Years ago, I encountered shadow people pretty regularly at night, along with sleep paralysis. It went on for a while and it really took a toll on me physically and emotionally. I was afraid to sleep in my apartment alone because it was happening so frequently. I would keep myself up all night and suffer the next day.

I can most certainly say that it was not my imagination, but I can see how someone who hasn't experienced something of this natural would think so.
Sensiko has had her own experiences with them...thank god I haven’t (yet) and hope I never do!
Ha! Some might call that dark, but I agree. I'd rather go out on my own terms than slowly rotting away while some nurse changes my diapers daily.
Working in the medical field...I see waaay too many people and their family trying desperately to prolong their life without considering their quality of life.
In fact, in a survey done on Doctors being diagnosed with cancer a few years ago...the majority of them opted NOT to have chemo or radiation or any extensive surgeries...because they know the truth that even IF those things are successful (which is not as often as we think it is) and you DO gain a couple of extra years....your quality of life sucks in most instances. People are far too afraid of dying, especially in the Western world and the US in particular.
It’s like when my Father died from esophageal has a 5% survival rate for 5 years...then that statistic goes down to pretty much nothing after that....and that is if it is caught in stage Dad’s wasn’t caught until state 4 where it has already metastasized.
He and my Mom opted to go ahead with radiation and chemo to see if it would shrink the tumor and enable him to eat with less pain....I can honestly say that it was those two things and NOT the cancer that finally killed him. Even my Mom says if she had to do it all again, she wouldn’t have agreed with the chemo and radiation.
I really do think that if he hadn’t done the radiation and chemo he would have had longer and been much more comfortable...instead, he was sick until he died from the treatment.
No thanks....not for me.
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Transfer of Energy Through Time and Coupling of Parallel Universes
(Date: unknown; Source: Matrix III)
Leading Edge Research, P.O. Box 481-MU58, Washington State, C.F. 98597 C.F​

V: Would you explain your theories about time and energy?

H: When I was in France, I was part of a group looking into theories of entropy states and the general thermodynamics of plasmas. The natural rate of entropy increase in a closed system defines the flow of what is perceived as time. We were trying to develop a better insight into the process of synchronization between apparently uncoupled systems, in other words to explain how time manages to flow at the same rate in different parts of the universe. We ended up deriving a set of mathematical expressions that interrelated entropy functions, quantum energy states, and spacetime coordinates of quantum events. In particular, certain variables that could be interpreted as time and energy turned out to be covariant.

V: Do you mean there was some kind of equivalence relationship?

H: Not quite. But you could almost think of it in that way. It meant that the universe could be represented by an ensemble of "events', each characterized by a set of energy states and spacetime numbers; nothing more. In such a representation of the universe, the idea of conservation of mass-energy did not hold; it was replaced by a conservation of the product of that quantity with spacetime. By means of math transforms, it was possible to transform one universe into another in which the quantity varied inversely with the other. If you made all the spatial variables constant, the spacetime functions reduced to pure time; you could transform energy to time and vice versa. We had no idea at that time what that meant.

V: What did it eventually mean?

H: What it seemed to say was that energy could be extracted from the universe, which is where ordinary conservation breaks down, and injected into another version of that universe in which the time coordinates of all the 'events" were shifted by some amount. The more energy you transformed, the greater the time shift would be. If that was interpreted as taking place within the same universe, it seemed to suggest that-energy could be transferred through time. We must conclude that all versions of the universe in which we exist, interpreted linearly as "Past", "future" etc. are equally real. Thus we have a continuum. The only model I can think of is a complex serial one in which altering the events in a past universe affects not only the future of that particular universe as it evolves in time, but also the "presents" of all the other universes that lie ahead of it. In other words, there is a mechanism of casual connection through the continuum that the simple serial model does not address.

V: Could you expand on that concept?

