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- Warlock
@JennyDaniella @Deleted member 16771 @John K
Jenny, you’re about as sweet and smart and kind as they come.
Again...I’m sorry for your trauma...but it seems like no one has a non-traumatic childhood, just varying levels of fucked up, least we can empathize in a higher capacity with one another because of our though we have different stories and reasons and levels of pain we all understand that, and to be understood is a fine treasure to find amongst friends.
Thanks Deleted member 16771 and John K for your input, I totally agree looking back at my own childhood situations...of course you don’t realize that perspective until years and years later I would imagine for most people.
There were a few people though who took advantage, and they knew it...and their own victimhood had nothing to do with mine.
Karma will take care of such people I firmly believe....I’ve seen it too many times already now come down...way hard on some folks.
It’s like going into the settings of the game that is “life" and turning the difficulty up to it’s highest setting
Good luck with that!
Once in a while some lucky asshole gets the current President of a country I won’t name that I live in.
But...karma seems to be building like a fucking keep thinking it’s about to crash...but it just keeps getting higher and it’s at level scary shit.
Anyhow...way off track...but still bully related.
Much love to you all, you are all such wonderfully intelligent and kind individuals...I’m thankful I’ve gotten to know each of you and all the others here I know on the forum over the years.
Some really cool people have come and gone and some have stayed, some get banned, a couple have died unfortunately. only deepens my feelings reaching out to those I know and care about because it makes them all the more human and not just a computer screen with an avatar that talks back.
Much love!

Jenny, you’re about as sweet and smart and kind as they come.
Again...I’m sorry for your trauma...but it seems like no one has a non-traumatic childhood, just varying levels of fucked up, least we can empathize in a higher capacity with one another because of our though we have different stories and reasons and levels of pain we all understand that, and to be understood is a fine treasure to find amongst friends.
Thanks Deleted member 16771 and John K for your input, I totally agree looking back at my own childhood situations...of course you don’t realize that perspective until years and years later I would imagine for most people.
There were a few people though who took advantage, and they knew it...and their own victimhood had nothing to do with mine.
Karma will take care of such people I firmly believe....I’ve seen it too many times already now come down...way hard on some folks.
It’s like going into the settings of the game that is “life" and turning the difficulty up to it’s highest setting
Good luck with that!
Once in a while some lucky asshole gets the current President of a country I won’t name that I live in.

But...karma seems to be building like a fucking keep thinking it’s about to crash...but it just keeps getting higher and it’s at level scary shit.
Anyhow...way off track...but still bully related.
Much love to you all, you are all such wonderfully intelligent and kind individuals...I’m thankful I’ve gotten to know each of you and all the others here I know on the forum over the years.
Some really cool people have come and gone and some have stayed, some get banned, a couple have died unfortunately. only deepens my feelings reaching out to those I know and care about because it makes them all the more human and not just a computer screen with an avatar that talks back.
Much love!