@John K
I promised you some videos, here is a good one I remembered and I thought it would be perfect to post for you!
Here is an excellent explanation of all the aspects of mindfulness, not just in meditation (which IS very difficult) but in our everyday lives (also difficult lol).
So not just in regards to meditation necessarily.
It helps to better cultivate a healthy mindset in general as well imho.

9 Attitudes
Jon Kabat Zinn

Found this has some interesting bits...



1. The narcissist attracts the empath.
They begin a relationship.

The empath’s love is deep and unconditional.
The narcissist, on the other hand, has no intention of developing a stronger connection and getting close to the empath.

The empath is happy and satisfied every time they are around the narcissist and they falsely think that their love is being reciprocated.

2. The empath starts to feel like they have finally met the love of their life.
The narcissist asserts them by designing an illusion which leads the empath to think that they have a special bond that is impossible to break.

At times, it may look like the narcissist wants the relationship as much as the empath, but this is not true.
The narcissist only wants to be in control.

3. As the time passes, the narcissist will try to break the empath’s self-esteem by making them feel weak and unable to do even the simplest things. The narcissist will never openly attack the empath, but they will say something like, “I don’t mean to hurt you but…” and then mention some “shortcoming” of the empath.

The whole control of the relationship will be in the hands of the narcissist as they will start making every decision.
The empath will gradually start to believe that they are incapable of anything and that they are lucky to have the narcissist in their life.

4. The narcissist will become the sole center of the empath’s universe as they are the ones that are truly in love.
They will always try to help, take care of, cheer up and soothe the narcissist.

They will always be there for the narcissist whenever the narcissist needs them.
The narcissist will try to present themselves as the victim thus manipulating the empath into giving them what they want since the empaths are natural givers.

5. The empath’s intentions are pure.
The empath has a good heart and they cannot understand the fact that the narcissist’s wounds are different from theirs, and so is the healing.

The narcissist’s wounds cannot be healed with love
, as the empath believes because the narcissist is a person who is immune to love.

6. The relationship starts to be all about the narcissist.
Eventually, the empath will realize this, because as the time passes, they will start to feel afraid to state or fight for their desires and needs in the relationship.

The empath will rather die than give someone a reason to dislike them, so they will still try to please the narcissist even though they are not happy in the relationship.

7. The more affection, devotion, effort, love, and care that the empath gives to the narcissist, the more in control the narcissist feels.
And as long as the empath continues to put in the effort into the relationship, it is almost impossible for them to see a problem in the relationship.

The problems arise when the empath finally ‘wakes up’ and reaches their breaking point.

8. The empath will eventually raise their voice because they can no longer stand the devaluing ways of the narcissist.
The empath starts to feel devastated because their emotional needs are not being met.

When the empath realizes that they have been living in a delusion all the time, they will start to speak up their truth.
The narcissist is not happy with this new turn of events.

9. The narcissist is someone who needs constant attention.
They feel satisfied when people obsess with them.

However, they can never be happy no matter how much attention and praise they get from others.
They always need more.

And the empath often fails to understand this.

10. When the empath finally decides to honestly talk about their feelings with the narcissist, the narcissist is quick to call them “crazy”, “delusional”, or“over-dramatic.”

They would dismiss any of the empath’s efforts to save the relationship and they will try to manipulate them again to regain the control.

11. For an empath, this behavior is impossible to understand.
They would start blaming themselves for everything that is wrong in the relationship because the narcissist has them feeling like they are not good enough and they are not worthy of love.

12. The empath fails to understand that they are being manipulated once again.
The narcissist has created a twisted way of reality in their minds.

The empath is being gaslighted to a point where they cannot believe their own perception and sanity.
They couldn’t see the truth that the narcissist is the one who is wrong and wicked, not they.

13. Every empath’s attempt to communicate honestly with the narcissist is pointless.
The narcissist will always try to pass the blame to justify themselves.

14. The empath should know that it is completely okay and normal to feel confused, lost, defenseless, and deeply hurt.
They need to do a lot of self-reflection and work on themselves to start feeling okay again.

