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The Einstein quote is wonderful. He knew the truth....didn't he? do I find/choose music with the correct frequency of 432hz?
There is a ton on youtube if you search for it with the 432hz included.
I know there are CDs you can buy as well if you wanted to go so far.

This guy -


Will show you how to download, and use the Audacity program (which is free) and can be used to convert all you music should you so choose to do so!
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An interesting article...​


“The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, humankind will have discovered fire.”
—Teilhard de Chardin

If you tell someone you study the esoteric these days, they may emblazon you with the charge of being a Satan worshipper or being associated with a death cult. Study of the esoteric has assumed a negative connotation in the modern age, likely trumped by the ascendance of science and its methodological way of understanding our world. Even to be spiritual has received an unfair assessment by some, because ignorance has a way of making even the beautiful seem ugly.


The word esoteric is derived from the Greek esoterikos “belonging to an inner circle,” from esotero,
comparative of eso “within.” As a philosophical doctrine, it is intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group, such as the esoteric doctrines of Pythagoras. Pythagoras is considered the first officialGrand Master of the Illuminati (part of the secret power elite), who have twisted his doctrines for purposes of domination and control. TheBuddha lived in the same time frame as Pythagoras, but there was no contact between the two men. According to the Greek rhetorician Lucian, the division of teachings between exoteric and esotericoriginated with Aristotle. Esoteric study was the impetus behind the origin of the mystery schools in ancient Greece.

The literal definition of esoteric is a kind of information understood by, or followed by, a select few who have access to special knowledge. For those involved, esoteric study is viewed as being conducted in private. It is a secret, discreet, and confidential endeavor. Esoteric research belongs to the select few, and can come across as abstruse, arcane, or cryptic. It can also be the study of forbidden subjects, or those derided by science, that is, those weird topics that have no other forum of examination except from within already-biased groups of those who study the esoteric. In other words, if you attend a talk on chemtrails, or join a discussion about 9-11 Truth, you are then by definition a student of esoteric subjects.


In any esoteric tradition the most important factor is that the initiates must truly desire the knowledge they seek. They truly have to want it above anything else. There must be an overwhelming desire for introspection and knowledge. To connect all the pieces of the puzzle, to lift our consciousness and civilization to the next level, we must all be students of the esoteric. And in this realm, the truth is out there.

To understand esoteric study is to know that it does not progress the way science does. The esoteric is a different school of study, one based on experiences, anecdotes, and even dogmas, whereas science uses testable and objective experimental methodology. Science works very well because other scientists can confirm or refute the findings of the original author, one of the basic principles of the scientific method. If an esoteric science is to be truly universal, it also must be based on fundamental elements of knowledge that can be confirmed or refuted and can serve as the foundation for further studies.


Science is unique because it consists of a record of accumulated knowledge, built up over several centuries, with only secondary reliance on intuition. Science is the voluntary acknowledgement by conceptual thinkers that evidence-based decision making is the foundation on which we all stand. In contrast, within the study of religion and esotericism, the essential doctrines are most frequently anchored by the visions and opinions of a single founder and the experiential commentaries of their followers. Science will be referenced extensively in this text, but some of the science to be discussed has yet to be released to the general public. Because of this delay, the validity of esoteric scientific claims in this book will have to await scientific studies performed post-publication. The best examples are the global phenomenon of UFO sightings and free energy technology.

If we accept the premise of withheld information, we have a problem knowing both what is real and what is true. If we can’t trust evidence (reports of seemingly credible individuals) or if we believe those who label strange or unusual claims as a “conspiracy,” or if we believe everything the media reports, then we are in grey zone with no guideposts. We would have to accept all sorts of other claims without evidence, such as that President Obama was born in Kenya. No evidence? The government is covering it all up. Blindly accepting a“conspiracy” label as truth is a complete game-changer. Once you step over, then what is the limit? Sooner or later
we must decide for ourselves what seems to be correct.

There are those who immediately reject all weird or unusual claims. Others are intrigued and open to further exploration. Of course there are hoaxes out there, but there are also those who seem to have an evil agenda and know how to cover their tracks. On the one hand, we tend accept only the official explanation, yet on the other hand we see that there is something larger going on, something intent on holding us back from looking beyond — from considering alternatives. The collective esoteric subjects, combined with withheld information by those who seek world control, can be described as the “alternative narrative.”

For some people the contents of the “Esoteric Series” of books will seem unbelievable. Unfortunately, beliefs we have always been taught are not reliable criteria for reality. The very nature of the subjects discussed in this book make them unbelievable, and therefore easily discreditable. It is recommended the reader be intelligently skeptical, but not discard arcane bits of information or perspectives just because the topic is not familiar. Conversely, the release of this information is potentially catastrophic for certain political, religious and economic vested interests. But if these weren’t “dangerous subjects,” they wouldn’t be considered the esoteric.


If the contents of the Esoteric Series of books are true, it also presents a new dilemma, and that is, what thenis our reality? For the purpose of this argument we will call everything that we have been told the “big lie.” The big lie is an attack upon reality. It undermines and dissolves reality. It eventually undermines all of our social structures based on that false reality, until that reality just collapses. The big lie is very potent, and lately it is more and more difficult to counter. The power we need to counter the big lie is to have a true understanding of ourselves. The individual nature of our existence is the spiritual dignity of the human being. To deny the spirit of the individual and instead focus solely on materialism is to become trapped in the big lie. If we want to understand the nature of truth, we need to have incorruptible wisdom. We need to develop a new kind of human wisdom with all its varied aspects. To counter the big lie we need to have a true picture of the three-fold human being, that is the universal understanding of mind, body, and spirit. We also need to know who is spreading the big lie.


Two questions emerge: (1) Is it possible that ancient and secret societies exist which have always
had control over the real and important information and have been manipulating us throughout history? (2) If so, are they succeeding? Researchers point to the Illuminati and the power elite, the secret society of the huge money interests, who control the information dished out to the masses by planting false knowledge and beliefs into the mass media. This relatively small number of individuals appear to be the ones behind the big lie.

Essentially, everything we would like to know, and need to know, has been covered up: information about the electro-genetic magnificence of our DNA being a spiritual antenna, about everything in our universe being a divine interactive creation, about our ascendancy into a new understanding and the fact that we are living the future esoteric now. It is now harder than ever to understand and differentiate the “shit from Shinola.” We’ve been duped into a system that is designed to consolidate wealth and power rather than provide a real opportunity for all people to thrive. By exposing this agenda, strategically challenging deceptive systems such as central banks and fiat money and coming up with new ways to organize and cooperate, we can render obsolete this destructive agenda and liberate our planet, plus unleash our true human potential.

Everything of importance has been covered up under the model of the big lie. For example, we are not learning the truth about pharmaceutical products, both the toxicity of vaccinations and the long-term harmful effects of various medications. The pharmaceutical industrialists (better named the Military Medical Petrochemical Pharmaceutical Cartel) has almost total control over the mass media, and thus control over the mass mind. As a result of the power they wield, people are not given factual information to make informed decisions; they are given propaganda. Consequently, the health choices people make are mired in ignorance, make them weaker, and toxify them to the point that they tend to die earlier. This is the importance of countering the big lie. You can live longer and be much healthier.

