Now Michael Ruppert...he was that ex LAPD cop who exposed the CIA involvement in drug trafficking?

I don't know enough about the circumstances of his death but when i heard about it my first thoughts were that he had been murdered

Found with a single gunshot wound to the head....i don't know but considering the things he's said over the years i think its worth considering that it might not have been suicide
Scary thought isn’t it....but not unfounded.
Now you have a good reason to put nuts in your

Cashews Are A Natural Anti-Depressant


Two handfuls of cashews is the therapeutic equivalent of a prescription dose of Prozac. Inside you, the essential amino acid L-tryptophan is broken down into anxiety-reducing, snooze-inducing niacin. Even more important, tryptophan is also made into serotonin, one of your body’s most important neurotransmitters.

Serotonin gives a feeling of well-being and mellowness, or as the Australians would say, “no worries.” This is such a profound effect that Prozac, Paxil and similar antidepressants usually either mimic serotonin or artificially keep the body’s own serotonin levels high. You can do the same thing with your food. And no one can tell us that beans, peas, cheese, nuts and wheat germ are toxic if you eat a lot of them!

Plenty of carbohydrates (starches) in your meals help tryptophan get to where it does the most good: in your brain. In order to cross the blood-brain barrier to get in, carbos are required. So cheese and crackers provides a better effect than the cheese standing alone. An egg or two on toast is better than just the egg. Beans, peas, and nuts already contain carbohydrate, so you are all set there.

Consider that five servings of beans, a few portions of peanut butter, or just one big handful of cashews provides one to two thousand milligrams of tryptophan, which will work as well as prescription antidepressants… but don’t tell the drug companies. Some skeptics think that the pharmaceutical people already know. Here are two quotes in evidence:

“Pay careful attention to what is happening with dietary supplements in the legislative arena… If these efforts are successful, there could be created a class of products to compete with approved drugs. The establishment of a separate regulatory category for supplements could undercut exclusivity rights enjoyed by the holders of approved drug applications.” (Source: FDA Deputy Commissioner for Policy David Adams, at the Drug Information Association Annual Meeting, July 12, 1993)

Here are 15 other Amazing Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts

Who doesn’t know about cashew nuts? Caju is what we call them in India. We use them mostly in sweets and children love to eat them as they are. They are full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals which are required for the normal functioning of the body. They actually belong to Brazil but Portuguese brought them to India in the 16th century. The kidney shaped or bean shaped nuts have many health benefits, a few of which are presented below:

1. Prevents Cancer:
Proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonols which fight against tumor cells by stopping them to divide further. These proanthocyanidins and high copper content in cashew nuts help fight against cancerous cells and keeps you away from colon cancer. This is one of the major cashew nut benefits.

2. Healthy Heart:
Cashews contain low fat content when compared to other nuts and that too in the oleic acid form which is very healthy for heart. They are cholesterol free and the antioxidants present keeps you away from heart diseases.

3. Lowers High Blood Pressure:
Cashew nuts lower your blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in them.

4. Helps Hair:
Copper is the mineral which helps your hair get that color. So if you take cashews which are full of copper content, you can get that black hair that you always wished for.

5. Healthy Bones:
Like calcium, magnesium is also important for bone health which is the main content in cashew nuts.

6. Healthy Nerves:
Magnesium is stored on the bones surface which prevents calcium from entering the nerve cells and thus keeps the blood vessels and muscles relaxed. Insufficient amount of magnesium can lead calcium to enter the blood vessels leading them to contract. It also leads to high blood pressure, migraine headache etc.

7. Prevents Gallstones:
Daily intake of cashewnut can reduce the risk of developing gallstones up to 25%.

8. Helps in Weight Loss:
Even though cashew nuts are considered as fats, it contains good cholesterol. So contrary to popular belief, those who eat cashews at least twice a week gain less weight when compared to those who eat less.

9. Anti-oxidants:
Selenium, copper, magnesium etc. act as co-factors for many enzymes.

10. Helps Digestion:
Cashew nuts help in growth and development, nucleic acid synthesis and digestion.

11. High on Vitamins:
Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin etc. These vitamins keep you safe from sideroblastic anemia, pellagra, etc.

