That’s amazing news Skare!! :smiley: Congratulations!!!

I can’t imagine how much of a weight must’ve been lifted off just reading that!

It’s a shame how this country has gotten too far in the deep end with students loans nowadays. Majority of college students in the U.S. are in extreme debt due to overtly expensive tuition fees here in the states—it’s ridiculous. I have a lot of distaste regarding the American education system here too and how we put too much money in military rather than education. It’s a darn shame where this country has been at and going towards to over time.

Fortunately the debt I owe isn’t as extreme as most students, but it is still quite high which irks the living hell out of me.

Anyways, congrats again Skare!!! :)

That’s fantastic news, I’m really pleased for you - a great weight lifted like Jenny said!

I’ve got a lot of doubts about youngsters running up huge debts for their education. It isn’t good to start out as an adult with that burden and it normalises debt. I wouldn’t be surprised if future generations look back on it with great distaste like we look back at our ancestors sometimes.

I was brought up in a different system- the state paid all our fees and we got a means tested subsistence grant too. I had no debt when I finished my degree. The down side was that there were only university places for about 10% of youngsters so you had to be very good academically to win a place at one. The state couldn’t afford to fund a much higher percentage than that.

Thank you both very much, it's a feat here in the US.
Dead or disabled.
Even bankruptcy will not erase it.
It's gotten even worse than when I went to college....that same college was charging $10,000 more just 4 years after I graduated in 2003, so I cannot fathom what it is now...poor kids.
And yes...graduating with so much debt puts many under immediate financial strain...and it's not because of the lame argument that - "people are choosing majors with no jobs".
If you want a decent wage in the's basically mandatory to go to college, though there are certainly ways and means around that, but your fields are much, much more limited.
I just cannot wait until these old conservative men are out of power.
This was their doing and it won't be undone until they are gone from the congress.
If we still have one after this sham presidency that is...
Community college should be free or a reasonable rate.
No more $500 college books and other BS.
We could have a system like you describe John, hell, even one that can take more than the 10%...but as Jenny points out, we spend our taxes on war here.
Lol...but not really.'s nice to have one more stressor gone.
I am incredibly grateful and hope that my contributions I made while working made up for it!

Much love!!


I posted a great firsthand account of someone in this state way back near the beginning of this very fascinating!
I wonder what that must be like?
Terrifying....or a state of mental freedom?

What do you think?


I posted a great firsthand account of someone in this state way back near the beginning of this very fascinating!
I wonder what that must be like?
Terrifying....or a state of mental freedom?

What do you think?

Curious to read your story.

We have a small group of young people, 10 or more with average age about 25, who dress up like the Walking Dead. At first we all thought they were just a fan club of sorts following the TV show. Interacting with them in the community though shines a different light. They have a leader who seems to direct their movements around town.

My understanding more about this syndrome might help me understand this tribe better. I try to treat them kindly when I run into them, but in all honesty they freak me out and send my spidey radar off the charts! ...there is something extremely unsettling about them, especially when they're packed up. It's deeper than just seeing them in costume, they feel off.

I don't scare easy, but these young folks scare the hell out of me, not to mention they're drawing all sorts of attention from the more conservative towns folk.
Curious to read your story.

We have a small group of young people, 10 or more with average age about 25, who dress up like the Walking Dead. At first we all thought they were just a fan club of sorts following the TV show. Interacting with them in the community though shines a different light. They have a leader who seems to direct their movements around town.

My understanding more about this syndrome might help me understand this tribe better. I try to treat them kindly when I run into them, but in all honesty they freak me out and send my spidey radar off the charts! ...there is something extremely unsettling about them, especially when they're packed up. It's deeper than just seeing them in costume, they feel off.

I don't scare easy, but these young folks scare the hell out of me, not to mention they're drawing all sorts of attention from the more conservative towns folk.
What an odd thing to become a "thing" in a town like that.
Maybe they all feel off because they are all extreme extroverts of the theater major type?
JK...IDK Sandie...that has yet to hit our town...though I know in Portland they do a huge zombie night where hundreds of people dress up and you chase or be chased...but it's not like a gang of zombie-goths.
That's probably it...they are some new iteration of goth.
They are mostly harmless though I'm sure some are also of the school shooting mindset...I need pictures Sandie!
Then I can offer my true and final judgement upon the children!!
I don't think that this syndrome has much to do with what they are doing.
It sounds like they are out for shock value - whereas this is a serious form of psychosis.
Their "leader" sounds like your typical teenage gang leader...they are just trying to be scary.
He probably has to go home and shower and take his make-up off for his shift at Taco Bell.

