easy? Well...

Unless raised from birth correctly (as yourself), definitely not.

We truly live in a generated, Generator world. Over 70% of the humans on our planet are Generators. As the dominant Type, they stand alone as the only kind of people whose power comes from their ability to make decisions from a center that responds through sounds.

The nature of the Generator is that they are sacral beings. The Generator is the form that is here to respond to life. Through decision making from the sacral in response, the perfection of the Generator is realized.

The sacral center is the center of life - the core of our reproductive capacity, generating our energy for life and work. It is the Generator that creates and maintains the civilization we see around us. As the great builders, with the capacity to sustain work, they find fulfillment in activities they enjoy which bring them satisfaction. Our lives depend on the reproductive, fertile power of sacral beings. To quote Ra, "It is all in the hands of the Generator."

The glory and power of the Generator is in their ability to respond to life. Not to be chasing after things, but to wait to respond to life as it comes to them, to honor what the sacral responds to.

The dilemma of the not-self Generator is that they do not use their generative capacity correctly. Incorrect energy usage (for example, trying to manifest what the mind thinks it wants without waiting for the sacral to respond) results in the dysfunction of that sacral center, experienced as frustration. Frustration is the not-self theme of a generator - who through the not-self conditioning tries to manifest in this world without waiting and ends up quitting from sheer frustration.

The Generator has an open, welcoming aura. It is an embracing aura. Generators are designed to take in life in an extraordinary way. If you are a Generator, do you want to understand where your true power lies? Then it's time you understood the mechanical functioning of your sacral-being auric truth; the depth of your openness to life allows you to hone in on what is correct for you to respond to.


So how do you "be" a Generator?
Many Generators feel "stuck" in jobs, relationships, or lives they hate, simply because they've been deeply conditioned.

Billions of Generators have no idea about their true potential nor experienced the satisfaction of what it means to be themselves.

Their glorious sacral centers have been shut down so many times by outside forces.
From childhood, others told them to use their words or their minds instead of the guttural tones that naturally arise from their powerful sacral motor.

The Art of Being that the Generator is here to perfect is to wait to Respond to life.
Responding - waiting for that unmistakable response of your sacral center - honors the deep inner knowing of that sacral center of when and what it can find satisfaction in doing.

If you are a Generator, make decisions ONLY in response.
Everything in life that is correct for you as a Generator is only going to come to you as something you respond to.

The beauty of the Generator is that you can tune into your sacral voice, your sacral sounds that have the power to respond to life.
No other form has such a mechanism.


A note to Manifesting Generators - you are not a separate Aura Type of your own, and you have no built-in right to manifestation.
You are a Generator with manifesting potential.

Your Aura functions the same as a pure Generator.
All Generators have an open aura - enveloping, embracing other beings in an auric bear hug.

Generators, you are open to auric contact, and in that openness you are taking in everything and grabbing it.

Remember, the Aura IS you.
How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control - the way your Aura operates.

If you are a Generator, your aura has the perfect and unique power to respond from the sacral center.
You are here to respond.

Waiting to make a decision from your sacral (and waiting further for emotional clarity if you have the solar plexus defined) is your key to finding the true satisfaction that life has to offer you.

Like all of the Arts, the key to perfecting is to practice.
And as a Generator, waiting to respond is the Strategy that protects you from the dysfunction of your sacral center, the powerful feeling of frustration that can leave you feeling incredibly stuck and wanting to quit.

For adult Generators living as not-self, this is a common theme that occurs and can be avoided through living life correctly as yourself, instead of from not-self conditioning.

This sacral energy has to be worked through to the point of pleasant exhaustion; the gratifying release from the powerful driving mechanism that is the sacral center.

To go to sleep only when you have exhausted that energy is highly recommended as a practice to realizing the art of being a Generator.

It all comes back to Strategy and Authority.
It will take time to re-connect with your sacral if you've had a lifetime of being shut down by others and your deeply conditioned mind.

Having a buddy to practice asking you yes/no questions can help you learn what it feels like to respond.
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From the short time I've interacted with you ... yes ♡ and, here's some news from Ra ;) (he's the fella that linked up, and am Eho Manifestor).
(thinkibg you'll relate to this one ;) )

Reckoned these would save you some reading...:p
I will check them out when I get the time tomorrow!!
Thank you so much Sandie...very interesting to explore.








Feel free to take for avi!










“Azazel taught the men how to make swords, knives, shields and breastplates.
He made known to men the metals of the earth and the art of working them and made bracelets,
ornaments and the use of antimony (a brittle silvery metal used in alloys),
the beautifying of eyelids, all kinds of precious stones and coloring tinctures.
There arose much godlessness and the angels committed fornication.
Men were led astray and became corrupt in all their ways.
Semjaza taught enchantments and root-cuttings.
Armaros taught resolving enchantments.
Baraqijal taught astrology.
Kokabel taught the constellations.
Ezeqeel taught the knowledge of the clouds.
Araqiel taught the signs of the earth.
Shamsial taught the signs of the sun and Sariel the course of the moon.
As men perished they cried and their cries went up to heaven.” Enoch 8: 1-3

The names referenced in this passage are the names of fallen angels that had rebelled against God.
Curious no??
