Are you?

Are you a Boltzmann Brain?
Why nothing in the Universe may be real
A mind-bending paradox questions the nature of reality.

View attachment 45520

Boltzmann Brains are hypothetical disembodied entities with self-awareness.

It may be more likely for a Boltzmann Brain to come into existence than the whole Universe.

The idea highlights a paradox in thermodynamics.

The paradox of the Boltzmann Brain can really pull the rug from under you if you follow it to all of its logical and illogical extents.
This mind-churning idea proposes that the world is quite possibly just an effect of your disembodied consciousness and doesn't really exist.

And your sense of self is just a statistical fluctuation.
It's something that is more likely to come into existence by chance than the Universe that would have had to produce it.

So are you really a Boltzmann Brain?
Let's look at the underlying thinking.

Our Universe is extremely vast and complex, still filled with as much of the unimaginable as what we have already figured out.
It has laws like an arrow of time that seems to be flowing only in one direction.

It's got planetary bodies of various shapes and sizes.
It also has us, humans, nature's supreme creations (at least according to us).

But all this amazing amount of varied matter is also very hard to pull off, requiring a tremendous amount of energy.
We know that generally things tend to fall apart and decay.

What the influential Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), one of the founders of the field of thermodynamics, hypothesized is that while the entropy of a system (its measure of disorder) always increases (moving towards disorder), there is some tiny possibility that a fluctuation can bring a system from disorder to order.

Thus it would decrease its entropy, moving it further away from equilibrium.


Ludwig Boltzmann. 1901

From the physicist's work it follows that it would be more likely for random quantum fluctuations in nature to create something simpler than our astounding Universe – for example, a self-aware entity that believes it is a person in a world full of people, history, and particular physics.

But such a person - let's say you - is only full of all the knowledge and experiences because you are made that way by the fluctuation that created you. There is nothing really there but your self-awareness.

These types of entities have been dubbed "Boltzmann Brains" by modern physicists Andreas Albrecht and Lorenzo Sorbo.
They did not claim to such brains really being in existence but rather used the idea to point out the absurdities and limitations of taking the idea of thermodynamic fluctuations to their extent.

Boltzmann Brains have also been criticized as philosophical paradoxes that are experientially unprovable.
The Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Caroll called them "cognitively unstable: they cannot simultaneously be true and justifiably believed" in his 2017 paper "Why Boltzmann Brains Are Bad."

Debates of the idea persist, however, especially as it is hard to disprove.
After all, if you were a Boltzmann Brain, everything that you could come up with to prove or disprove it would likely be because of the hallucinations your consciousness is having.

Other types of solipsistic thinking have also entered our culture.
Case in point - the notion that we may be living in a simulated reality, propagated by luminaries like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

This is incredibly interesting Skare!! Thank you for sharing!

I always have wondered if we are living in a simulated reality. Current researchers are looking into the idea, and some say that it is a great possibility. It's so interesting!!
28 1/2 days of doing nuthing, yay @Puzzlenuzzle ;)
Oh, btw, Reflectors are the Story Tellers in Human Design.
Hey Sandie :D What does that mean? The only thing I have obtained so far is that reflectors act like mirrors and are impressionable :I
Hey Sandie :D What does that mean? The only thing I have obtained so far is that reflectors act like mirrors and are impressionable :I
Try going to and skim around the info regarding Reflectors. There are some audio clips as well. Hope that is helpful.
Are you?

Are you a Boltzmann Brain?
Why nothing in the Universe may be real
A mind-bending paradox questions the nature of reality.

View attachment 45520

Boltzmann Brains are hypothetical disembodied entities with self-awareness.

It may be more likely for a Boltzmann Brain to come into existence than the whole Universe.

The idea highlights a paradox in thermodynamics.

The paradox of the Boltzmann Brain can really pull the rug from under you if you follow it to all of its logical and illogical extents.
This mind-churning idea proposes that the world is quite possibly just an effect of your disembodied consciousness and doesn't really exist.

And your sense of self is just a statistical fluctuation.
It's something that is more likely to come into existence by chance than the Universe that would have had to produce it.

So are you really a Boltzmann Brain?
Let's look at the underlying thinking.

Our Universe is extremely vast and complex, still filled with as much of the unimaginable as what we have already figured out.
It has laws like an arrow of time that seems to be flowing only in one direction.

It's got planetary bodies of various shapes and sizes.
It also has us, humans, nature's supreme creations (at least according to us).

But all this amazing amount of varied matter is also very hard to pull off, requiring a tremendous amount of energy.
We know that generally things tend to fall apart and decay.

What the influential Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), one of the founders of the field of thermodynamics, hypothesized is that while the entropy of a system (its measure of disorder) always increases (moving towards disorder), there is some tiny possibility that a fluctuation can bring a system from disorder to order.

Thus it would decrease its entropy, moving it further away from equilibrium.


Ludwig Boltzmann. 1901

From the physicist's work it follows that it would be more likely for random quantum fluctuations in nature to create something simpler than our astounding Universe – for example, a self-aware entity that believes it is a person in a world full of people, history, and particular physics.

But such a person - let's say you - is only full of all the knowledge and experiences because you are made that way by the fluctuation that created you. There is nothing really there but your self-awareness.

These types of entities have been dubbed "Boltzmann Brains" by modern physicists Andreas Albrecht and Lorenzo Sorbo.
They did not claim to such brains really being in existence but rather used the idea to point out the absurdities and limitations of taking the idea of thermodynamic fluctuations to their extent.