12. Healthy Gums and Teeth:
As mentioned before, the magnesium content present in cashew nuts is very good for bones. So it gives healthy teeth as well as strong gums to hold them.

13. Pleasant Sleep:
After menopause, these cashew nuts can give you relaxed and pleasant sleep during nights.

14. Free Radicals:
Cashew nuts help our body to utilize iron properly and eliminate free radicals which cause health problems.

15. Macular Degeneration:
Cashew nuts have the ability to filter Sun’s UV rays and protect us from macular degeneration.
Now that you know the health benefits of Cashew nuts, ensure that you eat a few once every week I am sure you already love them.

Note: Soaking your cashews for 2-3 hours, then rinsing them is important to remove phytic acid and active enzymes!

Non-Conformity & Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists


It’s no secret that when society, as a whole starts thinking outside the box, or starts to question what’s really happening on the planet it faces a fierce opposition. It’s also no secret that authority figures throughout history have ridiculed ideas that simply did not fit the frame. In our not so distant past, new ideas and understandings were harshly opposed by those in control. A great example is Galileo, who was convicted (and worked banned) from the public domain, and labelled as crazy.

Scientists during this time were also sought after and killed. Have things really changed today? Is the pharmaceutical industry another means of condemning and altering those who think outside the box?**For those who believe this title is misleading, I think it’s great to open ones mind to the possibility that many psychiatric labels are used to push drugs, and discourage free/alternative thought. I believe many are made up in order to do so. At the same time, I believe there are people who experience very real differences that we have yet to understand. The science behind many “mental illnesses” is also very weak.

Again, we understand very little and have much to learn.“The nail that sticks up will be hammered down.” — Japanese ProverbIs nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the latest addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it looks that way. The manual identifies a mental illness labelled as “oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD. It’s defined as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.” () It’s also included in the category of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The manual is used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses, and it seems that with each new issue a new, made up mental illness is added to the list. This isn’t something new, in the Soviet Union, a systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place and was based on the interpretation of political dissent as a psychiatric problem. Mental illness has been used for political repression, those who were/are non-conformant and do/did not accept the beliefs of authority figures (like government agencies) face labels that do not represent them at all, and have no scientific backing what so ever.

On the first glance, political abuse of psychiatry appears to represent a straightforward and uncomplicated story: the deployment of medicine as an instrument of repression. Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression, because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud. Doctors who allow themselves to be used in this way betray the trust of society and breach their most basic ethical obligations as professionals.”

The entire psychiatric disease model today is based on the theory that a brain-based, chemical imbalance causes mental illness. Dr. Mark Graff, Chair of Public Affairs of the American Psychiatric Association said that this theory was “probably drug industry derived.” (source)“There’s no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, I have a biological imbalance, I say, ‘show me your lab tests.’ There are no lab tests. So what’s the biochemical imbalance?” - Dr. Ron Leifer, New York psychiatrist (source)“If a psychiatrist says you have a shortage of a chemical, ask for a blood test and watch the psychiatrist’s reaction. The number of people who believe that scientists have proven that depressed people have low serotonin is a glorious testament to the power of marketing.” - Jonathan Leo, associate professor of anatomy at Western University of Health Sciences. (source)

It’s quite shocking how medicine is convinced that the origins of mental illnesses are to be found in biology, when over three decades of research have not been able to provide any proof. There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person’s brain. Many psychiatric ‘disorders’ aren’t even real, we’ve just been convinced that they are. This is done to keep society in check, make money, and one method of controlling the masses to prevent them from thinking outside the box.As an end note, if you’re interested you might want to check out a documentary titled Generation RX.

It’s a documentary by a world renowned producer Kevin P. Miller. In the film he examines the rise in psychiatric diagnoses’ among children and teens. The film includes a number of experts, doctors, and researchers that are internationally respected in the fields of medicine, ethics, journalism and academia. He emphasizes that a lack of ethics goes hand in hand with psychiatric drugs that are prescribed to millions worldwide, yet have never been proven safe and effective for the very conditions they are purported to treat. He also uncovers a pattern of collusion between drug manufactureres and the FDA, who literally hide evidence about the detrimental effects psychiatric drugs can have on a person.