There is now what is identified as a global domination agenda, which is a plan by a powerful private banker elite to take over our primary systems. These are the biggest systems in the world, including money, energy, food, medicine, education, media, and influence over government officials who regulate these industries. The elite seek to establish a sole authority over all these global issues, with themselves in charge. They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to implement their strategies.

So far they have successfully brought down the financial infrastructure of countries across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Bolivia, Thailand, Iceland, the Soviet Union, Japan, Greece and scores of others. They are now attempting to dismantle the U.S. infrastructure by collapsing the dollar to make sure Americans are in more debt than they can ever possibly repay. The “seeing-eye” pyramid is indicative of their basic structure of control. The financial elite are at the top. They use international and national central banks to control corporations, which they loan to at special rates, manipulate national economies and hence their governments, and get everyone in debt to the bankers.


U.S. government politicians, indeed all of the leaders of the so-called “free world” are totally
controlled by a secret and wealthy oligarchy. Most of the elite controllers are not even in government, but dictate what the government will do. These are the people who are also behind UFO secrecy. The largest aerospace corporations have now taken over advanced UFO technology for their own purposes and are perpetuating the cover-up. The globalists do not care if you believe in UFOs.

But if you do know there are ETs contacting Earth, then you will know there are alternative free energy solutions and other technology beyond our wildest dreams. But this knowledge, if prematurely accessed, would upset their monopolies based on oil-coal-nuclear energy, transportation, communications, gas fuel, and pharmaceuticals. After all, who would continue to pay all these ever-increasing prices for gasoline–the unnecessary burning of fossil fuel that is polluting the air, poisoning our children, choking us all–if we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are non-polluting energy sources out there? This is what the big lie is all about. It all comes back to the old journalistic adage, which is if you cannot make sense of a story, then simply “follow the money".

It is hard to absorb the enormity of the big lie until you know it personally. It is the greatest story never told. The extent to which humanity is being massively manipulated can be overwhelming. How can anyone conclude the objective truth about anything in life anymore? We know corporations lie to us. We know governments lie to us. We know the media lies to us. Who can we trust? Yet, we can liberate ourselves once we start breaking through the fog, once we begin to penetrate the maze and start to “get it.” But this requires undertaking a real re-education. The other option is to passively allow the programming of our minds to accept a predetermined version of reality that the elite would like us to have.

will remain an individual quest for some time, so forget about official disclosure happening on your TV anytime soon. Until then, study the evidence for yourself. Nobody official is going to tell you the full story, at least not without lying about it or creating a cover story. Choose your sources well and apply a good dose of uncommon sense. Use intuition and pattern recognition. Furthermore, disclosure is really just the beginning, and when it does come, do not expect it all in one big revelation. Before that happens, there will be a few primetime TV series to get you used to an alternative idea. “Predictive Programming” is what it is called.

© 2014, excerpted in part from “Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms
” by Brad Olsen, who is the author of nine books, including "Future Esoteric," which was released early last year, and "Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses
" which will be released in March, 2014. Read about all of his books at
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Tactical thread bump

There is a ton on youtube if you search for it with the 432hz included.
I know there are CDs you can buy as well if you wanted to go so far.

This guy -


Will show you how to download, and use the Audacity program (which is free) and can be used to convert all you music should you so choose to do so!

Audacity is pretty good for being free.
What is An Empath and What Are Their Traits?


An Empath is one who has an acute or highly developed sensitivity to the emotions and emotional states of themselves and others.

An Empath is a person who was born with unique variations in the central nervous system. This means how the brain is configured and how the nervous system works in the body. This has not yet been studied and quantified by science. Instead it is being brought forth by individuals who are becoming self-aware of these qualities and who explore this experience through creative and intuitive outlets.

An extremely high degree of overall sensitivity is the general indicator for this type of person. All of the sensory organs of an Empath have low thresholds thereby resulting in unusual sensitivity to light, smell, and sound/ frequencies.
An Empath also possesses a very sensitive emotional nature, that is typically difficult to self-manage. Books have been written on "highly sensitive people" and those materials are relevant to this topic. However, being highly sensitive is only one part of the formula for Empaths.

They are sensitive to the visible as well as the invisible and pick up on body language and voice tone , telepathically picking up your thoughts and emotions including those you wish not to be known. It is not uncommon for an Empath to suddenly feel 'overwhelmed' for no apparent reason only to discover later that someone they know experienced some sort of trauma at that exact moment they felt it. So essentially, an Empath, is someone whose senses are extraordinarily heightened, meaning they receive the majority of their psychic input from what they feel.

Since Empaths are constantly bombarded by emotions which do not originate internally, they struggle to figure out why they feel the way that they do and therefore tend to have to have to be alone in their own space to relieve this.

Emotions that create powers that have been known to be God like in nature. Empaths are so sensitive that they can absorb the negative emotions of others in their body to which it can then physically manifest and create feelings of fatigue and nausea. Migraines are the most common symptom of sensory overload in an Empath and ideally it is best to not get to this stage of overload and to try to be aware of too much before too much becomes more than enough.

Empaths are born Empaths. They don't become Empaths. There is a confusion around the difference between whether being sensitive as you mature means you are an Empath. This is not the case. Highly sensitive people can often think they are Empaths due to the similarity in sensitivity but the level of difference lies in the clairvoyant abilities that an Empath has that exceeds that of a sensitive.

Traits Of A Highly Sensitive Person

They feel (their own) emotions deeply.
They are sensitive to the emotions and emotional states of people around them
They are easily hurt or upset.
They tend to avoid conflicts, arguments and other types of confrontations.
They tend to become agitated and/or flustered when surrounded by large groups of people or lots of activities.
They tend to need time to themselves each day.
They tend to be creative types who deeply appreciate art, nature and music.
They are prone to suffer from recurrent depression, anxiety or other psychological disorders.
They tend to be slower at recovering from intense stimuli, because they are sensitive to other people's suffering, noise, light, caffeine, pain, medications, temperature, and other stimuli.
They tend to be introverted and have rich,complex inner life, because they are able to concentrate and process information deeply.

Traits Of An Empath
Empaths are quiet achievers but expressive in area's of emotional connection. They find that talking about emotional issues is a great outlet that aids in understanding themselves and others.
Some Empaths can be the opposite of what an Empath 'should' be because they are overwhelmed or unable to handle emotion and what they feel in the world around them so they block their feelings.
They can be focused outward, toward what others feel, rather than themselves. This is a common trait to many people who have not gone through a process of self development.
They avoid disharmony caused by emotionally turbulent situations. This type of situation can easily create an uncomfortable feeling because an Empath feels this emotion.
Empaths are emotionally sensitive to violence and general chaos.
Empaths are sensitive to loud noise and television. In particular, television programs that depict emotional drama.
They struggle to comprehend acts of cruelty and crime that involves hurting others.
They struggle to comprehend suffering in the world and are often idealists who theorise about fixing the worlds problems.
Are often found working as volunteers, with people, animals or the environment.
They are expressive so they can often be found in areas of music or the arts.
They often have the ability to draw others to them. This includes children and animals as they have a warmth and compassion that is beyond normal You may find that strangers always talk to you if you are an empath.
They can be good listeners as they generally have an interest in other people.
Empaths can be moody or have large mood swings due to overwhelming thoughts, feelings and emotion.
They are likely to have had, other paranormal experiences in their life. This could be astral projection, psychic ability or a variety of other experiences.
Empaths are daydreamers that have difficulty keeping focused. This is common with people who deal more IN emotion and neglect other area's of their mind.
Like many people on a spiritual path Empaths frequently experience déjà vu and synchronicities. This is something that occurs to everyone however Empaths are often more aware and therefore 'look out' for it.