How are you?
I sincerely hope all is well with you and with your loved ones.
Much love!

There was light before
The rain began
And there was hope
Behind the suffering joke
Lies come
Lies they go
Even the sun is tired
Under the surfaces
There is a benevolent drone
Do you feel it?
So brutal when the words are on
The tip of your tongue
So strange when your tired eyes won't
Shut your brain down
Hold back the melancholy
Hold back the fear, darling
It's a crime
Hold back the fear
Hold back the melancholy
It's a crime
Sometimes I can taste my death
Like a candy bar
So sweet and complete
As infinity takes me
This fool's end
I create to keep that dog in my bearable door
I made hologram
In my egocentric universe of
You're alive
But you know that the wire
Under you is bending
And the truth is always telling you to be
Immune to everything
Hold back the melancholy
Hold back the fear, darling
It's a crime
Hold back the fear
hold back the melancholy
It's a crime
Hold back the fear
Hold back the darkness
Hold back the melancholy
Hold back the melancholy
It's a crime

What an odd thing to become a "thing" in a town like that.
Maybe they all feel off because they are all extreme extroverts of the theater major type?
JK...IDK Sandie...that has yet to hit our town...though I know in Portland they do a huge zombie night where hundreds of people dress up and you chase or be chased...but it's not like a gang of zombie-goths.
That's probably it...they are some new iteration of goth.
They are mostly harmless though I'm sure some are also of the school shooting mindset...I need pictures Sandie!
Then I can offer my true and final judgement upon the children!!
I don't think that this syndrome has much to do with what they are doing.
It sounds like they are out for shock value - whereas this is a serious form of psychosis.
Their "leader" sounds like your typical teenage gang leader...they are just trying to be scary.
He probably has to go home and shower and take his make-up off for his shift at Taco Bell.

How are you?
I sincerely hope all is well with you and with your loved ones.
Much love!
Aww shit, now imma have tremors, lol
We're all good. Removal of an oil filter on the tractor took a week voz I'm a girl ya know, lol
Hoping you all are well too :<3white:
Catching up...

Good news!
My student loans have been approved to be discharged and dissolved!!

From what I read in the letter...the money they garnished must be returned as well.
Hell yeah.

Now how will the universe balance this out?

I am very, very grateful!
Much love all!

Congratulations!!!!! So glad this burden has been lifted. :smiley:

A couple of thoughts...

Forgive any poor typing as I am once again house and dogsitting and using the IPad again...though I do have a small portable keyboard this time which is much nicer!

We are all suffering far too much, and unnecessarily...when in reality we are not presently suffering, but suffering twice, thrice, a thousand times, because we are telling ourselves stories in our heads.
We are creating so much negative momentum it could almost preclude our every waking moment.
If there was ever any reason to practice being present in a meditative or non-meditative form, but as way of being, it should be to lessen the suffering that we humans fear and run from (fairly constantly) - or play the martyr to.
As an INFJ and probably most INxJ types I would imagine (correct me if you think otherwise?), IMHO we prone to overly playing out every scenario in our heads for just about every situation be it in past, present, or the future.
Of course there are advantages to this type of thinking and reasoning...but it can also lead to self-criticism, catastrophizing, reliving trauma, projecting negative expectations onto the future and then suffering from this moment in time that has yet to arrive - you are suffering multiple times over for a scenario that may or may not even happen in a negative way.
Though I also feel that if you expect that to be the result then you will steer your path into the ditch by those expectations alone.
Of course it's all easier said than done...I am constantly trying to remain's getting easier with time and practice at least it seems, lol.
Was just thinking...
Life is really a series of it falling to pieces and us doing our best to put things back into working order again...over and over to the best of our abilities and position in life.
When you accept that this is the natural movement of life, then when those moments of life altering, life shattering, loss, or suffering DO occur...I would hope that we could have a better ability to emotionally/spiritually/personally to move through that circumstance and rebound more wholly.
Though there are certain people for sure whom I could never imagine getting over should anything happen to them...and I know there will be a huge hole there one day...I know that that difficult loss will occur in my life and if I ever have anything in my heart that I would call a sincere "fear", it would be the realization of that moment of heartbreak or suffering...fear that it will crush me.
THIS is however exactly of what I am speaking.
This is not the present...this is not reality...for all I know I die first haha.
It's not living in denial to not think of these's understanding that the present is a gift that we need to's forever leaving and arriving simultaneously and it's our job to not get lost in th endless mirages of pathways that don't exist.
We end up living most of our lives lost in our heads - which can definitely be an INFJ trait!
Perhaps practicing being present would especially be worthwhile for our MBTI type to learn?

