@JennyDaniella @Deleted member 16771 @John K

Jenny, you’re about as sweet and smart and kind as they come.
Again...I’m sorry for your trauma...but it seems like no one has a non-traumatic childhood, just varying levels of fucked up, lol...at least we can empathize in a higher capacity with one another because of our types...so though we have different stories and reasons and levels of pain we all understand that, and to be understood is a fine treasure to find amongst friends.
Thanks Deleted member 16771 and John K for your input, I totally agree looking back at my own childhood situations...of course you don’t realize that perspective until years and years later I would imagine for most people.
There were a few people though who took advantage, and they knew it...and their own victimhood had nothing to do with mine.
Karma will take care of such people I firmly believe....I’ve seen it too many times already now come down...way hard on some folks.
It’s like going into the settings of the game that is “life" and turning the difficulty up to it’s highest setting possible....lol.
Good luck with that!
Once in a while some lucky asshole gets by...like the current President of a country I won’t name that I live in. ;)
But...karma seems to be building like a fucking tsunami...you keep thinking it’s about to crash...but it just keeps getting higher and higher...now it’s at level scary shit.
Anyhow...way off track...but still bully related.
Much love to you all, you are all such wonderfully intelligent and kind individuals...I’m thankful I’ve gotten to know each of you and all the others here I know on the forum over the years.
Some really cool people have come and gone and some have stayed, some get banned, a couple have died unfortunately.
But...it only deepens my feelings reaching out to those I know and care about because it makes them all the more human and not just a computer screen with an avatar that talks back.
Much love!
@John K

I thought you would like this video btw.
His reminding of the true definition of faith as being “comfortable with unknowing” as opposed to what it has now become as an affirmation of your knowing or “certain about everything” is refreshing.
How you lose a certain amount of spiritual movement with the loss of the unknowing or the dark.
(Which has always been my biggest turn off from “organized religion”)
Anyhow...very thoughtful speech.

Christianity and Unknowing, Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr, as a Catholic priest and Franciscan Friar, will offer a concise history of how
Western Christianity once had, soon lost, tried to retrieve,
and now is roundly rediscovering its own traditional understanding of unitive consciousness
(which was our word for non-dual thinking).

The Christian contemplative mind was usually a subtext, and yet it was always clearly there too,
and much closer to the surface, but only for those exposed to the mystical base that was revealed in the Gospel of John,
the Desert Fathers and Mothers, the Celtic and monastic traditions,
and what was generally referred to as the apophatic or wisdom stream of Christianity.

These were our many saints and mystics.
This possibility was brought to the fore by Thomas Merton in the middle of the last century,
and is now flowing in many positive directions.

It is now our task to rediscover the pre-Enlightenment Christianity that reveled in
"the cloud of unknowing", what some called "learned ignorance", and the very notion of Mystery itself.

Only when we got into competition with rationalism and secularism,
did we adopt this rather recent mania for certitude and a very limited kind of scientific knowing.

Almost the entire history of Protestantism emerged in this period, and thus the contemplative mind is an utterly new revelation for them,
and frankly for all of us, as we again learn to be comfortable living on the edge of both the knowable and the unknown.

Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within
Christian mysticism and the Perennial Tradition.
He is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and founder of the
Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Fr. Richard’s teaching is grounded in the Franciscan alternative orthodoxy—
practices of contemplation and self-emptying, expressing itself in radical compassion,
particularly for the socially marginalized. Fr. Richard is the author of numerous books,
including Everything Belongs, Adam’s Return, The Naked Now, Breathing Under Water,
Falling Upward, Immortal Diamond, and Eager to Love: The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi.

Karma will take care of such people I firmly believe....I’ve seen it too many times already now come down...way hard on some folks.

Hey, Skare, your words are filled with love and wisdom, as always, but on this point of karma...

Back when I was a full-on atheist and interested in debunking charlatans and such things, it always angered me how some of the spiritualist crowd would attribute this or that human triumph to karma, or divine intervention, or something if this nature.