All Empaths have precognition, premonitions, nightmares, constant illnesses with no medical cause (due to picking up on others illness), the ability to feel the truth and converse telepathically before an event has taken place and a tendency to not be able to control their emotions which can result in the energy from their intense feelings can cause electrical shortages and malfunctions in anything that uses electric.
Some Empaths are so powerful that telekinesis (moving things with mind energy) can manifest when they are very unbalanced emotionally. Children and Animals have an affinity with Empaths and will always feel at ease with one due to their healing nature. Attracting energies that need healing is another regular experience that Empaths endure and tend to find themselves in situations that challenge their ability to counsel and support those that are suffering from mental and physical illness. It is not uncommon to find that the manifestation of constant lower energies creates physical responses in the form of anxiety attacks and mood fluctuations.

ALL Empaths have healing ability. They don't necessarily need to educate themselves on much as it is within them to already know and channel energy to create harmony and balance despite being unbalanced themselves from others energies.

The physiology of the Empath trait.

When you think about something it triggers electrical activity in your brain. Neurons (special cells that relay information from the brain to the body's nervous system ) get activated through a very mild electric current. These neurons then activate other neurons, creating a chain reaction. Each thought follows a unique 'pathway' in the brain, called a 'Neuron pathway'. Scientists already know that the Neuron pathway varies, depending on the type of intellectual activity you’re doing.
All this electrical activity generates a magnetic field(which is true for all electrical currents). As Empaths, we are able to read and interpret this magnetic information. Our own brain translates these magnetic patterns into an emotion that we personally experience.
Think of it like having a portable MRI machine (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) in your brain. You can 'take pictures' of magnetic waves and translate them into something meaningful. Doctors use MRI scans to differentiate between sick and healthy cells. We use it to differentiate between emotional states.

An example of a 'physiological' reaction to emotion.
When someone is angry, there’s all kind of electrical and chemical reactions happening in their body (sweating, getting flustered, faster heart beat). All these changes trigger mild electrical currents that create a magnetic field around their physical body.
As an Empath, you are able to scan this magnetic information to “read” their state of mind: this person is angry. Although the pattern changes from one person to the next, Empaths are able to interpret it and translate it.

About human magnetic waves -

  • They can go through solids (such as bones and walls) with very little loss. Which means that you can read people even if they are far away.
  • They are very very very weak and are often called “Subtle Energies”. They cannot harm you in anyway.

If you are lucky to learn adaptive mechanisms earlier in your life so that you can deal with this constant surge of information you can avoid the path of destruction. But without some basic education, ( I’m sure your parents did not discuss with you when you were young about being an Empath), some Empaths will resort to destructive or energy consuming mechanisms to deal with the situation. This can lead to depression, mood altering addictions (drugs, alcohol) or anything else that can drown other people’s emotions.
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How Do I Know If I’m An Indigo Child/Adult?
Here Are 25 Characteristics


Please note, nearly 100% of children these days are being born Indigo in the West. Anyone could have a few of these traits, but Indigo Children/Adults have most or all of these.

Indigo Child/Adult Characteristics

  • Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
  • Are very creative and enjoy making things.
  • Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
  • Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
  • Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
  • May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
  • Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
  • Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.
  • Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
  • May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
  • May have trouble with RAGE.
  • Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.
  • Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.
  • Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
  • Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."
  • Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
  • Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.
  • Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.
  • Have strong intuition.
  • Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
  • Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
  • May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.
  • May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
  • Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.
  • Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
  • When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.

    There are more and more indigo's being born today, it is important we get this to as many of us as possible! Please share this with whom ever you think or feel matches these characteristics.
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52 Ways to Have Lucid Dreams


Learning to have lucid dreams can be fun, intensive, frustrating, euphoric, bizarre, daunting — yet ultimately, lucid dreaming is a hugely rewarding and life-changing experience.

Learning how to lucid dream is like any other skill that you develop over time. There is no magic secret to behold. But there are a number of tried-and-tested methods that you can employ.
Below I’ve listed a number of those techniques to get you started. There are probably more than 52 ways to have lucid dreams but we might start to stumble into repetition and overlap of techniques. Besides, 52 is more than enough to get you started.
I’ve kept them short for simplicity, so you may need to delve into the links for elaboration. You may find it useful to bookmark this page and return to it weekly for new ideas, or print and check off the list daily as you explore new lucid dream induction routines.
To supercharge your skills, I recommend daily meditation as this forms a part of numerous well-known practices (such as MILD, WILD, incubation, OBE-exits and hypnagogic induction). It’s also essential that you can remember your dreams, so #1 on my list is a no brainer. Good dream recall is the foundation of lucid dreaming.
Happy dreaming…


Start a dream journal and write down at least one dream every morning.

Do a dozen reality checks each day — such as trying to push your hand through a wall and asking “Am I dreaming?”

Perform a daily 10-minute breathing meditation and examine your self-awareness as you become sensitive to your surroundings.

Listen to brainwave entrainment during afternoon naps and early morning meditation.

Learn to interpret your dreams and record key recurring themes.

Supercharge your dream intensity and dream recall with lucid dream supplements like Galantamine or Choline.

Experiment with a dream herb like Calea Z for vivid and memorable dreams.

Perform Dr Stephen LaBerge’s Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) before you go to sleep tonight.

Practice the Wake Induced Lucid Dreams technique whenever you can.

Observe your own hypnagogic hallucinations as you drift off to sleep.

Make a dream pillow filled with aromas that promote relaxation while you sleep.

Rid yourself of any sleep disorders which disturb your quality of REM sleep.

Listen to a lucid dreaming hypnosis session as you go to sleep to place targeted auto-suggestions in your subconscious mind.

Listen to subliminal messages for lucid dream induction.

Watch our free subliminal lucid dreaming video before bed.

Figure out your best sleep posture for lucid dreaming (usually on your back for WILDs, although you may be different).

Try the Wake Back to Bed method by waking early for 30 minutes.

Get a comfortable mattress — not too firm, not too soft — so you always get a good night’s sleep.

Experiment with the OBE Exit Technique, a fun visualization technique, as taught by Nick Newport of Lucidology.

Use aromatherapy to induce specific memories and associations while you sleep — also known as a Smell Induced Lucid Dream (SILD).

Eat cheese before bed to increase your dream intensity (“cheese dreams“).

While lucid, ask the dream to help you become lucid more easily in future.

Incubate specific dream plots by reading evocative fiction and watching powerful movies before bed (warning: horror movies beget nightmares!)

Allow yourself to daydream - any time — pushing your conscious awareness into a range of different realities.

Practice having Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), a type of sleep paralysis induced lucid dream.

Wear a digital watch and perform a reality check every time it chimes on the hour (the sound may also filter through into your dreams).

Learn about the ancient art of Dream Yoga from Tibetan Buddhism.

Encourage false awakenings when you sleep in different locations or anticipate an unusual event when you wake up in the morning.

Deliberately induce sleep paralysis — and then visualize your desired lucid dream scene.

