Will do :)

Just need time to recover only to get drained again :s

Yep...I know how it goes...I’m about to sign out of here soon I think myself.
Have no depression or anxiety today, and it’s not an especially painful day either, appetite has been good, but I’m just fatigued as all hell.
I’ve even had a cup of green tea which I don’t ever drink and I’m still dragging my feet around.
Then there is a kind of mental fatigue that comes with it...days like today I tend to teeter on the edge of sleeping and meditating for a couple hours starting in a few moments here after I type a few short responses but nothing too intense.


So for those that I have not responded to in this thread or elsewhere, I am not ignoring you; rather I want to respond to you with my full attention and mental capacity available to me and right now that is difficult to maintain.
(I totally just zoned out for a couple minutes there staring blankly at the screen, hahaha)
Much love all...need some quality rest.
There are also incubus and secubus, though these particular entities are often more sexual in nature - but have also been said to sit on the chest of their victims and steal their breath.
One sat on my back and tried to pull something out of my upper torso, my soul it felt like. This is the one I only felt. I never saw this one. Ive had 2 encounters before this one.

Do you drink lots of caffeine, especially before bed?
Missing sleep?
Anxiety issues?
These can all contribute to sleep paralysis.
Any or all of these might have been those case those days.

Do you ever meditate?
How frequently are these “attacks”?
Are they getting worse or more frequent?
I have meditated a handful of times. I know I should meditate way more. I find meditating boring.. Its hard for me to get to it, and stay focused because of it. I can be rather chaotic and easily bored. When im finally meditating I love it, and how I feel after.
Ive only had 3 attacks months ago, and months or weeks between every attack. Its been many months but I still cant forget about em and don't find it easy to completely dimm all the lights at night. I just want to see the fucker that comes for me. Just the thought there could be a shadow person hiding in every dark corner bugs me out.

I have family members that have way more experiences with spirits and interaction with em. Maybe its in my genes in some kinda way too?

You say the house is haunted perhaps?
Have you done anything to anger a spirit...played with spirit boards or other type things in that house?
Drug use?
I'm sayin one of my best friends says its haunted perhaps.
I might have angered a legion of spirits. The price for what I did might have been death.

Does it attack when you are sick or at a difficult time in your life?
I don't remember the times life was easy.

Also, this being of light...was this upon waking up or falling asleep or during your nap?
You said you felt at peace...did you recognize the person?
Did it say anything, or think anything you could hear?
What or who do you think it was?
I believe I was sleeping, felt its presence and awoke to it. But by the time I was like really awake or even knew what to say it was gone. so during?
No I did not recognize the person at all. It didn't say anything or think that I picked up.
I don't know what it was. Initially I felt this was an angel, one of the good ones for us. It kinda felt like it was just checking me out, making sure I was okay. Like it was some kinda guardian angel.

and I pushed her with some kind of pulsing, vibrating, buzzing, waves of energy that seemed to emanate from my very core...maybe my Chi/Qi...I couldn’t tell you for sure, but this is the same buzzing or vibrations that one feels when you reach the separation state when trying to go out of body.
This is also very interesting, I always wanted to know how to fight the fuckers. Cuz swinging fists prolly wont work, I was still going for it though:tearsofjoy:

thx for tryna help me out.
One sat on my back and tried to pull something out of my upper torso, my soul it felt like. This is the one I only felt. I never saw this one. Ive had 2 encounters before this one.

Any or all of these might have been those case those days.

I have meditated a handful of times. I know I should meditate way more. I find meditating boring.. Its hard for me to get to it, and stay focused because of it. I can be rather chaotic and easily bored. When im finally meditating I love it, and how I feel after.
Ive only had 3 attacks months ago, and months or weeks between every attack. Its been many months but I still cant forget about em and don't find it easy to completely dimm all the lights at night. I just want to see the fucker that comes for me. Just the thought there could be a shadow person hiding in every dark corner bugs me out.

I have family members that have way more experiences with spirits and interaction with em. Maybe its in my genes in some kinda way too?

I'm sayin one of my best friends says its haunted perhaps.
I might have angered a legion of spirits. The price for what I did might have been death.

I don't remember the times life was easy.