H: Everything we have discovered so far seems to add up to two things. First, the universe that we see around us and which forms part of us is simply one of many, equally real universes that appear to be strung sequentially along a single timeline. Second, events that happen in this universe affect not only its "future", but the situations in all the other universes that lie ahead of it. That,-of course, suggests a continuity throughout the system; the "future" universes ahead of us form a progression of states that are evolving from the present state. We need to ask ourselves what the mechanism is that provides that continuity. That same mechanism will enable an event in one universe to alter events in another universe. The continuity follows from the fact that objects, being mass, don't vanish; they endure in time.

V: Unless, of course, they are deliberately withdrawn from the coordinates they occupy.

H: Yes. Mass arranges itself into different patterns to produce the changes we associate with the passage of time, but in doing so it provides the connection and continuity that enables one universe to evolve from another. For example, if a candle has burned down, in the universe "behind" us it is still intact; in the universe ahead it probably does not exist at all in that form. The whole candle is the sum of all of them. I have a drawing here that will assist in an explanation. Try thinking of a two-dimensional analogy. Imagine that the universe is flat and everything it contains is flat. Now form a solid continuum by stacking an infinite number of zerothickness planes like that together, like the pages of an infinitely thick book. Every page is one universe. Mass continues through these pages in a thread-like manner. Anybody inside one of those universes will see mass patterns change sequentially.
Look at the diagram I drew. Each universe consists of a space containing objects and inhabitants that are all made up of particles, or at least that is what it looks like if you happen to live inside one of them.
We, in our privelaged position as superobservers looking in from the outside, can see that every particle of mass is really an infinitesimally thin slice of a thread that passes through all the universes. As the universe moves along the threads in some kind of supertime, the particles or slices appear to move through space. That gives a visible rate of change that is observed as .. normal time" within the universe. From our position we can see that all the universes are equally real, only the one that you happen to be part of and moving with gives the illusion of appearing more real to you then the rest of them.

V: So you would be able to send signals or transport mass from one universe to the other.

H: Exactly.

V: If you send a signal from one universe to another which changes an event pattern, I assume that the memory of having a reason to change that event is erased as soon as the event is changed?

H: Yes, because our memories consist of electrochemical and DNA pattern changes. Everything that formed any record of the original pattern was reset. Hence, our memories are consistent with the new pattern that now exists. In actuality, causes and effects exist not on a series on a unidirectional time line, but the system is dynamic in that time loops exist, and these loops make it possible, in effect, for effects to be detected before the cause of the effect exists.

V: I think the holographic model of the universe would explain it, because of the interconnectedness of everything through hyperspacial formats. The superobserver that you are talking about is in fact consciousness itself - all wave and particle interchanges are, in actuality, consciousness as viewed from different perspectives. Access to what are perceived as different "spacetime" coordinates can ultimately be accomplished through the manipulations of consciousness, so any devices that are devised to accomplish this purpose simply mimic the mental operations in consciousness of more evolved beings. There are many transitionary instances where alien equipment is tuned to the specific patterns of a particular being, and the equipment functions as a modulator or transductor of consciousness. Time flow, as you mention it, applies within certain boundaries, and everything hyperspacial to those boundaries functions in terms of that which makes up the conceptual loops that you speak of. All in all, it makes for an interesting discussion.
Sensiko has had her own experiences with them...thank god I haven’t (yet) and hope I never do!

Working in the medical field...I see waaay too many people and their family trying desperately to prolong their life without considering their quality of life.
In fact, in a survey done on Doctors being diagnosed with cancer a few years ago...the majority of them opted NOT to have chemo or radiation or any extensive surgeries...because they know the truth that even IF those things are successful (which is not as often as we think it is) and you DO gain a couple of extra years....your quality of life sucks in most instances. People are far to afraid of dying, especially in the Western world and the US in particular.
It’s like when my Father died from esophageal has a 5% survival rate for 5 years...then that statistic goes down to pretty much nothing after that....and that is if it is caught in stage Dad’s wasn’t caught until state 4 where it has already metastasized.
He and my Mom opted to go ahead with radiation and chemo to see if it would shrink the tumor and enable him to eat with less pain....I can honestly say that it was those two things and NOT the cancer that finally killed him. Even my Mom says if she had to do it all again, she wouldn’t have agreed with the chemo and radiation.
I really do think that if he hadn’t done the radiation and chemo he would have had longer and been much more comfortable...instead, he was sick until he died from the treatment.
No thanks....not for me.