Just some random semi-formed ideas rattling around...
Thanks for reading!

I wanted to expand upon something I said above as it seems quite pessimistic upon a second reading and it requires further explaination. is a series of it falling to pieces again and again...and quite often we lose pieces of ourselves in the process.
This can be a death, a job loss, divorce, health problems, addictions, etc. etc.
(Small and large in size)
It can also be spiritual in the loss of faith one once held dear and perhaps now feels disillusionment over.
From that chaos though, can come new (and sometimes beautiful) configurations of our "self" and life as we put those pieces back.
Very often, people leave pieces behind for us to use...pieces of wisdom or a cherished memory that helped to shape you in a positive way.
Even loss or suffering, in it's own way, is a piece for us to find a proper and wise place for.
Though at times you wish you could throw those terrible pieces away...forget they cannot.
They can be looked at as a growth festering...or it can be looked at as a "growth" - a growing of something new.
We are so quick to dismiss something new as something's somewhere in our hardwiring to help protect us from danger.
Yes, there are pieces that will likely forever cause us some kind of pain or suffering.
Pieces of our innocence ripped out and replaced with fear and want and hatred.
Even those pieces that burn your flesh can cool over time...and with the proper help and work you can change those back into something good is then your responsibility to share some of those transformed bits of yourself with others who need similar help - IMHO that is how we can hopefully one day become fully healed.
Of course the circumstances of life and the wicked intentions of us humans always seems to find a way to completely devastate a person to their core.
This is our failing as a world society, this is the result of unregulated greed and lust for power.
Keep speaking up for what is right.

It's very frustrating to watch "your" sandcastle washed away by a large creeper wave that rolls up the beach even though you thought you were out of it's reach, lol.
It's a bit repetitive to try to recreate the castle you once had...we instead should strive to build it bigger and more intricate each time...each time knowing it is impermanent as well - that is exactly what makes it beautiful and precious.
In order for the sand to stick together you also need the waves to wet the sand.

Much love everyone...I am slowly getting caught up with all that has happened the last 10 days while houseguests were over from the forum!
It was a really awesome meeting of the minds, lol!
Seriously it was as if we were all old friends and we had a great I need to recuperate, lol!
Not a drop of rain the whole time...everything was in bloom, very nice!

Thanks everyone!
I totally agree with your own responses.

Ah, the sufferings of desire!
What a fun mental tripwire, lol.

Yes, to both of is taking it one day at a time...or even one moment.
And yes...suffering correctly or suffering well - I suppose would be a good way to put it.
Which in turn helps ease that's just very often masked as or interpreted as something to avoid by our brains at all cost in some cases.
The idea the you must put out the doormat to pain or suffering is difficult for us as humans to do.
It's again, like overriding a master-program.

I don't find expecting parts of the future to turn out negative to be a pessimistic always hopes for the best of course.
You don't buy a lotto ticket hoping to lose.
When I do lose though, it's worth to me is gone and it becomes trash, I don't get upset that I didn't win because I already knew my chances.
But one is forcing me to doesn't really give you a choice.
We will not always "win" at life, but "you can't win if you don't play" (say the lottery officials affectionately).
Knowing this also make the good, happy, peaceful, and enjoyable parts of life all the more precious.
That is why we need to be present in our lives as much as we can IMHO.
Not being present is kind of like holding onto that winning ticket and never cashing it - never taking the payout because the feeling of winning is far more valuable than the money.
It's self satisfaction, and is clinging to something ultimately worthless when never cashed.
This is in a way remaining stuck in place.
Not wanting to move on, because you may not win the next time, so why try at all...can't we just stay still!!!

I've made some really cool sandcastles in my life thus far...I have pictures of some, and sometimes I had help from others...but the castle that stands today is far removed from what began.
That is the natural progression.
Be proud of your own sandcastle and make it fucking amazing, help others with their own...
When it washes away sometimes all you CAN do is laugh as you suggest John.