I believe I was sleeping, felt its presence and awoke to it. But by the time I was like really awake or even knew what to say it was gone. so during?
No I did not recognize the person at all. It didn't say anything or think that I picked up.
I don't know what it was. Initially I felt this was an angel, one of the good ones for us. It kinda felt like it was just checking me out, making sure I was okay. Like it was some kinda guardian angel.

This is also very interesting, I always wanted to know how to fight the fuckers. Cuz swinging fists prolly wont work, I was still going for it though:tearsofjoy:

thx for tryna help me out.
I’m sorry, it sound like things have been difficult for you for some time.

Let me think on this for a day or so and get back to you with more.
Also are you on any medications for sleep or similar, antidepressants, etc.?

I’ve also had a run in with what I would describe as a “guardian angel” though I could not see this being with my eyes, there was a very clear and sudden sense of presence in my kitchen...and in my mind’s eye I could tell you where it was and that it wasn’t bad, and I actually felt it reach in my chest and correct a heart arrhythmia being cause by two medications interacting - not just once, but twice!
The next day I went by ambulance to the hospital with a pulse barely 30 and my blood pressure at 220/110.
I could tell that something was seriously wrong with me, and I asked for help out loud in my desperation...I felt a hand reach in my chest and my heart flip flop as it was popped back into a correct heart rhythm.
Of course, no one was with me...it’s all possible that it was in my head...that it was a hallucination....or something similar.
But I’ve never had an experience like that, where I felt like something intervened in order to help me...though I don’t doubt I have some kind of guardian knowing the falls and accidents I’ve been in as a kid, lol.
And it was odd...the second time I felt this happen I figured the first time must have all been in my head...but just for the hell of it, I asked for help again and sure enough it was the same feeling...very pleasant feeling actually even though it was of someone reaching in and grabbing my heart.
The second time dropped me to my knees...but I instantly felt better just as before.
Of course, I didn’t know at the time that my heart was doing this shit...just that I was having these spells where I felt instantly like something was very very wrong and in retrospect after the hospital, I could have easily died twice in my kitchen, were it not for this odd intervention that I can’t pass off as just being in my head.

As far as your attacks go...
It sounds like you need more than just some good meditating.
Also...I assume then from what your wrote that you, or someone else did some kind of spellwork or otherwise in the house?
Do you feel like you are somehow cursed now in general?
That you have negative attachments to you?

I know this isn’t in your language so I apologize for that, but here is some more info on such attachments that can be formed.
There are psychic protections that you can learn that will probably help you.

This was the fourth or fifth time I have had such an incident where I felt like I went OOB (out of body) directly from a dream as if some kind of alarm were going off, and then again...there was this internal vibration...pulsating waves, very pleasant...not unlike the feeling of the hand in my chest actually...though buzzing...and I have used these “waves” to push such things when I’m in that mind-state...once in a lucid dream or maybe it wasn’t...I was even throwing it with my hands...I was in this warehouse and there were these two black somethings chasing after me and I could throw this energy almost like sparks at them which made them flee immediately.

I even once had a lucid dream where I was taught by this huge black man how to move things with my mind, though I cannot on command in this reality sadly.
At least not on purpose...things have moved...IDK if it was me or not TBH. ;)
You should probably try some energy centering practices like Qi Gong...there are some instructional videos on youtube that have the basic forms.
For someone who has difficulty holding still to meditate this is an easier option with similar benefits.

You may have some luck searching in your language for various “protective” techniques...also techniques on energy manipulation...because you found out you can’t punch them.

Talk to you more soon!
Take care!







Lmfao that giraffe @Skarekrow
From “Pride of Baghdad” in case you are interested.


He actually says -


I’m sorry, it sound like things have been difficult for you for some time.
I don't feel sorry for myself. Someone had to walk this path. Maybe it was destiny. What Ive been through made me who I am today. If I could start this lifetime over, I don't think I would.

Also are you on any medications for sleep or similar, antidepressants, etc.?
Im not on meds. I do smoke weed. I notice it suppresses my ability to remember dreams and my level of awareness in them.

The next day I went by ambulance to the hospital with a pulse barely 30 and my blood pressure at 220/110.
That shit is heavy.

I don’t doubt I have some kind of guardian knowing the falls and accidents I’ve been in as a kid, lol.
Thats funny, I often think the same thing. But not only about me as a kid. Knowing myself Im kinda suprised I never broke a bone in my body.