Set an alarm every 90 minutes of sleep to wake you during your most likely period of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep to boost your dream recall.

Count backwards from 100 as you fall asleep: “100. I’m dreaming. 99. I’m dreaming. 98. I’m dreaming…”

Take afternoon naps when you feel tired, especially after meals.

Allow yourself more lie-ins and practice lucid dreaming techniques.

Don’t smoke marijuana or drink excessive alcohol as this inhibits REM sleep.

Let go of any fears that are holding you back. There is nothing to be fearful of when you understand how it all works.

Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night — or more if you feel you need more (I do!)

Perform Daniel Love’s Cycle Adjustment Technique by alternating your daily wake-up times.

Visualize your next lucid dream in advance; how you will become lucid, what it will feel and look like, and what you’ll do first.

Try a Finger Induced Lucid Dream (FILD) when you wake up in the night: lie still and minutely wiggle your index and middle finger till you fall asleep lucidly.

As you fall asleep, lie perfectly relaxed, melt your awareness into the mattress, and repeat the phrase: “The next scene will be a dream.”

Hypnotize yourself as you fall asleep, visualizing your way into a beautiful garden that represents your subconscious.

Expect to have spontaneous lucid dreams, also known as Dream Induced Lucid Dreams (DILDs) where you become lucid through flashes of logic.

Use a lucid dream mask such as the REM Dreamer, also known as an Electrically Induced Lucid Dream (EILD).

Play first-person video games like Prototype or Left 4 Dead to stimulate the proven phenomenon of Game Induced Lucid Dreams (GILDs).

Some swear by this one: go to bed thirsty and place a glass of water the other side of the bedroom. You may dream an out-of-body experience in an attempt to fetch the drink.

Conversely, perform reality checks every time you use the bathroom, then go to bed with a semi-full bladder and dream urination can induce lucidity.

Sharpen your visualization skills: lay in bed with your eyes closed and visualize the room in vivid detail. Visualize outdoor scenes as well.

Imagine kinesthetic sensations like riding a bike, floating on a cloud, or running through a field as you fall asleep.

Take a Vitamin B6 supplement which converts tryptophan (found in cheese, chicken, salmon, eggs and milk) into serotonin, for more vivid dreams.

Set at least three clear lucid dream intentions before you go to sleep at night.

Learn as much as you can about lucid dreaming from books and online resources.

Create your own art inspired by dreams to bring dreaming to the forefront of your imagination and boost your dream recall.
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Meditation is the medication.

Full detailed
facts and proof of meditation and the benefits.​

Below is A link which will give you information on how to meditate and all you need to know insights.ॐ

Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit.

The power of Breathing: In meditation, one of the most important aspects is breathing. There is always the focus on the inhale and exhale of breath, and the reason is because breathing is a link between the conscious and unconscious mind. It is the only controllable activity that can give us life or take it away, yet many are not conscious of their breathing. Are you thinking of breathing throughout your day or when sleeping? Perhaps not, but you continue to do it. By being aware of your breath it can lead you to live in the present moment. The only time you ever have is Now, you can not physically live in the past or future, so stay conscious of your thoughts. If you have reoccurring 'life movies' playing in your mind and feel you can not stop them, concentrate on the breath. Simply becoming aware of your thoughts and breathing can help to bring you back to the present moment, and remember it's called the 'present' because it's a gift. Much peace. ~ Expanded Consciousness

Meditation Against ADHD

"Overcoming PTSD: Is meditation the answer?
Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University is enthusiastic about using Transcendental Meditation to treat PTSD: "There are many studies showing that TM sooths overactive fight or flight responses. TM is a logical treatment for this condition."

Meditation and Respiratory Infections "According to a recent study, exercising or practicing meditation may be effective in reducing acute respiratory infections. Acute respiratory infections, which are caused by influenza and other viruses, are very common illnesses and account for millions of doctor visits and lost school and work days each year. Previous research has suggested that enhancing general physical and mental health may offer protection against these illnesses. Findings from this NCCAM-funded study were published in the journal Annals of Family Medicine."

"Sure, meditation is relaxing and a great stress reliever - but can it help people with diabetes? New research presented at the 2010 American Diabetes Association Conference suggests that it can"

Meditation and IBS "Practicing mindfulness meditation over an 8-week period reduces the severity of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms in women, according to a study published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Mindfulness meditation training involves focusing attention on present-moment experience and the nonjudgmental awareness of body sensations and emotions. Previous research has suggested that mindfulness training may be effective in reducing stress and pain symptoms in chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and depression. In the current study, the researchers theorized that mindfulness training may be effective in treating the psychological factors associated with pain in IBS–a chronic disorder that interferes with the normal functions of the colon and is characterized by symptoms of abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea."

Meditation and Depression/Anxiety "According to a recent study, practicing mindfulness meditation appears to be associated with measurable changes in the brain regions involved in memory, learning, and emotion. Mindfulness meditation focuses attention on breathing to develop increased awareness of the present. Previous research has demonstrated that mindfulness mediation may reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, but little is known about its effects on the brain. The focus of the current study–published in the journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging–was to identify brain regions that changed in participants enrolled in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction program.

In this study, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Bender Institute of Neuroimaging in Germany, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, took magnetic resonance images of the brains of 16 participants 2 weeks before and after they joined the meditation program. (Participants were physician- and self-referred individuals seeking stress reduction.) Researchers also took brain images of a control group of 17 non-meditators over a similar time period. Participants in the meditation group attended weekly sessions that included mindfulness training exercises and received audio recordings for guided meditation practice at home. They also kept track of how much time they practiced each day. Members of both groups completed a questionnaire, before and after joining the group, which measured five aspects of mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience."

"The researchers highlight six neuropsychological processes that are active mechanisms in the brain during mindfulness and which support S-ART. These processes include 1) intention and motivation, 2) attention regulation, 3) emotion regulation, 4) extinction and reconsolidation, 5) pro-social behavior, and 6) non-attachment and de-centering." Full Story Here:

A great site which runs thoroughly through meditation.

athered and written by, Richie Holterman
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I'd love to be able to lucid dream at will; i know you can work at it i've just never been disciplined enough at keeping a dream diary

I remember one lucid flying dream though...that was exhilerating!

Imagine if you could lucid dream at'd live two awake and one asleep...2 lives for the price of one
Uncovering what is 'LOVE' - A LOT of which we think is Love, is far from the truth.


It is true, all we need is love. But do we really know what love is? Love is a word that is sung about in songs, written in poems, talked about a lot and it is something many people long for one way or the other, mostly in the form of a partner. We hear it a lot these days: “Be heart-centered” and “Be love”, “Love is the answer, because love always wins!”, “Send Love and Light!” and so on. People use it casually in conversations in their every day lives. It is seen as the solution to all the world problems. All you need is Love!

If that’s so easy, how come nothing has changed fundamentally on planet earth despite the obvious technological progress?

We still see genocide, oppressionand wars happening. Hundreds of thousands of children and civilians have died in the Middle East and around the world because of the war machine under the control of psychopathic leaders who couldn’t care less about anyone who holds up a peace sign with a proclamation of love as the force for change. 
Looking at it more closely we can see that “Love” is one of the most abused and misunderstood words.