**I don’t want this article to detract from the fact that many people do experience differences that are still not understood today. We still have much to learn about mental “mental illness.”

Well machines don't tolerate that either.

Just like how Group B cars ran superchargers and turobchargers at the same time with a lot of boost. Nevermind the helicopter full of mechanics that follow the car around and constantly rebuild the engine to keep the damn thing from exploding.
Lolololol...very just really puzzles me how people just bend over and “take-it”...if they are told they have to work 60 hours a week or be fired...then they will....if they cut their benefits...they just keep their mouths
I have been actively trying to get the union into the hospital where I work because I am sick and tired of getting screwed over constantly.
Lolololol...very just really puzzles me how people just bend over and “take-it”...if they are told they have to work 60 hours a week or be fired...then they will....if they cut their benefits...they just keep their mouths
I have been actively trying to get the union into the hospital where I work because I am sick and tired of getting screwed over constantly.

Yeah. If you're a machine, it's 'down time' and they'll pay $100,000 to fix you (or buy a new one)

If you're a human, 'you're fired'
Government Experiments Reveal Humans Are Capable Of Bending Physical Objects With Their Mind

If you told a random person that psychic phenomena like psychokinesis (or PK) has been proven in a number of laboratories all over the planet for a number of years, they would probably look at you like you’re crazy. Phenomena that fall within this category aren’t really emphasized within the realm of traditional education, it is however heavily studied by scientists working at the highest levels of government.

One particular example was the work of professional aerospace engineer and physicist Jack Houck, along with Army Colonel J.B. Alexander. They were responsible for holding a number of PK sessions, where attendees were taught the PK induction process and how to initiate their own PK events using various metal specimens (forks, spoons, etc.). Individuals were able to completely bend or contort their metal specimens with no physical force being applied whatsoever.(1)(2)These events were held for numerous government science advisors and senior military officials. They took place at the Pentagon, at officers’ and scientists’ homes, and at U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command locations all over the world.(1)

Commanding generals, colonels and more were always in attendance. (1) What was witnessed by all was spontaneous deformation of metal specimens, which caused “a great deal of excitement” amongst those present.(1)High ranking military personnel were not the only ones in attendance, other trained observers were also involved. One notable was Psychic Uri Geller, who during a talk that he gave at the U.S. Capitol building caused a spoon to curve upward with no force applied, the spoon then continued to bend after he put it back down and resumed speaking. (1)The experiments with Aerospace engineer and physicist Jack Houck, along with Army Colonel J.B. Alexander used what they call PK parties, in which over 85 percent of attendees learned how to bend metal and plastic, proving that we all have these capabilities. (2)

In order to give some scientific credibility to an observed phenomenon that is hardly understood, electron microscopic pictures were used to try to explain what is going on inside of the metal, from a scientific point of view.
“An explanation is presented on how the mind makes a connection with the intended area to be bent, somehow “ignites” the dislocations such that they release thermal energy. This heating occurs along the grain boundaries of the metal, making it easily deformable, liquid or even gaseous. The heat is then transferred out through the metal which can then be sensed by the individual either as stickiness or warmth. The period of time in which the metal is in this easily malleable state is between a few seconds and about 30 seconds. The key is to find that time window when the metal is easily malleable. This time window can occur anywhere between a few seconds and many hours or more after the initial bending attempt. The secret to making the time at which this window occurs is to be as close to the immediate time as possible is the amount of excitement and intent that is generated at the time of the initial attempt” (2)

PK experiments and data collection were also conducted by Robert Jahn, who was the Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory at Princeton University. He repeatedly demonstrated and cited consistent results in mentally affecting material substances.(1)
The list goes on and on, including another series of rigorously controlled and repeatable laboratory experiments that occurred in China. In September 1981, a paper was published in the journal Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal) titled “Some Experiments On The Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body.” (1)

In this experiment, it was reported that gifted children were able to cause the apparent teleportation of small objects like watches, horse flies, insects, radio micro-transmitters and more from one location to another without them ever touching the objects beforehand. The experiments were conducted under well controlled conditions, both blind and double-blind. Researchers involved in this experiment included observers from various colleges and medical research institutes, as well as representatives from the National Defense Science Commission of China(military).