I suppose you may have experienced this directly in your career, where a team of medical professionals worked in theatre for hour upon hour to save a life, with skill, with determination, with long years of training and centuries of scientific tradition behind them, only for their work to be labelled a 'miracle' and attributed to the intervention of God.

I don't necessarily disbelieve in karma, but I'm fairly certain that if it exists, the mechanism is a human one.

Personally I think we can't just hope that the 'villains' of our world will one day find their comeuppance based on some vague and mystical notion of cosmic balance. It takes action, and diligence, and no small amount of courage. Above all, it takes human effort.

Otherwise the 'villains' go free.

In my country, Jimmy Savile was perhaps one of the most prolific pedophiles and rapists in its history, and yet he died a free man. Where was karma then? No one had the courage to attempt to seriously expose him, and so he was not exposed until after his death.

And the same will be true of Trump. Someone, somewhere, will have to show courage to take him down. Some already have.

Spirituality is an important aspect of any human life, but I believe that it should never be seen to substitute for actual human action. It is our fuel but not our substance.

Now I hope you can see that I'm not actually disagreeing with what you're saying here (which, I understand, was said in a much less rigorous context), but simply overreacting in a rather dramatic way for the sake of impressing upon anyone who wishes to read this that, as I think you understand, too, faith is no substitute for action.

That is not the proper use of faith.

That is disrespectful to the very idea of faith, or spirituality, or whatever.
In my country, Jimmy Savile was perhaps one of the most prolific pedophiles and rapists in its history, and yet he died a free man. Where was karma then? No one had the courage to attempt to seriously expose him, and so he was not exposed until after his death.

And the same will be true of Trump. Someone, somewhere, will have to show courage to take him down. Some already have.

Spirituality is an important aspect of any human life, but I believe that it should never be seen to substitute for actual human action. It is our fuel but not our substance.

Now I hope you can see that I'm not actually disagreeing with what you're saying here (which, I understand, was said in a much less rigorous context), but simply overreacting in a rather dramatic way for the sake of impressing upon anyone who wishes to read this that, as I think you understand, too, faith is no substitute for action.

That is not the proper use of faith.

That is disrespectful to the very idea of faith, or spirituality, or whatever.

You know I agree of course!
The idea of karma though does not end with the end of this life...it is the groove you cut...it is how round you make your wheel to pull your cart - we’re just making the wheels right now still imho, if that far....lol.
And yes...as with anything...and especially gaining the help of the universe, there must first be a will behind it to create the verb from the interpretation.
The lord helps those who help themselves doesn’t mean as some assholes would have people think that God or a higher power only helps those who work hard, because that certainly isn’t true if you look around and the majority of people.
But, if there is a spiritual, compassionate, and/or just will behind it the universe seems to take notice and will help in return.
Usually at just about the time you are about to curse it or just have...lol.
Also....god....if I could personally take action against Trump....oh boy!
Give me a license to kill from her Majesty and I will take care of some shit...OOSkarekrow.
Seriously though...a proper aluminum bat would work just fine.

That was very un-Jesus like of me to say. ;)
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But, if there is a spiritual, compassionate, and/or just will behind it the universe seems to take notice and will help in return.
Usually at just about the time you are about to curse it or just have...lol.

Well I've experienced this, I can't deny it. But then if we have experienced it, that just makes us fall somewhere on the positive side on the 'normal distribution of luck curve'. There are rational explanations for everything, but that's the point isn't it?

I think this relates to something in your post to John, above - about embracing the unknown, the mystery, rather than submitting to false certainty.

It's that I think this tension between our rational minds and spiritual hearts is there for a reason. It's supposed to be there. It's a creative tension and neither aspect should be denied its proper place in our functioning.

You might say that our rationality is divine too, which I think some people just don't grasp in its full implications.
Well I've experienced this, I can't deny it. But then if we have experienced it, that just makes us fall somewhere on the positive side on the 'normal distribution of luck curve'. There are rational explanations for everything, but that's the point isn't it?

