Firstly, I would just like to say
@jkxx I have not forgotten your nicely thought out message above ^^^ a few posts back...I will do my best today to tackle it after this (and some meditating?)!
Hope you are well!
I wanted to expand upon something I said above as it seems quite pessimistic upon a second reading and it requires further explaination. is a series of it falling to pieces again and again...and quite often we lose pieces of ourselves in the process.
This can be a death, a job loss, divorce, health problems, addictions, etc. etc.
(Small and large in size)
It can also be spiritual in the loss of faith one once held dear and perhaps now feels disillusionment over.
From that chaos though, can come new (and sometimes beautiful) configurations of our "self" and life as we put those pieces back.
Very often, people leave pieces behind for us to use...pieces of wisdom or a cherished memory that helped to shape you in a positive way.
Even loss or suffering, in it's own way, is a piece for us to find a proper and wise place for.
Though at times you wish you could throw those terrible pieces away...forget they cannot.
They can be looked at as a growth festering...or it can be looked at as a "growth" - a growing of something new.
We are so quick to dismiss something new as something's somewhere in our hardwiring to help protect us from danger.
Yes, there are pieces that will likely forever cause us some kind of pain or suffering.
Pieces of our innocence ripped out and replaced with fear and want and hatred.
Even those pieces that burn your flesh can cool over time...and with the proper help and work you can change those back into something good is then your responsibility to share some of those transformed bits of yourself with others who need similar help - IMHO that is how we can hopefully one day become fully healed.
Of course the circumstances of life and the wicked intentions of us humans always seems to find a way to completely devastate a person to their core.
This is our failing as a world society, this is the result of unregulated greed and lust for power.
Keep speaking up for what is right.
It's very frustrating to watch "your" sandcastle washed away by a large creeper wave that rolls up the beach even though you thought you were out of it's reach, lol.
It's a bit repetitive to try to recreate the castle you once had...we instead should strive to build it bigger and more intricate each time...each time knowing it is impermanent as well - that is exactly what makes it beautiful and precious.
In order for the sand to stick together you also need the waves to wet the sand.
Much love everyone...I am slowly getting caught up with all that has happened the last 10 days while houseguests were over from the forum!
It was a really awesome meeting of the minds, lol!
Seriously it was as if we were all old friends and we had a great I need to recuperate, lol!
Not a drop of rain the whole time...everything was in bloom, very nice!