How These Findings Have Been Used.
We know that these are Special Access Programs. (1) The ones mentioned in these studies have been unclassified, but even today nobody has any idea of what has happened because these programs are unacknowledged. Which means that they do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs,’ a 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” You can read more about that and the black budget here.

Above, I have presented verifiable occurrences that actually happened, as far as how these findings have been used is another story, and you can bet that information like that will not be declassified anytime in the near future. For these questions we have to rely upon stories and hearsay, and correlate them with the documented data that’s available in the public domain.
In my research, I’ve come across stories of children who have been trained in these applications from a very young age, and then used in various military experiments and past wars, like the Vietnam war. I wouldn’t be surprised is these are/were a part of the Mk Ultra program, which was an extension of Project Paper Clip, but these programs encompass a variety of things.

I would also not be surprised if individuals capable of such extended human capacities are sought after by the military industrial complex.
The fact that military agencies (amongst others) have been studying and observing these phenomenon for decades lends belief to the idea that findings within this realm have been explored and used numerous times.From everything that I’ve looked at, I believe that many children from a very young age are trained and used by various agencies all over the world for various projects and experiments to find out more. I believe some of them have been used in “super soldier” programs that we really know nothing about.Phenomena within these realms are always used for the wrong reasons.

Imagine if we lived on a planet with total transparency in regards to all science and discovery. Imagine if PK phenomenon was one aspect we taught our children from a young age.
Personally, I don’t think the human race is ready for this. Maybe when we evolve into a completely peaceful race, these applications might be acceptable to learn. Perhaps there are extraterrestrial races out there that are taught these concepts from an early age, who knows. The fact remains, extended human capacities are indeed real, but they are of no use to anybody unless they stem from a place of peace and love. portrayed in the movies is a different story.

(1) (page 55 +)
Consider that it has only been recently we as humans have had time to do anything other than survive. In the past every second of everyday was spent surviving.
Consider that it has only been recently we as humans have had time to do anything other than survive. In the past every second of everyday was spent surviving.

There is number of scientists that believe humans have reached their total evolution...I think I disagree.
Right now we are discovering and exploring areas of human consciousness and psychic ability...if mainstream science would just work past the taboos surrounding it then I feel some incredible progress could be made...and who knows...perhaps once we come to understand how these certain abilities work and function, then we may just move on to the next phase of mankind.
Another thought that could potentially take us to that place is the merging of man with machine...this has been explored recently with the movie "Transcendence", but this thought has been around for quite a long time...I think we will begin to hear about it more and more as we move forward toward that moment or "singularity", when either an AI becomes self-aware...or we begin to expand our own minds and bodies with technology.
Like I have mentioned before, there is a Russian billionaire who is sinking his entire fortune into this tech...his goal is to upload his mind and live forever via a robot body...he probably is the worst possible person to select as the frontrunner as it takes a certain giant ego and narcissism to make that your life's goal...someone like that is just a hop, skip, and a jump from trying to rule the
Some estimates believe that we are less than a decade away from a sentient AI...once that singularity is reached...where the computer is just as intelligent as a human's mind...will it automatically be self-aware as well? Will it be equivalent to a soul?
Then...if the AI grows as fast as computer tech grows now...which is basically doubling it's computational power every year...then "year-two" it will be twice as intelligent...then four times the year on and so forth. It will be incredible to see but also incredibly frightening for some. We already hate and destroy what we don't understand...can you imagine the blow back from knowing this machine is so far beyond our intelligence? People will fight aginst it...that is certain.
It will be a new renaissance for the human race though...if we can move past our own fears and egos. It could cure cancer...solve world hunger...put an end to all illnesses actually.
And then, as I have mentioned before...can you imagine what we will learn about the nature of the universe and reality in general? It would be like all the great scientific minds, not only put together...but times a thousand...and infinitely growing faster and more intelligent.
Will such a machine even help us? Perhaps we will be like a blade of grass under foot....noticed, but reason to even pay attention to us.
I tend to think...and I hope that it is true...that with such incredible intelligence will also come an appreciation for love, for compassion...provided that it will have feelings.
These scenarios of the machines wiping out humans don't jive in my mind...because I think such an intelligence would not be drawn into such small-minded pursuits...such a self-serving endeavor would be far below it...that is why the Russian billionaire idea frightens me far can upload the mind...including the prejudices, the neurosis, the negative "human" emotions and motives.
A world like what you describe would end us. Aggressive aliens come along, see our passive loving ways and eradicate us. Such is the nature of the universe.
A world like what you describe would end us. Aggressive aliens come along, see our passive loving ways and eradicate us. Such is the nature of the universe.