Hear ya. Although, I haven't gone through the pain yet of seeing a loved one die. I have seen a tiny example (pales in comparison to yours) but my bestest little pal, my dog, who I had since a puppy, eventually contracted some kind of stomach cancer and couldn't really keep food down, until he withered to nothing. And it was me that was like, Mom, we gotta put him down. I'd already cried for him a lot, had accepted the truth, but SHE couldn't do it. It wasn't until he fell off the bed and broke his hip, that she finally relented, and we put him down.

If I'd been as old as I am now, I probably would have made more of a stance towards my mom. I don't blame her for wanting to hold on, she loved him as much as me, but I did see that as selfish of her.
Hear ya. Although, I haven't gone through the pain yet of seeing a loved one die. I have seen a tiny example (pales in comparison to yours) but my bestest little pal, my dog, who I had since a puppy, eventually contracted some kind of stomach cancer and couldn't really keep food down, until he withered to nothing. And it was me that was like, Mom, we gotta put him down. I'd already cried for him a lot, had accepted the truth, but SHE couldn't do it. It wasn't until he fell off the bed and broke his hip, that she finally relented, and we put him down.

If I'd been as old as I am now, I probably would have made more of a stance towards my mom. I don't blame her for wanting to hold on, she loved him as much as me, but I did see that as selfish of her.
Nah...I understand, part of you wants to believe that they will get better...that they will always be around. It’s hard to face that truth that they are going to die, and they are going to die soon.
My Dad actually took a really long time from when he began agonal breathing (fish mouthing, usually with 10-20 sec. pauses in-between breaths, usually very last stage before death) and when he actually died...something like two’s usually two DAYS when that begins. It was good though in some ways...all my siblings were there and my Mom...I feel like he got to say any last final words of wisdom to us...”I love you” was the best one.
He may have been afraid of the final moment, but he never showed it...he still tried to make us laugh...told us how proud of us he was...never got angry and lashed out.
I believe in euthanasia, or assisted suicide...I hope it is available when it is my own turn. I believe it is so unpopular because we are always hoping for something miraculous to happen...or at least a final moment of clarity when something deep is imparted...but those things happen in movies for a reason...I’m not saying that they don’t ever happen - but incredibly rarely.
I don’t want to die wishing to be saved from my death by some miracle...if that makes sense?
It is maybe the greatest adventure we will embark on...whatever you believe...there is nothing to fear.
Either there is which case you will not be conscious to know....or there is something....and from every account I have read about NDE’s (near death experiences) it is LOVE in it’s purest form...why should I fear that, I will welcome it, anticipate it, and accept it. I liken it to riding your first roller-coaster as a ARE have butterflies flitting about in your almost don’t want to get fact if it weren’t for your Dad, or your friends going on would probably get out of line.
Once you get to the top of that first drop....there is no turning are in it for the long haul!
Once you pull back into the station and get off, your legs are a bit wobbly and weak....but your adrenaline is feel alive and can’t help but turn around and want to do it all
That is how I view my death.
Besides, you cannot change it, so why fear the inevitable?

Dude...those are paycheck, I am getting one!
Teleportation From One Location to Another

The concept of teleportation mainly stems from science fiction novels and movies, but what was once considered fantasy has been validated as reality in 2014. For some time, developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have been made, leading up to recent breakthroughs which have opened up a wide arena of study in the future.
This past January, numerous teleportation breakthroughs were recorded. One example is the work of Professor Rainer Blatt from the University of Innsbruck. He and the others on his team were able to successfully perform teleportation on atoms for the first time. Their work was published in the journal Nature, and lends interesting insight into this phenomena.
Without using a physical link, the scientists were able to transfer key properties of one particle to another. In this case, the teleportation occurred in the form of transferring quantum states between two atoms, which include the atom’s energy, motion, magnetic field, and other physical properties.
This is possible due to the strange behavior that exists at the atomic scale; it’s a phenomenon called entanglement, or what Einstein labeled as “spooky action”.
A similar study was published by a team at the University of Queensland in the journal of Nature 2013. The physicists demonstrated that successful teleportation with solid state systems is possible. This is a process by which, again, quantum information can be transmitted from one place to another without sending a physical carrier of information. It is made possible through the mysterious occurrence known as ‘entanglement’.
Quantum teleportation has been replicated by numerous scientists all over the world. Exploring matter at this depth is intriguing for all those curious as to the capability and potential of the Universe.

