- Enneagram
- Warlock
I haven't yet gone all the way back in your posts (and may never-I'll just admit it. Lol), but given your areas of interest I suspect you are already aware of the work being done with psychedelics in mental health generally? The article abstract below is just a recent random one to illustrate the point. I am most familiar with the success of organizations like and their research with trauma. Knowing what little I do, the success with end of life care also comes as no surprise. Thanks again for the kind of info you post.![]()
Great study!
Thanks for posting that!
And thank you for all your kind words and the large amount of likes!

Yes, I actually work with a nonprofit called the Portland Psychedelic Society who also work with MAPS!
I run the chronic pain support group, mainly using entheogens to augment treatment, or keep one from becoming suicidal.
There is so much potential to help treatment resistant mental health conditions - I am living proof.
Tried everything short of electroshock treatment (which I considered).
At one point I was so overcome by anxiety that was being amplified in a huge years long negative pain loop - that I couldn’t even talk to someone like a bill collector on the heart would pound and I would literally lose my breath and could not talk and would hang up.
I couldn’t meditate properly...10-15 mins at the most.
This doesn’t even get into the depression...this was the first 6-10 months of me trying to cope when I finally had to give up my career assisting with open heart surgery and various other specialties...I drew a large amount of purpose and meaning from what I was able to do for work...and was lucky enough to really be good at, and enjoy what I did.
Even now...there is some remaining PTSD type issues that will eventually be purged out.
But overall they are mostly gone.
When two medications I was taking interacted and beta-blocked my heart to the point that it almost stopped several times.
Twice when I did not know it...and once when it was finally caught at the clinic where I was getting rheumatological infusions at the time and whisked away by ambulance.
Having been in the medical field my entire life only made the situation worse...I knew what all the numbers and wave forms on the EKG meant...the Doctor tried to BS me even.
I had a HR of 30 or less, and a BP of 220/ I told her as they were putting IVs in my arms and shit...- If a pass out, please tell my loved ones they are all I care about.
She says - Oh, you’ll be just fine.
I said - I know what those numbers mean, please just tell them if I pass out and never get to. medically induced heart attack later...I thankfully never lost consciousness, but had moderate troponin levels (the enzyme that is released when cardiac muscle death occurs or is severely stressed).
Then after several days they released me after flushing the meds causing it out of my system.
But then I had to wait 3 months to see the fucking Cardiologist and have an echocardiogram done to see if my heart was damaged and fucked.
All the while I am driving myself literally insane with the medical knowledge I have of the heart and not knowing what the hell was going on....if I focused on my heart it would throw a PVC or a palpitation just by my focusing on it...which is disconcerting to say the least after such a thing happens.
So finally I get the proper tests and everything is fine.
My anxiety is not however and my depression is not.
(Was born depressed btw...there are quite a few studies out there showing that the mother can cause chemical changes to a child while in utero and breastfeeding, as well as picking up things with mirror neurons...from the moment I could talk I would cry and tell my Mother I hated myself and felt sad, she would ask me why and I couldn’t ever come up with a reason)
I decided mostly out of desperation at this point to look into obtaining the mushrooms that I had so recently been reading many studies on and was incredibly hopeful for the first time in a very long time and the many let downs that eventually cause you to stop getting your hopes up.
I won’t get into the details of how I got them.
Only that they broke me free of the negative pain/anxiety/depression loop that I had been in for decades if not my entire life in the case of depression.
To see and feel something so indescribably beautiful and have feelings of almost religious ecstatic peace and love for the first time in so long if not ever was to clean the lens of darkness that I viewed everything through.
The ONLY thing that has ever worked in a significant manner for me.
With no side effects.
Not needing to take but once in a while.
Incredibly safe in spite of what the drug classification system says (there are of course exceptions, they are not for everyone.)
I just gave a talk several months back -