Well what are the 'aliens'?

Are they little green men from outer space or are they little green men from another dimension that is reached through altered states of consciousness?

Or are they both at the same time?

Carl Jung believed that UFO's were the creation of our collective unconscious manifesting into our physical reality

Sounds weird huh? Of course it does because we have grown up being taught Newtonian physics....but what if our understanding about how our reality actually works is not correct?

What if there is a different understanding of how it works that would then make sense of all the weird phenomena for example UFO's or psychic phenomena or apparitions etc

I have had psychic events where i got an insight into the future. Now under our usual concept of linear time that is just not how did it occur?

perhaps it is becuase there is another dimension...a timeless one of infinate possibility where everything from our physical reality is birthed and then projected here

The psychic events (which sometimes have been too random to be brushed off as intuition) might just have been a glimpse into that formative dimension where i got a snapshot of what was on the production line headed for our physical reality before it arrived
Consider that it has only been recently we as humans have had time to do anything other than survive. In the past every second of everyday was spent surviving.

That's just not true

people couldn't have created such fantastic cave art if they were hell bent on surviving

Look at indigenous peoples...they have festivals and social events and they decorate things and express art in many ways
A world like what you describe would end us. Aggressive aliens come along, see our passive loving ways and eradicate us. Such is the nature of the universe.

Is that the nature of the universe...or of humanity?
Also...if we are under the guidance and protection of a computer beyond all our understanding of intelligence...(provided it decides to help us), then hopefully it would have a solution to such a scenario....certainly it would asses the likelihood and develop a defense.
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When we take an observer perspective, we do not look at the world and think to ourselves “that’s just the way it is.” We instead ask, “why is it this way?” This is the approach taken throughout this book. It depicts in an easy-to-read, clear and simple way, the most basic concepts that make up our human society all while examining whether or not we can do things differently. In the final chapters, dots are connected between mind-bending scientific discoveries which altogether shed light on our true nature and purpose on this planet.

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3 Things To Consider Before Calling BS On Scientific Information

by Elina St-Onge


There seems to be this endless war separating science from nature.
We’re given two opposite polarities to choose from:
#1 : You either swear by scientific authorities and pharmaceutical methods while judging alternative information as “pseudo-scientific naturopathic propaganda.”
#2 : Or you’re a “hippie” living off herbs and crystals while rejecting all modern knowledge as a conspiracy out there to get you…But does it need to be so black and white? IS IT so black and white? Before going any further, let’s remind ourselves of something important: The truth isn’t about defending an opinion. It doesn’t care about opinions.
It isn’t an opinion.

“Opinions are made to be changed — or how is truth to be got at?” -
Lord Byron (1788 — 1824)

As long as we swear by anything without a shadow of a doubt and refuse to remain flexible and open to new information that may add on to — or change — our current perspective, we cannot evolve. We cannot genuinely learn if we prefer picking sides and identifying ourselves with rigid opinions and judgments. Because attaching to an opinion is essentially about giving power to a single angle of view and sticking to it, which greatly filters the way we process information.

The voice in our head that says “this is how it is, all else must be bogus” isn’t in service of the truth, it only serves our ego’s need to be “right,” to judge and to avoid uncertainty. But as much as we may believe something to being true, in order to remain objective and advocates of truth, we need to at least remain neutral, flexible and be open to altering our perspective.