While the above examples all refer to quantum teleportation, another form of teleportation is psychic. This is the conveyance of persons or inanimate objects by psychic means.
Eric Davis from FBIS shared his insight, “It became known to myself, along with several colleagues both inside and outside of government, that anomalous teleportation has been scientifically investigated and separately documented by the Department of Defense.” No longer is it a mysterious fantasy reserved for movies, but a reality which will most likely become further explored.
In certain areas of the world, China, specifically, psychic teleportation has already been documented. In 1981, the journal Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal) titled, “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body” reported that “gifted children” were able to cause the teleportation of small, physical objects from one place to another. Some of the items included watches, horseflies, insects, radio micro-transmitters, photosensitive paper, and more.
Never were the objects touched beforehand, and the experiments were done under both blind and double-blind conditions. Researchers came from various colleges and sectors of the Department of Defense. It’s an exceptional case which has been showed to the public because of its necessity, according to the paper published in the People’s Republic of China.
More research was done by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing, the July of 1990. Published in the Chinese journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al.,1990: Jinggenet al., 1990; Banghui; 1990), the study reported several experiments involving high speed photography videotaping which was able to capture the transfer of test specimens like nuts, matches, nails, pills, and more through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, sealed glass tubes, sealed plastic film canisters, and more without the walls of these containers being breached. All of the experiments reported using gifted children and adults to cause the teleportation of various materials.
Interestingly, it was reported that all of the test specimens remained in their original state after teleportation, including the insects. These examples show the mysterious qualities of the Universe and the potential capabilities all human beings may have, yet lack the insight on how to perform.


Photo: Artist interpretation of portals. Image Credit: Flickr / KamrenB Photography

There was no explanation to explain the results from the Chinese studies. While the studies show the scientific procedure for measuring the repeatable and objectively documented experiments (with any possibility of fraud ruled out), most are still stumped at how these phenomena were able to occur.
This has created a new movement in the scientific community; some researchers believe it’s time to think outside of the box and possibly accept there’s more to life than what meets the eye. “The results of the Chinese teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4[SUP]th[/SUP] special dimension, so that specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them,” said Eric Davis, Ph.D., FBIS.
These examples all demonstrate the validity of consciousness, and the many different influences it can have on our physical material world. No doubt findings will be released in the future that more deeply comprehend the phenomena and lend insight into the many mysteries of human life and the cosmos.
Nah...I understand, part of you wants to believe that they will get better...that they will always be around. It’s hard to face that truth that they are going to die, and they are going to die soon.
My Dad actually took a really long time from when he began agonal breathing (fish mouthing, usually with 10-20 sec. pauses in-between breaths, usually very last stage before death) and when he actually died...something like two’s usually two DAYS when that begins. It was good though in some ways...all my siblings were there and my Mom...I feel like he got to say any last final words of wisdom to us...”I love you” was the best one.
He may have been afraid of the final moment, but he never showed it...he still tried to make us laugh...told us how proud of us he was...never got angry and lashed out.
I believe in euthanasia, or assisted suicide...I hope it is available when it is my own turn. I believe it is so unpopular because we are always hoping for something miraculous to happen...or at least a final moment of clarity when something deep is imparted...but those things happen in movies for a reason...I’m not saying that they don’t ever happen - but incredibly rarely.
I don’t want to die wishing to be saved from my death by some miracle...if that makes sense?
It is maybe the greatest adventure we will embark on...whatever you believe...there is nothing to fear.
Either there is which case you will not be conscious to know....or there is something....and from every account I have read about NDE’s (near death experiences) it is LOVE in it’s purest form...why should I fear that, I will welcome it, anticipate it, and accept it. I liken it to riding your first roller-coaster as a ARE have butterflies flitting about in your almost don’t want to get fact if it weren’t for your Dad, or your friends going on would probably get out of line.
Once you get to the top of that first drop....there is no turning are in it for the long haul!
Once you pull back into the station and get off, your legs are a bit wobbly and weak....but your adrenaline is feel alive and can’t help but turn around and want to do it all
That is how I view my death.
Besides, you cannot change it, so why fear the inevitable?

