- Enneagram
- Warlock
Very interesting article and food for thought. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the complexity of the consciousness problem, but I've never had any problems understanding the difference between executing software and the computer hardware it's running on. In analogy, what the nuts and bolts consciousness guys seem to be doing is trying to understand Microsoft Office and the Internet by dismantling their cpus and hard disks and mucking about with all the electronic components. It seems to me that we need to understand the "software" of our minds and how it runs on the hardware. I'm not saying this is any more than an analogy, but it seems a very important one to me because I feel the true nature of our conscious and unconscious minds is much more like software than hardware - sadly, I don't think I'll be able to re-boot myself with an emergency JohnK pendrive any time soon- though maybe one day .....
It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out there is something inherent in matter that sets it off self-organising into structures of slowly increasing complexity in favourable circumstances - that there is the equivalent of a very low level "bios" built into it. I do like the idea of a consciousness field but I'd need more than just the bare idea to take it seriously - great idea to speculate and play about with though
![]()’s not that the people don’t understand I don’t think...but more that they don’t accept the idea of the physical brain and nonphysical mind as being separate...or existing somewhere that isn’t physical.
Yes, the most common analogy used is the mind as a Television...we can take it apart and figure out that this controls the image...this the sound....etc., etc....but you will never find the part of the TV that produces the content you watch on it.
We can attempt to locate where the signal is received and where and how it is decoded and from what/where?
But...that could be immeasurable currently by us...if said signal is multidimensional (as I personally feel the mind is), then it may be impossible within our current stage in scientific knowledge to even come up with a good working model that is more than just speculation.
The Orch-OR theory attempts to do so -
But again...theoretical...and it wouldn’t really solve the issue besides...only reveal that the brain is a biologic quantum computer - which most people who study it are already quite certain of already. does make the point of consciousness existing in nonphysical space IDK.
As far as rebooting goes...I got you covered if you ever want to reboot...

What you say also reminds me of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and his theory of Morphogenetic fields and Morphic resonance --
Morphic Resonance -
Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems.
In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits.
The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance.
Memory need not be stored in material traces inside brains, which are more like TV receivers than video recorders, tuning into influences from the past.
And biological inheritance need not all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on morphic resonance from previous members of the species.
Thus each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective memory, affecting other members of the species in the future.