Not with a “Oh yeah? Try and prove me wrong and I’ll consider but let me ridicule you in the meantime” type of attitude. Neutrality, curiosity and observation is much more powerful than finger pointing — it is the best foundation for true learning.

People are culturally conditioned to have to be right. The parents are right, the teacher is right, the boss is right. Who is right overrules what is right. Couples have huge quarrels about considerations that are forgotten as the struggle for who is right rages on.Political parties have institutionalized having to be right. How often has a political party welcomed the position of the other side?
Imagine if all the energy that goes into trying to prove the other side wrong were channeled into actually thinking about what was best for whatever the dispute is about.
Worse, having to be right becomes a barrier to learning and understanding. It keeps you away from growing, for there is no growth without changing, correcting, and questioning yourself.
If you have to be right, you put yourself in a hedged lane, but once you experience the power of not having to be right, you will feel like you are walking across open fields, the perspective wide and your feet free to take any turn.” - John Naisbitt

Here are 3 points that we should all be reminded of before jumping to conclusions within the world of health and science.

1. For The Love of Science: Question ALL Science!


It is a common trait of the human ego to want to put all faith in something — anything, and treat it as the be-all and end-all answer to all of our questions. The scientific community often accuses the herb loving “hippies” (using stereotypes playfully here) for blindly trusting alternative medicine without critical thought — which can be true in some cases.

However, the scientific community itself often puts complete faith in today’s scientific authorities, claiming they cannot possibly be wrong about anything. In both cases, such faith has little to do with the truth and more to do with the assumption that some authority will provide the unbiased truth for us.Now before I get bashed for questioning science, let me explain what I mean. It is not to say that the scientific method itself is inadequate. But unfortunately, we live in a world of many interests and agendas.

We can trust that the scientific method itself works, but can we be sure that it is always used fairly, extensively and honestly - at all cost - by today’s leaders of industries? Is it really safe to assume that all authority:

  • Has no vested interests or conflicts of interest?
  • Has perfect intelligence?
  • Has all the facts for both sides of the fence?
  • Is totally neutral and unbiased?
  • Has perfect integrity?
  • Has your best interests in mind?
  • Is truly open-minded?
  • Loves truth more than benefits?
  • Does not let money or power influence what it teaches?
In fact, there have been numerous cases of scientific fraud amongst science-based medicines, just as there has been fraud amongst alternative health methods. If the scientific community is often so keen in calling alternative practitioners charlatans who are in it for money and fame, why not hold the same level of skepticism for mainstream health businesses? Doesn’t the word “business” itself signify the sale of something in an attempt to make a profit?

Choosing to put faith in any authority — without actually witnessing elitist meetings, relationships between scientists and government and seeing what goes on in sponsored scientific studies — is merely speculation. Without investigating further or hearing out what insiders and whistleblowers have to say without prejudice, we are simply adopting the opinion that “of course, greed would not come in the way of leaders working for the greater good. Anyone saying otherwise is a conspiracy nut.” This is an assumption, it is not questioning.

The same message applies for the natural alternatives crowd
: believing that ill motives are the only thing fueling all modern practices and experts is merely speculation as well. It is a generalized judgement without precise investigation. That being said, it is important to question everything and assume nothing. Questioning doesn’t mean pointing fingers or being paranoid. It just means questioning. It just means valuing the truth more than the comfort of opinion.

“Science is supposed to be adaptable, able to evolve and falsifiable. However, in our society, we tend to get stuck in ruts with science. When we find a solution to something, we often treat it as the be-all-end-all solution to our problems. When an alternative solution is suggested, or an attack is made on the current solution, people tend to get defensive and criticize these new propositions without allowing the research to be done. Instead of remaining opened minded and thinking ‘Oh, maybe that would work better!’ they usually retaliate.” — Garrett Melee

Article from The Way We Fund and Publish Science Encourages Fraud

2. Avoid Association Fallacies. See every situation as UNIQUE

“The warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people’s opinions.” - Paulo Coelho


To avoid association fallacies, every issue brought to the table should be regarded as unique. It should be explored individually for the sake of knowing the truth about a particular case, not for generalizing or picking sides once again. For example, there is currently a lot of noise being made about the use of cannabis oil to cure cancer. Someone who holds prejudice against natural alternatives will probably resort to ridicule or claim that “if it was legitimate, it would have been acknowledged by mainstream science by now.” Once again, this reaction stems from choosing faith in one thing and prejudice against another — rather than neutrally questioning and investigating the issue as an individual case.