Dude...those are paycheck, I am getting one!

Yeah there's also a flipside to not wanting to die.

Some people also turn into something like Washizu from the Akagi manga/anime. Gone as far as they can go looking for thrills and things to conquer and then they become an empty shell waiting to die because nothing can satisfy them - but yet they refuse to die because they think they will lose all they've conquered and swindled for.

The guy ends up playing against young men in Mahjong and forcing them to bet their own blood against his money and he kills about five college age kids doing this and gets discovered, uses most of his money to bribe the cops and get off. So the underground seeks out Akagi - the mahjong genius who is so good that many believe he is a devil - to bet his own life in mahjong against Washizu. What Washizu doesn't know is that Akagi is completely unafraid to die and gets a kick out of betting his life against a worthy opponent.

Guess who ends up ruined in the end.
Nah...I understand, part of you wants to believe that they will get better...that they will always be around. It’s hard to face that truth that they are going to die, and they are going to die soon.
My Dad actually took a really long time from when he began agonal breathing (fish mouthing, usually with 10-20 sec. pauses in-between breaths, usually very last stage before death) and when he actually died...something like two’s usually two DAYS when that begins. It was good though in some ways...all my siblings were there and my Mom...I feel like he got to say any last final words of wisdom to us...”I love you” was the best one.
He may have been afraid of the final moment, but he never showed it...he still tried to make us laugh...told us how proud of us he was...never got angry and lashed out.
I believe in euthanasia, or assisted suicide...I hope it is available when it is my own turn. I believe it is so unpopular because we are always hoping for something miraculous to happen...or at least a final moment of clarity when something deep is imparted...but those things happen in movies for a reason...I’m not saying that they don’t ever happen - but incredibly rarely.
I don’t want to die wishing to be saved from my death by some miracle...if that makes sense?
It is maybe the greatest adventure we will embark on...whatever you believe...there is nothing to fear.
Either there is which case you will not be conscious to know....or there is something....and from every account I have read about NDE’s (near death experiences) it is LOVE in it’s purest form...why should I fear that, I will welcome it, anticipate it, and accept it. I liken it to riding your first roller-coaster as a ARE have butterflies flitting about in your almost don’t want to get fact if it weren’t for your Dad, or your friends going on would probably get out of line.
Once you get to the top of that first drop....there is no turning are in it for the long haul!
Once you pull back into the station and get off, your legs are a bit wobbly and weak....but your adrenaline is feel alive and can’t help but turn around and want to do it all
That is how I view my death.
Besides, you cannot change it, so why fear the inevitable?

Dude...those are paycheck, I am getting one!

That's heavy about your dad. God, my dad is 75 and he still hikes like 5 mile hikes, he's so fit. Our lineage has incredible genetics and many grandparents lived well into their late 80s and even 90s.

Yeah, what really boils my potato is these conservative fucks that leave their irreversible vegetable daughters/sons on ventilators and machines that are literally keeping them alive. how fucking selfish can you get? There was a pretty funny south park episode about Terri Schiavo.

I remain firm in my position that I'm not scared of death, but of dying. Could be wrong, one of those things that you maybe can never prepare for. I will say that my heavy psychedelic drug use, may have helped prepare me. There were definitely some times where I felt absolutely ripped from this dimension, being unable to recall even my own name, on more than one occasion. And as John Lennon said after extensive LSD use, "I know what it's like to be dead." However, the real thing may or may be nothing like it. I still feel unscared of death, that may be hubris though. Again dying, especially slowly, or in regret, yeesh.

