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Just chillin huh.. When I met em they weren't that friendly hahaNot really, they were just there. One was at a business and the other was in the home of a family friend.
Just chillin huh.. When I met em they weren't that friendly hahaNot really, they were just there. One was at a business and the other was in the home of a family friend.
Just chillin huh.. When I met em they weren't that friendly haha
Its just how I call them.. These human shaped shadow beings that lurk in the dark. idk what they are.
Because they attacked me, or be all creepy lurkin. They paralized my body, prevented me from spreaking. This one encounter I tried to get up and fight one, physically. As I tried to get up I got slammed down physically. It felt like it tried to rip my soul out of my body.I discovered some of the Beings around me were the dead who didn't know they could go home. They have all left now. But most are my soul family from other dimensions. Some are from previous lives lived here on Earth who are assisting me with my ascension. Others are from Galactic races who have direct connection with me.
You can talk to them now....pretty easily.....unless you are holding a lot of fear.
Why don't you ask them what they are?
Because they attacked me, or be all creepy lurkin. They paralized my body, prevented me from spreaking. This one encounter I tried to get up and fight one, physically. As I tried to get up I got slammed down physically. It felt like it tried to rip my soul out of my body.
That sounds kinda scary and unreal. So you would say this implant/entity/energy vampire thing is like being possessed? U sayin the ripping out part was for your own good? Cuz maybe it didnt work on me lolI have never tried to fight them....so cannot speak to that part of your experience.
But I did have one very very weird and scary experience where it felt like a part of me was being ripped out. If I didn't have the connection with my higher self I would have freaked out. As it was it felt like my mind was dissolving and my heart rate accelerated so much it felt like I was going to heart attack.
My higher self and guides coached me through it. Afterwards when I asked what the hell was that....they said I'd find out later. It turned out to be an implant/entity/energy vampire kind of thing....and it was fighting the release from me.
Thankfully it worked.
Skarekrow, you know something about shadow people?
Because they attacked me, or be all creepy lurkin. They paralized my body, prevented me from spreaking. This one encounter I tried to get up and fight one, physically. As I tried to get up I got slammed down physically. It felt like it tried to rip my soul out of my body.
Very many thanks for this video - just been through it and mapped it out. One of the things I like about it is that I’m already with quite a lot of what he says, but there are lots of new angles as well. It’s message integrates around its central theme so that makes it easy to internalise - at least conceptually .... internalising it spiritually is of course the long road to travel
The two of the nine attitudes I’m most drawn to up front are his first, Beginners Mind, and his seventh, Non-Striving. The one because I’ve been trying to work on that perspective for a while and it’s very rewarding. Positive skepticism is one angle onto it, with its willingness to explore perspective shifts non-judgementally. Another angle is summarised by ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children...’. The seventh is the one I have most trouble with LOL.
Do you find this approach helps with pain management? Obviously mindfulness does because of all you’ve said about it before - I mean this particular guy’s 9 attitudes approach.
Again many thanks for this
Much love to you and yours.
*giggles* When I look at many of your familiar images posts, I sometimes think if our digital traces could be visually seen that we would be meeting often elsewhere.
<3 thank you for these posts as always
Thanks for reading the silliness!
We probably DO crisscross digital pathways here and there!
Hey...great minds think alike.
Has the meditating been helpful?
@Roses In The Vineyard
Thank you too for all your knowledge and input!
Hope you are doing well?
Much love!
I am managing to say the least, health issues are causing problems lately. When I am around people too much my health eventually takes a big dive and not happy with that.
Sorry I haven’t been on over the weekend!
Nice to meet you.
Scary stuff there!
There are many theories of so-called “shadow people”...many look like a solid shadow, sometimes with red eyes, sometimes wearing a hat.
Dr. Oliver Sacks reduces them to hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations when falling asleep or waking...usually accompanied by sleep paralysis and a feeling of dread or impending doom.
Though that is the materialist perspective and not necessarily reality as bizarre as it can be sometimes...nor does it address why people see such specific correlations between sightings.
Ideas abound...fallen angels as some have suggested, ghosts, some kind of demon, some kind of energy vampire, other-dimensional beings, thought-forms or Tupla (there’s a link for you), etc, etc.
There is a fairly good documentary on Netflix called “The Nightmare” that deals with this exact issue.
You can learn to break your sleep paralysis if this is something that happens frequently let me know I can post some things to try.
In the mean time, if you have any incense, salt, it’s said to clear negative energy from the home or space - have you ever smudged your home?
I can give you instructions or links to various pages that will help if you need.
And at the cost of sounding like a broken record - meditation can help with this problem as well.
As a child I was frequently paralyzed and subjected to terrible night terrors...and some I was out of body as well if you believe in such things.
Now I’m able to physically make my body move though it’s like controlling something by remote almost sometimes, until that mind-state breaks.
If it happens again soon, close your eyes and focus on being surrounded in a protective cocoon of white light...think of those you love and send out love to them...think of a happy memory and then try to dream into it.
It’s a frightening thing I totally agree.
There are more...drastic measures that can be taken if you want to get into protective symbols and whatnot.
I hope some of this helps....let me know what I can do to clarify for you?
Take care and remember you have power over this plane of reality.
Thanks for your reply and openness mate. euhh Its hard for me to believe it can be merely hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. Because Ive met em several times. The paralyzing wasn't always instant. The last time I met one, I didn't even see it. I just felt it was there. Maybe I was paralyzed instantly that time. But I tried fighting it, standing up. But being smashed down as if by a physical force. It really felt like I was wrestling a force. Ive had an OBE once and ended up in what I could only describe as hell. That was a horrifying experience too.
One of my best friends thinks there might be spirits roaming this house. As a kid I always feared shadow people, but back then I hadn't met any. As a kid I heard a voice calling me in my head at times too. Euhm smudged my house? I feel like I connected with both the white and dark side of whatever realms might be out there.
The shadow people I encountered looked like a solid human shadow, no eyes nor facial features. I wonder what our spirit form looks like when out of body. Any chance wed look like shadow people? Ive met someone i know irl in a dream once too. We shared this real intense experience which confirmed its realness to us.
Anyway thx a lot for your insight and the links! ill look into it later![]()
Ive met another spirit being too. this one was more like a solid white/light human shape, surrounded by an intense bright orange aura I believe. I felt completely peaceful during this encounter I believe. This one visited me while I was taking a nap on the couch.
I hope you find some relief my friend, I totally understand.
Thank you even more for your contributions then.
Take care of yourself!