I think this relates to something in your post to John, above - about embracing the unknown, the mystery, rather than submitting to false certainty.

It's that I think this tension between our rational minds and spiritual hearts is there for a reason. It's supposed to be there. It's a creative tension and neither aspect should be denied its proper place in our functioning.

You might say that our rationality is divine too, which I think some people just don't grasp in its full implications.

Yes absolutely.
Who knows...maybe dickheads like Trump or Jimmy Savile are designed by the universe or the greater all to be the necessary tension needed for good to reign over evil?
If God has a plan it’s ineffable I’m sure.








@John K

I thought you would like this video btw.
His reminding of the true definition of faith as being “comfortable with unknowing” as opposed to what it has now become as an affirmation of your knowing or “certain about everything” is refreshing.
How you lose a certain amount of spiritual movement with the loss of the unknowing or the dark.
(Which has always been my biggest turn off from “organized religion”)
Anyhow...very thoughtful speech.

Christianity and Unknowing, Richard Rohr

Richard Rohr, as a Catholic priest and Franciscan Friar, will offer a concise history of how
Western Christianity once had, soon lost, tried to retrieve,
and now is roundly rediscovering its own traditional understanding of unitive consciousness
(which was our word for non-dual thinking).

The Christian contemplative mind was usually a subtext, and yet it was always clearly there too,
and much closer to the surface, but only for those exposed to the mystical base that was revealed in the Gospel of John,
the Desert Fathers and Mothers, the Celtic and monastic traditions,
and what was generally referred to as the apophatic or wisdom stream of Christianity.

These were our many saints and mystics.
This possibility was brought to the fore by Thomas Merton in the middle of the last century,
and is now flowing in many positive directions.

It is now our task to rediscover the pre-Enlightenment Christianity that reveled in
"the cloud of unknowing", what some called "learned ignorance", and the very notion of Mystery itself.

Only when we got into competition with rationalism and secularism,
did we adopt this rather recent mania for certitude and a very limited kind of scientific knowing.

Almost the entire history of Protestantism emerged in this period, and thus the contemplative mind is an utterly new revelation for them,
and frankly for all of us, as we again learn to be comfortable living on the edge of both the knowable and the unknown.

Fr. Richard Rohr is a globally recognized ecumenical teacher bearing witness to the universal awakening within
Christian mysticism and the Perennial Tradition.
He is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province and founder of the
Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Fr. Richard’s teaching is grounded in the Franciscan alternative orthodoxy—
practices of contemplation and self-emptying, expressing itself in radical compassion,
particularly for the socially marginalized. Fr. Richard is the author of numerous books,
including Everything Belongs, Adam’s Return, The Naked Now, Breathing Under Water,
Falling Upward, Immortal Diamond, and Eager to Love: The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi.

This is a great video Skare - thanks for sharing it. It really shines a light on some of the reasons I’m at home with Christianity - as it should be spoke - and why I keep on running with its Catholic form. I feel for me it would be inauthentic to chop and change given the profound insights and the support it provides when I look deeply into it’s inner nature - which is still very much alive behind all the formalism that is it’s most obvious appearance. I know that there are many good paths to follow successfully, and I can come back to this knowing that it is not the only path, but it really is one of them!! I love the way life works in spirals like that.

The Cloud of Unknowing is my spiritual hitchhikers guide :D

It’s frustrating that ‘God’ gets in the way of talking about it all. Fr Richard gorgeously spears the crappy God meme lots of people think is Christian with Zeus’s own thunderbolts lol.
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When I think of the church I can only feel some measure of anger and a sense of betrayal that what has been sold as Christianity for the last 1,500 years or so has at best been incomplete while other times outright fraudulent because the wrong people had gotten into the position to defraud later generations of their rightful heritage by changing and even deleting whole books from the Bible. Was once a aid to a pastor who spoke out and we would get death threats by the hundreds along with a torrent of hate mail like no one would could believe. In the end the best was never mainstream being only of the fringe sort and the things to be learned are leagues beyond anything one can learn in the common churches.
I warned you not to be too advertis-y lol
If you're only here to promote your stuff, it ain't gonna fly here.