I wouldn't count on euthanasia being an option anytime soon. Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson both took matters into their own hands. And I think it was more physical deterioration and pain than mere depression, though that was a factor. God I sound morbid.
Besides, you cannot change it, so why fear the inevitable?

Exactly. Yet some still do. I'm guessing it's the fear of the unknown.

I know that I have had several past life's, so the way I see it, I still have a future.

Also portals could do strange things to energy and conservation of it.

A couple examples come from the game Portal itself. One is to put a portal in the ceiling, one in the floor, fall indefinitely until you attain terminal velocity, then in mid-fall relocate the ceiling portal to another place so that you'll be launched out of it at high velocity.

Another trick that messes with energy is to put portals on the floor at two different elevations - say one on top of a building and one on the ground - and fall into the lower portal so you come out in a parabolic arc from the upper portal with all the velocity you attained from the fall, which is basically launching you higher from the top of the building with that much velocity and then you fall through the lower portal again at multiplied velocity. You can loop this until you hit terminal velocity and be launched upwards to an incredible height without even using a ceiling portal like the previous method.

Also portals could do strange things to energy and conservation of it.

A couple examples come from the game Portal itself. One is to put a portal in the ceiling, one in the floor, fall indefinitely until you attain terminal velocity, then in mid-fall relocate the ceiling portal to another place so that you'll be launched out of it at high velocity.

Another trick that messes with energy is to put portals on the floor at two different elevations - say one on top of a building and one on the ground - and fall into the lower portal so you come out in a parabolic arc from the upper portal with all the velocity you attained from the fall, which is basically launching you higher from the top of the building with that much velocity and then you fall through the lower portal again at multiplied velocity. You can loop this until you hit terminal velocity and be launched upwards to an incredible height without even using a ceiling portal like the previous method.

One of the most awesome games ever. The cake is a lie!
Exactly. Yet some still do. I'm guessing it's the fear of the unknown.

I know that I have had several past life's, so the way I see it, I still have a future.

The possibility of more lives and having no say in it actually worries me. I am done with this place. No more thank you.

Side note, Stephen Kings Dark Tower series was kind of about this. Very scary story from that aspect.
One of the most awesome games ever. The cake is a lie!

The cake was true, it just wasn't for you.

Portal 2 is even more awesome though because they released an editor to make levels, and you can create complex things using logic with the new objects for Portal 2

The cake was true, it just wasn't for you.

Portal 2 is even more awesome though because they released an editor to make levels, and you can create complex things using logic with the new objects for Portal 2


Obviously. Portal, Portal 2, all awesomeness.
I’ll respond tomorrow everyone....much too tired even though it is a minute till 8pm (how sad)...I slept badly last night...bizarre dreams...Sensiko saw ghosts in the middle of the night (which I think was probably me again with my PK shit acting up), busy day of surgeries today.
The possibility of more lives and having no say in it actually worries me. I am done with this place. No more thank you.

Side note, Stephen Kings Dark Tower series was kind of about this. Very scary story from that aspect.

Ah, but you are not done with this place.

Reincarnation is all about doing "the work" in order to perfect our souls. And by this, I mean righting the wrongs we have committed in our past lives. I guess we could call that "karma", something I believe in very strongly.

For instance, if you were a thief in one of your past lives, you will most likely be robbed in this one. From this terrifying experience, you learn what it's like to be the victim, and feel how much pain and fear it can bring. Learning that lesson will hopefully prevent you from repeating this in another life. When the lesson is truly learned, you will then graduate and move onto the next phase. Once you have mastered each lesson (spiritual growth), you will then stop the cycle of life and death. You will no longer reincarnate.

I also believe that we are put here to help others in learning their lessons. It's all connected.

I think it's a pretty beautiful thing. :)

So, at the end of the day (or your life), you really do have a say in it. Just learn your damn lessons already! :)

Also, I'm thinking about buying them (books mentioned) on audio. Can listen in the car!
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Ah, but you are not done with this place.