15. Empaths are the healers of society.
They have the inner strength that is necessary for them to overcome any challenge that comes their way.

They can alleviate the other people’s pain as well as their own only if they are willing to do that.

16. The empath will eventually realize the bitter truth that the narcissist does not deserve their affection, love, and care.
They must understand that not everyone who puts a sad face on is showing their true colors.

There are many people out there who have vile motives and use many manipulative techniques to get what they want.
The empath must face the brutal truth that not everyone who says ‘I love you’ really means it.

17. In the above situation, the empath needs to understand that they are the actual victim in the relationship – not the narcissist.

18. When the empath realizes that the narcissist will never change – this would be a painful revelation and awakening for them.
However, this is essential for the empath to move forward and put an end to the toxic relationship with the narcissist.

19. The narcissist will go on with their life as if nothing has happened.
They won’t even remember the enormous love and appreciation that the empath has given them.

20. The narcissist will move on and find a new victim.

21. The empath will become wiser, stronger, and more cautious of to whom they give their love, time, and affection.
Would be a welcome tool!
You would not believe the way some Doctors treat (or do NOT) pain.
Especially if they...in all their wisdom, cannot find the reason, then it must just be a mental problem.
Not so much with my own medical issue, since any X-ray will make it obvious where my pain is.
But I have seen this with my own Mother...and countless other patients besides.
It IS a serious problem to properly diagnose and treat.
Our treatment options in the US are nearly nonexistent.
There are maybe 1 out of every 5 pain clinics that actually still prescribe pain meds.
For certain people that is the difference between being totally nonfunctional to being almost totally independent.
Anyhow...new ways and approaches need to be developed, currently the treatments for pain or chronic pain are lame.
I just hope they don’t use this new technology as the Doctor suggested - “ a lie detector for pain “.
With something so variable from person to person I hope they can dial it in.

No stethoscope for pain:
Scientists seek real way to measure

WASHINGTON (AP) — Is the pain stabbing or burning?
On a scale from 1 to 10, is it a 6 or an 8?

Over and over, 17-year-old Sarah Taylor struggled to make doctors understand her sometimes debilitating levels of pain, first from joint-damaging childhood arthritis and then from fibromyalgia.

“It’s really hard when people can’t see how much pain you’re in, because they have to take your word on it and sometimes, they don’t quite believe you,” she said.

Now scientists are peeking into Sarah’s eyes to track how her pupils react when she’s hurting and when she’s not — part of a quest to develop the first objective way to measure pain.

“If we can’t measure pain, we can’t fix it,” said Dr. Julia Finkel, a pediatric anesthesiologist at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, who invented the experimental eye-tracking device.

At just about every doctor’s visit you’ll get your temperature, heart rate and blood pressure measured.
But there’s no stethoscope for pain.

Patients must convey how bad it is using that 10-point scale or emoji-style charts that show faces turning from smiles to frowns.

That’s problematic for lots of reasons.
Doctors and nurses have to guess at babies’ pain by their cries and squirms, for example.

The aching that one person rates a 7 might be a 4 to someone who’s more used to serious pain or genetically more tolerant.
Patient-to-patient variability makes it hard to test if potential new painkillers really work.

Nor do self-ratings determine what kind of pain someone has — one reason for trial-and-error treatment.
Are opioids necessary?

Or is the pain, like Sarah’s, better suited to nerve-targeting medicines?

“It’s very frustrating to be in pain and you have to wait like six weeks, two months, to see if the drug’s working,” said Sarah, who uses a combination of medications, acupuncture and lots of exercise to counter her pain.

The National Institutes of Health is pushing for development of what its director, Dr. Francis Collins, has called a “pain-o-meter.”
Spurred by the opioid crisis , the goal isn’t just to signal how much pain someone’s in.

It’s also to determine what kind it is and what drug might be the most effective.

“We’re not creating a lie detector for pain,” stressed David Thomas of NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse, who oversees the research. “We do not want to lose the patient voice.”

Around the country, NIH-funded scientists have begun studies of brain scans, pupil reactions and other possible markers of pain in hopes of finally “seeing” the ouch so they can better treat it.