Over the ages during our journey towards the ultimate goal.. we have began associating Love with many misconceptions of Love which is far from what Love really is.

Let us have a look at what I have given perspective of, below.

We mistake things like gratification, sentimentality, obligation, duty, passion, desire, and other superficial emotions, ideas; passion, pleasure, attraction, comfort, food and conditioned concepts as “Love” in order fill something that is ultimately lacking within us.
Is this what love is? is this what the ultimate goal is? to feel an emotion or physical sensation?

''Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.''
- Plato


''We are being conditioned to believing Love is everything but that of which its really is. We can not be told what Love is nor do we find love. Love is a state of existence, it just is.'' - Richie Holterman

How would we associate Love to people which share reality with us?
...When we say we love someone, do we 'love' them for the times we shared? do we say we love them cause they make we laugh and/or feel good? If we were to say 'i love you' and only find comfort in the memories they share with us? is this love? no, this is where a lot of us are mistaken, we have associated love with pleasure and physical sensations.

Love is not merely an emotional state, but a state of consciousness. Just like there are different levels of consciousness, there are also different levels of love one can access on the spectrum of consciousness based on ones level of being and awareness. 
There is carnal love based on the sexual center and animal part in man which is the biological drive to procreate, ensuring that organic life on earth continues. This drive is mechanical tied to the esoteric meaning of the General Law and waking sleep state homo sapiens is under.

We say 'I love you' having our unconditional interest to another persons personal best at heart, you wish for them to find truth, to grow and broaden their horizons!

''Knowledge is love and light and vision.''
- Helen Keller

Love in its truest sense is Knowledge, not necessarily an emotion or feeling or what most people think of “Love”. It’s a state of consciousness beyond emotions which are just the gateway towards it.
and what can we associate knowledge with? truth, broadening consciousness, to broaden horizons and spiritual growth... That my brothers and sisters is what true love is about... Knowledge!

A knowledge which neither is limited to ignorance nor been corrupted in any form. That is the ultimate goal.

''He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.''
- Thomas Jefferson

''Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.''
- William Shakespeare
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I'd love to be able to lucid dream at will; i know you can work at it i've just never been disciplined enough at keeping a dream diary

I remember one lucid flying dream though...that was exhilerating!

Imagine if you could lucid dream at'd live two awake and one asleep...2 lives for the price of one

Well, there is a group of though out there that says when we dream we are actually in another dimension.
That our “spirit” is indeed somewhere else.

I have had some incredible lucid dreams...although I cannot do it at will either...perhaps someday.
I have met people I know in my lucid dreams and most of the time they are still “asleep” in the dream...I guess that is how to explain it.
I try talking to them and once I even gave Sensiko a word to try and remember...though, I doubted that she would as she wasn’t lucid within the dream too.
She didn’t remember, but she did remember having a bizarre dream that night.
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Well, there is a group of though out there that says when we dream we are actually in another dimension.
That our “spirit” is indeed somewhere else.

I have had some incredible lucid dreams...although I cannot do it at will either...perhaps someday.
I have met people I know in my lucid dreams and most of the time they are still “asleep” in the dream...I guess that is how to explain it.
I try talking to them and once I even gave Sensiko a word to try and remember...though, I doubted that she would as she wasn’t lucid within the dream too.
She didn’t remember, but she did remember having a bizarre dream that night.

The astral realm

That would be cool...passing a message in the astral realm... let us know if you get success!
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The Truth about Esoteric/Ancient/Modern symbols, Sacred geometry and Geometric shapes


Take a look at these esoteric/ancient/modern symbols, sacred geometry and geometric shapes etc.
What do you see?

Let me go through the intention of these symbols from another perspective.

Take Metatron's Cube for example:


We see a couple of circles and geometric lines. What really is this symbol which has been channelled and translated into a picture form trying to show us?
Just as each symbol-esoteric/ancient/modern and sacred geometric shapes, have more than just circles and lines to offer. They have things to show us which only thousands of pages of writing could tell us. Only once we realize this and open up to them as something more than that, we begin to see more as our conscious awareness broadens.

Metatron's Cube shows us the 6 platonic solids which make up the fundamental building blocks of our yoU-niverse. Known as:

- Tetrahedron
- Fire

- Circle - Void

- Cube - Earth

- Dodecahedron - Ether / Prana

- Icosahedron

- Octahedron - Air


Now that we see this, we should not brush it off, close the chapter and create a blockage as we think that there is no more, just because we can not see it that clearly.
Within Metatron's Cube also contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void" also known as creation. These are known to us as:

- Tripod of Life / Borromean rings / Triquetra

- Tube Torus

- Egg of Life

- Fruit of Life

- Flower of Life

- Tree of life


Now that we see all these, is there more to Metatron's Cube than which meets our 5 physical senses. Well, yes there is. Symbols, esoteric symbols, ancient symbols, modern symbols, sacred geometric and geometric drawings offer us a sense of knowledge - love.
Observing one of these does not only offer knowledge it also creates a energetic connect on planes higher than the 3rd density a.k.a 3rd dimension which we then open up to, to reach a even higher understanding, a understanding beyond any language or written, it is a channel, a sensation, a feeling of knowing and understanding something great!
Is that not why we are here, to experience, to feel and to love?

NB* we have been conditioned to other perspectives of these beautiful, informative symbols and geometric shapes.
To the extent that when we see a swastika for example, we associate it with Nazi's and Hitler and we begin to emit a fearful and/or negative energy, resulting in a blockage to these symbol's as they remind US about all the negative which we had been conditioned associate it. Symbols, numerology and geometry has been used by psychopaths trying to govern us over and over again.
Rather let us look beyond that which we had been conditioned to and open up to what they really have to offer us in our continuous search for love - knowledge and truth.

I had just used Metatron's Cube as an example. That alone split up into many other shapes which have their entirely own story to offer us and further more, more shapes which tell more stories of knowledge.
I dare you to go see what you can find in this one or many others you come across!
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[h=1]Teaching robots right from wrong[/h]Researchers from Tufts University, Brown University, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are teaming with the U.S. Navy to explore technology that would pave the way for developing robots capable of making moral decisions.

In a project funded by the Office of Naval Research and coordinated under the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative, scientists will explore the challenges of infusing autonomous robots with a sense for right, wrong, and the consequences of both.

"Moral competence can be roughly thought about as the ability to learn, reason with, act upon, and talk about the laws and societal conventions on which humans tend to agree," says principal investigator Matthias Scheutz, professor of computer science at Tufts School of Engineering and director of the Human-Robot Interaction Laboratory (HRI Lab) at Tufts. "The question is whether machines -- or any other artificial system, for that matter -- can emulate and exercise these abilities."
One scenario is a battlefield, he says. A robot medic responsible for helping wounded soldiers is ordered to transport urgently needed medication to a nearby field hospital. En route, it encounters a Marine with a fractured leg. Should the robot abort the mission to assist the injured? Will it?

If the machine stops, a new set of questions arises. The robot assesses the soldier's physical state and determines that unless it applies traction, internal bleeding in the soldier's thigh could prove fatal. However, applying traction will cause intense pain. Is the robot morally permitted to cause the soldier pain, even if it's for the soldier's well-being?

The ONR-funded project will first isolate essential elements of human moral competence through theoretical and empirical research. Based on the results, the team will develop formal frameworks for modeling human-level moral reasoning that can be verified. Next, it will implement corresponding mechanisms for moral competence in a computational architecture.