Reincarnation is all about doing "the work" in order to perfect our souls. And by this, I mean righting the wrongs we have committed in our past lives. I guess we could call that "karma", something I believe it very strongly.

For instance, if you were a thief in one of your past lives, you will most likely be robbed in this one. From this terrifying experience, you learn what it's like to be the victim, and feel how much pain and fear it can bring. Learning that lesson will hopefully prevent you from repeating this in another life. When the lesson is truly learned, you will then graduate and move onto the next phase. Once you have mastered each lesson (spiritual growth), you will then stop the cycle of life and death. You will no longer reincarnate.

I also believe that we are put here to help others in learning their lessons. It's all connected.

I think it's a pretty beautiful thing. :)

So, at the end of the day (or your life), you really do have a say in it. Just learn your damn lessons already! :)

Also, I'm thinking about buying them (books mentioned) on audio. Can listen in the car!

Yes. I'd like to add that karma is not a form of punishment token. If you were a thief, it is not punishing you when you get stolen from. What is actually happening is that you're experiencing in return the world you helped create.

It is not really a punishment because it would be unjust - if you are a thief, and in next life somebody steals from you as a way of balancing out your karma, that would not be very fair because the person stealing from you is also incurring their own karma by doing so. Which would imply that destiny causes people to do bad things to balance out the karma which would be an unjust means of punishment because it's causing somebody else to mess up their karma.

Rather what it is, is natural cause and effect. You help make the world and you end up living in the world that you help make. It goes in a cycle called samsara. It's not due to moral compunction or punishment but rather the fact that when you make your bed, you must sleep in it.
Ah, but you are not done with this place.

Reincarnation is all about doing "the work" in order to perfect our souls. And by this, I mean righting the wrongs we have committed in our past lives. I guess we could call that "karma", something I believe in very strongly.

For instance, if you were a thief in one of your past lives, you will most likely be robbed in this one. From this terrifying experience, you learn what it's like to be the victim, and feel how much pain and fear it can bring. Learning that lesson will hopefully prevent you from repeating this in another life. When the lesson is truly learned, you will then graduate and move onto the next phase. Once you have mastered each lesson (spiritual growth), you will then stop the cycle of life and death. You will no longer reincarnate.

I also believe that we are put here to help others in learning their lessons. It's all connected.

I think it's a pretty beautiful thing. :)

So, at the end of the day (or your life), you really do have a say in it. Just learn your damn lessons already! :)

Also, I'm thinking about buying them (books mentioned) on audio. Can listen in the car!

Yes karma. I found out about 4 years ago I believed in it more than I ever imagined. Here I talk about not believing in gods or God and somehow I ended up believing in karma. I don’t believe in it anymore. That’s not to say its not real, I just don’t believe in it. If karma is real, I must be a very bad person here or was in a previous life. I don’t think I am that bad here, just not completely good. :)

The idea of reincarnation actually unsettles me. Right now my perspective on life is this, we live and we die, we either continue on or we don’t after that. If we don’t, none of anything makes any difference, at least not to us. If we do, maybe there are more answers. But the idea we come back to this earth, well I really don’t like this place much. Yes there are beautiful things here, great things to experience but for me, the bad things feel like they shred me. People killing people, bad things happening to good people, good things happening to bad. I always feel like I am on the edge of losing it, just giving up and walking off into the woods never to be seen again. No, I won’t do it but I think about it on occasion. I can become a crazy guy that lives in the woods. Ill add it to my resume.

The real world, the one we humans have created for ourselves, I understand why it is the way it is I just don’t like it. I don’t like what other people do to each other.

I typed so much about it because of how unsettling the idea of reincarnation is to me. Is there a way to get off the ride? :)

BTW, I refuse to learn my lessons. Instead I will seek out those responsible for trying to make me learn my lessons and make them learn theirs. I think of it as justice.
'Karma' is just cause and effect

if for example you wrong someone the karmic effect is that they might then take steps against you or the law might

So if you held up a corner store for money then the karmic rebound might be that you end up going to jail or that the store owner might start taking pot shots at you with his concealed weapon