That said, I'm sure sharing your content in a meaningful way would still be well recieved.
Agreed, actually.

@528Universe This is not the right place for your video. This is someone's blog, and hence a personal place. You're welcome to post your video in your own blog, or in one of the existing random video threads.

I will post elsewhere in the forum, my mistake...For the record, I'm not selling these...totally free.
Good morning everyone!
Holy crap were the holidays draining...
I hope that they were good for all those who took part and those that didn’t are cool too! :)
Just had to take a big forum break there...which is why I have like 200 some odd notifications waiting for me!
Thanks! :<3white:
It will take some time to get back to everyone, but I will do my best!
Seems odd that we are now in 2019...guess it will take some getting used to...mostly because all my years are starting to blur into one and I occasionally need to take a moment to verify I am writing down the proper date on things sometimes, lol.

I am particularly proud of my Son...we received his state testing scores and not only did his school surpass the state average by quite a bit...but my Son surpassed the school average by quite a bit on each subject, wow!


That and he’s actually like a thoughtful, considerate, (handsome), intelligent with a quick-wit, TALL (14 year old) young man <-------(is super-biased statement).
He still mopes around as a teenage boy though, lol.



Like I said...it will take a bit of time for me to catch up...but I will get back with each of you in a few hours!
Hope you are all well and your hearts are at peace!
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These are a couple of interesting videos with some great scared geometry that supposedly reconnects certain pathways in the brain in order for your brain to be upgraded so to speak (I’ll let the description explain it).
How much truth there actually is behind it would be a subjective guess, decide for yourself.
Imho there are some very interesting concepts presented.

The Template
The Ceremony of Original Innocence
Code 1

As a result of the genetic modification of the Human DNA,
almost all of our foundation circuits are in a state of disconnection,
creating a distorted sense of self that has led to fear, shame, guilt and disease.

The disruption of the bio-circuitry relating to our primal resonant relationships with
our mothers and fathers affects our ability to engage unconditionally in relationships.

However, it is no longer necessary or ultimately effective to engage in lengthy post-mortems of childhood,
casting ourselves into the trauma-vortex of past tragedies and injustices, reinforcing identities anchored in disempowering scenarios.

By reconnecting the vital circuits that relate to conception, gestation, birth and childhood, healing is integrated on the DNA level.
The Ceremony of Original Innocence takes us back to our first choice, prior to our first breath,
reminding us of our true identity - creators rather than victims.

The key to this shift in perception is forgiveness, the bedrock of the shamanic journey.
To embrace forgiveness is to embody the living mandala of love, upon which is based the fundamental Human ethic,
acknowledging your "response-ability" within the interconnectedness of all creation.

Although it is possible to be born with the Water Circuits connected they are almost always disrupted by guilt, regret and anger.
Reconnecting these circuits clears these negative emotions, liberating relationships from destructive patterns.
The reconnection of the Thymus Circuit activates the T-cells of the immune system.
This has a powerful effect on health.
With the reconnection of the Air Circuits, the pineal-hypothalamus-pituitary complex is revitalised, as the pineal is now enabled to receive the full spectrum of the geometric language of light.

After viewing this video please watch the 2nd Template Ceremony.


The Template
The Ceremony of Synthesis
Code 2

The Template - A Holonomic Model Of Transcendence - CODE 2 -
Ceremony Of Synthesis - The reconnection of the 13th Circuit - Preparing the Pranic Causeway.

The 13th Circuit connects into the Occiput, where the spinal cord enters the brain, and grounds the this electromagnetic energy into the Coccyx.
The form and progression of the 23 geometric fractals of the Human creation code and their sonic counterparts are resonant with aspects of the Holonomic agreement that is the Human Blueprint.