"Our lab will develop unique algorithms and computational mechanisms integrated into an existing and proven architecture for autonomous robots," says Scheutz. "The augmented architecture will be flexible enough to allow for a robot's dynamic override of planned actions based on moral reasoning."
Once architecture is established, researchers can begin to evaluate how machines perform in human-robot interaction experiments where robots face various dilemmas, make decisions, and explain their decisions in ways that are acceptable to humans.

Selmer Bringsjord, head of the Cognitive Science Department at RPI, and Naveen Govindarajulu, post-doctoral researcher working with him, are focused on how to engineer ethics into a robot so that moral logic is intrinsic to these artificial beings. Since the scientific community has yet to establish what constitutes morality in humans the challenge for Bringsjord and his team is severe.

In Bringsjord's approach, all robot decisions would automatically go through at least a preliminary, lightning-quick ethical check using simple logics inspired by today's most advanced artificially intelligent and question-answering computers. If that check reveals a need for deep, deliberate moral reasoning, such reasoning would be fired inside the robot, using newly invented logics tailor-made for the task.

"We're talking about robots designed to be autonomous; hence the main purpose of building them in the first place is that you don't have to tell them what to do," Bringsjord said. "When an unforeseen situation arises, a capacity for deeper, on-board reasoning must be in place, because no finite rule set created ahead of time by humans can anticipate every possible scenario."

Bertram Malle, from the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Services at Brown University, will perform some of the human research and human-robot interaction studies. "To design a morally competent robot that interacts with humans we need to first get clear on how moral competence functions in humans," he said. "There is a fair amount of scientific knowledge available, but there are still many unanswered questions. By answering some of these questions in the project, we can move closer to designing a robot that has moral competence."

The overall goal of the project, says Scheutz, "is to examine human moral competence and its components. If we can computationally model aspects of moral cognition in machines, we may be able to equip robots with the tools for better navigating real-world dilemmas."

Besides the experts from Tufts, Brown, and RPI, this team will include consultants from Georgetown University and Yale University in this multi-year effort.
The group brings together extensive research expertise in theoretical models of moral cognition and communication; experimental research on human reasoning; formal modeling of reasoning; design of computational architectures; and implementation in robotic systems.
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Chess robots to cause Judgment Day?


Next time you play a computer at chess, think about the implications if you beat it. It could be a very sore loser!

A study just published in the Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence reflects upon the growing need for autonomous technology, and suggests that humans should be very careful to prevent future systems from developing anti-social and potentially harmful behaviour.

Modern military and economic pressures require autonomous systems that can react quickly — and without human input. These systems will be required to make rational decisions for themselves.

Researcher Steve Omohundro writes: “When roboticists are asked by nervous onlookers about safety, a common answer is ‘We can always unplug it!’ But imagine this outcome from the chess robot's point of view. A future in which it is unplugged is a future in which it cannot play or win any games of chess”.

Like a plot from The Terminator movie, we are suddenly faced with the prospect of real threat from autonomous systems unless they are designed very carefully.

Like a human being or animal seeking self-preservation, a rational machine could exert the following harmful or anti-social behaviours:

  • Self-protection, as exampled above.
  • Resource acquisition, through cyber theft, manipulation or domination.
  • Improved efficiency, through alternative utilisation of resources.
  • Self-improvement, such as removing design constraints if doing so is deemed advantageous.

The study highlights the vulnerability of current autonomous systems to hackers and malfunctions, citing past accidents that have caused multi-billion dollars’ worth of damage, or loss of human life. Unfortunately, the task of designing more rational systems that can safeguard against the malfunctions that occurred in these accidents is a more complex task that is immediately apparent:

“Harmful systems might at first appear to be harder to design or less powerful than safe systems. Unfortunately, the opposite is the case. Most simple utility functions will cause harmful behaviour and it is easy to design simple utility functions that would be extremely harmful.”

This fascinating study concludes by stressing the extreme caution that should be used in designing and deploying future rational technology. It suggests a sequence of provably safe systems should first be developed, and then applied to all future autonomous systems. That should keep future chess robots in check.

Full report text - #.U3FhJTnqylI
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Russell Foster on how sleep science explains eye disease and mental health

"Sleep disruption is so much more than the inconvenience of being able to sleep at the desired time -- it is a global health disruption," said Russell Foster, a professor of circadian neuroscience at the University of Oxford, speaking at Wired Health in London today.


About 36 percent of our lives are spent asleep, he said, pointing out that in 60 years of marriage you spend 21-and-a-half years sleeping, meaning it could be said that you've actually only been married for 38.5 years. That does not mean though, he adds, that the time we are asleep is without value -- our increased understanding of the neuroscience of sleep has informed understanding of both ophthalmology and mental health.

Our sleep-wake cycle is very much regulated by our social clock, he explained, although this is really of no use to us whatsoever in terms of maximising our ability to function properly, as we should be regulated by our circadian clock. Unlike our social clocks, our circadian clocks are dependent upon the eye, and serve as a critical driver of our neural systems and networks.

"We were fascinated for 20 years about the way the eye could detect that dawn-dusk cycle and send that into the brain," said Foster.

Experiments following this allowed researchers to discover that there are only a very small number of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells -- the cells responsible for sensing light and dark -- in the eye, meaning that you could lose the use of all of your visual cells and still have a fully functioning circadian clock. In fact, he says, there are a "number of eye conditions that leave photosensitive retinal ganglion cells in tact, meaning that the clock still work -- you can be visually blind but not clock blind".

Similarly, the link between sleep and our mental and emotional wellbeing has long been known about, but it was the study of quantitative sleep disruption in people with schizophrenia that revealed the extent to which the disease "smashed" the sleep pattern of sufferers. By taking genes from schizophrenic patients, mutating them and putting them in mice, researchers discovered that "mental illness and sleep disruption share overlapping brain pathways".

Further studies showed that there was a high prevalence of sleep abnormalities in children who had a high risk of developing bi-polar disorder due to genetic predisposition prior to actual diagnosis.

The next step, said Foster, was to work out "could we stabilise sleep and have a positive impact on mental illness?" Again, studies involving schizophrenia sufferers showed that psychotic episodes were reduced by around 50 percent with the forced regulation of sleep.

As a result of this, said Foster, disrupted sleep can be used as a biomarker for mental illness and can be used to inform therapeutics. Our increased understanding of the neural pathways controlling sleep have completely changed the understanding of the way mental health conditions affect the brain. In the same way, he added, "the discovery of a new photo-receptor system within the eye has redefined our understanding of blindness."
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A new study indicates that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is in a state of irreversible decline. Over the past 40 years, the flow of glaciers into the sea has sped up. As a result, the sheets are thinning, melting the ice faster than we thought it would. Soon, sea levels will be rising.


Beautiful lenticular clouds over dramatic icescapes. Read more about it on Earth Observatory. Photography credit: Michael Studinger

As the ice flows into the sea, it melts faster where it contacts the seawater. As more ice melts, the sheets are lighter. This makes it float easier, with seawater creeping under to expose yet more of the sheet to increased melting. This is called grounding line retreat, and it's a key component in creating a positive feedback loop of melting.