Also...I assume then from what your wrote that you, or someone else did some kind of spellwork or otherwise in the house?
In a fucked up state of mind I tried to make contact with spirits, and offered them a deal. Euhm I did not rly know what I was doing. Not using any spell or whatever. I just kinda called out? Right after this I heard voices. Too many to count. All talking at the same time. So yeah, don't do that shit.

Do you feel like you are somehow cursed now in general?
There have been times in the past where I have thought this. At the moment.. I dont rly know do I? I have had questions if I might be possessed too. O btw at the end of one meeting with a shadow it felt as if something entered me.

I was in this warehouse and there were these two black somethings chasing after me and I could throw this energy almost like sparks at them which made them flee immediately.
That's fancy. I myself love to go for the barbaric approach. My skin and body basically become invulnerable, either that or I'm too swift. Depending if I'm doing some sword fighting or just brawling. Hey mate, can we clear some dungeons together? :tongueout:

I can materialize stuff in dreams too or transmute it. Is that common for lucid dreamers u know of?

You should probably try some energy centering practices like Qi Gong...there are some instructional videos on youtube that have the basic forms.
For someone who has difficulty holding still to meditate this is an easier option with similar benefits.

You may have some luck searching in your language for various “protective” techniques...also techniques on energy manipulation...because you found out you can’t punch them.
Much appreciated, I will definitely check these out.

Good morning.
So that crazy heavy hitting lethargy that got me in the late morning turned into ugly intense pain by the evening after I had meditated (which usually helps).
The weather is changing back from warmer (still cold AF) rainy days to dry and freezing again...along with lots of hail yesterday too so perhaps the barometer change had something to do with it too?
I went to yoga on Sunday evening and felt fine besides pulling my side a bit.
Was going to go today at noon, but I’m not sure that is possible this time.
This is the part where I have to work especially hard on letting go of things...not to get disappointed with, or frustrated in myself...or angry at the condition or pain itself...or turn inward and look at myself as less than I was once or broken somehow...then to also not feel guilty about having to take time for myself above those I care about, and to see them also have to deal with it from their POV.
See how all these feelings and emotions get tangled up in the actual physical pain?
That is also my current work...to recognize and separate the actual pain from the emotional pain and suffering it can create.
To even stop and recognize takes away a lot of the fuel for it to burn and grow.
Unfortunately our mind is wired up to fight fight fight, fix fix fix, do do do.
And if you stop, the ego calls you names and puts thoughts of failure and giving up in your head.
That’s some BS.
But hey...just knowing all this and understanding how it affects me in a more detailed and insightful way has been incredibly helpful with finding a more peaceful path through it all.
I of course, also thank you all here on the forum and this thread for friendships, the empathy, the kind words of support and advice and compassion.
My most humble and deepest gratitude to you all!
Many of you have helped me many a time, some unbeknownst to you probably...mostly just by taking a second to connect as the good friends you are.
Thank you for being so nonjudgmental (at least outwardly so) of me and indulging my often bizarre tales and thoughts...I feel like this is a safe space to do that in, that is much appreciated.

I wish you all a wonderful and happy day/evening...may you find some peace in your heart today.
Much love all.
I don't feel sorry for myself. Someone had to walk this path. Maybe it was destiny. What Ive been through made me who I am today. If I could start this lifetime over, I don't think I would.

Im not on meds. I do smoke weed. I notice it suppresses my ability to remember dreams and my level of awareness in them.

That shit is heavy.

Thats funny, I often think the same thing. But not only about me as a kid. Knowing myself Im kinda suprised I never broke a bone in my body.

In a fucked up state of mind I tried to make contact with spirits, and offered them a deal. Euhm I did not rly know what I was doing. Not using any spell or whatever. I just kinda called out? Right after this I heard voices. Too many to count. All talking at the same time. So yeah, don't do that shit.

There have been times in the past where I have thought this. At the moment.. I dont rly know do I? I have had questions if I might be possessed too. O btw at the end of one meeting with a shadow it felt as if something entered me.

That's fancy. I myself love to go for the barbaric approach. My skin and body basically become invulnerable, either that or I'm too swift. Depending if I'm doing some sword fighting or just brawling. Hey mate, can we clear some dungeons together? :tongueout:

I can materialize stuff in dreams too or transmute it. Is that common for lucid dreamers u know of?