This covenant is activated and integrated through frequency resonance, reinstating the 13th Circuit.
The is contained in this film.

The dynamic of The Template model follows a momentum of exponential progression.
Each coded Ceremony reconnects circuitry that restores a spectrum of electromagnetic integrity to the body.

Each successive Ceremony holds the potential of a subsequent spectrum of
electromagnetic Source Intelligence that builds upon the resonant synergy of the previous code.

For this reason, prior to experiencing this 2nd Code,
It is essential that you interact with the 1st alchemical code, and please watch The 1st Template Ceremony first.

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This is a great video Skare - thanks for sharing it. It really shines a light on some of the reasons I’m at home with Christianity - as it should be spoke - and why I keep on running with its Catholic form. I feel for me it would be inauthentic to chop and change given the profound insights and the support it provides when I look deeply into it’s inner nature - which is still very much alive behind all the formalism that is it’s most obvious appearance. I know that there are many good paths to follow successfully, and I can come back to this knowing that it is not the only path, but it really is one of them!! I love the way life works in spirals like that.

The Cloud of Unknowing is my spiritual hitchhikers guide :D

It’s frustrating that ‘God’ gets in the way of talking about it all. Fr Richard gorgeously spears the crappy God meme lots of people think is Christian with Zeus’s own thunderbolts lol.

I’m right there with you in the cloud of unknowing.
But...that seems to be the thing with it is how cozy you are sitting in such a place of obliviousness...how comfortable are you sitting in that state of mind...a lot of folks are not I would venture to guess?
Anyhow, I thought you would really like this one...I did...and like I said...I especially appreciated him redefining “faith” back to what it actually should represent in a religion...not blind uncertainty...but the ability to be uncertain while maintaining a particular belief.
Thank you as always for your great insights!
I’m glad that you seem to have found a pathway that works for you and doesn’t interfere with the other aspects of your religious belief.
Take care!!

When I think of the church I can only feel some measure of anger and a sense of betrayal that what has been sold as Christianity for the last 1,500 years or so has at best been incomplete while other times outright fraudulent because the wrong people had gotten into the position to defraud later generations of their rightful heritage by changing and even deleting whole books from the Bible. Was once a aid to a pastor who spoke out and we would get death threats by the hundreds along with a torrent of hate mail like no one would could believe. In the end the best was never mainstream being only of the fringe sort and the things to be learned are leagues beyond anything one can learn in the common churches.

Yes...it is mostly basically fraudulent in nature...but that doesn’t mean it is not of any value.
I was raised Mormon...and sold their total BS about how family is this special fucking thing....except if someone is gay - then you have to disown them or be excommunicated...doesn’t matter if it’s a parent, child..etc.
Fucking disgusting if you ask me.
Yep...there are probably very few churches and religions that actually follow the teachings of Jesus in a way that isn’t hypocritical AF....but they seem to be few and far between.
It’s much easier to be a weekend warrior for Christ and then be an asshole the rest of the week.
Cheers my friend!

I will post elsewhere in the forum, my mistake...For the record, I'm not selling these...totally free.

It’s fine if you want to have a dialogue.
Personally there is a very specific binaural beat video I would like to see on youtube!
A deeper tone, like 120Hz.... with a binaural beat starting at 7.83Hz for earth’s OM for 20 mins...then have the beat drop down to 4 Hz for 10 mins with a 6.3 Hz 2 min. long boost before dropping back down to 4 Hz again for 10 mins., back and forth continued for an hour, or hour and a half.
Also every 10 mins when it switches, a small chime or bell.
Pink or brown noise at an equal level to the binaural tone in the background (please no bird chirps lol).

I believe this would be of great help when I meditate to practice going out of body.
How hard is something like that to put together?
Oh No! I do all of these most of the time :screamcat::cryingcat:
We all do most of them most of the time to one extent or another...lol.