Grounding line retreat is when a lighter glacier floats more easily, increasing melting. Image credit: NASA/JPL
Now the sheet is floating in places it used to be in solid contact with the bedrock, melting faster, getting lighter, and floating higher. It's a horrible positive feedback loop that is driving faster melting of the sheet. And it's going to keep getting worse.


Eric Rignot, researcher at UC Irvine and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explains:
"The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable. The fact that the retreat is happening simultaneously over a large sector suggests it was triggered by a common cause, such as an increase in the amount of ocean heat beneath the floating sections of the glaciers. At this point, the end of this sector appears to be inevitable."

"Collapse" is a technical term in science. It sounds like an immediate, dramatic catastrophe, but in reality it's a slow, gradual crumble of ice that is easy to ignore without careful monitoring. The only way this backwards climb of the grounding line and rapid melting of the ice sheet is going to stop is if the bedrock has a pinning-point, a small rise to keep the glaciers from slipping seawards. From ice radar mapping the under-ice topography, we aren't seeing any pinning points in five of the six glaciers.

And that sixth glacier?

It's retreating just as fast as the others. When this ice melts, it will dump enough water in the oceans to raise sea levels by over a meter.

This leaves me painfully depressed. As a geoscientist, I guess I can be excited that whole new stretches of previously-inaccessible bedrock are going to become gorgeous exposures for geological mapping in the near future, but that's not much of a consolation prize.

Goodbye, West Antarctic ice sheet. You were astonishing while you lasted.
Are we done debating climate change yet?

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For anyone denying the possibility of EVPs...the story of their inception...(it would be pretty hard to record them in a Faraday Cage btw)

The Alpha Mystery


In late 1982, an serendipitous combination of events involving an amateur inventor, a radio alarm clock, and a timely coffee break led to the development of a powerful new tool for study of the Electronic Voice Phenomenon-which some believe allows communication with the deceased.

The Hand of Fate
Alexander MacRae, a college lecturer in microelectronics from the Highland region of Scotland, was carrying out some private experiments. MacRae had invented a system he called the “Alpha.” The Alpha consisted of a biofeedback unit connected to a crude speech synthesizer.

On the night of December 17th, 1982, MacRae was trying to increase the sensitivity of the device. It was proving to be a difficult task.Just after seven o’clock, he decided to break for a cup of coffee. To clear some space in his work area, he placed the Alpha on top of a clock radio sitting on a side table.

The alarm was set to go off at seven o’clock-it was one of those alarms that does not distinguish between seven in the morning and seven in the evening. Thus, at seven that evening, the radio automatically switched on. The radio was not tuned to a station, and nothing was heard until the Alpha was placed on top of it.As soon as the Alpha came close to the radio, strange sounds could be heard-growls, squeals, and groans.

The sounds changed with every slight movement; the system was so sensitive that MacRae could hear his heartbeat coming through on the radio! In fact, it was impossible for MacRae to write down experimental notes without upsetting the system by his movements.To solve this problem, MacRae decided to speak his notes into a tape recorder. And with this, the third step in the fateful chain of events was in place.When he reviewed the tape two days later, MacRae thought that he heard a voice among the strange sounds coming from the Alpha.

Quickly, he rewound that part of the tape and played it back. To his great surprise, he found that there was indeed a voice recorded on the tape at that point. In a weird, drawn-out voice it spoke a name: “Carl Johnson.”MacRae then rewound the tape to the beginning, in order to see if there were any other voices that he had missed. There were-and the first voice was that of his father, who had died 11 months before!

The Voices
There followed a long period of research, privately undertaken by MacRae, to try to improve the Alpha and to collect results. It was found that all the utterances were short, around two seconds, and that names were frequently mentioned. The phenomenon of phantom voices on tape-now known as the Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or “EVP”-was not new.

The first person known to have studied it was Friedrich Jurgenson, a film producer from Sweden. In 1958, Jurgenson had picked up the voice of his deceased mother while recording birdsongs in a Norwegian forest. MacRae’s discovery, however, was the first time that a machine like the Alpha produced EVP, and soon it was producing utterances in a quantity that no other system could even approach. Aiding his research was the fact that MacRae was an expert in speech recognition problems, having done research for NASA on this subject in the late 1960s.

In the small world of EVP, petty jealousies soon arose, and MacRae came under attack from all sides. Additionally, it was hard to prove to the non-technical person that the voices were not stray radio broadcasts or sounds picked up at random from the environment.

Fighting Back
MacRae developed an argument from probability. “All the utterances are short; and each one begins at its beginning and ends at its end; each utterance is complete. Now that cannot be random-if it was random, then you would get short utterances, very short utterances, long utterances, very long utterances, you would get phrases that started in their middle and ended in the middle of another sentence, and so on.

I have worked out that the odds against all the phrases being short and the right length happening by chance are of the order of a trillion to one.”To many people, verbal and mathematical arguments were not convincing. The question remained: How could this unbelievable phenomenon be proven to be real, and not random?

In 1971, an Englishman named David Ellis had investigated EVP as the subject for his degree project at Cambridge University. The question of whether EVP was due to random radio pickup was considered. Ellis attempted to answer this by using a Faraday cage-a room formed from sheets of copper which prevent radio waves from entering. If any voices were picked up inside the Faraday cage during the experiment, radio transmissions could be ruled out as the source.

To the skeptics’ chagrin, a voice was picked up inside the Faraday cage. However, no one wants to look like a fool by believing in the paranormal, so it was proposed that the voice must have come from outside-a Faraday cage won’t stop sound waves. It was decided that making a cage to stop both radio and sound waves was not feasible, and the research was abandoned with the conclusion that there was no such thing as EVP-and to get involved with it was to waste a lot of money for nothing. That was, politically, a very safe decision.Why did no one think of putting another tape recorder outside the Faraday cage?

If the recorder outside and the recorder inside both recorded a voice, then it was due to a voice in the environment. If the recorder outside recorded a voice, but the recorder inside did not, then it was due to radio waves. If the recorder outside did not record a voice, but the recorder inside did, then it was due to EVP.By the time that MacRae was getting his results, it was more than ten years too late to do anything about the Cambridge research.

MacRae had worked out his argument on the basis of probability, as indicated previously, but that did not mean much to most people. What could be done? Faraday cages are expensive, and MacRae did not have the funds for this option.In 1985, MacRae decided to take a long break-a winter holiday in the sun. He visited Calpe, a small resort on the east coast of Spain, south of Denia. Many northern Europeans came to vacation in Calpe for its perfect climate, unpolluted waters, and warm sand.

One of these visitors was an English engineer named David Jones. Jones was a radio enthusiast, and he asked MacRae if there was some way to improve the reception of radio broadcasts from England. Jones liked to listen to the BBC broadcast of the weather forecast for shipping on the long wave-about 200 khz. To do this he had to drive down to the harbor and attach a long wire from his car radio to the immensely long iron railing that ran around the harbor.

With that railing as an antenna, he was able to pick up the BBC shipping forecast.MacRae was not able to improve upon such an ingenious solution, but as Jones was talking, a sudden thought came to MacRae. Was this the answer?