It's within our power to change our perspectives and's within our power to let go of those things in the past that still hurt us today.
My Dad would always help me with my math homework...he loved math...crazy...anyhow....
He would always try to change my perspective of it to how he viewed it - as a puzzle to be solved.
It didn't really help me become better at math, but rather it changed it from a math "problem" to a "puzzle".
I still wonder why they call them math "problems"?
That word has negative do the "problems" in our lives.
Not everything in life has a happy solution of course, sometimes there is just pain.
It's only a problem if you cannot see past it.
Even in those moments of total rock-bottom - life crushing you with loss and suffering and pain we know it's also impermanent...the bad is just as much so as the good - yet we tend to choose to remember the painful times - or we can choose to also let them go just as we have to let go of those good things in our lives we wish we could keep forever.
We have to learn to let both the good and bad focus on them as gone and stop replaying them as a new scenario in our heads over and over, hurting ourselves a bit more each time.
It's okay to remember them...but we need to learn to not live there.
Even good memories can cause negative emotional reactions given the right mood.
It's all a bit of tightrope walk I feel.

Gotta run for now....much love to you both and all!
Thank you both for your very wise and kind words.

I like the way you think. :blush:

In fact, I am jumping through some hoops currently to get some medication approved.
Pretty lame's incredibly ass-backward.
So there is an old pain med called Buprenorphrine that has been used in Europe and Canada far more than the US for some reason.
It originally became available as Suboxone which also contained the drug Naloxone or "Narcan" which reverses most full-agonist opioids like Morphine and the like, but will still allow the partial-agonists like Buprenorphrine to bind the the pain receptors and work.
It was created to help addicts get off opioids and had very strict prescribing protocol.
A lot of pain doctors, including my own, prescribed this medication to me as it also is a very good pain med with long efficacy since it's only a partial-agonist it allows those receptors to still remain functional with less long term loss of receptor site efficacy.
Anyhow...the insurance companies put a stop to the "off label" use for pain and refused to pay leaving many people up shit creek - my own insurance company even went so far as to state "they would drop anyone from the insurance even if they were paying out of pocket."
Long story short...
I'm on other meds for pain now, but the docs are pushing for patients to try and switch some or all of their meds to the Buprenorphrine (aka Belbuca), which is a repackaged version of the same drug who's generic is available everywhere else but here - we only have "access" (because you don't if can't afford it) to the name brand version they've released to now gouge the group of people they got addicted to opioids in the first place!
But this is all part of the huge "opioid epidemic" the crackdown of which is gone about all wrong...chronic patients are suffering...and I would bet even more people have turned to street drugs now that many doctors withdrew their pain meds for legit pain patients because they didn't want the extra paperwork and the liability.
So...this is the new drug they have been pushing as an "alternative" to the other pain meds.
It's just as addictive as anything else out there IMHO.
It DID actually work well for my pain, that is why I was even attempting to try it.
My doctor gives me a "prescription assistance" card from the drug maker for the med....but it states very plainly that it does not cover anyone on Medicare.
So after a week of waiting to see if this med is approved to even get a price quote on and see if it's financially even viable to attempt to try this medication - it's denied.
Not because it's too get this - but because in their records I have not tried one or more of the following:
- Fentanyl Patch (Yes I have)
- Methadone (Yes I have)
- Long acting Tramadol (Yes I have)

But seriously?!
A fucking Fentanyl patch!!
Are they insane?
What is the entire point of putting people on this "new" (not new) medication, if it's denied and too expensive for the average person to afford?
It's supposed to get people OFF the medications they are specifically suggesting I take.
Sheer insanity.

Anyhow...even if I get them to approve it, it will most likely still not be affordable to me as a formulary brand name drug with no generic (even though they make the generic version here at US companies, they go elsewhere in the world).

I'm very sorry that you have had your own difficulties with medications!
It's a fight sometimes for sure.
As far as psych meds go...I have just never found one that has ever helped me in a noticeable way without very noticeable negative side effects.
"No, not being able to sleep because the meds have me so anxious I want to tear off my skin is super!"
Never least not for me.
Maybe they are of some legit help to some folks...I'm not saying there isn't a benefit for some - just none for me.
And back to what we were talking about regarding my Mom being depressed while I was gestating and then after I was born, I'm pretty sure this had a lot to do with it...combined with being an INFJ and having those overwhelming feels at a young age, then combined with the night terrors/OOBEs and paranormal stuff and I believe I was a very mentally stressed child...I was just unable to tell anyone why I felt like that...mostly because I didn't know why myself.
As far as I could tell - I was not normal or like anyone else or even my brother.
This quickly turned into self-hate.
I didn't view it as something unique or special...I just felt very alone in the world in spite of family support.