It’s early-stage research, and it’s not clear how soon any of the attempts might pan out.

“There won’t be a single signature of pain,” Thomas predicted. “My vision is that someday we’ll pull these different metrics together for something of a fingerprint of pain.”

NIH estimates 25 million people in the U.S. experience daily pain.
Most days Sarah Taylor is one of them.

Now living in Potomac, Maryland, she was a toddler in her native Australia when the swollen, aching joints of juvenile arthritis appeared.
She’s had migraines and spinal inflammation.

Then two years ago, the body-wide pain of fibromyalgia struck; a flare-up last winter hospitalized her for two weeks.

One recent morning, Sarah climbed onto an acupuncture table at Children’s National, rated that day’s pain a not-too-bad 3, and opened her eyes wide for the experimental pain test.

“There’ll be a flash of light for 10 seconds. All you have to do is try not to blink,” researcher Kevin Jackson told Sarah as he lined up the pupil-tracking device, mounted on a smartphone.

The eyes offer a window to pain centers in the brain, said Finkel, who directs pain research at Children’s Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation.

Some pain-sensing nerves transmit “ouch” signals to the brain along pathways that also alter muscles of the pupils as they react to different stimuli.

Finkel’s device tracks pupillary reactions to light or to non-painful stimulation of certain nerve fibers, aiming to link different patterns to different intensities and types of pain.

Consider the shooting hip and leg pain of sciatica: “Everyone knows someone who’s been started on oxycodone for their sciatic nerve pain. And they’ll tell you that they feel it — it still hurts — and they just don’t care,” Finkel said.

What’s going on?
An opioid like oxycodone brings some relief by dulling the perception of pain but not its transmission — while a different kind of drug might block the pain by targeting the culprit nerve fiber, she said.

Certain medications also can be detected by other changes in a resting pupil, she said.
Last month the Food and Drug Administration announced it would help AlgometRx, a biotech company Finkel founded, speed development of the device as a rapid drug screen.

Looking deeper than the eyes, scientists at Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital found MRI scans revealed patterns of inflammation in the brain that identified either fibromyalgia or chronic back pain.

Other researchers have found changes in brain activity — where different areas “light up” on scans — that signal certain types of pain.
Still others are using electrodes on the scalp to measure pain through brain waves.

Ultimately, NIH wants to uncover biological markers that explain why some people recover from acute pain while others develop hard-to-treat chronic pain.

“Your brain changes with pain,” Thomas explained. “A zero-to-10 scale or a happy-face scale doesn’t capture anywhere near the totality of the pain experience.”
This looks good...putting it on hold at the library!

Medjugorje and the Supernatural:
Science, Mysticism, and Extraordinary Religious Experience


In June 1981, six young Croatians in the village of Medjugorje, in the former Yugoslavia, reported that the Virgin Mary had appeared to them.
The Medjugorje visionaries say that Mary has returned every day since then, bringing them important messages from heaven to convey to the world.

Throughout history, people have reported encountering extraordinary religious experiences-apparitions of the Virgin Mary, visions of Jesus Christ, weeping statues and icons, the stigmata, physical healings and miracles, and experiences of the afterlife-and interpreted them as supernatural in origin.

Scholars have often tried to reinterpret such experiences, including those described by the great mystics like Francis of Assisi, Catherine of Siena, and Teresa of Avila, into natural or psychopathological categories, such as hysteria, hallucination, delusion, epileptic seizures, psychosis, the workings of the unconscious mind, or fraud.

Are such reductionist explanations valid?

Over the past three decades the Medjugorje visionaries have been subjected to extensive medical, psychological, and scientific examination, even while undergoing their visionary experiences.

Daniel Klimek argues that the case of Medjugorje affords a rare opportunity to understand a deeper dimension of extraordinary religious phenomena.

Presenting and analyzing the scientific studies on the visionaries in juxtaposition with the major scholars and debates surrounding religious experience, Klimek concludes that a multidisciplinary approach grants a more holistic and deeper understanding of such extraordinary religious experiences.
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Okay...for those of you across the pond...I fully expect someone to catch this exhibit and report back with pictures!!!