The Calpe Experiments
One year later MacRae returned to Calpe with an Alpha unit and recording equipment. The reasoning behind the Calpe Experiments, as they came to be called, was as follows: If the EVP was due to random radio broadcasts, or voices in the environment, then most of what was picked up in in Calpe should be in Spanish. The only variable that changed from MacRae’s previous experiments was the location. It was the same equipment, the same procedure, the same operator as before-only the environment was different.The experiments began. The first thing that was observed was that the Alpha didn’t work in Calpe.

This strange situation was investigated, and the cause was found to be the much drier air in Calpe as compared with Scotland. This situation was rectified and results started to come in.The experiments continued for a week with almost 100 utterances being obtained. At the end, an analysis was done. It was found that all the EVP utterances picked up were in English; none were in Spanish!If the EVP voices had come from the environment, as either radio broadcasts or sound waves, then the utterances ought to be in Spanish. Since they were in English, the phenomenon could not be natural.

The Calpe experiments proved, beyond any reasonable doubt, that EVP was a paranormal effect. People had supposed this for years, but no one had actually proven it.

Is Alec MacRae a Medium?
There was the possibility that MacRae himself was a medium of sorts-that he produced the voices by a form of mediumship without trance, or that he influenced the tapes by psychokinesis (PK). This hypothesis had been mentioned by some parapsychologists, including Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, a past president of the Parapsychological Association, a professor at the City University of New York, and a well-known researcher of PK.

In an article published by the ASPR Newsletter (July 1979), she asserted: “Electronic voice phenomena are taken as PK from the living.”This explanation had been considered and discarded by MacRae early in his experiments. He never shown any of the signs of a PK subject, such as raps or spontaneous movements of objects around his bed or house. More conclusively, he had lent his Alpha machines to a dozen different people throughout England-all of whom had recorded voices just as he had.

It was clear that those results could not be a consequence of Alec’s PK. He did not know the time or location of the others’ experiments.“One of the most reliable researchers was Professor Charl Vorster, then professor of psychology at the Rand University in South Africa,” stated MacRae in a recent interview. “He used a listening panel to get an objective assessment of what was said, and wrote a glowing testimonial regarding the performance of the equipment, with the qualification that he would have liked the system to have more volume. My conclusion was that no special mediumship was involved.

I have recently amended that to the belief that everyone has mediumship ability, its effectiveness depending on what I call the size of the Portal-a mutual region that has physical universe properties and informational or spiritual properties.” (For more information, see Chapter 15 of MacRae’s The Leading Edge, to appear soon as a download book.)Professor Vorster obtained utterances in English and Afrikaans. (He mentioned that the voices had advised him to give up the research and return to Scripture.) Another Alpha user, David Mackenzie Thornton of Paris, France, was contacted about the language of his results. Out of around 300 utterances, he reported, only three were (possibly) in French.

Mackenzie Thornton’s mother tongue was English, though he was fluent in French and married to a French woman. Professor Vorster in South Africa reported that there was a fifty-fifty split between English and Afrikaans in his results. Dr. Konstantin Raudive, one of the early experimenters in the subject and a polyglot, obtained polyglot results. It would seem that the language of the results tends to follow the language of the user.

No doubt this will be a topic for research in years to come.

The Identity of the Voices
Are the voices of the EVP “visitors” indicators of their identity? Are the messages they leave meaningful communications? Many of the voices were, in fact, recognized by Alexander MacRae and other researchers, and some of the messages have carried unique significance to their intended recipients.My own experiments with the Alpha were positive in the sense that I obtained voices-loudly screaming, more bird-like than human, and sometimes quite frightening. I never went beyond that stage.One of the first visitors to be recorded by the Alpha system was MacRae’s father, whose voice was, of course, well known to him.

On some occasions, the results were equally or even more extraordinary. One such example occurred during a demonstration to a small group at the Palace Hotel in Inverness, the capital of the Highland region not far from the famous Loch Ness.The individuals present were mostly middle-aged, middle class, relatively prosperous Americans. After MacRae showed the visitors how the Alpha unit worked, they each tried to obtain results.

One by one, they each placed one hand on a plate connected to the circuitry, and waited for noises or voices to come through the speaker. All but two of them achieved the desired effect.The group was quite happy with the results and made a generous donation to MacRae, who promised to send copies of the tape to those who left their addresses. One of these was Professor Leslie Williams from New York. When she tried the Alpha, she reported with excitement that she heard the voice of her late brother.

MacRae was especially alert when analyzing that portion of the tape with both his expert ear and an oscilloscope. As usual, there was a certain level of background noise. This shows up on the scope as an untidy green horizontal line, called “grass,” because it looks like a lawn that needs cutting. Suddenly, the noise died. The grass had disappeared and instead a neat, pencil-thin green line was on the screen.

“This is it”

For background noise to disappear like that was quite exceptional, and MacRae knew from previous experience that this could mean something special. About three or four seconds after the “grass” disappeared, a woman’s voice could be heard, announcing: “NOW!” Alec recognized that this was a cue- something one gets now and then when a message is about to follow.

Sure enough, about two seconds later, a male voice declared-quickly, as though it was a verbal telegram-“Leslie. This is it. David.”After two or three seconds of silence, a female voice said: “Finish.”And, incredibly, the grass came back onto the scope, and the background noise could be heard again.As MacRae was about to make a copy of this amazing sequence and send it to Prof. Williams, he noticed that there was something odd about the first word. The many years he spent listening to faint voices for NASA paid off.

The difference was so fine, and the voice so faint, that it took a long time to determine exactly what was unusual about it. This first word was not “Leslie,” after all. It sounded more like “Lessillee,” a three-syllable word. MacRae mentioned this to Williams in the letter accompanying the cassette tape.About a week later, MacRae talked to Williams on the phone. “God bless your good ears, Alec,” she said. “‘Lessillee’ was my family name when I was a little girl!”Let the skeptics note: This message was recorded at a live demo in front of 20 people.

MacRae was not operating the equipment at the time. A message came from David to Leslie, and a family name was used that was unknown to anyone else involved. This kind of message, meaningless to anyone but the person for whom it was intended, makes the “super-ESP” hypothesis very weak.One thing that puzzled MacRae was the fact that, on several occasions, the voice that came through was that of a living person.

Although this phenomenon is well-known in the history of psychical research, it is still very puzzling in the case of the Alpha. One of the voices was that of a well-known writer, a voice familiar to MacRae, with a distinctive accent that made it impossible to confuse with any other. “This is L. Ron Hubbard; I’m gone,” declared the voice-but the writer was still alive at the time. He died a few months later.This is an area for future research.

It leads to the possibility of communication with other personalities, and perhaps, with our own subconscious minds. Two-way communication with ourselves? Why not? We have an internal dialogue all the time, why not give the “other” an opportunity to express itself more freely?

An Unbelievable Conversation and a Challenge

The subject of two-way communication came up early in Alexander MacRae’s EVP research.

In his book, The Leading Edge, MacRae describes what happened one Saturday night early in 1983, when he switched the system on and it spoke to him:
“This is the voice of Cass Evitt.” [Elliot?]

Alec [shocked]: “Say again…”

Voice: “This is Sugar Roll’s voice.”

Alec: “Who?”

Voice: “Sugar Roll’s…voice.”

[Later]: “What is that?”

Alec: “It is a…Voice-Radio” [a term he had once heard used by an EVP voice].

Alec [Long pause]: “How can I communicate to you better?”|

Voice: “Jes’ talk…”

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