As for the near cardiac arrest(s), I sort of feel like I was offered an out maybe?
I very clearly thought to myself at the time "Just because I'm fascinated by near death experiences doesn't mean I want one thank you!"
Besides that, all my attention and thoughts were of my loved ones...
There was nothing else but them.
No possession was on my "thing" I dreamed about.
Only the end, it's only me, that's very important to always remember.

So yes, I agree...there are other alternative treatments that are viable out there.
Western medicine looks more and more like expensive poison to me every day.
Still, there are medications I rely on so I can function in a basic sense sometimes.
I wish I could just eliminate them from my life completely, but I don't think that's in my cards.
Then there are other natural medications that these situations had me in desperation seeking out - and though they are no cure all, they have made a giant difference in my life and how I interact and view the world.
We shall see.

Much love to you and I hope you are doing well currently!

So sorry for this struggle.:unhappy:

Sending you care and hugs. :<3orange::hug:
Good to be off the iPad...I will have to catch up to all the kind messages you folks have left now that I am officially back in my own home and on the laptop!
Give me a day or so, I will get to you all!!!
Much love!!

(in the meantime, enjoy)








Here is my rare UFO contribution.
This has got to be one of the best UFO videos out there at the moment.
Supposedly this has been “expertly reviewed” (according to the video with the news) and shown to be "authentic".
But what is it?

If you watch closely there are even lights inside the cloud that seem to blink occasionally.
Some say it’s a giant industrial soap bubble mass from somewhere (no explanation for where that would have come from) or a semi-deflated weather balloon (which it also doesn’t look like to me).

I have to say...if aliens are out there...cruising around in a ship with some kind of cloud camouflage would be pretty damn hard to detect.
Either way it’s a strange video...enjoy!

The first video is the original.
The second is the news report on the incident.


Here is my rare UFO contribution.
This has got to be one of the best UFO videos out there at the moment.
Supposedly this has been “expertly reviewed” (according to the video with the news) and shown to be "authentic".
But what is it?

If you watch closely there are even lights inside the cloud that seem to blink occasionally.
Some say it’s a giant industrial soap bubble mass from somewhere (no explanation for where that would have come from) or a semi-deflated weather balloon (which it also doesn’t look like to me).

I have to say...if aliens are out there...cruising around in a ship with some kind of cloud camouflage would be pretty damn hard to detect.
Either way it’s a strange video...enjoy!

The first video is the original.
The second is the news report on the incident.


The development of it's movement is like that of a plastic bag in water or a dead jellyfish or something like that. I entirely believe that it could be a deflated weather balloon, though I'm not sure that an 'industrial soap bubble' could have that much structural integrity. Something held together by surface tension wouldn't be able to resist that kind of torsion in my view.



Perhaps a name change would be appropriate lmao ^^^^ :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
The development of it's movement is like that of a plastic bag in water or a dead jellyfish or something like that. I entirely believe that it could be a deflated weather balloon, though I'm not sure that an 'industrial soap bubble' could have that much structural integrity. Something held together by surface tension wouldn't be able to resist that kind of torsion in my view.

It is very odd in appearance....not sure about the weather balloon seems to disperse and fade out like a cloud around the edges? would trip me out if I saw it go by hahaha!
Deleted member 16771' Handcrafted Nutcheese became a big hit with the city's hipster scene. 'I love the authentic salty flavour!' one girl was reported as saying.

OK I'm done.









This right here is why I feel that almost anything is possible!
We barely know how the 4% of matter and energy we can detect functions...
how can we be so arrogant to think we know anything at all about the universe,
and what is going on concerning those things that are still undetectable to us?



Now this is interesting!!
Posted 4 days ago.


Something Strange Punched a Hole in the Milky Way.
But What Exactly Is It?


"We can't map [the impactor] to any luminous object that we have observed," Bonaca told Live Science.
"It's much more massive than a star… Something like a million times the mass of the sun.
So there are just no stars of that mass. We can rule that out.
And if it were a black hole, it would be a supermassive black hole of the kind we find at the center of our own galaxy.

Full Story -