On the other hand, believing that no mainstream advancement in medical treatments deserves acclaim is also biased. Believing that all modern practices are founded in corruption isn’t research, it’s putting every individual case in a box. As much as conspiracies do exist in this world, the conspiracy mindset is just that: a mindset. If we’re interested in the truth, we need to go beyond mindsets and beliefs and become as neutral as the lens of a microscope. The lens of a microscope does not filter, it is not emotionally engaged, it does not generalize what it sees, it does not associate it with anything else. It holds no agenda. It does not deny some aspects of what it sees while sugarcoating others. The lens of a microscope simply looks at what is right there in front of it.

“Your drive to produce hard-edged opinions stoked by hostility is likely a sign that you’ve been brainwashed by the pedestrian influences of pop nihilism.” — Rob Brezsny

3. END THE WAR: Science is not the opposite of Nature, Nature is not the opposite of Science


Since when did nature become “bogus” or “unscientific?” Does it make sense to make science and health be exclusively about high-tech machines and artificial chemicals, while dismissing what already exists in nature? The “science vs. nature” debate is all in our heads. They are not opposites. True science is about unbiasedly researching all aspects of life.

Technology innovation and the creation of new materials — whether it be synthetic chemicals or genes — is great (I know some would debate this but let’s pretend we lived in a purely ethical world for a second). Exploring nature and all of its properties is JUST as great. There is equal value in both worlds and they should complement one another, not ridicule and compete with each other.We can see this needless separation in today’s healthcare methods.

When an unhealthy person visits the doctor’s office, rarely will he be told to eat healthier and more natural foods in order to detoxify and reset to body to its natural state. Drugs, however, are pushed right away as if health was solely about managing symptoms of unhealthiness. But isn’t dealing with the cause of unhealthiness just as important? As the American philosopher Wendell Berry said, “People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health… and are treated by the health industry which pays no attention to food.

An optimal health-care system would have nature and science work hand in hand. It would focus as much on maintaining health naturally (prevention) as it would on dealing with symptoms. Otherwise, we might as well call it a sick-care system.
“The only reason why one would ridicule what comes from nature is if they have divorced themselves from nature. Yet we are a part of nature. We are nature. If you think you’re smarter than nature, think again. Nature made you.” — unknown

No Matter What Conclusions We Arrive To, It Shouldn’t Be About Feeding Sides or Opinions.

Once we integrate these 3 insights in the way we process information, whether our research leads us to the conclusion that most of our society is corrupted or not shouldn’t matter or make us more judgmental and one-sided.

If Bob, for example, after 20 years of research, feels the need to speak out against Big Pharma or scientific authorities, it does not NECESSARILY mean he is biased. Maybe he has decided to undertake research in a neutral manner and has simply arrived to those conclusions. If John, after 20 years of research, feels the need to correct conspiracy theories, it does not NECESSARILY mean he is a shill working for the government either. Maybe he too has decided to undertake research in a neutral manner and has simply arrived to those conclusions.

In the end, the message I wish we all take from this — including myself — is to stop resorting to fighting and judging without caring to understand. We need to get off our high-horse, shake each other’s hands, be curious — not opinionated — about the truth and agree to value the common good more than our personal egos. If this wisdom was collectively integrated, I bet all corruption would fall away by itself anyways and debunking would no long have to be such a fight ;-).

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” ― Isaac Asimov
Is that the nature of the universe...or of humanity?
Also...if we are under the guidance and protection of a computer beyond all our understanding of intelligence...(provided it decides to help us), then hopefully it would have a solution to such a scenario....certainly it would asses the likelihood and develop a defense.
It is the nature of the universe. Or so I believe from what I have learned.