Much appreciated, I will definitely check these out.


Yeah...it sounds like there is probably more to it than just “shadow people”.
And yes! - that’s also how you can tell the difference between going OOB and having a lucid dream.
A lucid dream gives you the ability to manipulate the reality around you, even materialize things yes!
Whereas going OOB does not allow you to touch or move things...people will not see you and won’t respond to you when talked to.
You cannot open the door and must just walk through it...if it were a dream you could just open it like normal.
There is also a special kind of awareness or mental state that accompanies both, and there are definite difference in the way it feels and your perception of it.
I’ll get back to you with some protective measure okay?
Talk to you more soon also...just not feeling great.
Yeah...it sounds like there is probably more to it than just “shadow people”.
And yes! - that’s also how you can tell the difference between going OOB and having a lucid dream.
A lucid dream gives you the ability to manipulate the reality around you, even materialize things yes!
Whereas going OOB does not allow you to touch or move things...people will not see you and won’t respond to you when talked to.
You cannot open the door and must just walk through it...if it were a dream you could just open it like normal.
There is also a special kind of awareness or mental state that accompanies both, and there are definite difference in the way it feels and your perception of it.
I’ll get back to you with some protective measure okay?
Talk to you more soon also...just not feeling great.
Don't sweat it, do your thing bro.

Posting this quickly and then I gotta run!!

( @John K here is some more of what you/we have been talking about - beginner’s mind ((Shoshin))!)

How to Master the Art of Living



Imagine you had a gorgeous blueberry sitting on the otherwise empty plate in front of you.
You pick it up gently, place it on your tongue, and begin to taste it.

You already know how a blueberry tastes, and so when this one is a bit riper than you’d like, you make a face, feel the disappointment, swallow it with displeasure.

Or perhaps it tastes exactly as you’d expected: no big deal.
You swallow, and move on with your day.

In the first case, the blueberry was disappointing because it didn’t meet expectations.
In the second, it was boring because it met expectations.

Now try this: have no expectations of how the blueberry will taste.
You don’t know because you haven’t tried it yet.

You’re curious, open to a variety of tastes.

You taste it, and really pay attention.
You notice the tanginess, the firmness of the skin, the sweet mushiness of the center, the complex flavors that emerge as you eat it.

You didn’t know how it would taste, but this is brilliant!
It’s new, because you’ve never tasted anything quite like it.

This is sometimes called the Beginner’s Mind, but I think of it as a mind free of expectations.

The blueberry, of course, can be anything in life: any experience, any person you meet, any cup of tea, any task before you, any interaction with a loved one, any thought that enters your head, any moment of the day.

If you approach any of these with expectations, they will often disappoint or frustrate you … or be bland, blah, usual.
And you move on to the next disappointing or frustration or usual experience, and so on, so that life is nothing but a series of things you barely like and barely notice.

If you approach each moment, each task, each person, without expectations … and just see that moment or person as they are … then you will really see that moment.

Really appreciate it.
Experience it like you’ve never experienced anything before, because you haven’t.

This is the Art of Living.

The Worlds That Open Up

When you learn to approach each person and moment and task without expectations, it transforms everything.
New worlds open up to you.

A handful of examples:

  • Procrastination: Let’s say you have been putting off a big task at work because you’re dreading doing it. Maybe it’s a big project, and you have this feeling of overwhelm. It’s a lot of work! You are expecting to have to do hard work you’re perhaps not good at, expecting failure or difficulty. But letting go of the expectations means you don’t know how this task will go … you go into it with an open mind. You try it and see how it goes. You learn from the experience no matter how it goes.
  • Habits: You enter a new habit with the expectation that it will be amazing, change your life, and you’ll do great. And when it is inevitably harder than you thought it would be, and you’re less successful at it, you’re disappointed, discouraged, frustrated. So you lose motivation, and give up. If instead, you let go of the fantasy of how this habit will go, and just be open to what emerges … you can just do the habit. Just be in the moment with it. Then, no matter how it turns out, you’ll learn something.
  • Frustrating person: This guy at work is frustrating you because he’s not doing the work the way he should, or maybe he’s being inconsiderate somehow. Your frustration stems from an expectation of how this person should act. They don’t act according to this ideal, and so you suffer. Instead, you can put aside this expectation that people will live up to your ideals … and just be open to them. They will behave imperfectly, just as you will. Accepting the person as they are doesn’t mean you do nothing … you can let go of the frustration, and see how they’re having difficulty, and it as a teaching opportunity or an opportunity to help them … with no expectation that they’ll love your lesson or follow it, but just with the intention of helping someone.
  • Kids don’t behave: When your kids behave badly, it’s the same problem — they aren’t acting according to your ideal. But of course they’re not! No kid behaves ideally, just as no adult behaves ideally. Do you behave ideally? I certainly don’t. I’m rude when I’m in a bad mood or tired. I’m not proud of that, but I struggle to be considerate or cheerful sometimes. Everyone does. Your kids are struggling, and you can be compassionate and help them. Kindly. That is, if you can let go of your expectations that they’ll behave perfectly, and accept them as struggling, beautiful people who just want to be happy, just like you.
  • Your body: You aren’t happy with your body, because it’s not perfect. It doesn’t meet your ideal, your expectation, and so you dislike it. That’s not good, because this self-discontent means that you’re less likely to do healthy things. Often we think that dissatisfaction with ourselves motivates us to change, but in my experience this discontent means that you don’t really trust yourself to stick to changes and so you make excuses when things get hard, and quit. I’ve done that a lot. When I am content with myself, I trust myself more, and I stick to things more. So let go of expectations that your body will be perfect, and just see your body as it is, for the beautiful thing it is, independent of society’s ideals of perfection. You’re great!
  • Each moment: As we enter each new moment, we expect things from it. We want it to be fun, amazing, productive, according to plan. And of course each moment has its own plan, and will be its own thing. So we are not happy with it. Instead, we can drop the expectations and just see the moment as it is. Just experience it, noticing, appreciating, being grateful. This is mastery.
This is just the start.
We can learn that plans, goals, ideals … these are all fantasies of what we’d like life to be like, and they’re not real.

We can learn to let go of the fantasies that inevitably occur, and just experience life as it is, as it happens.

This is the Art of Living.

How to Master the Art

Mastering the Art of Living is not as easy as you’d expect, as you’d fantasize.
It takes practice.

It means learning to be mindful of when you have these ideals, expectations, fantasies.
It means learning to see the frustrations, anger, sadness, loneliness, irritations as signals of the expectations you have and didn’t notice.

It means practicing that, and then practicing letting them go.

That means a lot of practice, and a lot of remembering to practice.

But that’s the fun of it.
You drop the expectation that you’ll be perfect at this practice, and just try it.

You learn from the trying.
You get better.

You learn some more.
And each moment, along the way, is a miracle to be appreciated and enjoyed, so the process of mastery is a succession of miracle moments.

That’s a beautiful thing.


Last edited:
It’s snowing again.
Why on the weekend?
Don't sweat it, do your thing bro.

I pulled up some reading material for you, lol.
The first two are particularly detailed.

Ebook on Psychic Self-Defense
https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-kDIEdiqtnMyLWk6L/Psychic Self-Defense_djvu.txt

Online guide for Psychic Self-Defense.
Make sure you check out all the pages in the list in the upper left hand:
Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 11.57.27 AM.webp

The last two are shorter but still offer some good tips.


Get back to you with more and please let me know if any of this resonates with you and what is going on...it may help point the way to a more direct action that can be taken.
Talk to you soon!

In that first link, you may want to just skip to the latter part of the book, on Diagnosing a psychic attack and how to defend.



I pulled up some reading material for you, lol.
The first two are particularly detailed.

Ebook on Psychic Self-Defense
https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-kDIEdiqtnMyLWk6L/Psychic Self-Defense_djvu.txt

Online guide for Psychic Self-Defense.
Make sure you check out all the pages in the list in the upper left hand:
View attachment 48068

The last two are shorter but still offer some good tips.


Get back to you with more and please let me know if any of this resonates with you and what is going on...it may help point the way to a more direct action that can be taken.
Talk to you soon!
Thanks a lot for those links! It might take me a while to get through those. I have a hard time getting to reading.:sweatsmile::disrelieved:
Thanks a lot for those links! It might take me a while to get through those. I have a hard time getting to reading.:sweatsmile::disrelieved:
That’s fine...I can pull certain sections out and post them up later for you, don’t sweat it.