Boltzmann Brains have also been criticized as philosophical paradoxes that are experientially unprovable.
The Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Caroll called them "cognitively unstable: they cannot simultaneously be true and justifiably believed" in his 2017 paper "Why Boltzmann Brains Are Bad."

Debates of the idea persist, however, especially as it is hard to disprove.
After all, if you were a Boltzmann Brain, everything that you could come up with to prove or disprove it would likely be because of the hallucinations your consciousness is having.

Other types of solipsistic thinking have also entered our culture.
Case in point - the notion that we may be living in a simulated reality, propagated by luminaries like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
For a long time it's seemed to me far more likely we live in a reality created by a kind of software rather than one with the apparent physical reality that is our everyday experience. For a start, it seems much easier to do it that way - less messing about with all that stuff - so there are many more ways it could happen as software than hardware. Then again, I think it's the only way out of a solipsist trap. If it's all software then I really do experience you directly rather than mediated through a totally isolated virtual reality model that I can't escape from that my mind creates within its physical skull - and that's a really comforting thought.

Boltzmann Brain though - I always wondered if I were just a figment of someone's imagination. It can't be any more ridiculous than modern politics in the so-called real world :laughing:
Boltzmann Brain
No idea what this is but, reality doesn't exist. It's a relative term that changes constantly. What contributes to someones reality is past reality and future reality. Those two components create what we individually deem as being reality. Further, if we were to go back in our own history and recognise our perceptions then, then that would contribute how our present reality would change, same applies to societies. How we often perceive reality is incorrect to what reality actually is, it keeps us feeling safe kind of. Reality is just a summed up experiences etc that we project into our current state and call that reality so we don't get cognitive dissonance or something.
Same with time, time is an illusion. The past, present and future all exist at once.
No idea what this is but, reality doesn't exist. It's a relative term that changes constantly. What contributes to someones reality is past reality and future reality. Those two components create what we individually deem as being reality. Further, if we were to go back in our own history and recognise our perceptions then, then that would contribute how our present reality would change, same applies to societies. How we often perceive reality is incorrect to what reality actually is, it keeps us feeling safe kind of. Reality is just a summed up experiences etc that we project into our current state and call that reality so we don't get cognitive dissonance or something.
Same with time, time is an illusion. The past, present and future all exist at once.

Reminds me of Burnt Norton by TS Elliott - here's the start of the poem

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.
Reminds me of Burnt Norton by TS Elliott - here's the start of the poem

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.
Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden. My words echo
Thus, in your mind.
But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.
Thank you! I had never seen this. It tickles with my heart strings:hearteyes::hearteyes:
Thank you! I had never seen this. It tickles with my heart strings:hearteyes::hearteyes:
I love TS Elliott - he'd be in the forum if he were still around, I think.
I prefer not to understand him too closely, but let his poetry soak into my intuition, and just feel it. He's majick
I love TS Elliott - he'd be in the forum if he were still around, I think.
I prefer not to understand him too closely, but let his poetry soak into my intuition, and just feel it. He's majick
I love the poem. I find it very reassuring in a way: that there is no point in regrets and what ifs. That all we have is now:hearteyes: or well, that's how I interpret it.:m075:
:D He sure is majick:hearteyes: and I agree, he probably would find his way here if he was still around.






How thoughtful!









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Wow - this is real vintage Skarekrow stuff. Great post!! I’ll be back to read it again.

It’s my wife’s birthday on Wednesday - thanks for the tip. Funeral plan !!! :tearsofjoy:

Happy Birthday to her!
Make sure you don’t get cheap now.
No, fiberboard crap...high quality Trump brand caskets only. ;)
(Dead people don’t care about asbestos!)

Thanks as always John!
It was my Son’s last Wednesday on Halloween, and my SO’s the day’s that for a coincidence?
Take care and have fun Wednesday!

Only a God could have created Psyduck.


There is a platypus.
Just minus any cool powers...though they do have poison spurs on their hind legs (most people don’t know that). :)
I think God must have made that animal right after he was done creating magic mushrooms. is a good poem John!
Thanks Wyote.

It reminded me of my favorite poem when I was a Mom used to read to me and I always asked her for this one.

The Land of Nod

From breakfast on through all the day
At home among my friends I stay,
But every night I go abroad
Afar into the land of Nod.

All by myself I have to go,
With none to tell me what to do —
All alone beside the streams
And up the mountain-sides of dreams.

The strangest things are there for me,
Both things to eat and things to see,
And many frightening sights abroad
Till morning in the land of Nod.

Try as I like to find the way,
I never can get back by day,
Nor can remember plain and clear
The curious music that I hear.​
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Only the best, but it's got to be thrifty too -


Personally for me when I die...I hope they are making people into Soylent Green by would sure save on the funeral expenses...and my final words could be “Eat me! (or my ass, etc.)” lmao
I am so super excited that SS Disability money cannot be garnished by dumbass medical bill collectors trying to slap their ridiculous charges and interest onto already discharged bad credit from 2012 they probably bought for pennies just to see if they could strong arm some poor elderly person into paying up.
It was super enjoyable to call them and inform them that they wasted their money with the court filing (and can’t get it back hahahaha), not to mention sending me shit by registered mail... and my monetary assets are all protected.

I am literally “judgement proof” in this regard.
You should see the’s literally like $2.49 here, and $12.00 there...all probably balance billed anyhow.
So nice to stick it back to those leaches.

I hope we end up with healthcare for all here in the US and they go out of business.
Gouging and squeezing and threatening sick and elderly people - fuck you.