@John K ?
@Deleted member 16771 ?

Collection Of Haunted Items Will Be Displayed Around England


February 12, 2019

Some of the most haunted items in the world will begin to make their way across England starting this week.
These objects are supposedly extremely cursed and have been plagued with paranormal activity for many years.

These items will make their way from Sheffield to Gloucester for their first stop so the public can view these allegedly haunted objects.
Lee Steer, who owns the collection of creepy items, will display more than twenty of them at the exhibition.

“We are contacted by people who ask us to help them out with items that they are having problems with and now it is bringing the collection together and showcasing it” Mr. Steer said, “The is the first kind of event like this we have done and it is people’s chance to come along and take selfies and see the most haunted objects in our collection.”

He and his partner Linzi Sheeran will be showcasing their haunted items at other locations around England, like Nottingham, York, Hull, and Rotherham.

They have already revealed the top five most haunted items in their collection that they will be showcasing and they include four of the most haunted paintings in the world.

The Bridal Doll

The haunted bridal doll has apparently scratched its former owners and some people have even claimed that she caused them to have itching and scratching fits.

She is said to give people horrible nightmares and she strongly dislikes married men.
She is also believed to have set off fire alarms.

The Crying Boy Painting

The Crying Boy Painting is said to be dangerously cursed and has allegedly been the cause of several house fires.
Although pretty much everything in the houses were destroyed by the fires, the painting was never harmed.

If you look at the painting for too long, you can experience feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness, or anger.
Some people have even claimed to have witnessed the painting moving on its own.

Love Letters Painting

The painting was a portrait of a U.S. Senator’s 4-year-old daughter named Samantha Houston who tragically died in 1887 by falling down the stairs.
They say that it is Samantha’s spirit that haunts the painting.

Many people have claimed that the expression on the girl’s face in the painting will suddenly change.

The Hands Resist Them

The painting of a boy and a doll has terrified many people over the years.
In fact, it is said that when the painting was finished in 1974, three people associated with it had passed away.

Several people have claimed to have seen the hands in the painting moving.

Sinister Painting

Just looking at the painting is enough to give anyone nightmares as it has skeletons on each side of the portrait with a fire in the middle.
It was suppose to appear in the film Finders Keepers, but they ended up not using it.

After the previous owner contacted Mr. Steer to take the painting, he took it and placed it against a wall in his spare room but the next day it was in a completely different area of the room and leaning against a different wall.

Top spots at the Haunted Museum exhibit at the
New Inn on Northgate Street on February 16.

Oh man...WTF.
If you put salt on the nerves of many animals it causes the nerves to twitch and fire and muscles to contract.
I hardly think causing chemical reactions in a dead brain is a “key” to consciousness.
But you judge for yourself.

Scientists Revive Dead Brains, Discover Key To Consciousness

Dreams and depictions of immortality can be found throughout human history. From Judeo-Christian ideas of Heaven and Hell to Hindu concepts of reincarnation, almost all religions and cultures have some iteration of eternal life found within their beliefs, folklore, or art. Let’s face it: who among us hasn’t at least once entertained the notion of living forever? While it could be claimed that our mortality is what makes our lives precious and all that other feel-good nonsense, who really wants to die?


The concept of immortality is bound to our collective consciousness​

Not me. Luckily, some recent out-there scientific advancements are bringing the dream of immortality closer to becoming a reality. Earlier this year, a group of scientists claimed to have successfully reversed the cellular aging of a human guinea pigby twenty years. If their research is confirmed as fact, then noted transhumanist Ray Kurzweil’s claims of soon being able to extend the human lifespan indefinitely might not be as far-fetched as they first sound. If these claims already make you uncomfortable, then by all means, click the “back” button on your browser, because this next one’s a real doozy.


Weird science at its weirdest.​

Neuroscientists at Canada’s Laurentian University recently published a paper in PLOS One claiming to have brought dead human brains back to “life.” In a manner of speaking, that is. According to their quite technical article, researchers were able to electrically stimulate certain sections of dead brains back to a lifelike state:

Patterns similar to the living condition were elicited by chemical and electrical probes within coronal and sagittal sections of human temporal lobe structures that had been maintained in ethanol-formalin-acetic acid. […] These results suggest that portions of the post-mortem human brain may retain latent capacities to respond with potential life-like and virtual properties.

The authors also noted that injecting the brains with ketamine and nicotine likewise restored similar levels of lifelike cognitive activity. Yeah, that’s pretty weird. But it gets weirder – much weirder. The researchers found that with the addition of glutamate, one of the twenty amino acids that make up human proteins, brains preserved in the common biological preservative ethanol-formalin-acetic acid (EFA) began emitting photons:

By simply applying glutamate at concentrations typically encountered within living brain tissue, photons were emitted from human tissue that had been fixed in EFA for decades. […] This flux density is the same order of magnitude that was measured from the right hemispheres (at the level of the temporal lobe) when people sitting in very dark rooms engaged in vivid imagination about white light.

In other words, researchers found that just by giving the dead brains an amino acid that living brains receive, those “dead” brains emitted the same amount of photons – light – as would the brains of living people sitting in a dark room imagining a white light.

(Skarekrow - which is actually imperceptible to us and only very sensitive equipment detects such photons.
But, just because you can get something to release photons...again, is a big jump to concluding it has something to do with being conscious...lots of things emit photons.
Gamma radiation for example.)


This study has touched upon some of the higher mysteries and longstanding questions about the mind.​

In their discussion, the authors present some really out-there theories about the nature of consciousness, reality, and the universe:

The physical bases to “consciousness” and cognition with the implication of a more ubiquitous property that may occur throughout the universe would be consistent with the philosophy […] that the behaviour of any part of the universe (“cosmos”) is determined by all of its parts.

Whew. I’m gonna need a nap after this one. While it’s still impossible to determine just what level of consciousness could be restored in these dead brains, the researchers definitively state that the dead brains “express some capacity for cognitive activation.” The potential implications and applications of this research boggle the mind.


Welcome to the new afterlife.​

This study could finally lend credence to the dreams of a techno-afterlife presaged by transhumanists, or even confirm some longer-held theories of the spirit passed down by the world’s religions. The implications of this research – that photons might hold the key to consciousness and our connection with the universe – go far beyond neuroscience and unite many metaphysical, spiritual, and quantum theories. It’s a great time to be alive – or immortal – even if you are just a brain in a jar.
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These are especially encouraging...lmao...


Why I meditate!!!



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*giggles* When I look at many of your familiar images posts, I sometimes think if our digital traces could be visually seen that we would be meeting often elsewhere.

<3 thank you for these posts as always
@John K
I promised you some videos, here is a good one I remembered and I thought it would be perfect to post for you!
Here is an excellent explanation of all the aspects of mindfulness, not just in meditation (which IS very difficult) but in our everyday lives (also difficult lol).
So not just in regards to meditation necessarily.
It helps to better cultivate a healthy mindset in general as well imho.

9 Attitudes
Jon Kabat Zinn

Very many thanks for this video - just been through it and mapped it out. One of the things I like about it is that I’m already with quite a lot of what he says, but there are lots of new angles as well. It’s message integrates around its central theme so that makes it easy to internalise - at least conceptually .... internalising it spiritually is of course the long road to travel :)

The two of the nine attitudes I’m most drawn to up front are his first, Beginners Mind, and his seventh, Non-Striving. The one because I’ve been trying to work on that perspective for a while and it’s very rewarding. Positive skepticism is one angle onto it, with its willingness to explore perspective shifts non-judgementally. Another angle is summarised by ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children...’. The seventh is the one I have most trouble with LOL.

Do you find this approach helps with pain management? Obviously mindfulness does because of all you’ve said about it before - I mean this particular guy’s 9 attitudes approach.

Again many thanks for this

Much love to you and yours.
Its just how I call them.. These human shaped shadow beings that lurk in the dark. idk what they are.

I know what you mean by this and have had a couple of experiences, the first time I ignored it however the second time it got my attention needless to say. Just look into spirits and all that jazz as there is more than enough out there information wise on the net.